01:56:52 <jflory7> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:56:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Feb 26 01:56:52 2016 UTC. The chair is jflory7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:56:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:56:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:56:56 <jflory7> #meetingname FAmNA 01:56:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:57:18 <jflory7> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:57:22 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 01:57:23 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 01:57:36 <jflory7> We'll get started five minutes after the hour. 01:58:09 * linuxmodder early for famna -- if I miss rollcall ping me ( finishing something up locally) 01:58:16 <jflory7> #info award3535 is traveling and was not able to make it to tonight's meeting 01:58:37 <linuxmodder> .hello corey84 01:58:38 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 01:59:34 <jflory7> #chair linuxmodder 01:59:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 linuxmodder 01:59:44 <cydrobolt> o/ 01:59:50 <jflory7> #chair cydrobolt 01:59:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: cydrobolt jflory7 linuxmodder 01:59:50 <linuxmodder> evening all 01:59:51 <cydrobolt> starting early, eh? :) 01:59:54 <cydrobolt> evening 02:00:02 <linuxmodder> 20 secs is early ? 02:00:12 <jflory7> cydrobolt: Usually I let roll call start early to get a sense of who's around. :) We'll get rolling into the agenda five minutes after the hour. 02:00:44 <linuxmodder> award's tactic =/= jflory7 's 02:01:08 <jflory7> We'll still get started around the same time as usual. :) 02:01:09 <cydrobolt> linuxmodder, 4 mins :) 02:01:13 * ParadoxGuitarist wanders in. 02:01:17 <jflory7> #chair ParadoxGuitarist 02:01:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist cydrobolt jflory7 linuxmodder 02:01:17 <cydrobolt> hey ParadoxGuitarist! 02:01:19 <jflory7> Evening! 02:01:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> hey folk! 02:01:52 <linuxmodder> nice showing tonight so far 02:02:13 <jflory7> Definitely. 02:02:26 * jflory7 just came from a hacker meetup by the BrickHack organizers 02:02:38 <jflory7> Went really well. More info about BrickHack to come later on this meeting. :) 02:02:38 <linuxmodder> nice any new info ? 02:02:45 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Definitely! 02:03:10 <jflory7> Tonight will also probably have a big discussion about OSCON 02:03:14 * masta is here 02:03:20 <jflory7> #chair masta 02:03:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist cydrobolt jflory7 linuxmodder masta 02:03:20 <masta> howdy folks 02:03:24 <jflory7> Evening, masta! 02:03:30 <masta> hey 02:03:36 <masta> sry I'm late 02:03:58 <linuxmodder> still 2 mins before we roll this thing masta so right on time 02:04:04 <jflory7> masta: No worries. We're going to get started in another two minutes or so. 02:04:13 <masta> cool 02:04:23 <masta> who is the chair, jflory7 ? 02:04:28 <linuxmodder> yep 02:04:34 <masta> cooolies 02:04:34 <jflory7> masta: award3535 was unable to make it tonight and asked me to chair 02:04:37 <linuxmodder> young blood has the chair tonight 02:04:50 <masta> I can chair too, if needed 02:04:51 <linuxmodder> :) 02:04:54 <cydrobolt> haha 02:04:57 <jflory7> masta: You were charged with owning OSCON, right? 02:05:05 * jflory7 couldn't remember off the top of my head 02:05:11 <masta> jflory7, that is a topic tonight, yes 02:05:19 <linuxmodder> too many beer parties :) 02:05:22 <jflory7> masta: Yeah, I assume you saw the email on the list 02:05:26 <jflory7> We'll definitely hit that tonight 02:05:27 <masta> yes 02:05:33 <jflory7> Okay, let's get started with announcements 02:05:38 <masta> mattdm, plz chime 02:05:44 <linuxmodder> which one ? My email has been nuts this week 02:05:45 <jflory7> #topic === Announcements === 02:05:51 <jflory7> I have two announcements to share 02:06:04 <linuxmodder> ah that one nvm I remember that one 02:06:45 <jflory7> #info * Fedora is offering a slot in the GNOME Outreachy 2016 program for kernel development. Outreachy is an internship program for historically underrepresented groups in computer science / open source. Feel free to share with friends or others who may be interested! 02:06:47 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/outreachy-2016-remote-internships-and-fedora/ 02:07:17 <linuxmodder> do they have to be fedora contribs ? 02:07:35 <jflory7> #info * The #fedora-apps team is hosting a web dev clinic tomorrow at 15:00 UTC in an audio/video call. If you're interested in helping with Fedora websites or getting involved, this is an excellent opportunity. 02:07:38 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/friday-fedora-web-dev-clinic/ 02:07:43 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Nope, open to anyone! 02:07:45 <linuxmodder> the underrep'd folks I mean 02:07:53 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Active contributors or Fedora newbies are all welcome. 02:08:02 <linuxmodder> jflory7, will pass on to my internship boss 02:08:02 <masta> cool 02:08:13 <jflory7> linuxmodder++ 02:08:17 <jflory7> Any other announcements? 02:08:30 <linuxmodder> I'll sponsor them myself if needed 02:08:48 <masta> I'm about to be president of my local lug 02:08:49 <linuxmodder> we need less windows in that shop anyway 02:08:54 <masta> announcement 02:09:03 <linuxmodder> about to ? when? 02:09:07 <linuxmodder> congrats btw 02:09:11 <masta> next month 02:09:13 <cydrobolt> masta, awesome 02:09:17 <ParadoxGuitarist> I gave a talk at my local university about FOSS. 02:09:20 <masta> yeah... 02:09:28 <jflory7> linuxmodder: labbott from the kernel team is the mentor for the Outreachy slot. There will also be plenty of opportunities for Fedora mentors in the upcoming GSoC program. Expect more news about that next week on the Community Blog. 02:09:38 <jflory7> masta++ That's awesome! 02:09:38 <masta> chief neck beard 02:09:39 <linuxmodder> trying to set up some summer chats at 2 local unis myself 02:09:51 <jflory7> #info * masta is becoming the president of his local LUG next month! 02:10:02 <linuxmodder> jflory7, noted 02:10:09 <jflory7> ParadoxGuitarist: Awesome, have a link to the details anywhere? What was the talk on? 02:10:15 <ParadoxGuitarist> http://www.apu.edu/cdl/schedule/ 02:10:19 <jflory7> Awesome :) 02:10:22 <masta> nice 02:10:23 <ParadoxGuitarist> It was pretty small 02:10:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> most of the talks were 5-28 people 02:10:36 <linuxmodder> dream big start small 02:10:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> I had 16 or so. 02:10:40 <masta> ParadoxGuitarist, but small is good, thanks a billion! 02:10:59 <jflory7> #info * ParadoxGuitarist gave a talk at his local university about FOSS at the Azuza Pacific University! 02:11:02 <jflory7> ParadoxGuitarist++ 02:11:06 <linuxmodder> ParadoxGuitarist, that is usual BOF size that is awesome 02:11:07 <jflory7> Alright, any other announcements? 02:11:25 <masta> jflory7, dude... do you even have any karma points left to give? 02:11:31 <masta> hehe 02:11:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> hehe 02:11:34 * masta jokes 02:11:38 <jflory7> masta: Hahah... I give a lot of karma. :) 02:11:42 <linuxmodder> I'll be at CarolinaCon (during BrickHack) 02:11:58 <jflory7> #info * linuxmodder will be attending CarolinaCon during the same weekend as BrickHack 02:12:10 <linuxmodder> like a 7-11 he gives them 24/7 :) 02:12:13 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Good to know. You'll have to let us know how it goes. :) 02:12:27 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Hahah, I can't disagree. 02:12:28 <linuxmodder> its mostly blackhat minded 02:12:47 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Ahh, interesting -- we should probably hook you up with some info about the Security Spin? 02:12:50 <linuxmodder> I am doing more security research stuff these days so it fits 02:13:03 <jflory7> If you need help digging down some resources, feel free to ping me or in #fedora-commops 02:13:05 <masta> ok then 02:13:05 <linuxmodder> jflory7, hook it up? I use it on my server 02:13:07 <linuxmodder> daily 02:13:13 <jflory7> Alright. Any other announcements? 02:13:33 <jflory7> linuxmodder++ Awesome! Then you should be a good representative for the Security Spin. 02:13:34 <linuxmodder> first 2 groups I install are C dev tools and security-lab 02:13:41 <jflory7> Okay, let's press on into tickets. There's a lot to cover tonight. 02:13:45 <jsandys> joining 02:13:48 <masta> hopefully attendees can get a good fedora impression 02:13:54 <jflory7> #topic === Tickets === 02:13:57 <jflory7> #chair jsandys 02:13:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist cydrobolt jflory7 jsandys linuxmodder masta 02:14:03 <jflory7> Welcome jsandys! 02:14:12 <jflory7> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 02:14:13 <masta> does fedora pen testing work right now? 02:14:34 <jflory7> Okay, this might be the biggest topic tonight: 02:14:36 <masta> linuxmodder, ^^^ 02:14:40 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #119 === 02:14:43 <jflory7> .famnaticket 119 02:14:45 <zodbot> jflory7: #119 (OSCON 2016 booth) – FAmNA General Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/119 02:14:59 <jflory7> Has everyone seen the mailing list thread about this yet? 02:15:01 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/U26YENGH6SRPLWK4TLCZJV7C4LN7H47F/ 02:15:22 <masta> ok... 02:15:37 <masta> so can we justify this event? 02:15:37 <jflory7> What it boils down to is questioning if we're going to OSCON this year 02:16:10 <jflory7> As stated in the ticket, the prices went way up, and Fedora leadership is wondering whether we will be able to make a measurable impact at OSCON this year 02:16:17 <ParadoxGuitarist> Do we have local people there? 02:16:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> To man the booth? 02:16:23 <linuxmodder> #chair jsandys 02:16:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist cydrobolt jflory7 jsandys linuxmodder masta 02:16:24 <juggler> o/ 02:16:24 <linuxmodder> jflory7, jsandys and juggler jsut came in 02:16:24 <linuxmodder> jsut in time for tickets folks 02:16:24 <linuxmodder> test test 02:16:41 <linuxmodder> masta, most of it 02:16:42 <jflory7> #chair juggler 02:16:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist cydrobolt jflory7 jsandys juggler linuxmodder masta 02:16:48 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Thanks, missed that. 02:16:55 <masta> so $7500 is the price 02:16:57 <jflory7> Welcome juggler! 02:17:06 <jflory7> ParadoxGuitarist: I think we have a couple. masta is in the region, and I think danofsatx is roughly nearby. 02:17:17 <masta> that is a lot compared to other events 02:17:21 <linuxmodder> masta, not in this short of time 02:17:24 <juggler> masta...congrats, btw! (catching up the channel here) 02:17:42 * juggler thanks jflory7 02:17:46 <jflory7> I know we've usually always gone to OSCON each year, but I think that maybe this year is a year for us to try focusing our impact on smaller communities where we can work with people who may have never seen Fedora or not know much about it. 02:17:53 <ParadoxGuitarist> Just trying to think of hotel added costs. 02:18:06 <jflory7> What are all of your thoughts on all of this? 02:18:34 <masta> it would be expwnsive 02:18:39 <jflory7> ParadoxGuitarist: I know hotel costs were also very expensive :/ 02:19:05 <jflory7> I can't place the exact number (think it came up in the channel earlier? can't remember), but there was concern over hotel costs as well 02:19:07 <juggler> not sure...I have not been to OSCON, but I imagine hotels for it could be pricey 02:19:16 <masta> I'd only take ambassadors who are hardcore event experienced 02:19:31 <jflory7> Yeah, it's a fairly *large* event in terms of size and scope 02:19:32 <linuxmodder> I'd like us to go but finding the price a bit hard to justify 02:19:39 <masta> 3 ~4 days of table work is hardcore 02:20:05 <juggler> no prob ;) 02:20:12 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I'm in the same boat. I think we could go much farther with the money of this event and increasing our outreach in local communities... like universities, schools, and other local groups and/or businesses. 02:20:32 <linuxmodder> use it for campus work indeed 02:20:55 <jflory7> I know decause has had a lot of experience with OSCON before, he might be able to weigh in if he's around right now 02:21:15 <linuxmodder> Southern_Gentlem, you around ? 02:21:20 <jflory7> So, unless anyone else has any comments or thoughts to share, I say we put it to a vote 02:21:20 <masta> I kinda think we should not do OSCON 02:21:36 <masta> it's too expensive 02:21:51 <jflory7> I think the funds will be better used elsewhere. 02:21:56 <masta> our ROI is typically too little 02:22:05 <jflory7> So, here's the proposal... 02:22:07 <linuxmodder> +1 for saving the $$ for smaller /campus stuff 02:22:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> Have we checked into sharing a booth with RH? 02:22:30 <masta> our funds... which are massive, actually.... can be better spent.. 02:22:32 <linuxmodder> this one we are generally separate iirc 02:22:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm for sending someone if we can tag along for free 02:22:44 <masta> so lets spend on good things. 02:23:13 <jflory7> Proposal: FAmNA has decided that we will skip over OSCON this year and use the funds to focus on smaller communities where we can try to make a bigger impact on new types of users and potential contributors. 02:23:14 <jflory7> +1 02:23:33 <masta> +1 02:23:39 <jsandys> +1 02:23:46 <juggler> +1 02:23:53 <cydrobolt> +1 02:24:09 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 02:24:23 <jflory7> linuxmodder? 02:24:34 <masta> sucks... but good ting 02:24:48 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'd rather buy more usb sticks 02:24:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> ;) 02:24:56 <juggler> :) 02:24:56 <jflory7> ParadoxGuitarist: :) 02:25:25 <jflory7> Since this is a big topic, I want to make sure we're all on the same page before moving on. 02:25:32 <masta> we have less exposure at the big event.... but we focus on smaller events. 02:26:09 <masta> hopefully the strategy works 02:26:12 * jflory7 nods 02:26:23 <linuxmodder> +1 sorry was talking locally 02:26:25 <jflory7> masta: I'm definitely in agreement 02:26:31 <jflory7> linuxmodder: No worries, thanks for chiming in. :) 02:26:32 <jflory7> #agreed Unanimous agreement: FAmNA has decided that we will skip over OSCON this year and use the funds to focus on smaller communities where we can try to make a bigger impact on new types of users and potential contributors. 02:26:36 <ParadoxGuitarist> we won't kill fedora for missing OSCon one year 02:26:39 <jflory7> Okay, let's move on to the next ticket. 02:26:59 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #122 === 02:27:02 <jflory7> .famnaticket 122 02:27:04 <zodbot> jflory7: #122 (Banners for SCALE14x) – FAmNA General Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/122 02:27:05 <jflory7> This one can be closed 02:27:10 <jflory7> Banners are in transit to me for BrickHack 02:27:19 <masta> I think we should find a way to d fedora oscon, if possible... 02:27:26 <juggler> jflory7 I agree...! 02:27:35 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Close Ticket #122; banners on the way to jflory7 for BrickHack 02:27:36 <masta> but community style 02:27:46 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Update Ambassadors list about the OSCON vote 02:28:16 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #123 === 02:28:21 <jflory7> .famnaticket 123 02:28:22 <zodbot> jflory7: #123 (Reviving the Campus Ambassador program) – FAmNA General Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/123 02:28:29 <jflory7> I have a few updates to share about this. 02:28:35 <linuxmodder> shoot 02:28:40 <juggler> please go ahead 02:28:43 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jflory7/Scratchpad/Campus_Ambassadors 02:29:01 <jflory7> I'd like to put two things to vote: changing the wiki page officially and publishing the Community Blog article 02:29:07 * jflory7 is finding the link to the Community Blog draft 02:29:36 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=759&preview=1&_ppp=c40d1ed868 02:29:40 <jflory7> Okay, there's the two links. 02:29:44 <linuxmodder> +1 blog 02:30:04 <masta> ok, whoa 02:30:10 <jflory7> I propose this: Update the wiki page for the Campus Ambassadors to jflory7's draft on the wiki and publish the Community Blog article before BrickHack next week. 02:30:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 02:30:17 <jflory7> Take some time to look over these, no rush to vote yet 02:30:35 <linuxmodder> still wish we could add the hackathon bit we talked about jflory7 but if not no worries 02:30:40 <masta> yeah +0 so far 02:30:51 <jflory7> The drafts are made up of our earlier discussions about two or three meetings ago. 02:31:06 <linuxmodder> +1 on blog regardless of hackathon plug 02:31:09 <jflory7> linuxmodder: For the blog article? 02:31:18 <linuxmodder> yup jflory7 02:31:32 <linuxmodder> re-reading the scratchpad for updates now 02:31:44 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Good catch. I can get that in there, I think mentioning hackathons is a good idea. That's probably a large part of where we might attract university students to get involved with Fedora as Ambassadors. 02:32:03 <ParadoxGuitarist> what's your concern masta? 02:32:23 <jflory7> So, I'll make sure to add some content to the blog post about hackathons before publishing. decause will also be reviewing the Community Blog article before it is published as well. 02:32:59 <masta> ParadoxGuitarist, ? 02:33:17 <ParadoxGuitarist> +0? 02:33:36 <cydrobolt> jflory7, hm :/ 02:33:49 <linuxmodder> jflory7, on the scrathpad about event reports why just the commblog full ambassadors are able to jsut link to their blogs 02:33:56 <jflory7> cydrobolt: What's up? 02:34:02 <linuxmodder> or is that just a hard recommend 02:34:24 <jflory7> linuxmodder: That's true... no, you're also right about that. decause mentioned it to me too, as it can be a good idea for students to help build their personal brand. 02:34:28 <linuxmodder> jflory7, ping me for the updates to blog pls 02:34:29 <jflory7> I forgot he mentioned that to me too 02:34:41 <jflory7> The recommendation was to encourage the CommBlog as an option but use personal blogs as a default 02:35:02 <linuxmodder> or some TL;DR commblog with a external link to their blog pushing bth 02:35:03 <jflory7> For example, someone could do a copy + paste of their blog on the Community Blog and point back to their original blog post. 02:35:15 <jflory7> Okay, sounds like I have some revisions to do, so I don't think we'll replace them yet tonight. 02:35:42 <linuxmodder> jflory7, worst case I'll email a rough revision draft to you 02:35:42 <cydrobolt> jflory7, I'm a bit skeptical about the wording 02:35:50 <linuxmodder> markdown style 02:36:00 <linuxmodder> on ? cydrobolt 02:36:04 <jflory7> So are the current points of issue only: mentioning hackathons in the blog post / wiki article, and Campus Ambassadors posting reports on their personal blog? 02:36:12 <jflory7> cydrobolt: Sure, what are your thoughts? 02:36:18 <cydrobolt> on the blog article 02:36:23 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Sounds good, we can definitely collaborate on this. 02:36:30 <linuxmodder> from me yes jflory7 others have still yet to chime in 02:36:40 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Definitely 02:36:48 <jflory7> cydrobolt: Which parts? 02:37:21 <cydrobolt> I'm not sure if the incentives that the article mentions is the right way to market "campus ambassador" 02:37:22 <jflory7> Uh-oh, I think I see what you mean 02:37:29 <nb> hi 02:37:32 <jflory7> Ohhh, okay. Re-reading... 02:37:33 <nb> .hello nb 02:37:34 <jflory7> #chair nb 02:37:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist cydrobolt jflory7 jsandys juggler linuxmodder masta nb 02:37:34 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 02:37:37 <jflory7> Welcome Nick! 02:37:46 <ParadoxGuitarist> NB! 02:37:46 <juggler> nb! 02:37:47 <cydrobolt> I'm also not sure if we want a riff between campus ambassadors and other ambassadors 02:37:50 <linuxmodder> cydrobolt, yes? 02:37:52 <cydrobolt> Hi nb 02:37:58 <masta> hiya nick 02:38:18 <cydrobolt> just some thoughts, not very structured yet 02:38:38 <jflory7> cydrobolt: I think mentioning the benefits in that way is a useful hook for getting students interested in contributing as Campus Ambassadors. I also think the current revision of the Campus Ambassadors says something similar about benefits of participating. 02:38:48 <cydrobolt> jflory7, I'm also not sure how being a campus ambassador can help someone "Gain experience with Linux and working with remote systems 02:38:48 <cydrobolt> " 02:38:59 <jflory7> cydrobolt: What are your concerns about rifts with other Ambassadors? That's definitely something worth addressing before changing anything. 02:39:09 * nb does not think you should be required to be an ambassador to become campus ambassador 02:39:28 <masta> yeag 02:39:33 * nb intends to change that in FAS 02:39:34 <jflory7> cydrobolt: Personally, I think the latter part of that line can be removed. I think Campus Ambassadors will get experience with Linux, but they are not necessarily required or guaranteed to be trained with remote systems. 02:39:38 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Thoughts on that line? 02:39:55 <jflory7> I think linuxmodder wrote that bit, perhaps he has an idea about what was meant with that benefit. 02:40:01 <linuxmodder> one sec 02:40:08 <linuxmodder> which line again 02:40:20 <jflory7> linuxmodder: See cydrobolt's last message, he quoted it 02:40:26 <cydrobolt> jflory7, I think the article makes it seem like some type of internship/training program whereas it doesn't really introduce people to Linux or help them use Linux 02:40:43 <masta> being ambassador is fine.... campus even better 02:40:50 <jflory7> cydrobolt: I see... so then it could probably use some revisions then. 02:40:58 <jflory7> Okay, we have 20 minutes left for the meeting... 02:41:09 <linuxmodder> cydrobolt, so the experience line? 02:41:11 <jflory7> I think we push this off to next week's meeting after revisions are made and check in? 02:41:21 <jflory7> I don't think we will publish before BrickHack 02:41:28 <cydrobolt> I think it's a good idea to help build communities in educational communities, but we should probably reword some things 02:41:34 <jflory7> It's better to get this exactly the way we want it before making a big change and promoting this 02:41:42 <masta> lol brickhack... 02:41:59 <jflory7> There's also support from CommOps / marketing to heavily promote this article too, so emphasis on getting it right before publishing 02:42:05 <jflory7> So, how about this: 02:42:18 <linuxmodder> cydrobolt, noted will tag team with jflory7 and decause this weekend and next week in prep for another vote next week 02:42:35 <nb> i didn't read it in-depth, but i skimmed the wiki page and it looks good so far 02:42:41 <jflory7> Proposal: Based on tonight's discussions, the Community Blog article and wiki scratchpad will be revised to better address some of tonight's concerns. 02:42:54 <jflory7> +1 02:42:54 <linuxmodder> +1 02:43:07 <jsandys> +1 02:43:08 <cydrobolt> +1 02:43:15 <juggler> +1 02:43:18 <linuxmodder> masta, ? 02:43:27 <nb> have we contacted other regions? 02:43:29 <masta> meh +0 02:43:34 <linuxmodder> nb, in the ml 02:43:36 <nb> or do we just intend on it to be NA for now? 02:43:49 <nb> hmm, i thoughti was signed up for the list 02:43:50 * nb looks 02:43:53 <linuxmodder> have not seen much action outside of famna tho tbh 02:43:57 <jflory7> nb: Not as of yet, although there was a broadcast on the Ambassadors list. EMEA expressed interest in working on this too, though. 02:44:01 <nb> amb or campus amb? 02:44:03 <jflory7> #agreed Based on tonight's discussions, the Community Blog article and wiki scratchpad will be revised to better address some of tonight's concerns. 02:44:21 <jflory7> Anyways, we have two more tickets to cover tonight, so I think it is best to move on to these two tickets 02:44:21 <linuxmodder> campus part nb 02:44:32 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #139 === 02:44:35 <jflory7> .famnaticket 139 02:44:37 <zodbot> jflory7: #139 (Bitcamp 2016 Spring Sponsorship Funds) – FAmNA General Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/139 02:44:44 <jflory7> cydrobolt: This one's all you. :) 02:44:52 <cydrobolt> thanks jflory7 :) 02:45:00 <cydrobolt> I heard back from Bitcamp 02:45:02 <jflory7> Anything else we wanted to address or vote on tonight? 02:45:09 <cydrobolt> They've sent us an invoice for $999 02:45:10 <juggler> Is ticket 392 anywhere in the mix? 02:45:14 <linuxmodder> RU is your school yes ? jflory7 02:45:18 <masta> let it be funded! 02:45:20 <linuxmodder> or RU =/= RIT 02:45:23 <jflory7> juggler: Hmm, link me to it really fast, it's not on the agenda tonight. 02:45:34 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Nope, RU is Rutgers University, I think? 02:45:41 <cydrobolt> nb, are we able to pay the invoice through your RH community card? 02:45:51 <nb> cydrobolt, i don't have a card 02:45:58 <cydrobolt> nb, ah, do you know who does? 02:46:00 <jflory7> cydrobolt: We're going to have to work with decause on this 02:46:00 <linuxmodder> If we can get the booth I'll staff it 02:46:01 <nb> inode0 is unavailable 02:46:03 <nb> he has a card 02:46:06 <jflory7> BrickHack invoice is still pending as well 02:46:09 <nb> cydrobolt, talk to ruth 02:46:15 <cydrobolt> okay 02:46:25 <linuxmodder> jflory7, same ^^ 02:46:28 <juggler> jflory7 https://fedorahosted.org/famnarequests/ticket/392#comment:13 02:46:28 <jflory7> I've been in loops for two weeks trying to get it wrapped up, and it's just now starting to finalize 02:46:37 <masta> we probably need to take back inode0 card 02:46:41 <jflory7> cydrobolt: Let's definitely check in with decause and see what he recommends now that Ruth is back from the land down under 02:46:42 <cydrobolt> #link https://cydrobolt.fedorapeople.org/08%20Fedora%20Bitcamp%20Invoice.pdf 02:46:50 <cydrobolt> okay 02:46:52 <nb> masta, we voted to ask for award3535 to get card 02:47:03 <masta> who has seen John Rose? 02:47:04 <cydrobolt> nb, is she able to pay through CC or check? 02:47:07 <jflory7> juggler: Oh, hmmm, I don't have privileges to view that ticket. 02:47:10 <cydrobolt> I think PO would be more difficult 02:47:20 <masta> nb, fine by mee 02:47:41 <jflory7> cydrobolt: Outside of the invoice, did we want to vote on anything else tonight for Bitcamp? 02:47:51 <linuxmodder> login nb 02:47:52 <masta> inode0 was reliable... bummer to see that go.... 02:47:58 <cydrobolt> jflory7, when do we want to vote on transportation? maybe as the date gets closer? 02:48:02 <linuxmodder> or jflory7 rather 02:48:08 <juggler> nb, might you be able to escalate ticket 392? 02:48:11 <cydrobolt> I think award usually wants the entire event budget to be planned out 02:48:18 <cydrobolt> rather than deferring certain aspects 02:48:20 <ParadoxGuitarist> juggler: award removed ruth from that ticket and added someone else 02:48:26 <linuxmodder> or not I can't either and I'm logged in 02:48:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm guessing they have access to the paypal account to pay you 02:48:49 * ParadoxGuitarist doesn't have access. 02:48:51 <jflory7> cydrobolt: I agree, having everything planned out would be ideal. I have my travel costs on there but not hotel or food, etc. 02:49:03 <juggler> PG: yeah I saw that. there's been little movement on it since, though. 02:49:03 <masta> inode0 brought me into the project, so bummer 02:49:04 <cydrobolt> jflory7, I don't think you'll need a hotel 02:49:09 <cydrobolt> and I don't think food is covered 02:49:18 <cydrobolt> the event covers food** 02:49:20 <jflory7> cydrobolt: Hah, true, I could stay in at Bitcamp 02:49:26 <jflory7> Oh, excellent, Bitcamp covers that? 02:49:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> food isn't covered per the wiki 02:49:31 <cydrobolt> so we should only need transportation 02:49:34 <jflory7> That's very good info to know. cydrobolt, do you know that for sure? 02:49:35 <cydrobolt> jflory7, yes 02:49:37 <cydrobolt> jflory7, yes 02:49:42 <nb> juggler, email jzb@redhat and rsuehle@redhat and maybe cc decause@redhat 02:49:45 <juggler> food isn't covered, generally speaking 02:49:46 <cydrobolt> a hackathon without food isn't a hackathon :) 02:49:57 <masta> yeah.... you cover food 02:50:08 <masta> hack! 02:50:09 <cydrobolt> I've been to 10+ hackathons and have never encountered an event without food 02:50:09 <jflory7> #info Bitcamp covers participant's food as part of event sponsorship / entry 02:50:17 <nb> oh cool 02:50:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> juggler: I hope that helps 02:50:21 <cydrobolt> I sometimes leave the event venue and go get food on my own, but usually voluntary 02:50:22 <nb> if they cover it, then thats great :) 02:50:32 <juggler> PG and nb: thanks :) 02:50:34 <linuxmodder> crappy food at times but never none 02:50:46 <jflory7> cydrobolt: I think the best thing we need to do now is finalize a list of people who may be interested in going and getting transportation costs worked out for sure. 02:50:47 <nb> I'm honestly not sure who is able to pay for stuff now 02:50:53 <cydrobolt> jflory7, cool, cool :) 02:50:55 <masta> why should fedora cover food? 02:50:56 <nb> I think jzb is taking over some of the stuff ruth did 02:51:02 <nb> but not sure 02:51:03 <cydrobolt> I'm likely planning to take Greyhound over there 02:51:05 <linuxmodder> I'm down for bitcamp 02:51:15 <cydrobolt> will likely be around $70 or less round trip 02:51:22 <nb> where is the bitcamp wiki page? 02:51:28 <cydrobolt> nb, let me fetch that for you 02:51:37 <cydrobolt> nb, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bitcamp_Spring_2016 02:51:47 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bitcamp_Spring_2016 02:51:54 * masta has to go...nini... all... out!\ 02:52:02 <linuxmodder> I can metro home (like $30 all three days roundtrip ) 02:52:15 <jflory7> juggler: I would follow nb's advice on follow up with an email to jzb, rsuehle, and decause 02:52:18 <linuxmodder> Its at UMD 02:52:20 <nb> jflory7, just wondering what Misc is for on the travel subsidy request 02:52:25 <linuxmodder> like 40 miles north of me 02:52:25 <nb> and plz remove the amount for food 02:52:26 <jflory7> masta: See you! Enjoy the rest of your evening! 02:52:29 * nb is +1 to all the rest 02:52:37 <jflory7> nb: At this point, it will probably be removed. My transportation cost should suffice 02:52:44 <nb> jflory7, ok 02:52:54 <nb> if there is other misc stuff, we can always approve it after the fact 02:53:05 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Update budget request for Bitcamp 02:53:18 <nb> do we want to go ahead and vote for cydrobolt and jflory7 travel? 02:53:25 <nb> and is hotel needed? 02:53:25 <cydrobolt> nb, I'm okay with that 02:53:28 <cydrobolt> no hotel needed 02:53:37 <jflory7> nb: Yeah -- cydrobolt, can you place the total costs for Bitcamp transporation in channel? 02:53:42 <linuxmodder> shouldn't BUT if so let me know folks 02:53:51 <linuxmodder> I know local hotel chains corporate 02:53:52 * ParadoxGuitarist needs to jet 02:53:55 <juggler> jflory7/nb/PG: e-mail sent! *fingers crossed* 02:54:00 <ParadoxGuitarist> good meeting all 02:54:06 <jflory7> See you later, ParadoxGuitarist! 02:54:09 <jflory7> Thanks for coming out tonight. 02:54:10 <cydrobolt> Greyhound prices fluctuate from day to day, but I'll say $60 for now, although it will likely be less 02:54:20 <cydrobolt> ParadoxGuitarist, thank you for coming :) have a good evening 02:54:27 <juggler> well all, i'll be running to my next meeting. take care! 02:54:27 <jflory7> cydrobolt: So roughly $120 for the two of us, right? 02:54:28 <linuxmodder> megabus is like $40 / one way 02:54:38 <nb> cydrobolt, if it is a reasonable difference, just do it 02:54:44 <cydrobolt> yeah 02:54:46 <nb> even if it is higher 02:54:48 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I've got a discount on Greyhound with a Student Advantage card 02:54:59 <linuxmodder> well use it punk :) 02:55:03 <jflory7> Proposal: Approving transportation funds for cydrobolt and jflory7: ~$120 (tentative to ticket fluctuation) 02:55:09 <nb> +1 02:55:12 <linuxmodder> +! 02:55:15 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I did, screenshotted the price in the wiki ;) 02:55:17 <linuxmodder> 1* 02:55:18 <jsandys> +1 02:55:18 <juggler> +1 02:55:19 <cydrobolt> +1 02:55:32 <jflory7> #agreed Approving transportation funds for cydrobolt and jflory7: ~$120 (tentative to ticket price fluctuation) 02:55:40 <jflory7> Okay, now last ticket for tonight, should be a fast one 02:55:50 <jflory7> #info === Ticket #131 === 02:55:53 <jflory7> .famnaticket 131 02:55:54 <linuxmodder> that's brickhack right'? 02:55:55 <zodbot> jflory7: #131 (BrickHack 2016) – FAmNA General Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/131 02:55:58 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Yep 02:56:18 <linuxmodder> you have banners so what is left? 02:56:18 <nb> #info nb withdraws request to go to BrickHack 2016 02:56:30 <linuxmodder> no travel or schedule? 02:56:36 <jflory7> #info decause and jflory7 attended the BrickHack organizer's meeting on Tuesday and solidified plans for details of the Open Source track, prizes ideas, and other organizational ideas 02:56:53 <jflory7> #info jsmith contributed three different BlueHost hosting plans to the prize pool 02:56:55 <nb> jflory7, is prize budget expected to be sufficient? 02:57:05 <jflory7> #info decause rounded up some OpenSource.com merchandise 02:57:23 <jflory7> nb: I think so, we're looking at ordering MakeyMakey kits, Raspberry Pis, and decause was going to round up some other goodies. 02:57:33 <juggler> yeah! 02:57:44 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I believe decause is going under the RH ticket, and cprofitt and I are local 02:57:53 <linuxmodder> ah 02:58:01 <linuxmodder> was more toward nb 02:58:02 <jflory7> The only one who would be traveling would be MarkDude, and we haven't heard anything about his pricing on tickets 02:58:12 <jflory7> At this point, it's too late to get him here 02:58:32 <jflory7> So really it will just be locals. There's a few other Red Hatters in the area who may be helping as mentors for the Open Source track 02:58:34 <nb> linuxmodder, schedule conflict, lack of vacation days, etc 02:58:40 <linuxmodder> ah 02:58:42 <linuxmodder> feel that 02:59:14 <jflory7> #info No travel costs since all attendees are local (exception: decause); other local Red Hatters should be in attendance and helping as Open Source track mentors 02:59:28 <jflory7> #info Everything is looking set for an awesome BrickHack! 02:59:35 <jflory7> That's all from me about BrickHack. 02:59:40 <jflory7> Nothing to really vote on as of now... 02:59:48 <jflory7> Anyone have questions, comments, suggestions? 02:59:49 <linuxmodder> and there is the 1 hour buzzer :) 03:00:04 <jflory7> Otherwise we can go to an Open Floor for any quick backburner discussions anyone may have 03:00:12 <jflory7> Or just close out for the evening. 03:00:14 <nb> me has something for open floor 03:00:18 <jflory7> Cool. 03:00:20 <nb> / 03:00:23 <jflory7> BrickHack, going once-- 03:00:23 <linuxmodder> open floor > -ambassadors ? 03:00:29 <nb> no 03:00:29 <jflory7> Going twice-- 03:00:30 <nb> on the record 03:00:39 <jflory7> linuxmodder: There's nobody waiting to use the channel, so we're good to stay here. 03:00:41 <jflory7> Going thrice-- 03:00:42 <nb> #topic open floor 03:00:45 <jflory7> #topic === Open Floor === 03:00:47 <jflory7> Whoops! 03:00:49 <nb> oops 03:00:54 <jflory7> No worries. :) 03:00:55 * juggler is departing. Night all! 03:00:59 <jflory7> Good night, juggler! 03:01:00 <nb> #info pen vendor accidentally ordered us 3,000 pens 03:01:02 <jflory7> Thanks for coming out. 03:01:04 <linuxmodder> night juggler 03:01:07 <jflory7> nb: Ah, yeah... 03:01:12 <nb> they are in transit from StabbyMc to the regional shippers 03:01:21 <jsandys> How can we get more speakers to the conferences? 03:01:36 <nb> they have offered to let us keep the extra 1,000 for a discount (to be determined how much discount) 03:01:37 <jflory7> jsandys: Hmm, what conferences, or do you mean in general? 03:01:39 <nb> and pay for them later 03:01:41 <linuxmodder> jsandys, which ones? 03:01:51 * nb proposes we keep them, pay them $990 for the 2,000 we agreed on 03:02:00 <nb> and pay them whatever for the other 1,000 in Q2 03:02:01 <jflory7> nb: Okay... hopefully that will work out well. Really a big mess-up on their end to have shipped the wrong amount 03:02:07 <jsandys> all in general, LFNW specifically 03:02:17 <linuxmodder> +1 to nb propr 03:02:26 <nb> $990 out of Q1 FY2017 and $400 or so (TBD how much discount) in Q2 FYE2017 03:02:34 <jsandys> Adam W is the only 'fedorian' to offer a talk 03:02:37 <jflory7> nb: I'm +1 to paying for the original quoted amount for the time being 03:02:51 <jflory7> jsandys: I think taking advantage of Fedora CommOps might help us get some more interested speakers. When is LFNW again? 03:03:04 <nb> other option is they will send a call tag to have UPS come pick up the remaining 1,000 03:03:16 <nb> jflory7, what do you think we should do with remaining 1k? 03:03:20 <linuxmodder> out here folks 03:03:23 <nb> we usually order 3k 03:03:33 <nb> we just ordered 2 because of 1k limit 03:03:34 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Enjoy the rest of your evening! 03:03:51 <jflory7> nb: So... we pay for the last bit at the end of this upcoming quarter? 03:04:00 <jflory7> Which is basically around autumn... right? 03:04:12 <nb> jflory7, this quarter is march-april-may 03:04:20 <nb> so pay for the other 1k in early june 03:04:21 <jflory7> Okay, so June or so 03:04:32 <jflory7> Right, guess I'm a little bit tired... that's why they're called quarters... 03:04:35 <jflory7> :P 03:04:51 <jflory7> nb: I'm tentatively saying that would work well, but I think decause is probably your best point of contact for a definite answer 03:04:51 <jsandys> pens are good swag, and they are not dated 03:05:10 <jsandys> +1 take the discount on the extra pens 03:05:13 <nb> they will invoice them separately 03:05:17 <jflory7> nb: I see 03:05:18 <nb> and getting a discount is good 03:05:25 <nb> so I say we go ahead and vote to do it 03:05:31 <jflory7> I mean... it all sounds like a good solution to me. 03:05:31 <nb> 2k pens now, 1k pens Q2 03:05:54 <jflory7> I'm just tentative to take a vote since a lot of others already left and decause isn't here 03:06:05 <nb> decause, and jzb said we needed to vote at amb meeting 03:06:10 <jflory7> Ah, shoot 03:06:15 <jflory7> Okay, then we'll have to do this now then 03:06:17 <nb> crap, linuxmodder left too 03:06:43 * nb thinks this is only solution that makes sense really. i see no point of sending the pens back, and really need to get vendor an answer 03:06:54 <jflory7> Proposed: Pay for original 2,000 pens ordered for this quarter; keep remaining pens and pay for the rest in Q2 03:06:57 <nb> +1 03:06:57 <jflory7> +1 03:07:02 <jsandys> +1 03:07:09 <jflory7> That may be all of us left 03:07:26 <nb> #agreed Pay for original 2,000 pens ordered for this quarter; keep remaining pens and pay for the rest in Q2 03:07:27 <jflory7> #agreed Pay for original 2,000 pens ordered for this quarter; keep remaining 1,000 pens and pay for the rest in Q2 03:07:31 <jflory7> #undo 03:07:31 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by jflory7 at 03:07:27 : Pay for original 2,000 pens ordered for this quarter; keep remaining 1,000 pens and pay for the rest in Q2 03:07:33 <jflory7> nb++ 03:07:37 <nb> HA we did it again :) 03:07:37 <jflory7> Okay. Anything else? 03:07:47 <jflory7> nb: Seems like a recurring pattern. :) 03:07:57 <jflory7> Since it's just the three of us, I think we're safe to close out 03:07:59 * nb should stop doing it and let the real chair (you) do it :) 03:08:03 <nb> +1 end meeting 03:08:06 <jflory7> Going once-- 03:08:11 <jsandys> +1 bye 03:08:12 <jflory7> Going twice-- 03:08:16 <jflory7> Goiing thrice, 03:08:18 <jflory7> And out 03:08:20 <jflory7> #endmeeting