00:59:35 <jflory> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors of North America - 2016-08-18 00:59:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 19 00:59:35 2016 UTC. The chair is jflory. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:59:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:59:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_of_north_america_-_2016-08-18' 00:59:42 <jflory> #meetingname FAmNA 00:59:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 00:59:44 <jflory> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 00:59:48 <jflory> .hello jflory 00:59:50 <zodbot> jflory: Sorry, but you don't exist 00:59:53 <jflory> .hello jflory7 00:59:53 <zodbot> jflory: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 01:00:07 <jflory> #info award3535 unable to attend tonight's meeting 01:03:04 <nb> .hello nb 01:03:05 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 01:03:09 <jflory> #chair nb 01:03:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory nb 01:03:20 <jflory> nb: So that makes two of us. Seems like a quiet evening tonight... 01:03:43 <jflory> Will wait another minute or two for some others. 01:03:46 * nb forgets who all to ping 01:04:14 <nb> jflory, so, I got Collabora Online installed on my Nextcloud instance 01:04:29 <nb> it is very nice, seems a lot like office 365's office online thign 01:04:58 <jflory> Collabora Online? 01:05:22 <jflory> Gotcha, cool, haven't heard of it until now. Working pretty well then? 01:05:51 <jflory> I tried doing some pinging in #fedora-ambassadors just now 01:07:17 <jflory> nb: If we don't hit four people for the meeting, I'm thinking it may just be better to call it for tonight - as far as I can tell, there aren't any urgent tickets (just follow-up on LFNW and SeaGL). 01:07:28 <jflory> And the budget sheet, but I don't know what else there is to cover on that one presently. 01:08:46 * jflory will wait until 21:10 US EST and then call if we're not at four people 01:10:24 <nb> +1 01:10:59 <jflory> Okay, looks like we'll revisit next week. 01:11:21 <jflory> #info Meeting canceled for tonight - not enough for quorum (only jflory7 and nb) 01:11:24 <jflory> #endmeeting