14:22:27 <potty> #startmeeting FAmSCo 1-20-2016 14:22:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 20 14:22:27 2016 UTC. The chair is potty. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:22:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:22:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_1-20-2016' 14:22:35 <potty> #topic Roll Call 14:22:39 <potty> .fas potty 14:22:39 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. MartÃnez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> - radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com> 14:22:46 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 14:22:47 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 14:22:51 <potty> #chair mailga giannisk gnokii 14:22:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: giannisk gnokii mailga potty 14:23:04 <mailga> .fas mailga 14:23:05 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 14:23:59 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 14:24:02 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 14:24:16 <potty> Welcome all to the second meeting 14:24:28 <potty> Let's talk about Chair Election 14:24:35 <potty> #topic Chair Election 14:25:03 <potty> Who propose as chair and vice-chair? 14:25:55 <mailga> at the moment I can propose giannisk as chair (he's doin the same for emea). 14:26:13 <potty> Good 14:26:24 <potty> I am interested in that role 14:26:52 <potty> So we have giannisk and potty 14:26:56 <potty> Anyone else? 14:26:59 <mailga> no problem at all. 14:27:04 <mailga> not me. 14:27:06 <gnokii> normally i would suggest veterans of famsco but they are never there 14:27:22 <giannisk> ^what gnokii said 14:28:01 <potty> I kno, but they are not here ): 14:28:37 <potty> Lets do a quick vote then: giannisk or potty. The winner will be chair and the other vice-chair. 14:28:43 <potty> Do you agree? 14:29:04 <giannisk> Fine by me 14:29:13 <mailga> let's vote. 14:29:29 <gnokii> when did the mail went out to the famsco list? 14:29:45 <mailga> chair giannisk vice-chair potty for me. 14:29:45 <potty> Yesterday 14:29:55 <potty> Was my bad 14:29:59 <gnokii> see very short 14:30:18 <potty> gnokii: sorry 14:30:51 <gnokii> so lets give them at least a chance, to say something 14:31:17 <gnokii> if they not have answered until next week, we go ahead 14:32:11 <giannisk> gnokii: +1, it's fair 14:32:21 <mailga> gnokii: it works for me. 14:32:45 <potty> gnokii: +1 14:33:06 <potty> #action gnokii will remind the rest of Famsco members about electing the chair 14:33:31 <potty> #action Next meeting we will decide who are going to be the chair and vice-chair 14:33:39 <potty> Done. 14:33:43 <potty> Next topic ? 14:34:58 <gnokii> sure go ahead 14:35:22 <potty> #topic Regional Budgets 14:35:45 <potty> Did anyone reviewed that? 14:36:57 <mailga> potty: potty not me (busy days) 14:38:08 <potty> I just checked APAC and LATAM. 14:38:18 <potty> Do you have the link for EMEA and NA? 14:38:27 <giannisk> Concerning the emea budget, we're going to run a mini emea FAD during DevConf. 14:38:49 <giannisk> Where we are going to fill in our event plan and sort out the budget. 14:39:13 <giannisk> The EMEA event plan for 2016, that is. 14:39:23 <potty> Ok. May you share that info on the ML? 14:39:53 <giannisk> I will inform mitzie, the EMEA treasurer to do so. 14:40:34 <potty> Good 14:40:40 <potty> Any news from NA? 14:40:40 <gnokii> giannisk: will be really mini, I remind you that with the new budget rules they expect the plan form us august, so another meeting in june/july is necessary 14:43:10 <potty> We got nothing from NA. Am I correct? 14:43:39 <giannisk> potty: most likely yes, nothing from NA yet 14:44:48 <potty> :( 14:44:59 <potty> Ok 14:45:04 <potty> Next topic then? 14:45:24 <gnokii> can you show me one from last year? and the year before? 14:45:34 <gnokii> I mean a budget plan for NA 14:46:14 <potty> #action giannisk will contact mitzie to send EMEA budget on the mailing list 14:47:04 <giannisk> gnokii: good question, indeed 14:47:38 <giannisk> they handle the budget in a complete different way compared to the other regions, that is true 14:47:57 <potty> Yes... 14:48:01 <potty> Correct 14:48:02 <gnokii> thats the point 14:49:02 <gnokii> I am fine with LATAM but I dont like sitting there with the calculator tipping numbers to find out hw much it is 14:50:12 <gnokii> the only concern I have is that there was a famsco decission RP just 100$, so might be interesting to hear why some need 150$ 14:52:54 <potty> gnokii: interesting. Let me ask more about it. 14:53:07 <potty> And make people correct that mistake. 14:53:39 <potty> #action potty will ask LATAM about the extra $50 on RP 14:54:54 <potty> Any other concern? 14:55:08 <potty> Lets move on next topic ? 14:55:20 <mailga> yes 14:55:22 <gnokii> yes 14:56:41 <potty> #topic Budget.next 14:57:06 <potty> Do each region have their delegates? Where we can register that info? 14:57:19 <gnokii> strange that point is not in the agenda 14:58:00 <potty> gnokii: im sorry for introducing it that way 14:58:09 <potty> gnokii: what topic is missing? 14:58:44 <mailga> potty: let's see the mail I sent today in ML. 14:59:18 <mailga> potty but probably we're going out of time following all topics in agenda. 15:00:02 <mailga> gnokii: do we can consider budget.next as item from previous meeting? 15:00:17 <gnokii> potty to give you an answer to your question, you cant expect it from EMEA they didnt have the FAD but there will be an outcome from DevConf 15:01:07 <gnokii> for APAC we did talk about it on the FAD and had possible candidates but no response for them, so it needs a little bit pressure 15:01:26 <gnokii> NA will be the same as budget plan 15:04:37 <potty> Ok 15:04:58 <potty> Any other topic? Or shall we end the meeting? 15:05:39 <mailga> we're 5 min over time. Think we should stop here. 15:06:05 <potty> Ok 15:06:18 <potty> i will end the meeting 15:06:23 <potty> #endmeeting