===================================== # #meeting-2:fedoraproject.org: fedora-ai-ml-sig ===================================== Meeting started by @tflink:fedora.im at 2024-09-12 16:30:44 Meeting summary --------------- * TOPIC: F41 Update (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:36:03) * INFO: llvm18 compat packages are still not in rawhide or F41, rocm rebuilds will be required once they actually land (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:39:55) * INFO: rocm 6.2 and pytorch 2.4.1 are in rawhide now (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:40:12) * INFO: f41 rocm and pytorch builds are a bit stuck right now, will need some poking beyond the impending llvm19 stuff (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:43:22) * TOPIC: ROCm 6.2 and COPR (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:43:43) * INFO: we've started doing rocm builds in COPR to start testing against the llvm18 compat packages which are yet to land in rawhide or f41. once the rebuild is done, testing would be very helpful (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:46:17) * INFO: options are being added to ROCm packages to enable testing and debug options (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:50:11) * TOPIC: community chatbot proposals (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:56:48) * INFO: this is a continuation of the conversation from the last meeting about some proposals for Fedora-related chatbots (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:57:38) * INFO: a fedora chatbot has been proposed to the Fedora council (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:58:02) * LINK: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-council-tickets-ticket-503-initiative-fedora-ai-chatbot-development/130370 (@tflink:fedora.im, 16:58:13) * TOPIC: generative models and packaging in Fedora (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:01:57) * TOPIC: open floor (@tflink:fedora.im, 17:20:41) Meeting ended at 2024-09-12 17:26:21 Action items ------------ People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * @tflink:fedora.im (72) * @trix:fedora.im (29) * @man2dev:fedora.im (26) * @zodbot:fedora.im (3) * @meetbot:fedora.im (2)