14:03:09 <cwickert> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2016-08-31 14:03:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 31 14:03:09 2016 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:03:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_2016-08-31' 14:03:21 <mailga> .fas mailga 14:03:23 <cwickert> #chair cwickert mailga 14:03:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert mailga 14:03:25 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 14:03:57 <cwickert> #chair potty 14:03:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert mailga potty 14:04:13 <mailga> cwickert: I haven't seen anyone online except potty (who didn't replied). 14:04:14 * cwickert looks for lbazan, tuanta, gnokii, and giannisk 14:04:22 <cwickert> ok 14:04:33 <cwickert> I have something I would like to discuss 14:05:34 <mailga> cwickert: do you wanna discuss here or wait for a meeting with more members? 14:05:56 <cwickert> I will file a trac ticket I guess 14:06:21 <cwickert> I am considering stepping down 14:06:27 <cwickert> both from FAmSCo and the Council 14:06:40 <mailga> cwickert: ???? why? If I may ask? 14:07:01 <cwickert> I am trying my best to make progress, but it is cumbersome and I don't see anything happen 14:07:16 <cwickert> every small detail is beaten to death 14:07:35 <cwickert> I don't have the energy and time for this any more 14:08:05 <mailga> are you referring to both activities (FAmSCo and Council)? 14:08:12 <cwickert> yes 14:08:33 <mailga> cwickert: IMO is not a solution. 14:08:45 <cwickert> well, I already said I would give up my seat in the council once we have FOSCo 14:09:18 <mailga> cwickert: I think that if there's a chance to get things done, that il with you onboard. 14:09:42 <mailga> s/il/will be 14:10:08 <cwickert> I guess you are right, but I've learned that one cannot just complain but at some point, one needs to step aside and let others do the job 14:10:12 <cwickert> maybe they do better 14:10:40 <cwickert> I will continue to be available for advise and feedback, but I don't have the time to lead any of FAmSCo's efforts 14:10:48 <cwickert> s/advise/advice 14:11:58 <mailga> cwickert: my only will is to make the FOSCo happen, if that means working on by myself, I'll do that. But two is better than one. 14:12:48 <cwickert> mailga: but we need a deadline, otherwise we'll never get anything done 14:13:09 <cwickert> and as long as we have to argue about every little step we make, I don't see us making reasonable progress 14:13:19 <cwickert> plus, we need new people for FOSCo anyway 14:13:34 <cwickert> let them decide how they want to constitute the new body 14:13:47 <mailga> cwickert: you're right. I don't wanna discuss about how and which, I'd like to do only work. 14:13:52 <cwickert> I mean, they will have to live with it 14:14:34 <cwickert> ok, give me another night to sleep this over and then I'll announce my decision 14:14:35 <mailga> cwickert: not at all. This is our task and we will bring ahead the ball. 14:15:37 <mailga> cwickert: let's do together the work (me and you I mean) and let's start FOSCo, any further fix will be in the hands of FOSCo itself. 14:16:10 <mailga> cwickert: without any further discussion. A bit fascist? Yes, it is. 14:16:23 <cwickert> it's not fascist, it's mertitocracy 14:16:52 <mailga> cwickert: I can't wait anymore for external inputs that are not coming. 14:18:08 <mailga> of course if you step down, the actula FAmSCo has not any right to go ahead with me as well. 14:19:01 <mailga> s/actula/actual 14:19:32 <cwickert> then go ahead with a proposal and I will be happy to +1 it 14:19:59 <cwickert> so far we only agreed we start of with a small group of ambassadors, design, marketing and commops 14:20:15 <cwickert> this is not really much for 2 years of discussion 14:23:02 <cwickert> anything else? 14:23:09 <mailga> cwickert: before the next meeting you'll have my proposal. Then I'll give one more week for any improvement. But at the end we will start in 2 weeks. If it is good or bad I don't mind, people that are not trying to throw any improvement on the table cannot say no to the proposal anymore. 14:23:19 <gnokii-phone> Aargh 14:23:33 <mailga> cwickert: nothing more to say. 14:24:02 <cwickert> #action mailga to add his final proposal to ticket #373 14:24:06 <cwickert> thanks mailga 14:24:43 <mailga> cwickert: yw. P.S. gnokii has some problems to get connected into freenode. His IP is banned. 14:24:43 <cwickert> unless anybody else has something, I'll close the meeting in 3 minutes 14:25:00 <cwickert> or somebody else needs to continue this meeting 14:25:19 <cwickert> mailga: where is my surprised face again? ;-) 14:25:22 <gnokii-phone> Nope not this one 14:25:41 <mailga> gnokii-phone: you online???? 14:25:57 <gnokii-phone> Yes with the phone 14:26:12 <mailga> gnokii-phone: you followed the discussion? 14:26:21 <gnokii-phone> No 14:27:06 <mailga> have you any chance to read the log later? It's complicated to recap. 14:27:27 <gnokii-phone> Yeah tomorrow morning 14:28:34 <mailga> gnokii-phone: ok, I'm closing the meeting, then I'll send logs in ML. Anyone can reply to the topic directly there. 14:29:25 <cwickert> thanks mailga 14:29:29 <cwickert> #endmeeting