17:00:02 <graphite6> #startmeeting 17:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 28 17:00:02 2012 UTC. The chair is graphite6. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:09 <graphite6> #meetingname FAmSCo Town Hall no. 2 17:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_town_hall_no._2' 17:00:18 <graphite6> #topic Welcome and Protocol 17:00:28 <graphite6> Welcome to the second FAmSCo town hall meeting. 17:00:35 <graphite6> Please type questions for the candidates to answer in #fedora-townhall-public. I will queue them up and relay them to the candidates in #fedora-townhall. 17:00:43 <graphite6> The questions will be numbered so the candidates may include the numbers in their responses. Candidates may answer whenever they are ready, no set order will be followed. 17:00:54 <graphite6> #topic Introductions 17:01:04 <graphite6> To start, I'd like to ask the candidates to briefly introduce themselves 17:01:13 <herlo> I am Clint Savage, long time contributor and ambassador. As part of Fedora, I've been involved with Fedora since 2008 and have participated in ambassadors, packaging, docs, design and infrastructure. Current FAmSCo member. 17:01:43 <tuanta> hi, I am Tuan from Vietnam, Fedora ambassador, co-chair in APAC bi-weekly meetings, packager and some other stuffs 17:02:08 <cwickert> I'm Christoph Wickert from Germany, long time contributor, packager, sponsor, ambassador, ex-FESCo member and currently serving in the Board and as FAmSCo chair 17:02:08 <danielbruno> Hello, I'm Daniel Bruno from Brazil. I'm contributing fedora since 2008 as ambassador, mentor, packager and latam infrastructure. 17:02:42 <arifiauo> Hi my name is Arif from Indonesia, I'm an ambassadors. Please refer to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Arifiauo for more detail. 17:03:01 <sesivany> Hi, I'm Jiri Eischmann. I'm a Fedora ambassador for the Czech Republic and work as a community manager in Red Hat Czech. More about me at: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Eischmann or http://www.eischmann.cz 17:03:24 <nb-phone> I am Nick from the USA, I've been one of our NA shippers for a year or so and am also involved with infrastructure and docs and packaging 17:03:29 <bckurera> Hello, I am Buddhike Kurera from Sri Lanka, active in some Fedora teams and more info can be found on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bckurera 17:04:09 <aeperezt> I'm Alejandro Pérez From Panamá, Fedora ambassador, contributor since 2010, localization, Packager, RPMDev Latam more info at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Aeperezzt 17:04:25 <graphite6> #topic Questions and Answers 17:04:50 <graphite6> 1. from (inode0) With large issues like budget, membership/mentoring, FUDCon organization/selection/funding, etc. seeming to need constant attention and tweaking rather than waiting on a small changing group in FAmSCo to deal with what do you think about FAmSCo organizing working groups to make concrete proposals by fixed deadlines for its consideration? 17:07:27 <nb-phone> 1. I think it could work well. More delegating is good generally I think. Some times I think the reason it takes so long to do things sometimes is because the FAmSCo or board members are busy and can't work on everything at once. 17:07:48 <herlo> This idea could be a good way to solve problems. If there are enough people to dedicate a few weeks to a month toward a particular problem, I'd like to see something like this in the future. 17:08:08 <herlo> eof 17:09:26 <bckurera> 1. In my point of view the idea would be good. However we need to make sure things are moving and we are not spending more time. On the other hand we need to make sure things are happening well and order. If FAmSCo can come to fixed schedule which wont change even though the committee changes that would be good. I like forming such group which are responsible for FAmSCo, may be under supervision of FAmSCo. 17:09:29 <bckurera> EOF 17:10:02 <cwickert> 1. Many of these things are already done by interested parties and not by FAmSCo. FAmSCo has nothing to do with mentoring, this is done by FAMA. We don't do the FUDCon planning either. Currently we only handle the budget and I am trying to move this to the local communities for smaller amounts. In the future, I only want FAmSCo to work on policies and not on this day-to-day administrative work. EOF 17:10:19 <danielbruno> 1. I think the way to work with concrete goals and well defined deadlines is an excellent way, it must be analyzed within the context of famsco to be best implemented, depending on need. 17:10:21 <aeperezt> 1. FAmSCo lead group should empower small teams to do proposals and find faster answers to the issues specially on those where the regional teams can work better the issues. Delegation is a way to solve part of he issues with good FAmSCo supervision. 17:10:24 <aeperezt> eof 17:10:26 <sesivany> 1) I completely agree. FAmSCo is a steering committee and its role shouldn't be paralized just because it has to solve every problem and issue by itself. The biggest problem of this solution though would be participants. If we can get enough people to work in such groups. eof 17:10:27 <danielbruno> eof 17:10:49 <arifiauo> 1. All need to run their respective roles as well as possible. There is no role that can be taken lightly. Therefore, we must work together no matter what. If all is to have such views, the problems that will come will easily get it over with. 17:11:00 <arifiauo> eof 17:11:05 <tuanta> 1. I think, getting the whole Fedora community and activities improved is one of the most important responsibilities. inode0's suggestion is great. we can focus on most critical issues in this FAmSCo term and then prepare for other things need to be done next terms and so far; fixed deadlines are also mandatory. eof 17:11:18 <graphite6> 2 from (FranciscoD): What do you think can be done to attract more people to fedora, as users and contributors? Ambassadors are the face of fedora. Are there any activities we should focus on? 17:12:09 <tuanta> I think this should be an old question (yesterday townhall) 17:12:27 <graphite6> sorry! one minute! 17:13:02 <graphite6> 3 from (FranciscoD): In my opinion, we get our long term contributors as students, when they're still in school/college and have spare time to work on FOSS. Once folks end up with $dayjobs, the scope for new contributors is really limited. What are your views on this? Do we have good visibility in academia? Can ambassadors make some changes to improve our outreach in schools/colleges? 17:14:14 <danielbruno> 2. I believe we should focus on events, and have a different strategy for each region. An interesting thing to be done is to have a pattern of topics that are suitable for the lectures in general. Another important factor I think we should bring us closer to the universities, have a more specific program for that. 17:14:16 <danielbruno> eof 17:14:37 <nb-phone> 3. I think how we do in NA with having FUDCons at universities usually might help because some of the local people might decide to come and check out what is going on and then get involved. There is also the campus ambassador program 17:15:21 <nb-phone> EOF 17:16:03 <danielbruno> 3. I think there's a shortage in the approach in universities, created a program could be more specific for this with the participation of the ambassadors. 17:16:04 <danielbruno> eof 17:16:06 <herlo> 3. I believe the Campus Ambassador program is working well in some areas and hasn't taken off as well in others. Students are a prime targets for possible contributions to FOSS and Fedora. If possible, I'd like to see a concerted effort by FAmSCo and FAms in each region to work toward holding release parties and 'Fedora Day' activities during rush week (or other such events at colleges). 17:16:21 <aeperezt> 3. Definitive we need Ambassadors to have a good contact with academia, but more over we need to encourage our Ambassadors and contributors to look for new blood of contributors in academia specially if you are in school now look for the new comer in to the school for new contributors 17:16:22 <herlo> eof 17:16:55 <arifiauo> 2. Although yesterday was a question like this, I will try to respond differently. I would focus that I was an ambassador, so I will show how Fedora. How the community, how we work, all about Fedora. That way, I hope people are more familiar with Fedora. And finally, once they know about Fedora, they'll come to like Fedora. As the saying goes "do not know, it is not love". 17:16:59 <arifiauo> eof 17:17:07 <cwickert> 3. I fully agree we should improve our visibility at universities and colleges, but we need to take care to not focus on this too much. We get contributors with other backgrounds, too and we want to keep them even though they may or may not work. I joined while I was a student, but this had nothing to do with my studies rather than my hobby or my job at that time. EOF 17:17:13 <sesivany> 2) Fedora is more focused on attracting contributors that are mostly more technical people. On the other hand, we should not forget that everyone of us started as a normal user without large technical skills. Contributors are generated from users. We should keep that in mind and keep Fedora user focused. This is sometimes forgotten. As long as Fedora attracts users and provides a great environment for contributing we will have eno 17:17:15 <sesivany> ugh contributors. eof 17:17:19 <bckurera> 3. Something similar I noted yesterday. We are having Campus Ambassador group, presently inactive. We can use the same group or a new group to straighten the Fedoras' presence in Academia. However what I believe is this should not be necessarily FAm related stuff, anything related with the contributions. But of course FamSCo can encourage Fams to reach schools/ academia and do some promotions to get more attention of students as the contributor 17:17:19 <bckurera> s. EOF 17:17:20 <aeperezt> eof 17:18:47 <graphite6> 4. from (inode0): Should the Ambassador group take responsibility for promoting Fedora in print media? 17:21:05 <cwickert> 4. No, this should be done by marketing. Robyn is currently reviving the group and we have people join it recently, so I am optimistic it will improve again. the ambassadors will need to work with the marketing team and there probably is a personal overlap of people doing both, but I think print media is not a typical ambassador duty. EOF 17:21:11 <tuanta> 3. it depends on each region/country. almost students in APAC (at least in countries I got known) are not very active in sharing culture so it's more difficult to convince them to participate in FOSS projects/communities; of course, we can still "recruit" good enough contributors with a good reaching strategy to universities. I think we should have more Campus ambassadors who can reach students easily and rapidly. Campus ambassadors should understa 17:21:11 <tuanta> nd students in their campuses; and the last but not least, we should try to keep those students to continuously contribute to Fedora after being graduated. eof 17:21:20 <bckurera> 4. Fedora marketing is managing the stuffs related with. However Fedora Ambassadors need to represent Fedora therefore it is good if they can arrange some interviews with the print media so that the representation of fedora get expanded. Other than that I think Fedora marketing will manage the rest. EOF 17:21:21 <danielbruno> 4. I think this should be done by ambassadors who have a marketing profile and is deeply involved in this area because one of the main roles of ambassadors is the spread, this is another way to be done. EOF 17:21:29 <sesivany> 3) That's my daily bread and part of my job in Red Hat. We visit a lot of universities and promote Fedora and other RHT technologies. Besides making Fedora visible at universities (release parties, talks,...) we can consider new programs. In Red Hat, we have a program for students that need to make a thesis and want to work on open source software. We give them topics and supervisors that help them with technical issues and with i 17:21:31 <sesivany> ntroducing them into the community. We may consider similar program for Fedora. It could attract a lot of students. eof 17:21:32 <nb-phone> 4. I think that marketing would be responsible for print media 17:21:40 <herlo> 4. I think this is an interesting idea. Having advertisements in magazines and newspapers could be useful, especially right around a release. I'm not sure how much impact it would have though as many of the Linux/FOSS focused magazines are starting to go online only. I do like the idea of promoting Fedora to every possible avenue, so this could be very useful. I also wonder why inode0 didn't run for FAmSCo as he has a lot of really good ideas. :) 17:21:44 <nb-phone> Although it could also involve ambassadors. 17:21:46 <nb-phone> Rod 17:21:47 <herlo> eof 17:21:49 <nb-phone> Rod 17:21:52 <nb-phone> EOF 17:22:01 <nb-phone> (sorry spell correct is strange) 17:22:22 <aeperezt> 4. We have to work around it withing our countries or region, as marketing group is not as big as ambassadors but we should work with marketing on that. 17:22:23 <aeperezt> eof 17:22:37 <arifiauo> 3. People can contribute not only because they have the time, but also because they have a spirit. I think that's the spirit that can make people can still take the time to contribute even had a job. But we also must look for new contributors, one target is the education, because after all they are someday our successors. Therefore, we should be able to attract these people to contribute to the Fedora Project. This is where we are our role as a 17:22:38 <arifiauo> n ambassador. 17:22:42 <arifiauo> eof 17:23:40 <tuanta> 4. this should be one of main responsibilities of Marketing group. of course, Ambassadors can support them. what, how and when to support should be discussed case by case eof. 17:23:48 <graphite6> 5. from (climocho): What is the most important quality a good FAm (or FAmSCo member) should have and why? 17:23:49 <sesivany> 4) This is an issue. Marketing group is pretty much inactive nowadays. But instead of moving this responsibility to ambassadors, I'd rather start up the marketing group again. Ambassadors are welcome to join marketing and help out if they want eof 17:24:41 <arifiauo> 4. I think anything we can do to promote Fedora then we should do. eof 17:25:22 <cwickert> 4. For the record: I consider myself a good people-person and to deliver good talks, but I suck in marketing. better let somebody do marketing who really can do it and that's why I think that there is enough space for a (semi)professional marketing team in Fedora. EOF 17:26:22 <danielbruno> 5. I think a member of FAmSCo must have a good relationship with the community and have knowledge of how things work to improve them, and can bring benefits to all. EOF 17:27:20 <aeperezt> 5. Communications and Common Sense, It needs to be able to communicate with all members of the community. Common Sense to be able to take decisions by judge off reasons and Facts. EOF 17:28:25 <herlo> 5. The most important quality of a FAm or Fedoran is the willingness to work hard and desire to work toward something bigger. As an ambassador, one will share the message of Freedom with many and should not be shy in sharing this knowledge with any who will listen. 17:28:29 <herlo> eof 17:28:44 <bckurera> 5. This is something tricky question to answer in few minutes thinking. But I think Fmasco member should be willing to deal with the Fam team and he/she should be responsive and sensitive to the fellow Fams. Most importantly he should be having some free time to dedicate to this task. EOF 17:28:46 <sesivany> 5) From what I can see in the community, it's "enough of time" :) Most things don't work because people don't have time for it any more. Then it's also good knowledge of the whole Project, how to "sell" Fedora, how to help people start with Fedora, and become contributors. eof 17:29:26 <cwickert> 5. An ambassador needs to be a people-person, that means he needs to be good in talking with people. He doesn't necessarily be a good talker and give awesome speeches, but he must be open to people and their questions. And he should have a broad knowledge of Fedora and the skills to organize events, but this will come almost naturally over time. EOF 17:30:35 <tuanta> 5. there are some stuffs I think: firstly, they should read and follow this wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_be_a_successful_contributor; secondly, they should participate to some other groups: in the perfect world, ambassadors should know every corners of Fedora project/community, they can start talking everything about Fedora on demand; and last but not least, he/she should have good reputation in his/her local community (region, count 17:30:36 <tuanta> ry, campus, etc.): this would helpful for he/she to represent Fedora. eof. 17:31:08 <arifiauo> 5. The most basic thing that should be owned by the ambassador and famsco is easy going. People who easy going, is someone who understands how he should talk, how he must adjust, how he should behave, how to understand the character of people etc. eof 17:31:45 <nb-phone> 5. I think it's kind of hard to pick one thing 17:32:03 <graphite6> 6. from (FranciscoD): I understand that it is advantageous for ambassadors to join other teams to increase their knowledge on Fedora. However, should this be made *mandatory*, a rule, or a guideline? Also, do you think we need to *interview* folks who apply for ambassadorship, or is that overkill? 17:32:06 <nb-phone> I think it's nice to have a background in other parts of fedora also 17:33:12 <aeperezt> I think that questions 6 is from yesterday town hall 17:33:18 <herlo> aeperezt: +1 17:33:49 <graphite6> :D that's it, they 17:33:50 <nb-phone> 6. I think it should be a guideline not necessarily a rule 17:33:58 <graphite6> 're messing with me in the public channel 17:34:35 <graphite6> one moment and I'll pull up another question, please disregard #6 17:34:53 <sesivany> 6) I don't really think it should be mandatory. It's helpful and appreciated, but it shouldn't be mandatory. Sometimes, being a good ambassador takes more time that one volunteer can give to Fedora and forcing them to join teams they have no time for? 17:35:23 <graphite6> 7. from (inode0): FAmSCo has had some difficulties with meeting attendance, meeting quorum requirements, and making final decisions voting. What can be done to better accommodate the reality of such a widely dispersed governance body to alleviate these problems? 17:35:30 <bckurera> 6. I dont like to make it a MUST. However applying for the Ambassador group first would not be a good thing. The interested candidates can first experience the fedora way by joining to other teams with in fedora, then when there is a commitment he/she can join with the Fam group. However this should not be a MUST but some thing good to follow. There are lot of cases around people first join with Fams and end up being great contributors. Encoura 17:35:30 <bckurera> ging Fams to join with other team would be a great thing. EOF 17:36:13 <nb-phone> 7. I think having votes in tickets would be nice. And perhaps make rotating meeting times so if someone can't attend one time they could maybe attend the next meeting 17:36:16 <cwickert> 6. Strongly encouraged, say our mentors could try to lead people into the right direction. however I don't want to make it a strict requirement because I have seen people join only as ambassadors and become awesome contributors in other groups later. 17:36:47 <herlo> 7. Having a quorum is essential. There are ways to work around such a thing, however. Representing a quorum by allowing members who cannot attend meetings to vote in advance or after discussions may be one way. 17:37:14 <nb-phone> herlo: +1 17:37:23 <aeperezt> herlo, +1 17:37:43 <bckurera> 7. I have answered the same question for the questionnaire. Therefore as noted we can use the trac to discuss things in timely manner, mailing-lists. However it is required to have meetings as much as possible too. EOF 17:38:37 <sesivany> 7) I think a very similar question was asked in the questionnaire. I promosed a solution that wouldn't require attending the meeting (voting via mailing list, trac,...). On the other hand, it could cause even smaller attendance at meeting... there is no best solution, I think. 17:38:51 <cwickert> 7. I am glad we have FAmSCo members from all around the world, even if this means it is hard to find a meeting time that works for all of us. But I think the problem was not so much the timing but some inactive members of FAmSCo. We now have a way to remove them sooner and fill the vacant seats, but both should only be the last resort. Instead, we should make use of trac more often and vote there. 17:38:54 <arifiauo> 6. An ambassador just have to understand Fedora as a whole, although only the outline. And if he could direct a person in trouble. eof 17:38:58 <herlo> 7. Discussing things on the mailng list and then allowing a short period of time before 'voting' makes things simpler. Doing it in real time makes it much more difficult. While getting a quorum is key, the definition of how a quorum is formed seems challenging when timezones are involved. eof 17:39:13 <danielbruno> 7. About the time must be deal among the members the most suitable for all, with at least two sessions that can suit everyone. On the vote, I think can be done via surveys. EOF 17:39:25 <cwickert> 7. Note that we have just started using trac for the meeting agenda when I became the FAmSCo chair. EOF. 17:40:28 <tuanta> 7. no way more than voting for the meeting time then everyone try to attend as many meetings as possible; absence should be announced before each meeting via mailing list; we have another chance to have different odd/even meeting times but it would make confused to everyone. 17:40:30 <tuanta> eof 17:41:42 <aeperezt> 7. Meetings are essential part of the discussion but we can make work some issues with alternative method like the mailing list or trac and have our vote there in case of not been able to attend but must of us need to certain that if elected will try to be on as must meetings as possible. Think that is in part why we are here eof 17:42:06 <graphite6> 8. from (FranciscoD): We have a large body of ambassadors. However, we apparently don't have enough events for them to go out at. Do you have any suggestions on how we can encourage them to look for events, even to hold events themselves if required? 17:42:45 <arifiauo> 7. In my opinion, the vote count can be done in other media, if the meeting on IRC often experience problems as you describe. That would be a solution for us that are divided into different time space. If it is not allowed, then we can change the guidelines vote count. eof 17:44:44 <cwickert> 8. Here in EMEA we have a lot of events and a lot of ambassadors attending, so no problem here. Not sure about the situation in other regions though. If there are problems, we should fix them by looking for more events or even running our own events. E. g. we could run much more local release parties. EOF. 17:45:13 <bckurera> 8. I think as the Famsco there should be more motivation. Such as release party dinners. More motivation and life can be introduced through programs. It is possible to organize best events, event of the month and kind of programs to make Fams motivate, encourage to spread the word and follow the process (event page, event reports). Further it is required to make sure they are getting enough swags, funds as required on time so that they will be 17:45:14 <bckurera> motivated to run more events since the support is getting as required. EOF 17:45:21 <aeperezt> 8. I know that are many ambassadors that blog or inform about events on their local lists or blogs we need to encourage mentors to let them know the right channels to do so, and encourage them add their blogs in the planet. We need to encourage ambassadors to be on regional events and conferences. EOF 17:45:29 <tuanta> 8. ambassador should definitely hold events themselves first; then look for other events; so firstly, we should encourage and support them to hold events locally; and then, we should keep the Events wiki page up-to-date and make announcement before for others to look for events easier; 17:45:31 <tuanta> eof 17:46:53 <herlo> 8. I think that there are plenty of events for FAms to attend. Local User Groups, Conferences, Bar Camps, hack fests, etc. are going on all the time. I think the challenge lies in discovery and awareness of the events in one's area. I think it could be possible to encourage FAms to look for and attend events through their mentors and peers by discussing them regularly at meetings and informally, etc. 17:47:02 <sesivany> 8) I'd like to start an initiative that would create a comprehensive list of things that ambassadors can do to promote Fedora in their area properly. It shouldn't be must-to-do, rather ideas and suggestions. How to organize events, how look for appropriate events to visit, how to promote Fedora at events. This all would be on the list. I think when ambassadors have an idea what to do and how to do it they will be more active. eof 17:47:12 <tuanta> Moreover, I sugested some kinds of event should be held in APAC as many as possible: CampusCamp, release parties, FADs... eof. 17:47:21 <danielbruno> 8. A good opportunity for small events are the release parties, which can organize by the ambassadors in your region to accomplish something. About the big events, there must be an organization to define how, and to encourage ambassadors to submit proposals for these events. I believe that this task of organization can be made by regional mentors. 17:47:22 <danielbruno> eof 17:47:25 <herlo> 8. Holding your own Fedora Day could also be a good way to go. EOF 17:48:20 <cwickert> 8. One more thing about improving attendance at events: We need to finally fix the events page. I am not going to wait for Fedora Insight any longer because I feel this is going nowhere. A simple calendar plugin for mediawiki already would improve the situation a log. eof. 17:48:59 <arifiauo> 8. The number of events can not be a consideration regarding the development of Fedora. The effectiveness of an event is more important to me, if the effectiveness of an event we are accustomed to do, if only to multiply the event. That's not a big problem. And if indeed we need an event, then we have to hold it. Although it's for your own area. eof 17:49:35 <tuanta> additional information for the 8th question: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events, eof 17:49:53 <graphite6> okay, this may be the last question (depending on time) 17:49:56 <graphite6> 9 from (MarkDude): Beefy Miracle, HOW awesome is it? And do any of you support making it an unofficial mascot? 17:50:59 <herlo> 9. I thought it already was, http://beefymiracle.org says it all about his A-bun-dance of Meetiness :) Besides, how awesome is it to see cwickert in his costume. I consider that alone to be a 'miracle' :P 17:52:02 <nb-phone> 9. I like beefy miracle 17:52:13 <nb-phone> I think it already is an unofficial mascot 17:52:17 <herlo> 9. http://eischmann.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/beefy_miracle1.jpg EOF 17:52:23 <bckurera> 9. Since it is the favor of many contributors with in the fedora, i dont see any wrong making it an unofficial mascot for Fedora since it is associates with a major fedora release, F17. Further as a mascot it is easy to wear and get prepared :) EOF 17:52:37 <tuanta> 9. It's a cool idea, however, I don't think so. If so, we will need to have other mascots in the future (all next releases); the current "mascot" should be enough: https://fedoraproject.org/static/images/counter/en/fedora17-countdown-banner-1.en.png 17:52:38 <tuanta> eof 17:52:46 <cwickert> 9. Although I am a vegetarian, I am a strong believer in the beefy miracle and totally support it as a mascot. I am afraid however it will not be politically correct and cause problems. :( 17:53:11 <aeperezt> cwickert, +1 17:54:11 <herlo> 9. considering that the word 'unofficial' means just that, I don't see how it could be a problem. It's great to have fun with Fedora and it's silliness from time to time as well. EOF#2 17:54:28 <aeperezt> 9. It can be an unofficial mascot, but not sure it could be an official mascot, as cwickert say it can cause some issues eof 17:54:42 <danielbruno> 9. I think a really cool idea to use it as mascot, really fun. But I think that some vegetarians might not like. 17:54:47 <danielbruno> eof 17:55:14 <sesivany> 9) Even though a lot of people find Beefy Miracle controversial I like it. It's a codename after a long time that really makes a dent in people's minds. It helps marketing. Our "Beefy Miracle" booth at LinuxTag was a great success, we're going to have a hotdog (release) party in Brno,... On the other hand, Beefy Miracle should IMHO stick with F17. One maskot for Fedora would overshadow future codenames that I believe will be great 17:55:16 <sesivany> . eof 17:55:57 <arifiauo> 9. Beefy miracle, for me it is an operating system that is rich in features, very stable (since switched to gnome 3). That's what I feel. And I want people to feel the same. I have no other mascot, I am more concerned with how the existing features rather than making its own mascot. eof 17:55:58 <aeperezt> sesivany, +1 17:56:15 <graphite6> The following will be the last question for the day :) 17:56:18 <nb-phone> herlo: +1 17:56:19 <graphite6> 10 from (inode0): Do you think it is important that FAmSCo drive FADs, both involving ambassadors as well as those with a non-ambassador focus? 17:56:37 <herlo> 10. Simply, put, yes. I think FADs should be driven by Ambassadors and we should have more of these regularly. eof 17:57:14 <tuanta> a fun answer for a fun question: this should be a long term "unofficial" mascot; I know cwickert bought one then he would not like to get it lost :) 17:57:18 <aeperezt> 10. Yes, FADs is something we should promote in all areas within Fedora not only Ambassadors. eof 17:57:21 <nb-phone> I think we should have more info on how and who to contact to organize a fad 17:57:21 <tuanta> kidding. eof. :) 17:57:49 <nb-phone> Previously it was "ask max" but now that he is not budget person I think people are unsure of what to do 17:58:29 <bckurera> Yes, we need to support for more FADs covering all areas as much as possible. FAmSCo can work with regions to encourage them to have more FADs and should provide more support. EOF 17:58:38 <nb-phone> Oh that was for #10 17:59:18 <bckurera> sorry I missed the question number, therefore re-posting 17:59:21 <bckurera> 10. Yes, we need to support for more FADs covering all areas as much as possible. FAmSCo can work with regions to encourage them to have more FADs and should provide more support. EOF 17:59:30 <sesivany> 10) I think FAmSCo should definitely encourage regional ambassador groups and other groups in Fedora to organize them, and IMO it should also approve their budgets. eof 17:59:50 <herlo> sesivany: +1 on budgets. 18:00:38 <arifiauo> 10. Something Fedora-related activities, is related to FAmSCo. FAmSCo nevertheless remains an ambassador, with a different authority. eof 18:01:23 <cwickert> 10. Absolutely. We need to have FADs where we not only give talks and show Fedora but true Fedora *ACTIVITY* Days. This means we need to get stuff done, say get something packaged etc. And of course this requires packagers and not only ambassadors. We need to do more non-ambassadors FADs because this will not only help us getting work done but also to get new contributors. You want cloud people? You probably get them on a cloud event and not on a 18:01:28 <cwickert> EOF 18:01:38 <danielbruno> 10. yes, we should encourage more FADs, not only focused on spread, but also with specific areas, it can be very useful for attracting new guys. eof 18:01:56 <nb-phone> cwickert: a big +1 18:02:00 <tuanta> 10. I think it's much better to have ambassador involve in all FADs. he/she could help much to organize the event, especially for funding, accommodation and other non-tech stuffs; on the other hand, ambassadors can learn a lot when attending those such events (better for ambassador work as we mentioned above). eof 18:02:22 <graphite6> #topic Thank You 18:02:29 <graphite6> I'd like to thank the FAmSCo candidates for their time and thoughtful answers and the Fedora community for coming out and participating. 18:02:38 <graphite6> And I apologize for repeating questions from the previous town hall! Sorry for the confusion! 18:02:44 <tuanta> you are welcome :) 18:02:55 <danielbruno> you're welcome 18:02:56 * nb-phone apologizes for not attending the first townhall 18:03:00 <herlo> thank you to graphite6 and inode0 for helping with the elections and the townhalls! 18:03:01 * cwickert was cut off and repeats his answer 18:03:09 <cwickert> 10. [...] You want cloud people? You probably get them on a cloud event and not on a general exhibition that would be done by ambassadors. EOF 18:03:14 <nb-phone> Thanks for moderating graphite6 18:03:19 <arifiauo> You're welcome :) 18:03:20 <graphite6> The logs for this meeting will be posted on Elections wiki page. 18:03:22 * tuanta copy/paste either :) 18:03:30 <graphite6> For further information about the candidates and the election process please see: 18:03:37 <graphite6> #link fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_election_2012_F18_nominations 18:03:44 <graphite6> #link fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections 18:03:58 <graphite6> And remember that the first Fedora Project Board townhall will be held here on Tuesday, May 29 at 17:00 UTC 18:04:19 <graphite6> Thank you again candidates! 18:04:27 * bckurera Thanks for everyone attending and making it a great townhall and thanks graphite6 inode0 and FranciscoD. bye 18:04:33 <aeperezt> thanks for your tyime and work 18:04:48 <aeperezt> thanks for your time and work* 18:04:57 <aeperezt> thanks all 18:05:03 <graphite6> #endmeeting