#fedora-meeting: FAmSCo Meeting 2012-01-25
Meeting started by cwickert at 22:01:41 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- AGREED: create a
ticket about new times/voting and all that and then have all FAmSCo
members vote on it (cwickert,
- ACTION: cwickert to
create a ticket about new times/voting etc (cwickert,
- AGREED: funding for
ambassadors polos will be granted on an individual base according to
the general rules for funding and reimbursements (cwickert,
- ACTION: cwickert to
update #213 (cwickert,
- ACTION: zoltanh7211
to close #243 (cwickert,
- ACTION: cwickert to
follow up on #246 (cwickert,
- AGREED: close #242 in
favor of 2 tickets, one for budget and one for swag shipping
- ACTION: cwickert to
file tickets for budget and swag shipping/production (cwickert,
- ACTION: yn1_v to
contact lbazan if he is willing to take over his mentoring
duties (cwickert,
Meeting ended at 23:16:06 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- cwickert to create a ticket about new times/voting etc
- cwickert to update #213
- zoltanh7211 to close #243
- cwickert to follow up on #246
- cwickert to file tickets for budget and swag shipping/production
- yn1_v to contact lbazan if he is willing to take over his mentoring duties
Action items, by person
- cwickert
- cwickert to create a ticket about new times/voting etc
- cwickert to update #213
- cwickert to follow up on #246
- cwickert to file tickets for budget and swag shipping/production
- yn1_v
- yn1_v to contact lbazan if he is willing to take over his mentoring duties
- zoltanh7211
- zoltanh7211 to close #243
People present (lines said)
- cwickert (155)
- herlo (40)
- igorps (31)
- zoltanh7211 (29)
- yn1v (26)
- tatica (12)
- zodbot (11)
- yn1_v (8)
- nb (7)
- inode0 (5)
- netSys (3)
- liknus (3)
- jsmith (1)
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