#fedora-meeting: FAmSCo meeting 2010-12-18

Meeting started by liknus at 13:12:50 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. RollCall (liknus, 13:16:57)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda (liknus, 13:18:35)

  2. Appointment of FAmSCo Vice-Chair (liknus, 13:19:05)
  3. quarterly FAmSCo IRC town hall meetings (liknus, 13:31:46)
    1. ACTION: establish schedule for irc town hall meeting (lcafiero, 13:43:57)
    2. ACTION: establish schedule for irc town hall meeting (kaio, 13:44:28)

  4. reactivate #fedora-famsco irc channel (lcafiero, 13:53:28)
    1. ACTION: lcafiero to pursue establishing #fedora-famsco (lcafiero, 14:00:09)

  5. # Propose to postpone meetings on 25 Dec. 2010 and 1 Jan. 2011, resuming meetings on 8 Jan. 2011 (Larry) (kaio, 14:05:06)
  6. Fedora Ambassadors F15 Schedule finalizing (Pierros) (kaio, 14:15:11)
    1. http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-15/f-15-ambassadors-tasks.html (kaio, 14:18:23)
    2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/15/FeatureList (gbraad-china, 14:24:32)
    3. ACTION: synchronize F15 ambassador schedule with marketing, taking into consideration regional talking point meetings. (lcafiero, 14:38:01)

  7. FAmSCo meeting reminders or not? (Pierros) (kaio, 14:42:13)
  8. short regional reports and feedback (kaio, 14:50:08)
  9. Max -- Lead review of open tickets (kaio, 14:54:51)

Meeting ended at 15:00:31 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. establish schedule for irc town hall meeting
  2. establish schedule for irc town hall meeting
  3. lcafiero to pursue establishing #fedora-famsco
  4. synchronize F15 ambassador schedule with marketing, taking into consideration regional talking point meetings.

Action items, by person

  1. lcafiero
    1. lcafiero to pursue establishing #fedora-famsco
    1. establish schedule for irc town hall meeting
    2. establish schedule for irc town hall meeting
    3. synchronize F15 ambassador schedule with marketing, taking into consideration regional talking point meetings.

People present (lines said)

  1. gbraad-china (85)
  2. igorps (71)
  3. lcafiero (68)
  4. kaio (49)
  5. liknus (43)
  6. zodbot (10)
  7. gbraad (4)
  8. bochecha (1)

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