01:00:16 <jflory7_> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul 22 01:00:16 2016 UTC. The chair is jflory7_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:24 <jflory7_> #meetingname famna 01:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:00:30 <jflory7_> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:00:32 <jflory7_> .hello jflory7 01:00:33 <zodbot> jflory7_: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 01:01:16 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 01:01:17 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 01:01:59 <jflory7_> #chair linuxmodder 01:01:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7_ linuxmodder 01:02:01 <jflory7_> Evening, linuxmodder! 01:02:46 <linuxmodder> evening 01:03:08 <linuxmodder> kk4ewt, danofsatx able to join tonight? 01:04:05 <jflory7_> #info award3535 is not able to attend tonight's meeting 01:05:32 <jflory7_> Seems like low attendance tonight... 01:06:14 * masta is here 01:06:18 <jflory7_> #chair masta 01:06:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7_ linuxmodder masta 01:06:19 <masta> howdies 01:06:21 <jflory7_> Evening, masta! 01:06:27 <masta> heya jflory7_ 01:06:40 <kk4ewt> .hello jbwillia 01:06:41 <zodbot> kk4ewt: jbwillia 'Ben Williams' <vaioof@yahoo.com> 01:06:59 <linuxmodder> kk4ewt, you get that fwd'd email about tracker? 01:07:29 <linuxmodder> #info First round of F24-Respins available now http://tunyurl.com/live-respins2 01:07:41 <masta> cool linuxmodder 01:07:48 <linuxmodder> torrents should be up soon 01:08:00 <juggler> o/ 01:08:01 <masta> linuxmodder, you just running lorax on the updates? 01:08:01 <linuxmodder> correction torrents made but tracker issues 01:08:03 <jflory7_> #chair kk4ewt juggler 01:08:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7_ juggler kk4ewt linuxmodder masta 01:08:11 <jflory7_> Evening, kk4ewt and juggler o/ 01:08:19 <jflory7_> Looks like we'll be at quorum tonight. 01:08:23 <linuxmodder> masta, ask kk4ewt he makes them but I believe so 01:09:03 <jflory7_> We can go ahead and move on to announcements. I have a few to share... 01:09:07 <kk4ewt> masta, yes livecd-creator still 01:09:18 <jflory7_> #topic === Announcements === 01:09:45 <jflory7_> #info === Fedora July 2016 Elections now open === 01:09:53 <jflory7_> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting/ 01:10:01 <jflory7_> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/2016-july-elections-interviews/ 01:10:10 <jflory7_> #info The July 2016 Elections for the Fedora Council (1) and Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (4) are now open. Anyone with cla_done can vote for the Council, anyone with CLA+1 can vote for FESCo. Voting closes at 23:59:00 UTC on July 25th. Interviews with most candidates are published on the Community Blog. Get your votes in soon! 01:10:17 <jflory7_> #info === "New guidelines for Fedora Ambassadors and Design" === 01:10:26 <jflory7_> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/new-guidelines-fedora-ambassadors-design/ 01:10:34 <jflory7_> #info The updated guidelines for communication between Ambassadors and Design team members was updated last week. This article details some of the changes and provides information on where to learn more about the updated guidelines. 01:10:43 <jflory7_> #info === You get a Fedora shirt! And you get a Fedora shirt! And you! === 01:10:50 <jflory7_> #link http://www.unixstickers.com/tshirts-and-hoodies/t-shirts/the-ultimate-fedora-linux-t-shirt 01:10:56 <jflory7_> #info UnixStickers recently announced the sale of Fedora t-shirts in black or white varieties. If you want a Fedora shirt of your very own or for a friend, visit the page and grab one of your very own! 01:11:04 <jflory7_> #info === Fedora Women Day events come to a close === 01:11:11 <jflory7_> #info Fedora Women Day is an annual event starting this year, organized by the Diversity team and the Diversity Adviser, tatica. Events were held across the globe to help celebrate the contributions that Fedora women are making every day in the project. Special thanks to Amita, trishnag, jonatoni, giannisk, tatica, and the many others involved in helping organize these events! 01:11:37 <jflory7_> #info === "You’re invited: FOSCo Brainstorm Meeting, 2016-07-18, 13:00 UTC" === 01:11:44 <jflory7_> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fosco-brainstorm-meeting-2016-07-18/ 01:11:51 <jflory7_> #info The Fedora Outreach Steering Committee (FOSCo) is a work in progress by the current Fedora Ambassador Steering Committee (FAmSCo). On Monday, they held a public brainstorming session on how to begin moving forward on forming the group and determining next steps. cwickert is working on publishing a report / explanation about the discussion topics from the meeting soon. 01:11:53 <jflory7_> eof 01:11:58 <jflory7_> That's all that I have to share tonight! 01:12:04 <linuxmodder> a few eh? 01:12:05 <jflory7_> Anyone else have anything they want to share? 01:12:06 <linuxmodder> :) 01:12:12 <jflory7_> linuxmodder: Yeah, it's been a busy week! 01:13:15 <kk4ewt> F24-20160720 updated live isos are available at http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins2 01:13:18 <juggler> nothing here today 01:13:22 <jflory7_> If nothing else, we can move on tickets in another minute 01:13:27 <jflory7_> kk4ewt++ 01:13:53 <jflory7_> Figure we'll wait another minute since there were more announcements than usual this week. 01:14:14 * kk4ewt has voted 01:14:37 <jflory7_> Awesome. Everyone should get their votes in before next Monday 01:14:46 <masta> wow... jflory7_ you do announcements like no other 01:14:55 * juggler agrees 01:15:16 <linuxmodder> in floods :) 01:15:39 <jflory7_> masta: Hahah - hope it's all helpful. This week has definitely been bustling! 01:16:04 <masta> yeah, it's nice to see that you bring legit announcements 01:16:14 <masta> thanks jflory7_ 01:16:30 <jflory7_> No problem :) 01:16:37 <jflory7_> With that, we can probably move into ticket. 01:16:41 <jflory7_> #topic === Tickets === 01:16:49 <jflory7_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:17:11 <jflory7_> I think we can probably move backwards tonight again - take a minute to review tonight's tickets 01:18:13 <jflory7_> #info === Ticket #153: SeaGL 2016 Sponsorship === 01:18:17 <jflory7_> .famnaticket 153 01:18:18 <zodbot> jflory7_: #153 (SeaGL 2016 Sponsorship) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/153 01:18:40 <jflory7_> I don't see jsandys with us tonight, but I'm not sure how much is left to be done with this ticket. 01:18:54 <jflory7_> Last meeting, we agreed on $2k for this event. 01:19:27 <kk4ewt> its a nov event and at least we are getting ahead of the events on planning 01:19:30 <linuxmodder> I'm down for joining jsandys if travel works 01:19:38 <masta> so $500 sponsorship and travel/hotel for the rest ? 01:19:50 * masta wasn't at the previous meeting 01:19:55 <jflory7_> As far as I can tell. 01:20:03 <linuxmodder> with a hope of not needing all $2k 01:20:08 <jflory7_> The goal is to spend half of the allocated amount. 01:20:14 <masta> yeah 01:20:27 <jflory7_> I think for now, we can move this off of the agenda, until jsandys has more updates for us. 01:20:33 <jflory7_> I'll go ahead and make sure to do that after the meeting. 01:20:36 <masta> agreed 01:20:47 <kk4ewt> linuxmodder, well if we have to send you then yes but hopefully some west coast folks can hanlde this 01:20:49 <linuxmodder> I need to move mine (140) off too its all set 01:20:56 <jflory7_> #action jflory7_ Move Ticket #153 off of the meeting agenda until further updates from jsandys 01:21:10 <linuxmodder> kk4ewt, I would come out of pocket not the budget 01:21:11 <jflory7_> linuxmodder: #140 or #151? 01:21:25 <masta> linuxmodder++ 01:21:25 <zodbot> masta: Karma for linuxmodder changed to 4 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 01:21:26 <linuxmodder> 151 my bad 01:21:30 <jflory7_> #agreed No further action needed tonight on this ticket - will follow up as needed 01:21:34 <kk4ewt> jflory7_, bring up in 2 weeks so we dont forget it 01:21:41 * jflory7_ nods 01:21:46 <jflory7_> I will make a mention of that in the ticket. 01:21:51 <linuxmodder> jflory7_, 151 is solid 01:22:10 <kk4ewt> linuxmodder, that is up to you in that case 01:22:13 <linuxmodder> was approved weeks ago been too busy to pull off the agenda 01:22:28 <jflory7_> linuxmodder: Okay, no need to cover it tonight? If so, we can skip over and if you could update it after the meeting for a two-week follow-up, that would be great. 01:22:31 <jflory7_> linuxmodder++ 01:22:56 <linuxmodder> its approved and pre ship stuff setup already with kk4ewt so no new stuff for tonight 01:23:19 <linuxmodder> noted will add to TODO 01:23:41 <jflory7_> #info === Ticket #151: FOSSCON 2016 EVENT APPROVAL === 01:23:42 <jflory7_> #action linuxmodder Update Ticket #151 with approval status and set it for a follow-up in another two weeks 01:23:48 <jflory7_> That should cover that one. 01:24:06 <jflory7_> #info === Ticket #140: Ordering new stickers for the region === 01:24:10 <jflory7_> .famnaticket 140 01:24:12 <zodbot> jflory7_: #140 (Ordering new stickers for the region) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/140 01:24:17 <jflory7_> This one is also blocking, currently 01:24:29 <jflory7_> We're waiting for the community credit card max to reset after SELF 01:24:49 <jflory7_> award3535 are coordinating on this one to take the order in possibly another week, maybe two 01:24:51 <linuxmodder> jflory7_, but no other blocks right ? not remembering any others 01:25:04 <jflory7_> linuxmodder: Nope, we already voted and agreed on budget and sticker quantity for these 01:25:09 <masta> gosh I thought we previously agreed to go with costco, but then in later meeting we agree with unixstickers 01:25:11 <jflory7_> So I don't see anything else for us to cover 01:25:34 <linuxmodder> other bix /open floor is it I think 01:25:38 <jflory7_> masta: I think we always agreed to go with UnixStickers, although Costco was the better deal, we have a relationship with UnixStickers as a project partner 01:25:43 <masta> yeah... like 2 meetings ago we had an AGREE on unixsticker, right? 01:25:54 <kk4ewt> masta no we said we really needed to see product from costco and we know the prodoct from the other 01:25:56 <linuxmodder> 2 or 3 ago yes 01:26:11 <kk4ewt> so to speed this up unix 01:26:17 <jflory7_> #agreed No further updates for Ticket #140, but will follow up next week once award3535 returns and has more info on CC limit 01:26:27 <juggler> yeah, I think there was also... 01:26:41 <jflory7_> kk4ewt: Right. And I did follow-up with Costco to see if they could do a "preview" print, but that wouldn't be possible unless we were committed to ordering from them first. 01:26:57 <juggler> ... a discussion where we might go unix this round, costco next round, and compare potentially 01:27:01 <jflory7_> With UnixStickers, the quality is a safe bet 01:27:10 <jflory7_> juggler: That as well. 01:27:26 <jflory7_> In either case, we can follow up when award3535 is around. 01:27:44 <jflory7_> #topic === Open Floor === 01:27:59 <jflory7_> Today was a bit of a fast meeting. Anything else that anyone wants to bring up tonight? 01:28:05 * juggler will be offline next week and on vac 01:28:16 <jflory7_> juggler: Okay, good to know - enjoy your vacation. :) 01:28:29 <jflory7_> #info juggler will not be in attendance next week for vacation 01:28:34 <juggler> thx...we'll see how withdrawal goes lol 01:28:47 <jflory7_> Heheh. Going anywhere nice? 01:28:59 <juggler> retreat to El Paso 01:29:10 <jflory7_> Ahh, that's on the coast, right? 01:29:11 <juggler> international juggling festival 01:29:19 * masta wonders off 01:29:21 <masta> night alll 01:29:23 <juggler> dunno, haven't been to El Paso 01:29:25 <juggler> night masta 01:29:27 <jflory7_> masta: Enjoy your evening! 01:29:33 <jflory7_> masta: Thanks for coming by tonight 01:29:41 <jflory7_> juggler: Sounds like it will be enjoyable then. 01:29:44 <jflory7_> :) 01:29:50 <jflory7_> Any other official business tonight? 01:30:14 <juggler> jf7 hope it will be! 01:30:22 <jflory7_> If not, we can close out in another three minutes. 01:30:31 <jflory7_> juggler: I'll be looking for pictures on Facebook. ;) 01:31:20 <juggler> ;) 01:31:57 <kk4ewt> hopefully we get an update on media this week 01:32:18 * juggler is hopeful too 01:33:29 <jflory7_> kk4ewt: That will be nice. 01:33:40 <jflory7_> #info Hoping for an update on media later this weel 01:33:43 <jflory7_> #undo 01:33:43 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jflory7_ at 01:33:40 : Hoping for an update on media later this weel 01:33:45 <jflory7_> #info Hoping for an update on media later this week 01:33:55 <jflory7_> Alrighty. We're at three minutes. 01:34:00 <jflory7_> Thanks for coming out tonight, everyone! 01:34:05 <jflory7_> Enjoy the rest of your evening... 01:34:08 <jflory7_> #endmeeting