00:59:52 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 00:59:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 17 00:59:52 2016 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:59:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:59:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:04 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:14 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:00:22 <cydrobolt> o/ 01:00:27 <award3535> #chair cydrobolt 01:00:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt 01:00:28 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 01:00:29 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 01:00:37 <award3535> #chair jflory7 01:00:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt jflory7 01:00:39 <masta> ahoy! 01:00:41 <jflory7> Evening! 01:00:46 <award3535> #chair masta 01:00:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt jflory7 masta 01:01:11 <award3535> evening everyone 01:01:13 <cydrobolt> ahoy! 01:02:12 <award3535> I will give a few minutes more before starting 01:04:54 <award3535> ok lets get started 01:04:56 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:05:02 <award3535> anyone have anything 01:05:08 <jflory7> I have just one 01:05:11 <award3535> go\ 01:05:37 <jflory7> #info === Fedora 24 is a GO - the final release of Fedora 24 will land on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 === 01:05:42 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/official-fedora-24-will-release-june-21-2016/ 01:05:43 <jflory7> eof 01:05:51 <masta> woo! 01:05:52 <award3535> #chair juggler 01:05:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt jflory7 juggler masta 01:05:57 <jflory7> woo! [2] 01:05:57 <danofsatx> .hello dmossor 01:05:58 <zodbot> danofsatx: dmossor 'Dan Mossor' <danofsatx@gmail.com> 01:06:06 <award3535> #chair danofsatx 01:06:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx jflory7 juggler masta 01:06:09 <juggler_> .hello lajuggler 01:06:10 <zodbot> juggler_: lajuggler 'Perry Rivera' <juggler1@gmail.com> 01:06:17 <jflory7> Hey Perry, hey Dan! 01:06:46 <juggler_> hello jf! 01:06:56 <danofsatx> top o' the evenin' to ya, laddy 01:07:04 <danofsatx> or is that laddie? 01:07:06 <juggler_> hey satx 01:07:15 <juggler_> ty award 01:07:19 <award3535> ok moving on 01:07:21 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:07:35 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:07:44 <award3535> take a minute to review 01:08:30 <jflory7> Lots of tickets tonight 01:08:36 <wrnash> Hey team. Sorry I've been gone for a little while. my work schedule change 01:08:39 <award3535> yep 01:08:45 <award3535> #chair wrnash 01:08:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx jflory7 juggler masta wrnash 01:08:50 <jflory7> wrnash: Hiya! 01:08:54 <award3535> .famnaticket 119 01:08:55 <zodbot> award3535: #119 (OSCON 2016 booth) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/119 01:09:14 <masta> so I wrote a report for oscon 01:09:15 <award3535> just one thing on this one, I need to know who paid the room bills 01:09:36 <danofsatx> masta did. I only had <$30 in fuel. 01:09:43 <juggler_> wrnash my works schedule changed too! 01:09:43 <award3535> masta, I read it 01:09:49 <masta> award3535, yeah, I got the room bill, and a few fuel recipts. 01:09:59 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSCON_2016#Event_Report 01:10:12 <masta> I was hoping to findout where to send the recipts in this meeting to close it out. 01:10:35 <award3535> masta please create the required ticket and include the receipts there 01:10:57 <juggler_> x2 with award 01:11:09 <masta> award3535, I'll ping you shortly after the meeting, if that is ok, to briefly discuss creating that ticket. ok? 01:12:29 <award3535> the only problem I see is that I have a ceiling on how much I can purchase, I have a $ 999 limit on a single purchase, since the bill for the room will be over that amount you may have to get a PO generated, i will ask jzb 01:12:37 <award3535> masta no problem 01:13:07 <award3535> .famnaticket 148 01:13:08 <zodbot> award3535: #148 (TXLF 2016 (Austin, TX - July 8th-9th)) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/148 01:13:16 <masta> award3535, I can also go to jzb directly, since I put the bill on my RH card. I still kinda liek to do things out in the open community 01:13:41 <masta> ok, TXLF 01:13:44 <masta> that is me again 01:13:45 <award3535> Ahh, masta I will only need the receipt 01:14:10 <masta> so I talked to TXLF 01:14:40 <masta> we cannot do the silver or gold or whatever sponsorship level because we are budget poor this year 01:15:07 <masta> they told me "We have donated booths to other 501(c)3s at the Community Exhibitor sponsorship level. Most non-profits pay us $500 USD to cover the vendor and venue costs associated with their booths." 01:15:57 <masta> so looks like $500 in the minimum cost to get the table space. 01:16:09 <award3535> yes there was a lot of discussion on what levels we as Fedora will sponsor because of budget 01:16:26 <masta> I'd propose we give a little extra, say $500 ~ 999.... you decide. 01:16:27 <award3535> since we lost 51% from previous years budget 01:16:50 <masta> the 999 ceiling is simply to avoid having to use a purchase order 01:16:53 <danofsatx> call it $750, see if they'll give us prime real estate 01:17:14 <masta> does anybody 2nd the $750 proposal from danofsatx ? 01:17:26 <masta> or have a diff proposal? 01:17:49 <award3535> +1 for $750 01:18:13 <masta> we have two ya's for $750, does anybody else want to provide an opinion here? 01:18:43 <award3535> jflory7 - cydrobolt - juggler? 01:18:49 * jflory7 is thinking 01:18:54 <masta> please consider that events like these exist because orgs like fedora sponsor them, so it's good to give what we can, but not go crazy 01:18:55 * juggler_ is pondering 01:19:27 <jflory7> I'll give a tentative +1. Looking here right now, for an idea of current numbers: https://budget.fedoraproject.org/ 01:19:31 <juggler_> +1 for $750. it would be good marketing 01:19:42 <masta> the other day nb said he would +1 up to $1000k 01:19:46 <jsandys> +1 01:19:58 <kk4ewt> +1 750 01:19:58 * danofsatx wishes to note that the TXLF initiative is supported/controlled by the same folks that run SCALE. They haven't updated the TXLF Twitter badge since 2014. 01:20:03 <wrnash> +1 01:20:07 <award3535> we need to entertain bronze level or below 01:20:16 <masta> nb, you around? 01:20:35 <award3535> #agreed $750 to TXLF sponsor 01:20:53 <masta> ok folks, I'm going to reach out to TXLF with the good news 01:21:00 <jflory7> masta++ 01:21:02 <masta> award3535, is your card working yet? 01:21:11 <award3535> yes 01:21:17 <danofsatx> https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/440733558114496512/_N8rHNnm.png 01:21:32 <award3535> while we are on that fact with budget let me put out some things 01:21:54 <masta> award3535, great... we can use the card to sponsor the event, if that is good with you, or I can use my card? 01:22:28 <award3535> i believe so, waiting for a complete answer from RH accounting 01:22:51 <masta> ok 01:23:11 <masta> danofsatx, are you available for TXLF ? 01:23:21 <award3535> ok we have 29.6K to work with, that has to make it through our major events, and any swag we purchase, including shipping, etc.... 01:23:45 <danofsatx> at this point, it's up in the air. my "Final Interview" with RH Consulting is next week. As TXLF is a weekend event, I should be. 01:23:46 <award3535> the first quarter already ate 1/4 of the budget 01:23:54 <jflory7> And that's until March, right? 01:24:01 <jflory7> I guess 1/4 for the first quarter puts us "on track" 01:24:03 <juggler_> best wishes satx for you there 01:24:13 <jflory7> danofsatx: Fingers crossed :) 01:24:52 <masta> award3535, that is depressing 01:25:09 <award3535> jflory7 we are not on track, since swag and media is not part of that yet, media productions are about 3-5K 01:25:16 <jflory7> Okay, right, I see 01:26:10 <award3535> this was a result of no one tracking and reporting, that is why it is important to make sure I have receipts and guidelines are followed 01:26:32 <masta> When I started doing this Ambassador thing, we got together at FUDCON and approved a budget that was like 120k 01:26:50 <jflory7> Well, hopefully with the money we do have, we can really make a case about the impact we're making, follow better practices for expense reporting, and aim for a bigger amount next year. 01:26:55 <juggler_> is FUDCON a different pot? 01:27:09 <masta> juggler_, we call them Flock now 01:27:17 <jflory7> juggler_: NA and EMEA used to have FUDCons until Flock - now they're just LATAM and APAC for FUDCons 01:27:24 <jflory7> Flock started in 2013 01:27:40 <juggler_> I thought FUDCON and Flock were two different events. Apparently I have something new to learn. :) 01:27:43 <award3535> ok we need to get back on track 01:28:12 <masta> agree, lets get on track 01:28:12 <award3535> I will have an answer on the payment for TXLF within a day or two 01:28:22 <masta> award3535, ok 01:28:22 <jflory7> Sounds good... next ticket? 01:28:42 <award3535> masta, I emailed jzb earlier and go no answer today is he on travel 01:28:56 <danofsatx> A release party at Denny's? 01:29:08 * danofsatx has never seen anything quite like that.... 01:29:14 <award3535> danofsatx we will get there next 01:29:18 <juggler_> haha, we go big here in the valley LOL 01:29:31 <jflory7> award3535: I know jzb_ is traveling now until sometime late Friday, I believe he's on PTO 01:29:39 <jflory7> Err, sorry, not traveling, PTO 01:29:39 <danofsatx> sorry, thought we were on the next ticket already. 01:29:44 <award3535> masta go ahead and see what kind of budget you come up with 01:29:46 * danofsatx withdraws comments 01:30:17 <award3535> and get the ticket updated 01:30:22 <award3535> moving on 01:30:35 <award3535> .famnaticket 149 01:30:36 <zodbot> award3535: #149 (Fedora 24 Release Party 7/2/16 Sponsorship Request) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/149 01:30:56 <juggler_> hello all 01:31:03 <award3535> juggler this is yours, now since budget is limited there will be no food purchases 01:31:17 <juggler_> does that also include no cake as well? 01:31:27 <award3535> that is correct 01:31:41 <juggler_> bummer, ok 01:31:51 <award3535> swag we can entertain and a few T shirts that we already have 01:32:09 <juggler_> we'll be grateful for what we can get. :) 01:32:30 <juggler_> thank you for pushing this through 01:32:43 <award3535> you will need to get ahold of paradoxguitarist and have some swag mailed out 01:33:03 <jflory7> Probably ping him with the number for your famnarequests Trac ticket 01:33:17 <award3535> juggler is the event a LUG meeting 01:33:31 <juggler_> yeah, it's overlaying atop a LUG 01:34:38 <award3535> juggler make sure that any swag shipped that I get receipts, We will also entertain fuel costs for your travel 01:34:44 <juggler_> the hope was that there could be a cake that said happy 24th or something fun, heh 01:35:10 <juggler_> ok, I've updated appropriate pages with anticipated costs 01:35:23 <kk4ewt> award3535, budget of $50 for event 01:35:39 <award3535> #chair kk4ewt 01:35:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx jflory7 juggler kk4ewt masta wrnash 01:35:48 <juggler_> thanks kk4 01:35:49 <award3535> kk4ewt good evening 01:35:50 <kk4ewt> total budget of $50 01:36:23 <kk4ewt> i have had budget for pizza for installfest in the past 01:36:52 <jflory7> Looks like total estimate gas costs for juggler_ and paradoxguitarist will be $30, leaving $20 for shipping an event box? Or is paradoxguitarist driving it with him? 01:37:15 <juggler_> unsure jf 01:37:29 <juggler_> I could check with him betw now and next time 01:37:39 <jflory7> That would be a good one to know - event box shipping can be pricy, so if paradoxguitarist could drive it with him, that will save costs 01:37:47 <jflory7> I can +1 a $50 budget 01:37:49 <kk4ewt> if we ship the banners that would end his budget 01:38:21 <juggler_> yeah, maybe if we nix the banners and just post simple flyers/table tents, that could potentially get us cake 01:38:24 <kk4ewt> i suggest no banners and he can use the $20 for a cake 01:38:43 <juggler_> i'm inclined to agree with kk4 01:38:47 <award3535> I would approve that kk4ewt 01:39:18 <kk4ewt> +1 $50 total budget 01:39:19 <jflory7> +1 to above 01:39:22 <wrnash> +1 01:39:24 <award3535> +1 01:39:35 <juggler_> can I +1? lol 01:39:35 <jsandys> +1 01:39:48 <cydrobolt> +1 01:39:52 <award3535> #agreed $50 budget for ticket 149 01:39:56 <danofsatx> +1 01:40:06 <award3535> juggler update tickets please 01:40:22 <juggler_> will do my best next 48h 01:40:28 <masta> +1 01:40:28 <award3535> moving on 01:40:34 <award3535> .famnaticket 150 01:40:35 <jflory7> award3535: Could we do #146 next bwfore #150? 01:40:35 <zodbot> award3535: #150 (Ohio Linux Fest 7-8 October 2016) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/150 01:40:39 <kk4ewt> juggler_, now be sure to file reportsm get receipts to award3535 asap 01:40:47 <jflory7> I want to make sure we have time to cover it and spot needed an answer back tonight 01:41:16 <juggler_> kk4 ok! 01:41:22 <award3535> .famnaticket 146 01:41:23 <zodbot> award3535: #146 (HACKMIT 2016 Sponsorship) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/146 01:41:35 <award3535> jflory7 your pitch 01:41:51 <jflory7> Thanks! Was hoping we could vote on the proposed budget for tonight. So here's the quick explanation: 01:42:05 <jflory7> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HACKMIT/2016 01:42:15 <jflory7> Like at OSCON, we'd be sharing a booth with Red Hat again at HACKMIT 01:42:23 <jflory7> Originally, sponsorship costs were upward of $3k 01:42:40 <jflory7> spot offered room for two Ambassadors to attend at the Red Hat table 01:43:05 <jflory7> So the only costs for this event would be travel (flight + hotel) and probably shipping for an event box. 01:43:22 <danofsatx> get details on the booth. Due to booth construction/design, we were unable to use the banners at OSCON so you may not need them. 01:43:26 <jflory7> Based on what I found on Expedia, the price for a hotel and flight (from Rochester, NY) is $350 a person 01:43:40 <jflory7> danofsatx: Noted. I could get that info from spot to verify. 01:43:59 <kk4ewt> can people can pool from rochchester 01:44:07 <award3535> I agree with danofsatx 01:44:22 <jflory7> I know cprofitt is the only other Ambassador I am aware of in Rochester. 01:45:01 <jflory7> I assume sharing a hotel room would also probably save costs 01:45:04 <award3535> jflory7 if there is no other available you can still make the trip for less money than a flight 01:45:29 <award3535> I can drive to and get back from Ohio on less than 200 01:46:12 <danofsatx> greyhound, amtrak, uber 01:46:20 <jflory7> award3535: I could drive it out, yeah. I was trying to avoid putting miles on my vehicle (~391 miles, 6hr trip), but I could probably drive it. 01:46:21 <kk4ewt> yes if its 2 people thats one hotel room 01:46:26 <jflory7> Ah, yeah, forgot about Greyhound 01:46:30 <jflory7> I wouldn't mind a bus 01:46:46 <jflory7> Plus I have 15% discounts on Greyhound / Amtrak tickets with my Student Advantage card 01:46:51 <danofsatx> some of them even have WiFi 01:46:54 <jflory7> Don't know why I forgot that 01:47:04 <jflory7> Could probably cut costs opting for a bus 01:47:12 <award3535> jflory7 remember we are trying to keep costs down 01:47:13 <kk4ewt> so you will need a hotel for how many nights 01:47:23 <masta> jflory7, can you estimate the max ceiling cost based on flight/hotel? We can always accept a lower total later. 01:47:37 <jflory7> Right. Not sure why I forgot about bus / train for traveling. But that should be able to cut down some. 01:47:46 <award3535> usually hacking stuff is an all night thing 01:48:10 <jflory7> masta: I originally had budgeted around ~$350 per person, but I figure with traveling not on a plane (whether I drive it or take a bus), that will probably be far lower 01:48:28 <jflory7> kk4ewt: For me personally, I could just do one for one night. Could probably spend the first night (assuming Friday arrival) at the venue 01:49:06 <kk4ewt> whats the dates for this event 01:49:38 <award3535> is there a wiki set up 01:49:42 <jflory7> kk4ewt: September 17 - 18. spot needed an answer back tonight about whether Fedora would be willing to put two Ambassadors out. 01:49:48 <jflory7> Yes, there is. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HACKMIT/2016 01:50:18 <danofsatx> looks like Greyhound is $97 before student advantage discount. 01:50:35 <jflory7> danofsatx: I'd be fine with busing it. 01:50:49 <award3535> I noticed jdulaney had a comment on the page 01:51:05 <award3535> for the record, Fedora cannot sponsor his expenses 01:51:56 <jflory7> For a personal reason or a fiscal reason? 01:52:14 <kk4ewt> discuss later 01:52:19 <award3535> professional 01:52:21 <jflory7> Understood. 01:52:25 <juggler_> understood 01:52:37 <jflory7> danofsatx: Looking at bus tickets for the target date, with my discount, one way is $37 (to Boston, though). 01:52:44 <masta> hehe 01:53:10 <jflory7> Need to see if I can find more info specifically to the MIT campus, but I can dig deeper this week 01:53:17 <danofsatx> looks like Amtrak is ~$170, and 3 hours less than the bus 01:53:34 <jflory7> In either case, my original estimate will probably be far over in actuality by avoiding a plane 01:54:01 <award3535> I can support this for attendance for 1 or two ambassadors for travel and lodging if needed 01:54:08 <award3535> less air travel 01:54:10 * jflory7 wonders if $350 for travel costs for both Ambassadors would be a safe bet to approve, tentatively, for tonight 01:54:19 <juggler_> will be heading out momentarily.. thank you all for the Release24 sponsoring 01:54:38 <award3535> I would suggest $500 to start for two 01:54:42 <jflory7> I think spot mostly just needs a "yes" "no" tonight, so if we wanted to get a more specific number in time for next week, that would work. 01:54:42 <nb> hi 01:54:51 <award3535> #chair nb 01:54:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cydrobolt danofsatx jflory7 juggler kk4ewt masta nb wrnash 01:54:52 <jflory7> Okay, I think $500 for now is a good, higher estimate 01:54:58 * nb supports $500 budget 01:55:00 <jflory7> Don't realistically think it will cost that much in total 01:55:03 <jflory7> But good for now. 01:55:14 <award3535> +1 $500 01:55:17 <masta> +1 $500 01:55:18 <danofsatx> table travel costs for further research, make a motion that we will support 2 ambassadors at HACKMIT 01:55:18 <kk4ewt> we have time for research so i want to wait on budget 01:55:26 <nb> +1 $500 01:55:28 <juggler_> +1 $500 01:55:29 <wrnash> +1 01:55:40 <award3535> hold kk4ewt has concern 01:55:44 <kk4ewt> -1 01:55:48 <nb> actually, +1 kk4ewt proposal to say 2 ambassadors but wait to approve budget 01:55:52 <jsandys> +1 01:56:05 <kk4ewt> we have time to research the budget 01:56:25 <juggler_> +1 on conditional approval based on funding being there 01:56:26 <masta> I think a tentative $500 is good, so we can go back to spot. 01:56:35 <jflory7> masta: +1 01:56:44 <award3535> I would be up to tabling the cost and give spot answer for attendance 01:56:49 <kk4ewt> you can still get back to spot 01:57:11 <award3535> #agreed to sending 1 or 2 ambassadors to event 01:57:14 <jflory7> As long as we can affirmatively give a confident answer to him about attendance, I can have a more specific number by next week 01:57:23 <danofsatx> jflory7: tell spot "Yes". We'll figure out money before, say, August. ;) 01:57:42 <jflory7> I mostly just need definite confirmation, so if we can agree to attend this event at this meeting, that's all I need at a minimum tonight. 01:57:42 <kk4ewt> tell him yes on 2 ambassadors 01:57:52 <award3535> #action jflory7 to produce budget for travel for HACKMIT 01:57:57 * jflory7 nods 01:58:03 <award3535> moving on 01:58:09 <masta> +1 tell spot "yes" 01:58:10 <danofsatx> hell, if I'm on the schedule I hope to be by then, the second may just be me ;) 01:58:16 <jflory7> I'll get back to him now and have more detailed numbers for next week's meeting. 01:58:19 <jflory7> THanks all. 01:58:22 <award3535> .famnaticket 150 01:58:23 <zodbot> award3535: #150 (Ohio Linux Fest 7-8 October 2016) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/150 01:58:35 <award3535> This is one of our staple events 01:58:45 <kk4ewt> rooms are EXpensive 01:58:50 <award3535> Booth $750 02:00:05 <award3535> proposed total budget depending on nb's attendance is 2.3K 02:00:10 <juggler_> wow, why is Ohio $$? 02:00:16 * nb plans to attend 02:00:23 <juggler_> must be a popular con 02:00:30 <award3535> juggler no difference from LFNW or Scale 02:00:38 * juggler_ shrugs 02:00:49 <masta> or TXLF 02:00:59 <juggler_> probably room scarcity 02:01:03 <masta> it's popular, and established 02:01:18 <kk4ewt> well we can most likely find cheaper hotels at the moment my 2 night reservation is 452.XX 02:01:28 <danofsatx> ouch 02:01:41 <award3535> the OSU game is the same weekend 02:01:46 <danofsatx> ahhh.... 02:01:47 <kk4ewt> home Ohio State Football 02:02:08 <danofsatx> just like OSCON scheduling Austin the same week as UT graduation 02:02:15 <nb> kk4ewt, $142 per night + tax turns into 452? 02:02:20 <award3535> Although since the Hyatt is the venue, their rooms are 142 a night 02:02:47 <kk4ewt> nb where are you getting that amount for the drury 02:03:01 <nb> kk4ewt, i was looking at the hotel that the conference is at 02:03:12 <nb> hyatt regency is where the venue is, and their group rate is 142 02:03:15 <award3535> drury is right next door 02:03:35 <nb> award3535, oh 02:03:46 <nb> but it looks like it is more expensive than the hyatt, from what kk4ewt said 02:03:49 <masta> 142 is great! 02:03:59 <kk4ewt> myself i perfer the drury but i will stay at the hYATT 02:04:27 <kk4ewt> plus tax plus $10 anight for internet plus parking 02:04:48 <award3535> so, do we agree on initial budget of 2.3K 02:04:56 <kk4ewt> 2.5 02:05:01 <masta> so what is the wrost it could cost assuming hyatt ? 02:05:09 <masta> 2.3k ? 02:05:17 <kk4ewt> the same as drury 02:05:27 <masta> sry, spelling... worst even 02:05:39 <nb> +1 02:05:49 <nb> kk4ewt, internet is free at hyatt, parking is $4 02:05:52 <masta> ok 02:05:53 <award3535> nb kk4ewt proposed 2.5k 02:06:03 <masta> +1 2.5k 02:06:09 <kk4ewt> i came in roughly 1K under budget for SELF 02:06:11 <nb> +1 2.5k 02:06:43 <award3535> total SELF cost was 1415 02:07:20 <juggler_> +1 2.5k 02:07:26 <jflory7> +1 2.5k 02:07:32 <danofsatx> +1 2.5k 02:07:34 <kk4ewt> +1 02:07:50 <award3535> #agreed budget for OLF $2,500.00 02:08:13 <award3535> that was the last of the tickets, we are out of time no open floor 02:08:17 <kk4ewt> hopefully we will not need the duplicator for OLF 02:08:24 * masta wonders off 02:08:25 <masta> bye 02:08:41 <wrnash> good night 02:08:49 <jflory7> Night, masta! 02:08:56 <kk4ewt> nb do you have any # on media yet 02:09:02 <award3535> kk4ewt the last event will be scale in jan 2017 02:09:23 <award3535> so we will have to see where the budget is 02:09:30 <kk4ewt> ??? 02:09:31 <juggler_> night all 02:09:42 <nb> $1,900 for 2,500 dvds 02:10:11 <award3535> kk4ewt nb just answered what i was getting to 02:10:16 <kk4ewt> so roughly 2K with shipping 02:10:21 * nb proposes we approve that 02:10:52 <juggler_> that's for R24 media? 02:10:56 <nb> yes 02:10:58 <kk4ewt> award3535, so are you saying no media untill january? 02:11:12 <award3535> no, just trying to crunch numbers 02:11:26 <award3535> I just entered the 2k number into the sheet 02:11:51 <kk4ewt> give or take 100 02:11:51 <award3535> right now with current proposed expenses we have 14K left 02:12:15 <nb> we've spent like 15k already? 02:12:18 <kk4ewt> +1 on 2500 dvds 02:12:20 <nb> i thought our total was like 29k 02:12:32 <award3535> that does not calculate for actual expenses 02:12:33 <kk4ewt> nb we lost the 1st quarter 02:12:39 <nb> huh? 02:12:43 <nb> they took money away? 02:12:57 <award3535> 51% 02:13:11 <nb> 51% of what? 02:13:13 <juggler_> ouch 02:13:19 <kk4ewt> 60K 02:13:23 <award3535> last years budget 02:13:28 <nb> yeah 02:13:45 <kk4ewt> nb i trust awards # 02:13:46 <jflory7> nb: The 15k gone now is already spent. 02:13:56 <nb> oh 02:14:06 <nb> kk4ewt, I do too, I was just asking.. not questioning his numbers 02:14:07 <award3535> so with all the previous events and expenses and the stuff we just voted on shows the approved numbers 02:14:21 <nb> oh ok 02:14:24 <award3535> actual costs will come at the event end 02:14:26 <danofsatx> as one (in)famous TV commentator once stated, "The rent is just TOO DAMNED HIGH!" 02:14:37 <kk4ewt> yep 02:15:04 <award3535> like SELF we had 2.5k approved but only spent 1,415 02:15:31 <nb> hopefully a lot will come in under budget 02:15:40 <juggler_> +1 2500 DVDs . If we need to hand out media, we'll need something to hand out.. 02:15:46 <award3535> nb even if your costs were included we still would have been under 02:15:50 * danofsatx is totally OK with outcomes like SELF 02:16:07 <award3535> +1 for 2500 dvd media production 02:16:31 <kk4ewt> danofsatx, thanks if award3535 and I cannot bring a event under budget no one else can 02:16:32 <danofsatx> +1 DVDs 02:16:57 <danofsatx> well, Masta and I did OSCON under budget, does that count? ;) 02:17:02 <kk4ewt> nb by the way f24 is go today 02:17:10 <nb> kk4ewt, yes i saw 02:17:11 <juggler_> kk4ewt excellent! 02:17:18 <jflory7> +1 for 2500 DVDs 02:17:18 <nb> can we take vote on dvds? 02:17:20 <nb> +1 02:17:23 <kk4ewt> danofsatx, not when we have nt seen the reciepts nope 02:17:32 <award3535> nb you have all the votes you need 02:17:35 <danofsatx> oh, okie. 02:17:39 * danofsatx shuts up then 02:17:52 <nb> award3535, oh ok 02:18:00 <award3535> #agreed nb to have 2500 dvd media produced 02:18:13 <award3535> nb ensure I get the receipt!!!!!!! 02:18:26 <award3535> or atleast a copy of the PO 02:18:26 <kk4ewt> award3535, it will be a PO 02:18:26 <nb> award3535, i will forward you the info 02:18:31 <nb> award3535, it will be PO 02:18:50 <nb> but it is under $2k so i don't have to mess with famsco 02:19:02 <award3535> ok folks Great meeting tonight 02:19:03 <nb> i just have to send quote to jmad and cc remy and jzb 02:19:12 <jflory7> Thanks for chairing, award3535. 02:19:27 <nb> although we never have asked for famsco approval before :) 02:19:27 <juggler_> good evening all :) 02:19:42 * danofsatx needs to troubleshoot a hung service in a Windows Server VM 02:20:02 <award3535> nb I agree, but there is where all the problems stemmed, I was not getting reports from swag, media, and other things that required PO's 02:20:21 <danofsatx> they never meet long enough to approve anything, so it wouldn't matter. It would be the same black hole it's been since I started with the Project. 02:20:34 <kk4ewt> well that and redhatters paying for stuff with there credit cards 02:20:35 <award3535> RH folks did not inform me when that occured 02:21:46 <award3535> ok time to end the meeting, we are over our time limit, see everyone next week 02:22:06 <danofsatx> g'nite 02:22:15 <kk4ewt> nite 02:22:17 <jflory7> danofsatx: FAmSCo did recently switch to a lazy consensus voting style which has been working well for them in recent meetings 02:22:19 <jflory7> Night all! 02:22:31 <award3535> #endmeeting