01:11:08 <award3535_> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:11:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 24 01:11:08 2018 UTC. 01:11:08 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 01:11:08 <zodbot> The chair is award3535_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:11:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:11:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:11:46 <award3535_> #meetingname FAmNA 01:11:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:12:00 <award3535_> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:17:51 <award3535_> pm kk4ewt 01:19:12 <steelaworkn> hello 01:19:58 <award3535_> #chair steelaworkn 01:19:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535_ steelaworkn 01:21:48 <award3535_> steelaworkn I saw your comment, and there is a reason why we are going to monthly meetings. because in the very near future all requests will go to the mindshare ticketing area 01:22:42 <award3535_> since NA has no funds left, we can shift to using the mindshare funds that have a lot of money 01:23:22 <steelaworkn> Ok. Yup. I was just looking at the NA budget and noticed we are 21% over...if that is up to date. 01:23:59 <award3535_> It is, and I still have to pay the ups bill for this month 01:24:22 <steelaworkn> I did blast off an email to SeaGL to see what space was available...free space. 01:25:21 <award3535_> my recommendation is that you start putting together what you need and file a ticket with mindshare for the event 01:25:47 <award3535_> #topic === Tickets === 01:26:28 <award3535_> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issues 01:26:44 <award3535_> .famnaticket 198 01:26:45 <zodbot> award3535_: Issue #198: FAmNA Meetings - tasks - Pagure - https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/198 01:26:54 <steelaworkn> Ok. I'll get it together. I'm hoping SeaGL has a free table space available. I'll start planning for next year more in advance. 01:27:33 <award3535_> Since I think mindshare will be in full swing shortly, I would push it to them for approval 01:28:10 <juggler[m]> testing... 01:28:14 <award3535_> That is why I think the best thing for us is to go to a single meeting a month since we will not control funds, tickets, events, etc.... 01:28:27 <award3535_> #chair juggler(m) 01:28:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535_ juggler(m) steelaworkn 01:28:47 <steelaworkn> Ok. Then my request can be closed with the current recommendation. 01:29:15 <juggler[m]> hello all... IRC technical difficulties... been here watching the messages as a ghost... 01:29:24 <award3535_> the only thing that we can discuss is upcoming fedora items releases, and if you need helt with an event 01:30:25 <award3535_> This type of planning will be for all events big and small, it will go through mindshare for approval 01:31:15 <award3535_> I will set up some guidelines for meetings, but see only information that we can share 01:32:54 <steelaworkn> Oh. I see. Are we using ambassador-na/tasks for bringing things up for discussion? 01:34:05 <award3535_> I would like your thoughts put in the ticket for days and times, we will keep the east coast time at 2100, but will leave the west coast to decide their time unless they would like me to keep chairing each meeting 01:35:53 <award3535_> steelaworkn, I will leave the ticket open for now, but you will have to find the mindshare ticket in pagure 01:36:28 <juggler[m]> I don't mind alternate chairing. The hope though is that people show up for it. As for the time, I'm flex on either keeping it to Pacific time or doing the east coast time... 01:37:08 <award3535_> juggler(m) you have been the only other person showing up with steelaworkn 01:37:26 <award3535_> and tonight I am the only east coast that is here 01:37:28 <steelaworkn> The earliest I can go is 4 pm. 01:37:47 * kk4ewt 01:37:56 <juggler[m]> if we had better turnout at the last meeting, maybe we'll experiment with holding my alternate chair at the same time and day as the last meet...? 01:38:50 <award3535_> this has been the problem since there has been a shift in how we are going to conduct business which almost makes these meetings obsolete 01:39:38 <juggler[m]> ah 01:40:20 <award3535_> since I will be the card holder for NA I will still reimburse ambassadors through the current ticket system 01:40:37 <juggler[m]> is there anything we can do to avoid obsolescence? 01:40:39 <steelaworkn> since I am still green, I feel I need these meetings, or similar, to help me get the full picture of what we do. 01:41:39 <steelaworkn> so...we would send duplicate tickets to both mindshare and NA? 01:42:18 <award3535_> steelaworkn, I would just to keep track if mindshare committee is not ready 01:42:40 <award3535_> I hope they are ready, it was supposed to be in place back on 1 june 01:42:48 <steelaworkn> Ok. 01:42:53 <juggler[m]> is the mindshare ticketing infrastructure fully setup? 01:43:20 <award3535_> yes, its up but I am not sure how they will work through them 01:44:00 <juggler[m]> and who's the go-to person with any questions on its operation? 01:44:16 <award3535_> bex is on the committee 01:45:03 <award3535_> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare/ 01:45:47 <award3535_> the link shows current members 01:45:48 <juggler[m]> award thanks 01:46:05 <award3535_> #chair paradoxguitarist 01:46:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535_ juggler(m) paradoxguitarist steelaworkn 01:46:12 <award3535_> welcome pg! 01:46:18 <paradoxguitarist> Hey! 01:46:27 <juggler[m]> hello pg! 01:46:32 <steelaworkn> hello from up north 01:47:04 <award3535_> pg you will have to catch up with the previous when you get the log 01:47:15 <paradoxguitarist> Kk 01:47:24 <juggler[m]> howdy steel 01:47:55 <award3535_> pg we were discussing what the near future of mindshare and how we get events through the committee 01:48:35 <award3535_> pg also take a look at ticket 198 01:48:46 <steelaworkn> geese....mindshare has17 open tickets...that's a lot 01:49:45 <steelaworkn> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issues 01:49:52 <award3535_> steelaworkn, that is why we need to get things in early, and your event is in Nov, so no time like the present to get it started 01:50:49 <paradoxguitarist> Was 198 the monthly meeting? 01:50:59 <award3535_> PG yes 01:51:20 <award3535_> steelaworkn if you look I have to open tickets there as well 01:51:41 <paradoxguitarist> I'm alright with that 01:52:07 <paradoxguitarist> Specially if it has your support 01:52:13 <steelaworkn> is it just mindshare members who can comment on these? 01:52:36 <award3535_> pg if you have any ideas, please add them there and yes, I can chair all meetings if need be 01:53:46 <award3535_> and I will fully support one meeting a month hoping we can get the max participation as possible 01:54:42 <steelaworkn> I am pretty flexible for the week and anything after 4 pm is fine. 01:54:47 <juggler[m]> hm, I thought I would be assisting you with the chairing award? has that changed? 01:55:49 <award3535_> juggler(m) only if you are not available 01:57:20 <juggler[m]> I can chair for 6p or later Pacific, alternating months with you, if that's alright with you.. 01:58:10 <award3535_> juggler(m) not a problem, we can work out details offline and come up with a schedule, but please put your ideas in the ticket for all to see 01:58:54 <juggler[m]> just to clarify, ticket 198? 01:59:03 <award3535_> yes that is correct 01:59:49 <juggler[m]> I will get right on that now, while I remember ;) 02:00:02 <paradoxguitarist> How many users do we need for a quorum? 4? 02:00:04 <award3535_> we will also need to set up what we want to discuss in the meetings since events will not be part of our discussions, in only assistance 02:00:51 <award3535_> pg I think 4 is good, and nb discussed this with me earlier this week 02:01:18 <steelaworkn> Do we have more in our regions? 02:01:37 <paradoxguitarist> I have a thought but I need to think about it for a little bit but I'll put my idea in the ticket once I figure it out my head 02:01:43 <award3535_> we do, there are about 6 more that can put thier comments in the ticket 02:02:15 <award3535_> pg, that is exactly what we need 02:03:06 <award3535_> more ideas, and yes we need to come together as a group 02:04:00 <award3535_> we are out of time, please add your comments and ideas into ticket 198 02:05:14 <juggler[m]> added. 02:05:15 <award3535_> any last minute things before i end the meeting 02:05:17 <paradoxguitarist> Thanks award 02:05:20 <juggler[m]> thanks for chairing award3535 02:05:29 <juggler[m]> good here 02:05:49 <juggler[m]> paradox we should get together offline to discuss the next SCaLE :) 02:05:49 <steelaworkn> Thanks. I learned some new things today I can run with. 02:06:20 <award3535_> goodnight and thanks for showing up 02:06:23 <award3535_> #endmeeting