03:00:30 <juggler[m]> #startmeeting FAmNA West - 2018-02-19 03:00:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 20 03:00:30 2018 UTC. The chair is juggler[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 03:00:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 03:00:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna_west_-_2018-02-19' 03:00:47 <juggler[m]> #meetingname FAmNA West 03:00:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna_west' 03:01:01 <juggler[m]> #chair juggler 03:01:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: juggler juggler[m] 03:01:17 <jsandys> returning from a hiatus 03:01:17 <award3535> evening juggler 03:01:29 <juggler[m]> #chair award3535 03:01:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 juggler juggler[m] 03:01:37 <juggler[m]> evening award 03:01:47 <award3535> evening juggler 03:02:02 <steelaworkn> hello, here to watch and learn 03:02:15 <juggler[m]> hello steel 03:02:16 <award3535> evening steelaworkn 03:02:21 <juggler[m]> any others here award? 03:02:40 <award3535> looks like jsandys is here as well as PG 03:02:47 <juggler[m]> I could've sworn I saw ParadoxGuitarist earlier.. :) 03:02:48 <jsandys> Yes 03:02:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm here 03:03:13 <juggler[m]> #chair ParadoxGuitarist 03:03:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 juggler juggler[m] 03:03:20 <juggler[m]> #chair jsandys 03:03:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 jsandys juggler juggler[m] 03:03:45 <juggler[m]> how is everyone? 03:04:07 <juggler[m]> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 03:04:08 <steelaworkn> doing well, enjoying the rare snow up here 03:04:10 <ParadoxGuitarist> Tired. 03:04:13 <jsandys> Great, this is a good time. 03:04:14 <award3535> fantastic for a monday night 03:04:15 <ParadoxGuitarist> First day back at work 03:04:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> after paternity leave 03:04:47 <juggler[m]> .hello juggler 03:04:48 <zodbot> juggler[m]: juggler 'Jagdish Prajapati' <prajapatijagdish22@gmail.com> 03:05:02 <juggler[m]> .hello lajuggler 03:05:03 <zodbot> juggler[m]: lajuggler 'Perry Rivera' <juggler1@gmail.com> 03:05:14 <steelaworkn> congrats PG. 03:05:51 <juggler[m]> indeed, congrats PG. :) so happy for all of you. 03:06:01 <ParadoxGuitarist> thanks :) 03:06:21 <juggler[m]> While we wait for possibly others to roll in, let's discuss... 03:06:23 <juggler[m]> #topic === Announcements === 03:07:10 <award3535> I have no new announcements 03:07:41 <juggler[m]> Nothing here to report 03:08:10 <ParadoxGuitarist> I gave two talks this last week 03:08:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> One on Fedora and FOSS software at Azusa Pacific University 03:08:33 <juggler[m]> I was going to wait till Open Floor to ask you about those...how did those go? 03:08:45 <ParadoxGuitarist> Good 03:09:01 <ParadoxGuitarist> the other was on SELinux at SWIFT at Cal Poly Pomona 03:09:33 <juggler[m]> I hope you found the template I provided helpful. 03:09:50 <award3535> juggler, you may want to move on to tickets so that you can get your last two votes for SCALE that is needed since you have two others here 03:10:14 <juggler[m]> will do, award3535 03:11:13 <juggler[m]> We'll temporarily bypass Action Items 03:11:22 <juggler[m]> #topic === Tickets === 03:11:31 <juggler[m]> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issues 03:12:32 <award3535> .famnaticket 191 03:12:34 <zodbot> award3535: Issue #191: Fedora Event: SCaLE 16x - Pasadena, CA - tasks - Pagure - https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/191 03:12:41 <award3535> .famnaticket 03:12:41 <zodbot> award3535: (famnaticket <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "showticket https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/%s $1". 03:13:02 <award3535> there are alot of comments in ticket 191 03:13:42 <award3535> you are still on track for the event, just need to take into consideration the comments that are list 03:14:04 <juggler[m]> Regarding bex's comments, isn't Modularity shelved? 03:14:04 <juggler[m]> https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-27-server-classic-release/ 03:14:05 <juggler[m]> https://docs.pagure.org/modularity/ 03:14:50 <award3535> I was referring to Atomic 03:15:46 <juggler[m]> Whom might be a good POC for information on Atomic? Would that be jberkus? 03:16:05 <juggler[m]> We could definitely incorporate slides for that. 03:16:47 <juggler[m]> As you can see, there are quite a number of subbullets here, we would need to narrow the focus for a high-level view: 03:16:48 <juggler[m]> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_talking_points#Fedora_Atomic 03:16:59 <award3535> I would start with bex and get some points of contact first, he may have stuff already lined up 03:17:58 <juggler[m]> #action lajuggler Consult with bex for Atomic points of contact 03:18:10 <juggler[m]> #action juggler Consult with bex for Atomic points of contact 03:18:56 <juggler[m]> Any additional discussion for 191? 03:19:08 <award3535> since I already voted for your event, you need two more to have the budget approved 03:19:34 <jsandys> +1 SCALE budget 03:19:53 <juggler[m]> award3535 thank you for that guidance. 03:20:00 <award3535> ParadoxGuitarist? 03:20:11 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 for scale 03:20:12 <award3535> juggler no problem 03:21:38 <juggler[m]> #agreed 2 additional votes for 191 03:22:55 <juggler[m]> shall we proceed to ticket 447? 03:23:24 <award3535> 447? 03:23:25 <juggler[m]> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/requests/issue/447 03:24:14 <award3535> ok got it, did you get ahold of nb for swag, east and west are out 03:24:21 <juggler[m]> Is there any update from nb regarding this? We are getting really close to our target date... 03:24:36 <juggler[m]> Have not heard back from him yet. 03:24:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> West has some swag, but this will drain the rest. 03:24:48 <award3535> I will call nb and get him on it 03:25:37 <juggler[m]> thanks award3535 03:26:09 <juggler[m]> any other info on this ticket, before we proceed to the next one? 03:26:50 <award3535> I think this one is good 03:27:10 <award3535> just look at what bex is askin 03:27:19 <juggler[m]> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/192 03:27:50 <jsandys> LinuxFest NorthWest is April 28th and 29th. 03:28:14 <jsandys> We want to feature Python Classroom Lab 03:28:15 <award3535> .famnaticket 192 03:28:17 <zodbot> award3535: Issue #192: LFNW 2018 budget - tasks - Pagure - https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/192 03:28:24 <juggler[m]> do we have any discussers, or is this early? 03:28:32 <award3535> this ticket is blocked 03:29:09 <award3535> I have blocked this ticket until actions are complete with respect to comments in the ticket 03:29:19 <juggler[m]> ah yes 03:29:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> Not much to discuss then. 03:29:36 <jsandys> I would like to know more on Mindshare and measured success. 03:29:36 <jsandys> Is there some notes somewhere? 03:30:12 <award3535> jsandys I have sent you several emails did you receive any of them 03:30:32 <juggler[m]> jsandys I might be able to assist you with this later.. :) 03:31:06 <award3535> I can point you in the right place, but it has been what the project leader has put out to all of us to use as a guideline 03:31:59 <jsandys> I read the guidelines and will update the wiki. 03:32:18 <juggler[m]> offhand, is https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/193 a duplicate of 192? 03:32:44 <award3535> 193 is the blocking ticket for 192 03:32:51 <jsandys> It seems to be. 03:32:56 <juggler[m]> jsandys please let me know if I may assist you with the mindshare stuff. 03:33:12 <juggler[m]> 193 ah. 03:33:18 <juggler[m]> er, I meant award3535 ah 03:34:11 <award3535> this is exactly why ambassadors need to attend meetings, the mindshare initiative was discussed from may to december last year 03:34:51 <award3535> the council also blocked several tickets for the same as 192 03:35:06 <juggler[m]> Should we proceed to Open Floor, or do we have any showstopping Action Items from prior meetings? 03:35:19 <award3535> none from me 03:35:44 <jsandys> steelaworkn is updating beefy-connection to scan the LFNW badge QR code for data collection. 03:36:04 <juggler[m]> #action jsandys Address mindshare items for https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/192 03:36:49 <jsandys> Is this meeting weekly? 03:37:02 <juggler[m]> oh, that reminds me, award3535 could you also ask nb how the scale badge ticket is progressing? 03:37:08 <juggler[m]> jsandys no 03:37:39 <award3535> jsandys https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAMNA_Bi-Weekly_meeting_Guidelines 03:38:02 <juggler[m]> we just re-held it sooner since the last meeting was largely unattended and needed to get SCaLE discussed since it's fast approaching 03:38:19 <award3535> my point again, ambassadors need to attend meetings, and pay attention to the meeting logs 03:38:39 <juggler[m]> #topic == Open Floor === 03:39:25 <juggler[m]> Any open floor items, my friends? 03:39:46 <steelaworkn> This is my very first meeting] 03:40:00 <ParadoxGuitarist> Only what i mentioned in the announcement section. 03:40:06 <ParadoxGuitarist> at least for me. 03:40:13 <award3535> steelaworkn I plan to get your status updated and get you rolling 03:40:25 <juggler[m]> welcome steelaworkn! please quickly introduce yourself. 03:40:30 <steelaworkn> awesome 03:41:20 <steelaworkn> Oh. I live in the Pacific Northwest and have been a Fedora user for several years 03:41:28 <juggler[m]> #action nb To follow-up on https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/requests/issue/447 03:41:38 <steelaworkn> I have an Information Security degree 03:41:41 <award3535> I cannot stress the importance of keeping up to date with what is going on with the project. Ambassadors need to be fully updated and knowledgeable of what is going on from meeting to meeting. 03:42:02 <nb> hi 03:42:21 <award3535> jsandys I expect an answer on my email as well 03:42:29 <juggler[m]> well, welcome aboard steelaworkn 03:42:56 <jsandys> steelaworkn has been working the booth at LFNW for years. 03:43:18 <nb> I am really not happy with the Scale wiki as it is, i think we need a little more detailed goals 03:43:20 <nb> other than "show off fedora" 03:43:32 <nb> what part of fedora do you want to promote, server, workstation, etc? 03:43:32 <jsandys> He is updating beefy-connection to scan the LFNW badge QR code for data collection. 03:43:34 <award3535> nb we discussed that 03:43:40 <nb> we did? ok 03:43:47 <juggler[m]> what award3535 said :) 03:43:48 <nb> my scrollback doesn't go that far 03:43:50 <nb> but that's good 03:44:04 <nb> so juggler[m] is going to update the page? 03:44:12 <award3535> we also suggested the Atomic area 03:44:38 <nb> ok 03:44:42 <juggler[m]> I have no familiarty w/ Atomic, so hopefully bex or jberkus can advise us with info on this topic 03:44:44 <nb> as long as the wiki gets updated with that info 03:44:48 <award3535> juggler, do not forget to do the email so that is can get into the logs 03:45:11 <juggler[m]> email? 03:45:20 <nb> jsandys, so you are going to add the required info for LFNW? 03:45:45 <juggler[m]> nb also discussed. :) 03:45:46 <award3535> juggler I can email if for you just watch what goes ot 03:45:49 <award3535> out 03:46:26 <juggler[m]> award3535 ok, will look out for it! thanks. 03:46:31 <jsandys> Yes I'll add the Mindshare info. 03:46:44 <nb> jsandys, thank you 03:46:50 <nb> we only have a few tshirts left 03:46:55 <nb> and we need to produce more sway 03:46:57 <nb> swag 03:47:02 <nb> which i would like to discuss at our meeting 03:47:39 <nb> s/at our/before the meeting is over/ 03:47:47 <juggler[m]> nb would you like to discuss anything now while we have ambassadors here? 03:47:50 <nb> yes 03:47:56 <nb> award3535, how much budget do we have left 03:47:58 <juggler[m]> nb please proceed 03:47:58 <nb> for this year? 03:48:05 <nb> assuming we can get the expense in 03:48:16 <jsandys> I guess looking through logs is the only way to understand Mindshare? 03:48:20 <nb> which i can probably/possibly do if i talk to bex asap 03:48:28 <nb> jsandys, look at the video from flock, look at the wiki, etc 03:48:29 <award3535> nb I have been shut down since the 15th 03:48:39 <nb> award3535, yes, but how much do we have left? 03:48:51 <nb> is the $3k figure from the budget site current? 03:48:55 <award3535> I think there was 3K 03:49:07 <nb> award3535, i think bex said he can spend stuff until a little later, it's just that you can't spend after 15th 03:49:19 <nb> I would like us to get stickers, case badges, and pens 03:49:27 <nb> we may be able to bulk order with other regions 03:49:37 <award3535> +1 since those are popular 03:49:39 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 03:49:51 <award3535> and yes bex should be able to spend, I cannot 03:49:51 <juggler[m]> +1 03:49:55 <ParadoxGuitarist> and we should be able to get them in 03:50:04 * kk4ewt +1 03:50:21 <nb> I would like a vote that we will spend our remaining budget on swag, and that I can determine the exact allocation in consultation with bex 03:50:24 <juggler[m]> #chair kk4ewt 03:50:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 jsandys juggler juggler[m] kk4ewt 03:50:30 <juggler[m]> #chair nb 03:50:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 jsandys juggler juggler[m] kk4ewt nb 03:50:32 <nb> since i don't have final quotes to show at this meeting 03:50:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> I second nb's motion 03:50:45 <award3535> +1 03:50:56 <juggler[m]> +1 03:50:56 <nb> +1 03:50:58 <kk4ewt> +1 03:51:16 <jsandys> +1 (Fedora loves python shirts) 03:51:25 <juggler[m]> welcome kk4ewt btw :) 03:51:28 * nb is not generally in favor of shirts, too little impact per $ 03:51:34 <award3535> juggler, looks like it carries 03:51:38 * nb intends to order some combination of stickers, pens, case badges 03:51:43 <kk4ewt> jsandys, i suspect its either in this case 03:51:43 <award3535> -1 for shirts 03:51:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> I would rather spend money on USB than shirts at this point 03:51:57 <nb> ParadoxGuitarist, i agree 03:52:02 <nb> but usb won't happen before the year ends 03:52:07 <ParadoxGuitarist> Not having media to hand out is rough. 03:52:09 <kk4ewt> i would rather see pens, stickers and case badges 03:52:10 <jsandys> Just a suggestion 03:52:10 <nb> .localtime bexelbie 03:52:11 <zodbot> nb: User "bexelbie" doesn't exist 03:52:13 <nb> .localtime bex 03:52:14 <zodbot> nb: The current local time of "bex" is: "04:52" (timezone: Europe/Prague) 03:52:30 <juggler[m]> #agreed Per nb, to spend our remaining budget on swag. 03:52:31 <nb> I will talk to bex tomorrow and push through some sort of order 03:52:58 <nb> hey, what did people think of those fedora keychains that I gave most people at flock? 03:53:05 <nb> thats an option too, but they aren't that cheap 03:53:11 <award3535> nb, I need you to look at ticket 447 in requests section 03:53:23 <nb> award3535, ok. when does the scale swag need to arrive? 03:53:45 <award3535> juggler, nb is asking on time requirement 03:53:47 <nb> I may dump some leftover shirts on scale, would like to get them out of my garage 03:53:57 <nb> or maybe will bring them to SELF 03:53:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> March 10 if you ship it to juggler[m] directly 03:54:01 * nb would like shirts for SELF 03:54:08 <nb> or maybe both 03:54:14 <ParadoxGuitarist> I have some shirts left 03:54:21 <juggler[m]> #agreed Per nb: To determine the exact allocation in consultation with bex 03:54:23 <ParadoxGuitarist> just not a lot. 03:54:28 <nb> ParadoxGuitarist, ok, then you can give them to scale 03:54:48 <nb> #agreed ParadoxGuitarist to send shirts to SCALE 03:54:53 <ParadoxGuitarist> Will do 03:54:58 <nb> or i guess that should be info not agreed 03:54:59 <nb> #undo 03:54:59 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by nb at 03:54:48 : ParadoxGuitarist to send shirts to SCALE 03:55:06 <nb> #action ParadoxGuitarist to send shirts to SCALE 03:55:24 <juggler[m]> nonono 3/10 will be too late 03:55:26 <nb> ParadoxGuitarist, so did i hear that juggler[m] is the new west coast swag person? 03:55:46 <ParadoxGuitarist> 3/8 03:55:49 <ParadoxGuitarist> I mispoke 03:55:55 <ParadoxGuitarist> No I still am 03:55:57 <nb> ParadoxGuitarist, ok, i'll ship it before i leave for mindshare fad on 3/3 03:56:05 * nb is not sure where i thought that from then 03:56:09 <ParadoxGuitarist> but I have to ship the box to juggler[m] 03:56:12 <nb> oh 03:56:23 <nb> ParadoxGuitarist, probably will try to send it in the next few days 03:56:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> he needs it 3/7 03:56:39 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk 03:56:49 <nb> i'll definitely ship it before i leave for FAD 03:57:54 <juggler[m]> nb we are looking forward to it 03:58:02 <nb> do we really usually go through 500 pens and 500 stickers? 03:58:08 <nb> seems like a lot more than we use at most events 03:58:29 <juggler[m]> #agreed nb To ship swag to lajuggler 03:58:38 * nb will have to see how many I have 03:59:09 <juggler[m]> nb any that is left over goes back to the pool. there are many attendees to SCaLE 03:59:19 <nb> I doubt I have that many 03:59:20 <juggler[m]> one minute left, any remaining open floor? 03:59:24 <nb> but i will send what i can 04:00:16 <juggler[m]> btw, southerngentleman expressed interest to go to SCaLE from what I here. just throwing that out there... 04:00:27 <juggler[m]> what I hear I mean. 04:00:31 <juggler[m]> #endmeeting