01:00:24 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul 10 01:00:24 2015 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:36 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:41 <Cydrobolt> Hi 01:00:52 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:01:01 * ParadoxGuitaris1 wanders in 01:01:04 <award3535> evening Cydrobolt 01:01:07 <juggler> o/ Perry Rivera 01:01:08 * kk4ewt 01:01:36 <award3535> #chair Cydrobolt ParadoxGuitaris1 kk4ewt 01:01:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt ParadoxGuitaris1 award3535 kk4ewt 01:01:42 <Cydrobolt> I have a proposal tonight 01:01:44 <Cydrobolt> Hello award3535 01:01:54 <juggler> evening all 01:02:02 <juggler> or localtime all? :) 01:02:04 * ParadoxGuitaris1 is babysitting and can't stay the whole time 01:02:09 <award3535> evening all 01:02:13 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:02:43 <award3535> paradoxguitaris1 please stay for tickets for vote on budgets 01:03:11 <kk4ewt> award3535, jump to tickets so he can go 01:03:16 <award3535> I will move to tickets 01:03:28 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:03:41 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:03:54 <award3535> .famnaticket 107 01:03:58 <zodbot> award3535: #107 (FOSSETCON Orlando Budget) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/107 01:04:19 <award3535> Budget set at 2K 01:04:27 <kk4ewt> +1 01:04:32 <ParadoxGuitaris1> +1 01:04:40 <award3535> +1 01:04:43 <Cydrobolt> +1 01:05:01 <kk4ewt> juggler, ? 01:05:06 <juggler> not sure if i can vote yet, but +1 01:05:13 <juggler> :) 01:05:24 <award3535> #agreed budget set at $2000.00 01:05:38 <award3535> .famnaticket 01:05:38 <zodbot> award3535: (famnaticket <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "showticket https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/%s $1". 01:05:46 <award3535> .famnaticket 108 01:05:47 <zodbot> award3535: #108 (Ohio Linux Fest Budget Request) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/108 01:06:14 <award3535> budget requested for $3500.00 01:06:18 <Cydrobolt> award3535, I forgot to open a ticket, but I also have a budget request 01:06:24 <ParadoxGuitaris1> +1 01:06:25 * maxamillion is late, but here ... apologies 01:06:28 <kk4ewt> +1 01:06:31 <Cydrobolt> +1 01:06:34 <award3535> +1 01:06:50 <juggler> greetiings maxamillion 01:07:11 <juggler> +1 01:07:13 <award3535> welcome maxamillion been awhile 01:07:26 <maxamillion> award3535: too long :X 01:07:36 <award3535> #agreed OLF budget set at $3500.00 01:08:14 <award3535> .famnaticket 109 01:08:16 <zodbot> award3535: #109 (Texas Linux Fest Budget Request) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/109 01:09:08 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Since this one is still missing info are we going to skip it? 01:09:11 <decause> .hello decause 01:09:12 <zodbot> decause: decause 'None' <decause@redhat.com> 01:09:17 <award3535> as of right now I have no information on who is going other than myself and jon, I have entered my budget 01:09:32 <Cydrobolt> award3535, https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/110 01:09:44 <maxamillion> I just got word that my talk was accepted to TXLF so I plan to go as well 01:09:44 <kk4ewt> well it looks like the principles may be showing up 01:09:50 <award3535> I will take over and finalize the event this week and ask for a vote 01:09:53 <Cydrobolt> we will likely have to discuss it for a bit, might be a bit early to vote on it 01:10:29 <maxamillion> award3535: the only hotels left are $335 a night, they sold out of the event block discount rooms :( 01:10:59 <award3535> maxamillion I was going to stay at another hotel since they filled up fast 01:11:03 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Geeze 01:11:03 <kk4ewt> Cydrobolt, -1 01:11:13 <juggler> maxamillion ouch! 01:11:24 <award3535> Cydrobolt 5k is a little pricey 01:11:28 <Cydrobolt> Yeah 01:11:31 <maxamillion> award3535: oh, ok .... that hotel is attached to the event hall, are there others close by? 01:11:31 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Cydrobolt: yeah, that might be our most expensive event. 01:11:35 <Cydrobolt> I'll have to talk with them about it 01:11:41 <ParadoxGuitaris1> With only 2000k in attendance. 01:11:50 <award3535> a few minutes either direction less than 20 01:11:52 <ParadoxGuitaris1> pff *2k 01:12:06 <kk4ewt> 500-1k sponsorship maybe 5K no way 01:12:10 <Cydrobolt> kk4ewt, can I pitch it? I agree that it is probably expensive in comparison to other events, so we should try to get back to them and try to get it down 01:12:58 <award3535> Cydrobolt remember we are non profit, if they do not provide separate costs for non profit we may not approve it 01:13:04 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Cydrobolt: Would be different if it were 20,000 in attendance. but yeah I agree with kk4ewt 01:13:15 <Cydrobolt> Yeah, although our legal entity is still Red Hat afaik 01:13:22 <Cydrobolt> we're not a 501(c) nonprofit 01:13:26 <ParadoxGuitaris1> True 01:13:45 <kk4ewt> ok back to TLF 01:13:59 <kk4ewt> we are jumping the gun on Cydrobolt ticket 01:14:12 <award3535> TLF I will take over the planning this week and get things nailed down 01:14:18 <maxamillion> award3535: +1 01:14:36 <kk4ewt> award3535 are the principles ok with that 01:14:44 <maxamillion> award3535: I've been somewhat nagging masta periodically but I was waiting to find out if I got my talk accepted 01:14:46 <award3535> maxamillion are you looking for reembursement for the trip 01:15:05 <maxamillion> award3535: I am looking for a budget request, yes 01:15:20 <maxamillion> award3535: unfortunately I've not been able to get funding otherwise :/ 01:15:32 <award3535> if so, please enter your data on the page so that I can plan and adjust budget 01:16:26 <award3535> #action award3535 to take over TLF event planning and budget 01:16:32 <maxamillion> award3535: will do, I'll sync with you offline about hotels and such so I'm not chewing up meeting time 01:16:54 <award3535> maxamillion, ok will do 01:17:00 * ParadoxGuitaris1 needs to step out for a few minutes, he'll be back later 01:17:12 <award3535> .famnaticket 110 01:17:14 <zodbot> award3535: #110 (Budget request for PennApps 2015 XII) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/110 01:17:16 <juggler> maxamillion let me know if you need some help searching for inexpensive hotels (provided they even exist..?) 01:17:38 <maxamillion> juggler: you local to San Marcos? 01:17:48 <juggler> local to Los Angeles 01:17:51 <maxamillion> oh 01:17:52 <maxamillion> heh 01:18:07 <maxamillion> I can hit up hotels.com or something 01:18:30 <kk4ewt> kayak.com seems to be what redhat perfers 01:18:41 <juggler> +1 kk4ewt :) 01:18:54 <award3535> ticket 110 will need further research for lower table costs 01:19:26 <kk4ewt> Cydrobolt, give you pitch 01:20:09 <Cydrobolt> We've recently been trying to reach out to a younger crowd, such as the collegiate hacker crowd 01:20:45 <Cydrobolt> As part of such an initiative, I'm hoping to achieve our goal by sponsoring some major student hackathons this fall season 01:21:38 <Cydrobolt> PennApps is likely one of the biggest and most successful events in this category, so I was hoping to be able to negotiate the price to a point where we can afford the sponsorship without needing to break the bank 01:22:17 <Cydrobolt> $5k is definitely rather steep for 2k people, so I will keep looking and trying to negotiate it down or finding a new event 01:23:00 <Cydrobolt> Some of the biggest and usually most successful hackathons are PennApps and HackTheNorth, attracting the top hackers in the collegiate hackathon world 01:23:01 <kk4ewt> can i also recommend possible recomending this event to the RH outreacch group (spot and Ruth) 01:23:11 <juggler> is the location limited to Penn? 01:23:12 <Cydrobolt> Yeah, that might be a good idea 01:23:15 <Cydrobolt> Nope 01:23:17 <decause> Cydrobolt: we should take a look at the MLH calendar 01:23:23 <Cydrobolt> Yes, I've been taking a look there 01:23:34 <Cydrobolt> I am a frequent participant, so I am usually quite familiar with those events 01:23:37 <juggler> How about Cal Poly San Luis Obispo maybe? 01:23:45 <award3535> I suggest pushing this until we can find out more, kinda pricey and that doesnt include your expenses either 01:23:52 <Cydrobolt> Yeah 01:23:59 <Cydrobolt> HackTheNorth is another event happening around the same time 01:24:09 <Cydrobolt> that hackathon is likely to be more lenient in terms of price 01:24:20 <Cydrobolt> they are also more likely to give us a large discount as an organisation 01:24:31 <decause> #action decause cydrobolt compile list of student hackathons, starting with https://mlh.io/seasons/f2015/events 01:24:42 <kk4ewt> juggler, as you will learn fedora is a meritocracy, if you want to get sponsorship for an event you do the work 01:24:49 <Cydrobolt> I will try to reach out to them soon, and see which event will give us the greatest benefits for the price 01:25:14 * decause went to bigredhacks last year, and will be close enough in Rochester to possibly visit/table there 01:25:15 <juggler> kk4ewt no problem...just mentioning ideas 01:25:33 <Cydrobolt> I've attended both PennApps and HackTheNorth before, and both are excellent events with high attendance rates and great organisation skills 01:25:50 <Cydrobolt> decause, I've also been to some of those hackathons before 01:26:09 * decause wanted to do HackTheNorth last year 01:26:19 <Cydrobolt> I think in order to reach the most people and make the biggest splash, we should try to aim for the major and most publicised hackathons 01:26:46 <Cydrobolt> Sponsors at HackTheNorth, MHacks, and PennApps often create media attention in addition to student outreach 01:26:59 <kk4ewt> Cydrobolt, i disagree to be truthful, lets start small and build 01:27:11 <Cydrobolt> kk4ewt, we were at HackRU last semester 01:27:24 <Cydrobolt> I think HackTheNorth will give us a rather low price in comparison to the other events 01:27:30 <award3535> cydrobolt the cost was much less 01:27:32 <decause> Perhaps there is a way to "bundle" our sponsorships with MLH directly 01:27:45 <Cydrobolt> award3535, we can probably get such a price with HackTheNorth 01:27:53 <decause> figure out if they'll let us table at more than one hackathon, if we sponsor more upfront 01:28:01 <Cydrobolt> They allowed us to distribute materials last year without any sponsorship money 01:28:07 <decause> Cydrobolt: good to know 01:28:26 <kk4ewt> look into it ans come back on both sides 01:28:29 <kk4ewt> and 01:28:35 <Cydrobolt> PennApps is obviously expensive and they shouldn't be used as a model for the actual price ranges that we can get from most big hackathons 01:28:53 <decause> do we have any contacts/currentstudents/alumni at PennApps? 01:28:58 <Cydrobolt> They get many many sponsors and thus often raise prices because their sponsor hallway is crowded 01:29:02 <Cydrobolt> decause, yes, I do 01:29:20 <Cydrobolt> I know a director there, and will try to reach out 01:29:30 <decause> Cydrobolt: feel free to cc me on that if it will help 01:29:35 <Cydrobolt> Yes, definitely 01:29:45 <Cydrobolt> If PennApps is unwilling to move, we'll have to try another event 01:30:17 <Cydrobolt> I think we should have no trouble finding an event that will give us a reasonable price as we are a FOSS organisation 01:30:31 <decause> dunno if this conflicts with events already on the calendar, but there is also HackUpstate in Syracuse NY: http://hackupstate.com/ 01:30:38 <award3535> #action Cydrobolt to look into ticket 110 for more options and get back with the group 01:30:54 <Cydrobolt> I will reach out this week and get back with the most promising events 01:30:59 <award3535> decause lets stay on track, you can discuss more in the open floor 01:31:12 <decause> award3535: my bad, Hackathons get me *very* excited :P 01:31:21 <juggler> :) 01:31:21 * decause calms down 01:31:23 <Cydrobolt> decause, we can talk about this after the meeting too 01:31:43 <Cydrobolt> anywho, I have some contacts in a couple of bigger events that are likely to give us a better price 01:31:49 <Cydrobolt> I will look into it and get back by next week 01:32:01 <award3535> ok moving on 01:32:01 <Cydrobolt> if anyone has questions, please bring them up now or in open floor 01:32:05 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:32:48 <kk4ewt> i have a couple of things 01:33:12 <kk4ewt> 1) i received a newer thinkpad from redhat for the event box today 01:33:12 <award3535> go kk4ewt 01:33:25 <decause> kk4ewt++ 01:33:26 <award3535> cool 01:33:33 <juggler> yay 01:34:16 <kk4ewt> i will generate an updated multi-desktop iso to put on it this week since i just released the updated lives 01:34:30 <award3535> good and thank you 01:34:37 <juggler> awesome! 01:34:51 <kk4ewt> award3535, has seen me do this on the fly before 01:35:04 <maxamillion> I wanted to bring up the topic of getting PiTop devices and putting an ARM board in them that we support for demo purposes in the even boxes ... thoughts? (http://pi-top.com/ ... you can get them without the RPi2 and put another board in them) 01:35:06 <award3535> oh yeah 01:35:29 <maxamillion> they aren't shipping yet, but I wanted to bring it up just to see if there would be any interest 01:35:42 <award3535> maxamillion, that is also a good idea for new things in the box 01:35:45 <decause> maxamillion: maybe spot could print the case? 01:35:52 <kk4ewt> 2) last week after the meeting juggler and I were talking about trying to get more attendee at the Famna meeting 01:36:09 <juggler> I hope folks got the survey link in e-mail today :) 01:36:10 <maxamillion> decause: probably, we 01:36:20 <juggler> thx kk4ewt for drawing it up 01:36:32 <kk4ewt> ok i hadnt seen it juggler 01:36:34 <maxamillion> decause: probably, we'll have to find a place to buy the parts ... might be cheaper, I wouldn't mind looking into it 01:36:40 <award3535> no i juggler 01:36:43 <kk4ewt> so i created a doodle poll 01:36:57 <kk4ewt> and asked juggler to distrubute 01:37:00 <kk4ewt> http://doodle.com/xpbbcuuk7a3xk6x7 01:37:39 <juggler> i sent it to the e-mail distribution. not sure if someone needs to click auth on the backend? 01:37:52 <decause> so, this poll, the same time (9pm) just on diff days? 01:38:14 <kk4ewt> decause, yes 9pm seems to work best east and west coast 01:38:21 <decause> kk4ewt: kk, thanks 01:38:28 <Cydrobolt> 9 PM works best for me 01:38:30 <Cydrobolt> will fill out doodle 01:38:58 <kk4ewt> much later the us east coast folks are too sleepy (old farts) 01:39:26 <award3535> we used to be on Tuesday but any day during the week is good, no weekends 01:39:40 * ParadoxGuitaris1 is back 01:39:44 <juggler> wb 01:39:46 <kk4ewt> thursdays are usually bad for me 01:39:49 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitaris1, http://doodle.com/xpbbcuuk7a3xk6x7 01:40:41 <kk4ewt> a lot of thursday nite i dont get home till 930 or later 01:40:48 <ParadoxGuitaris1> at our standard time? 01:40:53 <kk4ewt> yes 01:42:21 <Cydrobolt> should have pasted this earlier, but 01:42:23 <Cydrobolt> #link http://hackthenorth.com/ 01:42:34 <decause> #link http://hackupstate.com/ 01:42:49 <kk4ewt> so if jugglers post is not on the mailing list tomorrow i will send out on the ambassadors list 01:42:59 <decause> #link https://mlh.io/seasons/f2015/events 01:43:10 <juggler> got no bounces on this end 01:43:44 <ParadoxGuitaris1> award3535: Those PiTops look pretty awesome. 01:43:48 <kk4ewt> decause, #link is really not needed it will pick it up (unless someone has broken it) 01:44:07 <decause> kk4ewt: good to know! 01:44:36 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Though, I would still like to see a projector in the event box. 01:44:57 <award3535> ParadoxGuitaris1 I agree, that would be a great addition to the box, and yes a projector would also help 01:44:59 <Corey84> they are and I have a contact with a guy that works with the team that made them 01:44:59 <kk4ewt> yes and no 01:45:31 <Corey84> to all on the mailist list me sincere apoligizes for the recent spam 01:45:57 <kk4ewt> the events I work they wouldnt come in handy 01:46:08 * decause raises hand to get into the queue for openfloor 01:46:26 <kk4ewt> decause, its open floor go for it 01:46:30 <decause> kk 01:46:35 <decause> so 01:47:05 <Corey84> ? 01:47:16 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps 01:48:00 <award3535> decause ok go on 01:48:02 <decause> some of you folks may be aware of the FAMSCo/FOSCo proposals that have been moving around for the past couple months 01:48:31 <decause> this wiki page describes a structure to help connect the dots on some of those fronts, along with a few others 01:49:00 <decause> I'm still pretty new here, but I'm starting to get my feet under me now, and looking to help more in ambassadorland 01:49:41 <decause> CommOps, as it is proposed, is a larger umbrella to help connect each of the subprojects, sigs, web properties, and working groups 01:49:52 * kk4ewt gets on the on "oldfart stump" 01:50:25 <award3535> I just fell off that stump 01:50:32 * masta looks in 01:50:33 <juggler> award lol 01:50:46 <masta> hey guys, sry late.... 01:51:07 <decause> to help get things moving, I'm looking to meet during the FAMSco slot next week 01:51:21 <decause> since it has been mostly vacant for the past 4+ meetings 01:51:31 <kk4ewt> decause, pleas keep an eye on this and let us know 01:51:32 <masta> hey decause 01:51:39 <decause> masta: hi there :) 01:51:39 <maxamillion> masta: jeeeez! 01:51:57 <Corey84> what time is it? 01:52:02 <masta> maxamillion: I was outside mowing my yard.... =( 01:52:07 * decause calendars 01:52:13 <maxamillion> masta: we're going to sync with award3535 offline about TXLF and it will be voted on next week 01:52:14 <award3535> masta, any updates on TLF 01:52:23 <masta> award3535: yes. 01:52:24 <decause> Tuesdays at 12:00 ET 01:52:35 <decause> Corey84: ^ 01:52:48 <masta> decause: what is that time of? 01:53:02 <Corey84> noted and available next week will try best to make it too 01:53:06 <decause> masta: the recently vacated FAMSco meeting slot 01:53:20 <decause> masta: proposed new time to meet for CommOps 01:53:31 <masta> decause: yeah, FAMSCo basically fizzled out.... 01:53:40 * masta is/was on FAMSCo 01:53:48 <masta> ok cool 01:53:56 <decause> masta: FAMSCo did a good job regionalizing much of the operations they used to handle 01:54:19 <ParadoxGuitaris1> That's a tough time for me, since it's when I have to leave/travel for work, but if it ever changes, let me know decause 01:54:33 <masta> decause: I'll try to be there 01:55:02 <decause> ParadoxGuitaris1: if we do this right, commops will have a presence in each group's regular meetings, with Tuesday noon serving as a "mothership" style meeting to tie things together 01:55:13 <decause> masta: awesome 01:55:45 <decause> since Ambassadors are the heart and soul of outreach, I figured tagging onto FAMSCo or other ambassador slots would be a good place to start 01:55:49 <masta> award3535: so TXLF... I got a note from a friend inside REdhat who organizes their presence at TXLF, and they weere indicating a desire to share booth 01:56:06 <kk4ewt> masta nothing against you, but i think famsco just bailing like it did was the worng thing to do (should of not dissolved until the new stuff was up and running 01:56:37 <award3535> masta that is great, so we just need travel stuff on the budget, 01:56:48 <decause> masta++ 01:57:08 <maxamillion> masta: are they contributing anything to the funding? 01:57:17 <masta> kk4ewt: yeah, I agree... it just dies, it did not formally die at the hospital with red line and nurses rushing in.... it dies in it's house and nobody knew or cared. 01:57:30 <Corey84> most weeks tuesday @ 12N my time works 01:57:45 <decause> Corey84: good good 01:57:56 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Alright, folks good meeting, looking forward to hearing more from CommOps, sounds like it could be promising. 01:57:58 <masta> award3535: I think our travel budget needs to be amended, higher. 01:58:07 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Corey84: Aren't you West Coast? 01:58:08 <award3535> masta please update the wiki page as much as possible so we can get a reasonable budget 01:58:19 <decause> #info #fedora-commops is the IRC channel where you can find all things CommOps :) 01:58:20 <kk4ewt> Corey84, is east coast 01:58:26 <ParadoxGuitaris1> Ah! 01:58:29 <ParadoxGuitaris1> my bad 01:58:36 <masta> award3535: ok, you you tentatively ok with sharing with RH ? 01:58:56 <award3535> masta of course, been there done that 01:59:02 <masta> award3535: I might get an email thread going to discuss. 01:59:19 <masta> award3535: ok, we will finalize next week. 01:59:32 <Corey84> originally a west coaster currently about 2 hours north of kk4ewt in DC area 01:59:44 <award3535> masta, thank you need to get my room arranged as well 01:59:46 <masta> maxamillion: plz add your travel/lodging estimates to the txlf wiki 02:00:05 <Corey84> ParadoxGuitarist, its all good 02:00:16 <juggler> i think he is gone corey! 02:00:27 <maxamillion> masta: I will 02:00:39 <maxamillion> award3535: can you link to the alternative hotel you were looking into? 02:01:14 <award3535> I will send you guys an email in the morning with what I am looking into 02:01:22 <maxamillion> award3535: +1 thanks 02:01:35 <masta> ok, I'm fresh in from hours of yard work... love you folks, but I'm diving out to shower. 02:01:42 * masta wonders off 02:01:44 <award3535> ok we are out of time.... any thing else 02:01:59 <kk4ewt> http://jbwillia.wordpress.com 02:02:43 <maxamillion> alright, I need to head out ... catch you fine folks later 02:02:46 * maxamillion & 02:03:01 <award3535> have a good evening all, see you all in a week 02:03:02 <juggler> thanks all 02:03:09 <award3535> #endmeeting