16:11:33 <mizmo> #startmeeting
16:11:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 24 16:11:33 2015 UTC.  The chair is mizmo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:11:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:11:36 <gnokii> mizmo: yes we waiting
16:11:47 <mizmo> sorry i was getting my lunch before the meeting and got distracted :-p
16:11:56 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- emichan closed a ticket on the Design Team trac instance as 'fixed' https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/281
16:12:04 <mizmo> okay lets look at tickets
16:12:26 <mizmo> #topic untriaged tickets https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/query?keywords=!~triaged&status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&report=9&order=priority
16:12:26 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.topic.update -- The topic of duffy's meeting changed to "untriaged tickets https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/query?keywords=!~triaged&status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&report=9&order=priority" in #fedora-design
16:12:34 <mizmo> okay i wont put those links in topic anymore :-p
16:12:42 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/358
16:12:44 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/358"
16:12:48 <mizmo> Add Cockpit banner to Anaconda GUI
16:13:30 <gnokii> #360 should be triaged
16:13:51 <mizmo> okay emichan reopened it which i thikn is the right thing to do
16:14:09 <mizmo> does anybody want to work on #358?
16:14:38 <mizmo> gnokii, were you going to work on 360?
16:14:47 <gnokii> yes
16:15:06 <mizmo> how is that going? do you need any information to work on it?
16:15:24 <gnokii> no, just the time to bring to papr whats in my mind
16:15:31 <mizmo> okay cool
16:15:46 <mizmo> ill mark it as triaged since you're picking it up?
16:15:51 <gnokii> yes
16:16:05 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/360
16:16:11 <mizmo> ill set 358 to triaged too
16:16:54 <mizmo> next is this one
16:16:54 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/358
16:16:55 <mizmo> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/361
16:16:59 <mizmo> Design for Fedora reflective bracelet (for cycling)
16:16:59 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/361"
16:17:16 <mizmo> whoops i think this is my bad, i need to provide the final artwork (Will do after meeting)
16:17:18 <mizmo> marking as triaged
16:17:41 <gnokii> we already did a cycling jersy 2 years ago
16:17:41 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/361
16:17:57 <mizmo> this is just for a bracelet thingy (a lot cheaper)
16:18:12 <mizmo> okay that's all untriaged tickets
16:18:16 <mizmo> let's look at stalled next
16:18:19 <mizmo> #topic stalled tickets
16:18:34 <mizmo> #topic stalled tickets
16:18:50 * mizmo ahems
16:19:04 <mizmo> okay anyway
16:19:06 <mizmo> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/report/13
16:19:07 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/report/13"
16:19:27 <mizmo> ticket 297: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/297
16:19:33 <mizmo> this one is closed so it shouldn't show up in the report i think
16:20:14 <mizmo> ticket 345 Request for Logo to represent and promote Fedora in Singapore
16:20:31 <mizmo> so we're waiting for the reporter on this one
16:20:57 <mizmo> so i put a message on there
16:20:57 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/345
16:21:08 <mizmo> i think we close insufficient info after 4 weeks right?
16:21:10 <mizmo> it's been 2 weeks
16:21:20 <mizmo> so we'll close it next meeting if we haven't heard by then
16:21:30 <mizmo> next one
16:21:32 <mizmo> ticket 346
16:21:38 <mizmo> Standee banner design
16:21:59 <mizmo> reporter says it's okay and asks if we can put it on the wiki
16:22:20 <mizmo> that seems reasonable, reporter offered to do that so i'll tell him to go ahead and close the ticket
16:22:26 <gnokii> the "standee banner"?
16:22:32 <mizmo> yeh
16:22:34 <mizmo> is that okay?
16:23:10 <gnokii> well it can be closed as in the eps will be in the end a tiff s its nonsense to ask the vendor
16:23:23 <mizmo> is an eps available too?
16:23:45 <gnokii> no but its easy to do takes 2 minutes
16:23:54 <mizmo> can you do it now? :)
16:24:04 <gnokii> sure
16:24:05 <mizmo> (i dont see the source on your page)
16:24:16 <gnokii> svg source is also ther
16:24:28 <mizmo> oh i see it now
16:25:19 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy closed a ticket on the Design Team trac instance as 'fixed' https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/346
16:25:28 <gnokii> and there is also an pdf
16:25:50 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/297
16:25:51 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/332
16:26:19 <mizmo> (im removing the blocked by field entries for the closed tickets showing up in the report so they stop showing up)
16:26:19 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/353
16:26:45 <mizmo> gnokii, i see the hungary one in pdf but it's wide instead of tall
16:27:05 <gnokii> the hungarian not its lanscape format
16:28:01 <mizmo> okay so i closed 346
16:28:09 <mizmo> gnokii, let me know when you have an eps and ill add to the wiki
16:28:15 <mizmo> (or pdf, or whatever is easiest)
16:28:33 <gnokii> ok but I am not an friend adding this banners to the wiki
16:28:40 <gnokii> to many different sizes
16:28:48 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/361
16:28:54 <mizmo> okay
16:28:59 <mizmo> #topic tickets needing a response
16:29:01 <mizmo> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/query?blockedby=!&status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&order=priority&report=11
16:29:02 <fedmsg-design> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- duffy linked to more information in a meeting in #fedora-design: "https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/query?blockedby=!&status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&order=priority&report=11"
16:29:23 <mizmo> first is 345 - i dont know why that one is showing up in the report....
16:29:25 <mizmo> it shouldnt be
16:30:09 <mizmo> okay i guess there's no other tickets that need triaging
16:30:15 <mizmo> #topic feedback, critique
16:30:24 <mizmo> is anybody working on a ticket who needs help, feedback, or critique on their work?
16:30:59 <mizmo> we have 3 open tickets that need someone to work on them, is anybody looking for something to work on?
16:31:39 <M1C4HTRON13> I don't mind
16:32:09 <mizmo> M1C4HTRON13, are you interested in an open ticket?
16:32:46 <M1C4HTRON13> can take #355 if you like
16:33:16 <mizmo> M1C4HTRON13, that would be great. ryanlerch_ just updated the magazine template, so the image sizes have changed
16:33:25 <mizmo> let me see if i can get you rthe dimensions and put them in the ticket
16:33:36 <M1C4HTRON13> thanks
16:33:41 <mizmo> M1C4HTRON13, oh it looks like jurankdankkal took that ticket already
16:33:45 <mizmo> but he put his name in the wrong field
16:33:54 <mizmo> ;(
16:34:01 <M1C4HTRON13> ah, ok
16:34:14 <mizmo> we have two others open tho
16:34:27 <mizmo> there is 312 https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/312
16:34:35 <mizmo> and 358 https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/358
16:34:41 <mizmo> M1C4HTRON13, would you be willing to work on either of these?
16:35:28 <M1C4HTRON13> sure, I'm happy to do #312
16:36:02 <sadin> am I missing a meeting :o
16:36:22 <cfoch> is somebody pretending to work on the Nuancier project for this GSoC?
16:36:47 <gnokii> yes there are 27 students who want to work on it
16:37:09 <mizmo> M1C4HTRON13, cool what is your fedora account? (i'll assign it to you!)
16:37:17 <gnokii> but lets wait how many finish the melang until deadline
16:37:32 <cfoch> that's good  :)
16:37:42 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- mciahdenn updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/312
16:37:42 <croberts> hey mizmo
16:37:47 <croberts> sorry im here forgot to say hi
16:37:55 <croberts> for the meeting
16:37:59 <mizmo> its all good :)
16:38:10 <mizmo> we're already through all the tickets
16:38:19 <cfoch> when there would be another voting for wallpapers?
16:38:19 <tatica> ryanlerch_, ping
16:38:19 <mizmo> is there anything else anybody wanted to talk about
16:38:31 <gnokii> yes
16:38:34 <Emichan> mizmo, are we going to do any wallpaper brainstorming sessions?
16:39:09 <gnokii> Emichan: wallpaper is history as beta is before th door
16:39:51 <Emichan> so we're just going to stick with ryanlerch_ 's designs for this release?
16:39:57 <gnokii> yes
16:40:01 <mizmo> we have to have wallpaper drafts in alpha so that was what we'd come up with
16:40:17 <mizmo> its a design we'd come up with the concept for during the fedora.next stuff
16:40:22 <mizmo> for the fedora.next website
16:41:15 <Emichan> the triangles :D
16:41:29 <Emichan> cool - i just wanted to ask
16:41:38 <mizmo> f23... who knows
16:41:42 <mizmo> maybe we should be thinking about it already
16:41:54 <gnokii> mizmo: can we change the channel topic voting phase closs already tomorroow
16:41:57 * pingou wants to ship in some design ticket
16:44:00 <gnokii> so dont forgt to vote and I have a second thing
16:44:56 <ryanlerch_> tatica, pong
16:45:07 <mizmo> gnokii, what's the second thing
16:45:58 <gnokii> cfp for flock is open, can we submit as design team a working session like design clinic again and then I want to submit a wallpaper hunt where I would ned help
16:47:41 <fedmsg-design> trac.ticket.update -- duffy updated a ticket on the Design Team trac instance https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/355
16:47:46 <mizmo> ah its going to be in rochester
16:49:14 <mizmo> i think thats a great idea gnokii
16:49:21 <mizmo> are you going to come?
16:49:29 <mizmo> we shold probably get a list of folks who intend to come
16:49:32 <gnokii> if I get sponsored yes
16:49:38 <mizmo> from the design team and plan something based on that
16:49:52 <mizmo> one year - maybe in toronto? - we had a whole day of floss creative tool workshops
16:49:59 <jurank_dankkal> i'm interested to join too, if got a chance again :)
16:49:59 <mizmo> klaatu came and gave a kdenlive class
16:50:00 <suchakra> Oh I am late
16:50:04 <mizmo> i gave an inkscape class
16:50:14 <suchakra> I will come most probably
16:50:19 <mizmo> tatica gave a gimp class i think
16:50:29 <mizmo> okay cool
16:50:51 <mizmo> maybe whati will do is send a note to the design team list so we can take inventory of everyone applying for sponsorship to come
16:50:56 <mizmo> and we'll start a wiki page to plan what we'll do
16:51:08 <mizmo> at a minimum we should have a design clinic
16:51:10 <gnokii> wallpaper hunt is something similar its a small session what  are good for wallpapers and then going out shoot and then oing some wrk with dt and gip on them
16:51:15 <mizmo> ohhhh
16:51:19 <mizmo> like a scavenger hunt
16:51:21 <mizmo> thats a good idea
16:51:23 <suchakra> If you want me to deliver something, I can help. Maybe mockups, I am not that great though
16:51:34 <mizmo> riecatnor could probably help us plan out where there might eb good places to take photos around the area
16:51:57 <riecatnor> oh definitely! Rochester is beautiful in the summer
16:52:02 <gnokii> yes riecatnor and threebean I will ask for a nice garden or smething like that
16:52:42 <riecatnor> http://www2.monroecounty.gov/parks-highland.php
16:52:48 <riecatnor> there is a conservatory
16:53:08 <mizmo> ooooh
16:53:29 <mizmo> riecatnor, is it possible to get there from RIT via public transit or should we plan some kind of arrangement?
16:55:39 <riecatnor> mizmo: yes, we should be able to get downtown from RIT using the buses
16:55:42 <tatica> ryanlerch_, flock - I think it's the excerpt of the latest news at te bottom
16:55:48 <mizmo> \o/ woohoo
16:56:22 <mizmo> okay i will send a mail gnokii to the design team list to help coordinate this and open up a wiki page
16:56:33 <gnokii> thats a good idea
16:56:45 <mizmo> it will be my first flock!
16:57:10 <mizmo> okay i have another meeting in a couple of minutes
16:57:13 <mizmo> any last items?
16:57:29 <riecatnor> yeah- if we are doing a design day I think we should do a badges session in there
16:57:39 <riecatnor> I plan to propose a workshop as well
16:57:46 <mizmo> \o/ great idea
16:58:20 <mizmo> aiight
16:58:34 <mizmo> im gonna close out the meeting so i can run across the building here lol to my next meeting
16:58:37 <mizmo> #stopmeeting
16:58:42 <mizmo> #endmeeting