13:10:57 <liknus> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2011-01-29 13:10:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jan 29 13:10:57 2011 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:10:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:11:06 <liknus> #chair kaio 13:11:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: kaio liknus 13:11:12 <liknus> #topic RollCall 13:11:15 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 13:11:18 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 13:11:46 <gbraad-china> .fas gbraad 13:11:48 <zodbot> gbraad-china: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 13:12:18 <liknus> ping kaio lcafiero 13:12:20 <lcafiero> .fas lcafiero 13:12:20 <zodbot> lcafiero: lcafiero 'Larry Cafiero' <larrycafiero@cruzio.com> 13:12:33 <liknus> .fas kaio 13:12:33 <zodbot> liknus: kaio 'Caius Chance' <me@kaio.net> 13:12:44 <liknus> #topic Agenda 13:12:47 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 13:12:51 <liknus> So we start right away 13:12:59 <liknus> #topic FAQ 13:13:05 <liknus> Igor announced the FAQ on the list 13:13:09 <liknus> so we are ok with that 13:13:24 <liknus> #action liknus removes FAQ item from actions 13:13:38 <liknus> #topic Monthly report 13:13:46 <liknus> The report is ready (also in pdf 13:13:47 <liknus> ) 13:14:02 * kaio has sth to discuss. will bring up after planned agenda (/me didnt find the page to put into agenda) 13:14:10 <liknus> If we do not have any other additions then Igor should publish it 13:14:18 <gbraad-china> I noticed kital would take care of the regional topic? 13:14:22 <lcafiero> +1 13:14:31 <liknus> I took care of EMEA 13:14:38 <liknus> (no other news except of mentoring) 13:15:00 <liknus> #action liknus signals Igor we re ready for announcement of monthly report 13:15:01 <gbraad-china> I still have to add some (excuses for this) 13:15:06 <liknus> oh 13:15:12 <liknus> #undo 13:15:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2b025b6a0850> 13:15:21 <liknus> #action liknus signals Igor we re ready for announcement of monthly report after gbraad-china adds sth 13:15:23 <liknus> ok? 13:15:24 <gbraad-china> mentoring for APAC has not been added 13:15:46 <liknus> gbraad-china, make sure it is ready for you region so we can publish it right away 13:15:49 <liknus> ok? 13:15:50 <kaio> gbraad-china☺ I may add sth. How about we sort out on it? 13:16:18 <gbraad-china> ok, lets do so by email and before Tuesday? 13:17:06 <liknus> #topic Events page 13:17:14 <kaio> gbraad☺ sure 13:17:30 <liknus> So on Events we are still waiting for the upgrade of our mediawiki 13:17:46 <gbraad-china> any idea when this will be done? 13:17:49 <liknus> and this will start after FUDCon as ianweller and Smooge told me (possibly) 13:18:02 * gbraad-china corrects and removes question 13:18:21 <lcafiero> that's true. 13:18:26 <liknus> I am nudging and pinging continously :) 13:18:35 <liknus> moving on? 13:18:43 <gbraad-china> + 13:18:49 <lcafiero> Bear in mind that not much will get done before monday. everyone here is focusing on fudcon 13:19:00 <liknus> #topic Schedule 13:19:14 <liknus> Robyn will push it after FUDCon (totally logical) 13:19:23 <gbraad-china> lcafiero will also email you about sth related to famsco and harish 13:19:26 <liknus> #topic Ambassadors SOPs 13:19:36 <lcafiero> +1 13:19:44 <liknus> gbraad-china, anything we need to know? 13:20:09 <gbraad-china> general update, but I can post it on the mailinglist 13:20:27 <liknus> plz do so gbraad-china :) 13:20:34 <kaio> + 13:20:37 <liknus> So on SOPs we created a new one : 13:20:37 <gbraad-china> consider it done 13:20:48 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ASOP:MTNG 13:21:05 <kaio> I am going to FAD tomorrow and not much will be done also. 13:21:30 <liknus> I hope this will be useful for people willing to chair a meeting 13:21:41 <liknus> please feel free to add more info on that 13:21:42 * gbraad-china is looking at tje link 13:22:04 <liknus> next SOP that I will focus is : Requesting material 13:22:23 <liknus> and another one is : Participating in an Event SOP 13:22:58 <liknus> or it should be : Hosting an Event ? 13:23:16 <gbraad-china> Requesting material is in my opinion on most new ambassadors mind 13:23:16 <liknus> no no... Participating is better 13:23:42 <gbraad-china> +1 sounds more general 13:23:45 <liknus> gbraad-china, "no no" was not for your comment :) 13:23:58 <lcafiero> +1 to gbraad 13:24:10 <lcafiero> heh. 13:24:15 <liknus> yeap besides hosting can be FAD or FUDCon... and those will be different SOPs :P 13:24:17 * lcafiero understood thta 13:24:21 <lcafiero> that 13:24:42 <liknus> (and Release Party SOP will be one) 13:24:46 <gbraad-china> also, participating could also be the helping part 13:25:11 <liknus> I believe that after the completion of Participating I should announce SOP on Ambassadors 13:25:14 <liknus> sounds good? 13:25:20 <gbraad-china> +1 13:25:32 <lcafiero> +1 13:25:44 <liknus> (we will constantly change things and add new, but we need to deliver a working example of 3-4 SOPs ) 13:25:45 <liknus> ok nice 13:26:06 * kaio is interested on what will be in the "requesting material" part. 13:26:36 * gbraad-china expects to get in touch with established/local ambassadors or regional mentor 13:26:41 <liknus> kaio, it will be a case-selection on which region you are and general guidelines about asking and reimbeurshments 13:26:43 <gbraad-china> would be part of it 13:27:12 <kaio> liknus☺ I have just exp the process of requesting materials. And may have some comments on that. 13:27:37 <liknus> kaio, I will start the thread in the mailing list 13:27:44 <kaio> fyi 700pcs of f14 live cd on my hand now 13:27:45 <liknus> while creating the SOP 13:27:47 <lcafiero> It may differ from region to region, too 13:27:49 <lcafiero> but it's something that's necessary, because there's no set rule(s) 13:28:03 <gbraad-china> agree with lcafiero 13:28:04 <kaio> need to figure out an efficient way to logistics 13:28:13 <liknus> lcafiero, that why a single page (SOP) with cases per region will be handy :) 13:28:15 <liknus> +1 for me 13:28:19 <gbraad-china> in more established regions the process is easier 13:28:21 <kaio> ++ 13:28:30 <gbraad-china> also more well-defined due to the age 13:28:53 <lcafiero> good idea, liknus +1 13:29:03 <liknus> I believe that the completion of this page (with shipping processes) will be done after FUDCon and FOSDEM as Max will meet with NA and EMEA Ambassadors to sort this out 13:29:27 <gbraad-china> what about APAC ambassadors? 13:29:30 <liknus> LATAM and APAC are welcome to the discussion too... but basically solutions will come from MAx 13:29:37 <gbraad-china> seems we need to get Max here ;-). 13:29:43 <liknus> gbraad-china, absolutely 13:29:44 <liknus> :) 13:29:56 <liknus> but on APAC you will have Harish to sort those things out 13:30:02 <liknus> Am I right? 13:30:04 <gbraad-china> Harish will catch up with Max about this 13:30:26 <liknus> ok nice 13:30:43 <liknus> hopefully over the next month we will have established procedures 13:30:44 <gbraad-china> I still have an invitation for a conference call with with harish, max and kaio 13:31:05 <liknus> gbraad-china, ping them :) 13:31:11 <lcafiero> we are talking about budget items at fudcon -- harish, max and I are here 13:31:34 <gbraad-china> that is what the email to the list will be about 13:31:36 <liknus> lcafiero, please update us as soon as possible 13:31:46 <kaio> gbraad-china☺ oh 13:31:51 <lcafiero> +1 13:31:53 <gbraad-china> busy days due to the chinese new year 13:31:53 <liknus> Ok I believe we are done on SOPs 13:31:59 <gbraad-china> :-s 13:32:11 <gbraad-china> liknus + 13:32:34 <liknus> #topic Consolidation of Meeting pages 13:32:48 <liknus> So I sent the email with our suggestion to the meeting chairs 13:33:09 <liknus> so far APAC (David) responded and changed his pages accordingly 13:33:10 <gbraad-china> I noticed dramsey immediately took action 13:33:26 <liknus> lcafiero, have you seen the mail? 13:33:37 <gbraad-china> should old pages remain the way they are or also need to be proactively changed? 13:33:47 <liknus> No need to do so 13:33:56 <lcafiero> No, I'm still catching up after traveling yesterday. 13:33:57 <liknus> just from now on it is ok IMHO 13:33:57 <gbraad-china> the problem for this could be the linking from the mailinglists 13:34:01 * lcafiero checks 13:34:38 <liknus> gbraad-china, thats why we should do that "from now on" 13:34:56 <gbraad-china> exactly, agree with this 13:35:27 <liknus> lcafiero, basically NA all you have to do is put an "NA" on the meeting pages 13:35:32 <liknus> (like we are in EMEA) 13:35:47 <liknus> so it will be : Meeting:NA_Ambassadors_<date> 13:36:21 <lcafiero> Oh OK. That's OK 13:36:48 <liknus> lcafiero, nice thanks :) 13:37:03 <liknus> lcafiero, also please update Igor on that 13:37:11 <liknus> (you will see him today I guess) 13:37:29 <liknus> So moving on: 13:37:37 <lcafiero> Yes, I just realized he'll be here. 13:37:50 <liknus> #topic Ambassadors COI 13:38:03 <liknus> so I guess some of you read my blog post 13:38:36 <liknus> I must say that it was not 100% clear what I ment 13:38:39 <gbraad-china> busy days, so only noticed the mailinglist post and just now the blog post (agenda) 13:38:57 <liknus> so let me say that again (in short) 13:39:24 <liknus> Recently other distros are copying Ambassadors structure 13:39:49 <gbraad-china> openSUSE does, yes. MeeGo greeters is similar but not mature yet 13:39:52 <liknus> That is wonderful as it means that we are a good and sucessful structure 13:40:21 <liknus> the problem comes to the cases that we have the same target group 13:40:47 <liknus> (prominently OpenSUSE) 13:40:52 <gbraad-china> same target group is not the issue, but who do you represent at which occassion might be 13:41:21 <liknus> So the question comes : " Is it a blocker for a person to be an Ambassador on both Projects" 13:41:21 <liknus> ? 13:41:39 <liknus> lets start by our views on that 13:41:41 <lcafiero> I outlined my answer in an e-mail. 13:41:42 <liknus> shall I start? 13:41:43 <gbraad-china> I know from experience, as I have been asked this question or informed new ambassadors about this, that this is the most common case 13:41:50 <lcafiero> Go ahead, liknus 13:42:04 <kaio> for ambassador, IMHO is a blocker 13:42:22 <lcafiero> (but I have some things to add) 13:42:26 <gbraad-china> liknus, please 13:42:29 <kaio> for non distro projects, IMHO not a blocker 13:42:58 <liknus> in short : I think it is contradictory because as projects we have different ideals and we are causing confusion to the people we are talking 13:43:19 <liknus> and this only happens on Distros, Ambassadors and same target group 13:43:27 <gbraad-china> so, my involvement in MeeGo might be a blocker... even I represent Fedora on these occassions? It depends a lot on the person and believes (or understanding of what Fedora stands for) 13:43:47 <liknus> only if all three of above are the same then there is a blocker 13:44:07 <liknus> I think that Meego has a different target group 13:44:14 <liknus> eof for me 13:44:33 <gbraad-china> lcafiero, please 13:44:37 * liknus suggests to decide first if it is actually a blocker and then on actions upon this 13:44:55 <lcafiero> I'd like to hear what kaio's objection is before I respond 13:45:06 <gbraad-china> ok, kaio. please 13:45:12 * lcafiero yields to kaio 13:46:32 <gbraad-china> kaio? 13:47:11 <liknus> lcafiero, please continue until we find kaio :) 13:48:31 <kaio> oh 13:48:55 <kaio> I went to the linux conf australia open day this afternoon 13:49:19 <kaio> I saw the people from opensuse and ubuntu. (and I as fedora people) 13:50:20 <kaio> there are two feelings I exp about if I am both a fedora and ubuntu/opensuse/debian/whatever guy 13:50:56 <kaio> "I will just feel not comfortable to promote this distro today and another distro the other day!" 13:51:30 <gbraad-china> kaio, it depends on the target audience and use case of the distro. 13:52:03 <kaio> and when someone asked "which project are you in?" I also won't feel comfy to say I am distro a and distro b people... 13:52:08 <gbraad-china> even I could suggest another distro for the field I work in... I would not be happy about it, but it can happen 13:52:14 <liknus> thats why I said "3 options meet" .... Same Target Group / Same sub-project "Ambassadors" / Both Distro 13:52:58 <kaio> I will be proud of saying I am fedora + gnome + openoffice (sub w/ anything) project contributor. But not this scenario. 13:53:54 <lcafiero> sorry, I lost my connection 13:53:58 <lcafiero> (grrr) 13:54:02 <liknus> lcafiero, updates on prive channel 13:54:06 <gbraad-china> kaio, so in this case liknus is correct about the 3 points? 13:54:08 <liknus> (I will copy paste) 13:54:34 <lcafiero> do I still have the floor? 13:54:47 <gbraad-china> lcaifero currently kaio has 13:55:12 * liknus posted the missing conversation of lcafiero to prive channel 13:55:27 <lcafiero> OK 13:55:29 <liknus> So we think that 3 points are good? 13:55:30 <kaio> that is what I think 13:56:07 <gbraad-china> kaio, I understand your concerns and motivation. 13:56:15 <kaio> it is not mandatory, but recommended not to represent more than 1 distro IMHO 13:56:38 <lcafiero> As do I. 13:56:46 <gbraad-china> lcafiero please 13:56:58 <kaio> just about the feeling of one's heart, though at the end of the day all linux is good 13:57:13 <liknus> I would go further .... and suggest that : In this case we only have conflict on that with OpenSuse.. shall we only resolve this or place a general rule? 13:57:21 <lcafiero> thanks gbraad and liknus, for the update 13:57:47 <lcafiero> I wrote a long e-mail about this and had a chance to think about it on the drive down to Tempe -- 12 hours. 13:58:30 <gbraad-china> I hope we have enough time in this meeting to hear the whole story of those 12 hours of thinking 13:58:33 <lcafiero> Clearly you can't "serve two masters" at the same time -- in effect, representing two distros at the same event. 14:00:55 <kaio> just "not recommended" would be enough? 14:01:07 <kaio> not not prohibited, but not recommended 14:01:40 <gbraad-china> lcafiero, from this statement and your earlier email I can conclude that an Ambassador can be in both groups (FAm & Suse), but have to choose for the event what he represents? 14:01:55 <gbraad-china> already pinged lcafiero, but seems no response 14:02:14 <lcafiero> sorry, my connection is the worst 14:02:19 <gbraad-china> lcafiero, from this statement and your earlier email I can conclude that an Ambassador can be in both groups (FAm & Suse), but have to choose for the event what he represents? 14:02:31 * gbraad-china repeasts the question 14:02:34 <lcafiero> Correct. 14:02:58 <gbraad-china> I have the same stance, but it does not make me feel happy. 14:03:03 <lcafiero> I think we can offer guidelines about what is expected of Fedora Ambassadors when it comes to participating in more than one program 14:03:18 <gbraad-china> 'guidelines' sounds restricting 14:03:25 <kaio> hmm 14:03:31 <lcafiero> guidelines are not the same as 'rules' 14:03:46 <lcafiero> "you should" as opposed "you must" 14:03:49 <gbraad-china> I think, my personal opinion, that we can only elaborate through the mentors what we thinj 14:03:58 <gbraad-china> s/thing/think 14:04:21 <lcafiero> I don't think this is a widespread problem, first of all. 14:04:23 <liknus> ok shall I try to sum it up? 14:04:30 <lcafiero> I think most Fedora Ambassadors are Fedora Ambassadors only. 14:04:31 <gbraad-china> "you should" still sounds like restrictive 14:05:04 <lcafiero> it's not as restrictive as "you must" 14:05:04 <lcafiero> But I think many of us are involved in more than one project. 14:05:09 <kaio> "you may"? still too directive.. 14:05:12 <lcafiero> like gbraad and meego, for example. 14:05:16 <lcafiero> possibly. 14:05:17 <gbraad-china> recently I got the question from an Ambassador I mentored earlier that other ambassadors think this is not allowed (being in FAm and SUSE) 14:05:28 <lcafiero> could we discuss this further on list and bring this back next week? 14:05:35 <gbraad-china> there seems to be a lot of misconcepts about this 14:05:38 <liknus> FAmSCo is going to advise mentors and already Ambassadors that "Ambassadors should represent only one Distro per occasion" 14:05:44 <liknus> how that sounds? 14:05:50 <liknus> lcafiero, ok we can do that... 14:05:54 <lcafiero> That's OK. 14:05:55 <gbraad-china> sounds ok. 14:06:06 <kaio> like this 14:06:11 <lcafiero> We should probably talk to mentors about this first 14:06:16 <liknus> lcafiero, +1 14:06:22 <lcafiero> rather than going to the ambassadors list 14:06:25 <gbraad-china> I also mentored and found out afterwards the mentee was also in SUSE 14:06:36 <liknus> lcafiero, please initiate that on FUDCon and keep us updated 14:06:43 <lcafiero> I don't think we want to encourage people to work on other projects. 14:06:46 <liknus> then I will do the same in FOSDEM (many mentors there) 14:06:55 <lcafiero> I will talk about it at FUDCon with others to see what they say. 14:07:04 <lcafiero> kaio can do the same at LCA, no? :-) 14:07:04 <gbraad-china> since this occassion I have become more cautious and pay MORE attention to our stance of Fedora and the freedoms 14:07:15 <gbraad-china> I am sure it happens more often with newcomers 14:07:15 <liknus> ok subject halted until we have feedback from mentors 14:07:34 <liknus> above mentioned statement can be used afterwards (but still we need feedback) 14:07:35 <lcafiero> yes, let's run it by the mentors first. 14:07:35 <liknus> ok? 14:07:43 <lcafiero> +1 14:07:49 <gbraad-china> ok +1 14:07:55 <liknus> +1 from me too :P 14:08:13 <lcafiero> kaio? 14:08:14 <gbraad-china> kaio, also send an email to the APAC mentors as they do not attend LCA 14:08:15 <liknus> kaio, also get some feedback on LCA :) 14:08:21 <kaio> lcafiero☺ LCA is ended yesterday 14:08:25 <liknus> oh ok gbraad-china +1 14:08:33 <lcafiero> Oh. 14:08:43 <lcafiero> I keep forgetting it's "tomorrow" over there already :-) 14:09:01 <kaio> ++ 14:09:02 <gbraad-china> APAC does not have a lot of mentors. 14:09:11 <gbraad-china> kaio, me and bbbush AFAIR 14:09:31 <kaio> gbraad-china☺ no, more than that 14:09:45 <lcafiero> gbraad, is that something that needs to be addressed? 14:09:51 <kaio> I think I saw more than just us 3. 14:10:10 <lcafiero> Is India part of APAC? 14:10:11 <gbraad-china> kaio, so please can you issue an email to the mentors for APAC? 14:10:24 <liknus> of course lcafiero 14:10:26 <kaio> gbraad-china☺ about representation? 14:10:47 <gbraad-china> how they feel about the dual-headed representation ;-) 14:10:51 <liknus> about their views on multi ambassadors 14:10:53 <liknus> yeap 14:11:14 <liknus> #action all take feedback on dual representation and we will discuss it on next meeting 14:11:16 <liknus> ok all? 14:11:34 <gbraad-china> +1 14:12:02 <liknus> moving on? 14:12:05 <lcafiero> +1, but I just had a thought, but I'll put it in an e-mail to the famsco list 14:12:17 <liknus> #topic Budget 14:12:21 <gbraad-china> lcafiero please 14:12:27 <liknus> lcafiero, please do so :) 14:12:42 <liknus> lcafiero, also ping Max (and buy him many beers) on tickets 14:13:03 <liknus> Anything else on that? 14:13:08 <liknus> or shall we end the meeting? 14:13:13 <liknus> (1 hour now) 14:13:18 <liknus> #meetingname famsco 14:13:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:13:59 * gbraad-china suggest to lcafiero to discuss this at FUDcon and update on the list about. this can then be referred to on the next meeting 14:14:16 <liknus> agreed gbraad-china :) 14:14:21 <gbraad-china> at the moment we have the outstanding question of the budget and how to deal with it 14:14:37 <liknus> indeed 14:14:38 <kaio> ++ 14:14:42 <gbraad-china> (as response to the WONTFIX state of 2 tickets) 14:14:53 <liknus> we are waiting an answer from Max 14:15:20 <gbraad-china> lets move on, as I recall kaio had something to bring to the table? 14:15:32 <liknus> #topic OpenFloor 14:15:40 <liknus> kaio, you have the floor 14:16:15 <kaio> as the thread on famsco mailing list 14:16:33 <kaio> and the exp about LCA reimbursement process 14:17:07 <gbraad-china> lcafier_laptop we moved on to openfloor 14:17:26 <lcafiero_laptop> this connection is very bad. 14:17:26 <lcafiero_laptop> I'll put it on the list. 14:17:35 <kaio> I hope all of famsco (or whoever supposed to have responsibilities and rights to assess and approve the funding tickets), are clear about the process and our power 14:17:55 <gbraad-china> this relates to the budget question I was referring to. 14:18:04 <gbraad-china> for this we have to wait for Max reply 14:18:17 <liknus> gbraad-china, unfortunately +1 14:18:54 <kaio> we know the funding will be issued from max, but we may be more appropriate to have unified standards when we process the tickets 14:19:00 <gbraad-china> I think I know what my 'powers' are, but we need to know what the process is. As also Harish recently was appointed 14:19:24 <liknus> shall we wait for that to be discussed after Harish and Max answer 14:19:24 <gbraad-china> this influences several things and probably (I know) needs some redefining of the process. 14:19:25 <liknus> ? 14:19:46 <kaio> gbraad-china☺ yes and how max and harish will do and will not do in some general cases 14:20:15 <gbraad-china> for this we can only raise the question on the list and make sure lcafiero can represent us 14:20:26 <gbraad-china> that is why I will finish my email after the meeting 14:20:34 <kaio> gbraad-china☺ ++ 14:20:40 <liknus> gbraad-china, +1 14:20:48 <liknus> anything more on that? 14:21:02 <liknus> or I shall end the meeting in 1' 14:21:07 <gbraad-china> wait 14:21:43 <gbraad-china> I want to address a simple question. Recently I got the question about the amount of contributors to Fedora and showed: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Statistics 14:21:58 <gbraad-china> it seems this page is updated, but shows an old graph for the contributors 14:22:33 <liknus> #action liknus will ping for updating Statistics page 14:22:38 <gbraad-china> it also shows the Ambassadors page at https://fedorahosted.org/fama/wiki/AmbassadorMetrics 14:22:46 <gbraad-china> who is in charge for this? 14:22:51 <gbraad-china> thanks liknus? 14:22:57 <gbraad-china> ! 14:23:03 <liknus> no idea but I will find out :) 14:23:13 <liknus> Anything else people? 14:23:16 <kaio> I have last thing to report 14:23:16 <gbraad-china> eof 14:23:22 <liknus> kaio, 14:24:03 * kaio discussed with azneita in/after the open day, that we are working on how to distribute the media efficiently. 14:24:05 <kaio> in apac 14:24:24 <kaio> what currently agreed are: 14:24:43 <kaio> 1. have 3 (or more) distribution place in apac 14:26:26 <gbraad-china> agree with 1. any agreement on the locations as I noticed you tried to get in touch with me about this? 14:26:36 <kaio> 2. East Asia we hope from China by one of active ambassador, Oceania/ANZ one (me or someone), SE Asia (this place may be have bigger community of Fedora but w/o coverage of RH) 14:26:48 <kaio> gbraad-china☺ yes I need to talk to you about this 14:26:58 <gbraad-china> harish at the moment will provide me with media, but it would be smarter to have it produced locally. 14:27:41 <gbraad-china> motivation for now: he has media and RH colleagues will travel from SG to CN (Beijing) 14:28:07 <liknus> people we are approaching 1 hour and a half... sorry to intercept but we need to wrap it up :) 14:28:12 <kaio> 3. how to save the shipment. this time harish shipped all to Brisbane and we are not decided how to spread this to fams in apac. we need more info about media production and logistics. 14:28:22 <gbraad-china> kaio, shall we move this to the ambassador or famsco list first? 14:28:33 <liknus> famsco is better :) 14:28:34 <kaio> yes all from me 14:28:47 <liknus> and then we will move that to ambassadors 14:28:50 <gbraad-china> kaio, agree this needs to be discussed 14:28:53 <liknus> we have similar exp from EMEA 14:28:53 <kaio> so my action is bring along this discussion 14:28:59 <kaio> after meeting 14:29:00 <gbraad-china> liknus +1 14:29:03 <kaio> ++ 14:29:13 <liknus> #action kaio initiates discussion on APAC media on the list 14:29:14 <liknus> ok? 14:29:15 <gbraad-china> lcafiero? anything? 14:29:37 * kaio need to go sleep for FAD @ Brisbane on tomorrow. 14:29:38 <liknus> Thanks all for attending :) 14:29:47 <kaio> thx all 14:29:50 <liknus> #endmeeting