17:00:01 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2013-04-08 17:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 8 17:00:01 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:03 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:00:11 <sesivany> #topic Roll call 17:00:15 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:00:16 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:00:17 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:00:19 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:00:41 <sesivany> cwickert, nb, tuanta: ping 17:00:54 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 17:00:55 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 17:01:07 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 17:01:08 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 17:01:24 <sesivany> great, we have a quorum today. 17:01:29 <nb> hi 17:01:32 <nb> .fas nick@bebout 17:01:32 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 17:01:47 <sesivany> let's wait a couple more minutes for others to show up. 17:01:51 <nb> herlo is around i think 17:01:53 <nb> i will ping him 17:02:39 <sesivany> nb: great, that'd the highest attendance in months. 17:03:15 <sesivany> tuanta: do you know what's with bckurera? I haven't seen on several last meetings. 17:03:22 <sesivany> here he is :) 17:03:37 <tuanta> I think he is on trip 17:03:44 <bckurera_> .fas bckurera 17:03:45 <zodbot> bckurera_: bckurera 'Buddhika Kurera' <bckurera@gmail.com> 17:04:01 <bckurera_> Hi guys 17:04:14 <bckurera_> Yes missed the last meeting 17:04:22 * herlo is here 17:04:36 <sesivany> #chair sesivany tuanta cwickert nb herlo bckurera aeperezt 17:04:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt bckurera cwickert herlo nb sesivany tuanta 17:04:52 <sesivany> great, full attendance today :) 17:05:11 <sesivany> #info FAmSCo has full attendance at today's meeting. 17:05:11 <tuanta> :) 17:05:23 * cwickert is sorry for missing so many meetings 17:05:28 <sesivany> ok, let's get started. 17:05:32 <bckurera_> Great ! 17:05:40 <nb> +1 for full attendance :) 17:05:48 <sesivany> #topic Adjustments to FY14 budget 17:06:06 <sesivany> have you talked to your regional communities about the adjustments? 17:06:14 <cwickert> ! 17:06:17 <tuanta> ! 17:06:18 <aeperezt> ! 17:06:26 <sesivany> cwickert: go ahead 17:06:50 <cwickert> I think this -15% thing is bad, we should not limit ourselves in advance 17:07:09 <cwickert> at least for EMEA I can say the budget is tight 17:07:21 <sesivany> cwickert: in fact, it's -30%. 17:07:34 <cwickert> and -15% will have an impact 17:07:49 <herlo> we have 17:08:02 <sesivany> but what can we do? We just can spend 100% of what we expected and pretend we have the money. 17:08:04 <cwickert> do we have numbers for last year? 17:08:10 <sesivany> can->can't 17:08:12 <herlo> NA did it in the last meeting. The meeting notes specify what was discussed. 17:09:02 <cwickert> It's 30% less then expected, but more than last year, I wonder: where has this money been going? where did we save it last year? 17:09:02 <sesivany> cwickert: moreover I mostly cut expenses close to the end of the year hoping we'll get some additional funding. 17:09:30 <sesivany> cwickert: frankly, I doubt the number from the last year is accurate. 17:09:38 <cwickert> what number? 17:09:43 <cwickert> I haven't seen anything 17:10:12 <sesivany> cwickert: I mean the $70k. That's what we were told we spent last year. 17:10:59 <sesivany> cwickert: I have no numbers for EMEA, but I'm almost 100% sure we spent at least $35k last year. 17:11:05 <tuanta> maybe 17:11:19 <tuanta> we should track all ourselves this year 17:11:45 <cwickert> of course, but that won't help us with getting numbers for last year 17:11:54 <sesivany> tuanta: yes, that's the only way to make sure we track it correctly. 17:13:09 <cwickert> anyway, all I want to say is: 1. We managed to get along with less money last year (at least of the 70k are correct), so we should look at the numbers from last year 17:13:18 <cwickert> means, we really need somebody to do the budget 17:13:30 <sesivany> cwickert: first financial reporting in RH sucks + our expenses fall under OSAS's cost center. And I'm not sure that the expenses were tracked correctly within the cost center either. 17:13:41 <bckurera_> For APAC i have some figures I ll post thm to ML after checking with Kital payment, those are not yet updated 17:13:42 <cwickert> and 2: We should not simply cut everything by -15% 17:14:00 <cwickert> at least in EMEA we can save money elsewhere 17:14:16 <cwickert> mainly at events where we are not present 17:14:28 <cwickert> take Linuxwochen Austria as an example 17:14:29 <tuanta> it's about -30%, cwickert :( 17:14:53 <cwickert> we based our budget on the assumption that we will be at all 5 or 6 events 17:15:10 <cwickert> instead we will only be at 3 or 4, just for he lack of mapower 17:15:28 <cwickert> some events were canceled 17:15:41 <cwickert> and if nothing helps, I trust in RH to support us 17:15:48 <sesivany> cwickert: yes, but LinuxWochen Vienna is much more expensive than we expected, so we pretty much use money for other LinuxWochens where we are not present for the Vienna one. 17:16:32 <cwickert> I don't think it will be *much* more expensive 17:17:05 <cwickert> but anyway, lets be reasonable, but lets not strictly follow the -15% rule. EOF 17:18:16 <bckurera_> +1 for cwickert 17:18:38 <sesivany> cwickert: yeah, but we need to cut 30%, so I cut 15% everywhere and I need to find another 15% somewhere. I asked others if they see any other savings, if something is going to be cancelled, then we can use the saved money not to cut 15% everywhere. 17:19:05 <sesivany> cwickert: but I don't see that, so I need to cut 15% and more everywhere. 17:20:07 <tuanta> in APAC, I hope we can cut off some events/activities completely; then reduce budget of each ones 17:20:35 <sesivany> cwickert: btw the budget as it is now is still $3.5k above the limit, so I'm not so hard in cutting. 17:21:18 <sesivany> cwickert: I'd like to leave the main discussion for Wed's meeting, then we can discuss where to cut more and where to cut less. 17:22:29 <cwickert> Wed's meeting? 17:22:36 <cwickert> did I miss something? 17:22:47 <sesivany> cwickert: EMEA ambassadors meeting 17:22:50 <cwickert> ah 17:22:55 <sesivany> cwickert: a regular one, nothing special. 17:23:39 <cwickert> yeah 17:24:35 <sesivany> other regions: please talk to rsuehle about the adjustments. For example, EMEA will be quite a lot above the limit for the first quarter because I simply can't cut events that have already happened. I'd like to know our expected quarter expenses, too. 17:25:06 <sesivany> because RH budgeting is quarter-based, not only you have to meet fiscal year limits, but also quarter ones. 17:25:22 <tuanta> good to hear about EMEA budget status 17:25:22 <sesivany> which frankly I don't think it's going to work with us. 17:25:45 <tuanta> it gave us a lot of good experience 17:26:18 <bckurera_> sesivany, i think we can carry forward the balance for next quater right? 17:26:26 <aeperezt> sesivany, meeting quarter expenses is going to be more complicated as they are noted when the money is reimbursed 17:26:27 <sesivany> tuanta: thanks, I'm trying to lead by example, but the situation is new for us, too. 17:26:48 <aeperezt> and that can a challenge delay by its own 17:27:05 <sesivany> aeperezt: yeah, exactly, I don't think it's going to work. It's difficult to predict when the expenses land in the HR accounting. 17:27:33 <tuanta> lol, but :( 17:27:41 <sesivany> the only certainty we have is that it lands in the accounting the month after it was paid by the credit card. 17:28:13 <aeperezt> sesivany, that is also good to know 17:28:15 <sesivany> we have to remind people that they have to ask for reimbursement as soon as possible. 17:28:51 <sesivany> but sometimes it doesn't work. For example kital may run out of his credit and we have to wait for the next credit term. 17:29:31 <sesivany> kital still serves two regions: EMEA and APAC and I don't see more community credit cards come soon :-( 17:30:21 <sesivany> FYI I asked for one like a 3/4 year ago. 17:30:58 <tuanta> cwickert: any updates on APAC cc holder? 17:31:11 <sesivany> tuanta: let's wait with that 17:31:16 <sesivany> let's finish this topic 17:31:23 <tuanta> ok, I see 17:31:32 <sesivany> back to statuses... 17:31:55 <sesivany> In EMEA, we have done some adjustments, but it's going to be discussed and finalized this Wed. 17:32:11 <sesivany> herlo says they discussed it in NA, too. 17:32:17 <herlo> we did 17:32:18 <sesivany> what about APAC and LATAM? 17:32:32 * herlo wasn't at the meeting, but the minutes should relay any decisions made. 17:32:45 <bckurera_> The next meeting is next Saturday in Apac 17:33:30 <aeperezt> sesivany, latam ajusments are done on the page, but we will discuss them on the meeting this week 17:34:25 <sesivany> #info EMEA budget has been adjusted, still not finalized and will be discussed with the regional community on Wed. NA discussed it at the last meeting and APAC will discuss it next Saturday. LATAM has also done adjustments and they will be discussed at the next regional meeting this week. 17:34:56 <sesivany> ok, don't forget we should have final versions at the next meeting. 17:35:06 <aeperezt> ok 17:35:46 <bckurera_> Got it sesivany 17:36:07 <sesivany> I'm still hoping there will be additional funds at the end of the fiscal year, but you cannot count on it and if you cannot count on it, it cannot be in the budget. 17:36:58 <nb> and robyn has mentioned that if you want to do something big that you don' 17:37:09 <nb> don't have budget for, write up a proposal and she can ask for $$$ 17:37:19 <tuanta> sesivany: I posted a new Trac ticket and sent an announcement to mailing list; pinged some most *important* people in APAC as well 17:37:32 <tuanta> but there is not much information up to now :( 17:37:42 <sesivany> + if you learn during the year that you'll have problems to spend your budget, please let us know, so that it can be transferred to other regions and we will spend the whole budget. That's the only way to increase the budget next year. 17:37:54 <nb> +1 17:38:46 <aeperezt> nb I think that is the way to go, ask for it, if we can get some extra fonts for a particular events those events can be added for the next budget 17:39:01 <aeperezt> *funds 17:39:06 <nb> yeah 17:39:08 <tuanta> I may have to do the final way, deduct all budget items to -30% 17:39:22 <tuanta> I will follow this and update more to you 17:39:51 <sesivany> #info if regional communities want to make something big (events, whatever), they can make a plan, propose it to rbergeron and ask for additional money outside the regional budget. 17:40:10 * cwickert needs to leave now, but will read the backlog later 17:40:25 <sesivany> cwickert: ok see ya 17:40:45 <sesivany> do you have anything else to the budget? 17:41:26 <tuanta> no more 17:41:46 <nb> not i 17:42:05 <aeperezt> no 17:42:09 <sesivany> #topic Community credit cards for APAC 17:42:26 <sesivany> I don't know if we have anything to discuss since cwickert left. 17:42:28 <sesivany> tuanta? 17:42:38 <tuanta> no more :) 17:42:44 <tuanta> lets move to the next 17:43:28 <sesivany> #info no update about the community credit card for APAC 17:43:54 <bckurera_> As i can see this will not happen for, i dont know 17:44:18 <sesivany> #topic Meeting time after the time change 17:44:28 <bckurera_> Anyway since Kital is running out of credits and so on I would like if anyone can support us 17:44:53 <bckurera_> May be inode0 from NA 17:44:54 <herlo> NA already had its time change 17:44:56 <sesivany> from what I saw in the mailing list, most people weren't willing to change the time of our meetings. 17:45:17 <tuanta> except me :) 17:45:21 <tuanta> maybe 17:45:22 <herlo> If it were an issure here, I would have already said something. :) 17:45:48 <sesivany> yeah, Vietnam and Panama are lucky enough not to have the stupid summer time. 17:46:00 <bckurera_> Hi can you see my text? 17:46:09 <tuanta> I often feel asleep at this time :) 17:46:16 <herlo> bckurera_: we can read what you write, yes 17:46:28 * bckurera_ oops am I disconnected 17:46:55 <sesivany> aeperezt said that the earlier time would cause him problems, so we should probably stay with 5pm UTC. 17:47:11 <bckurera_> Ok thanks herlo , using my phone thought the connection dead 17:47:23 <sesivany> bckurera_: no, you're still with us :) 17:47:48 <herlo> bckurera_: np 17:48:31 <sesivany> tuanta: I know it's very late for you, but with members from all continents, it's difficult to find a time that suits everyone. 17:48:51 <tuanta> yes, I understand this 17:49:40 <sesivany> #info FAmSCo meeting time remains 5pm UTC. 17:49:44 <tuanta> just my thought: a good chance maybe missed :) 17:49:45 <sesivany> tuanta: thanks 17:49:48 <herlo> sesivany: I don't think there's a better time 17:50:12 <aeperezt> tuanta, sorry I cannot move it earlier 17:50:49 <tuanta> no problem. I can make it normally :) 17:51:00 <sesivany> herlo: fortunately, we don't have anyone from Australia. I was thinking about moving there for a couple of months and the meeting would start at 4am for me :/ 17:51:37 <tuanta> :) 17:51:40 <herlo> sesivany: yeah. I work with a guy from AU 17:51:45 <herlo> our meetings are at 2pm my time :) 17:52:30 <sesivany> ok, do you have anything else to discuss today? Any other topics? 17:52:41 <tuanta> no more from me 17:53:08 <sesivany> bckurera_, tuanta: what about the best F18 release party contest in APAC? 17:53:08 <aeperezt> same here 17:53:15 <sesivany> any progress there? 17:53:42 <tuanta> bckurera_ is tracking it 17:53:47 <tuanta> any updates, bckurera_,? 17:54:04 <bckurera_> Yes 17:54:19 <bckurera_> We have ticket to decide the process 17:54:30 <bckurera_> There are less comments on it 17:54:47 <bckurera_> We can take one selected this Saturday and move 17:55:15 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 17:56:00 <sesivany> btw when I proposed we'd give all release party organizers a t-shirt. I don't think it's going to happen. At least in EMEA, we just don't have money for that. 17:56:49 <sesivany> but we should still look for some nice, inexpensive way to appreciate the organizers of F19 release parties. 17:57:37 <tuanta> good idea 17:58:46 <sesivany> just think about it, we still have some time to come up with ideas and solutions. 17:59:11 <sesivany> if there are no other comments, I'll end the meeting in a minute. 17:59:15 <herlo> sesivany: ask for the money from discrentionary maybe? It doesn't seem unreasonable for something like this. 17:59:26 <herlo> at least to me it doesn't 17:59:40 * herlo shuts up so we can end the meeting :) 17:59:41 <sesivany> herlo: yeah, it's definitely an option. 17:59:51 <tuanta> :) 18:00:06 <sesivany> herlo: but first we need a plan :) 18:01:19 <sesivany> #action all famsco members to think about how to appreciate organizers of F19 release parties. 18:01:47 <sesivany> ok, I'm ending the meeting. Thank you for coming and meet you next week! ;) 18:01:52 <sesivany> #endmeeting