12:44:15 <Sparks> #startmeeting Fedora Documentation FAD 12:44:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 21 12:44:15 2014 UTC. The chair is Sparks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:44:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:44:31 <jskarvad> jhradilek: ok, thanks, yruseva already told me :) 12:44:32 <jhradilek> o_O 12:44:44 <jhradilek> jskarvad: Ah, good. I wasn't sure. :) 12:46:06 <Sparks> Good morning/afternoon all 12:46:44 <Sparks> jhradilek: We're dialed in now. 12:47:09 <jhradilek> Sparks: We will be in a couple of minutes, the meeting room is currently occupied by someone else. 12:47:15 <jreznik> is the schedule for FAD available? 12:47:26 <Sparks> jhradilek: That's cool 12:47:29 <Sparks> jreznik: Yes there is. 12:47:35 <jreznik> jhradilek: what floor is Hvannadalshnukur? 12:47:59 <Sparks> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_FAD_2014 12:48:52 <jhradilek> jreznik: 4th. 12:48:57 <jhradilek> jreznik: Brno II. 12:49:00 * jreznik is going to join you 12:49:08 <Sparks> +1 12:50:00 <nb> .addchair #fedora-docs freenode nb 12:50:00 <zodbot> nb: Chair added: nb on (#fedora-docs, freenode). 12:50:01 <nb> .addchair #fedora-docs freenode jsmith 12:50:02 <zodbot> nb: Chair added: jsmith on (#fedora-docs, freenode). 13:08:14 <nb> sparks is in the building but went downstairs to get pete randomuser 13:08:34 <nb> #info this session is being recorded on bluejeans and zodbot is keeping logs also 13:13:57 <Sparks> And we're all here! 13:14:06 <Sparks> jhradilek: FOOD?!? 13:14:07 <nb> YEAH!!!! 13:14:16 * nb will probably go track down snacks in a while :) 13:14:24 <nb> .addchair #fedora-docs freenode Sparks 13:14:24 <zodbot> nb: Chair added: Sparks on (#fedora-docs, freenode). 13:14:29 <nb> who else shall I chair? 13:14:39 <jreznik> Sparks: a lot of food! 13:14:48 <lnovich> not me - rather be a bench not a chair 13:15:10 <Sparks> jreznik: What the heck 13:15:16 <nb> #chair jreznik lnovich randomuser 13:15:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jreznik jsmith lnovich nb randomuser 13:15:17 <Sparks> jreznik: I've got sweettarts 13:15:28 <lnovich> I have chocolate 13:15:32 <jhradilek> Sparks: Do you wanna know how much food we have? :) 13:15:36 <Sparks> jhradilek: No 13:15:38 <nb> jhradilek, looks like you have a lot :) 13:15:44 <lnovich> you havent 13:15:46 <jhradilek> Because I can zoom on it. ;) 13:15:52 <lnovich> seen what's under the monitor 13:16:01 <lnovich> oh and here comes more food 13:16:09 <nb> #chair jhradilek 13:16:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jhradilek jreznik jsmith lnovich nb randomuser 13:16:13 <jreznik> more food? you got to be kidding :))) 13:16:21 <lnovich> PIZZA! 13:16:21 <jreznik> watch! 13:16:51 * nb had BACON for breakfast :) 13:17:21 <nb> #topic introductions 13:17:44 <jsmith> #info randomuser (Pete) introduces himself, and his goals as our mighty leader 13:17:58 <jsmith> #info nb (Nick) introduces himself 13:18:16 <jsmith> #info Sparks (Eric) introduces himself 13:18:40 <nb> #info jsmith (Jared) introduces himself 13:19:09 <nb> #info jsmith wants to write more 13:19:34 <jsmith> #info pkovar introduces himself 13:19:50 <jsmith> #info jreznik claims not to do docs -- is just here for the food 13:20:41 <jsmith> #info jhradilek introduces himself 13:21:07 <jsmith> #info lnovich introduces herself 13:21:15 <jsmith> (and I apologize to everyone who I don't know their IRC nicks) 13:21:35 <pbokoc> jsmith, I'm the Install Guide guy in the blue shirt next to jhradilek :) 13:22:16 <jreznik> #info jsvarova introduces herself 13:22:31 <jsmith> pbokoc: Awesome, welcome! 13:22:45 <jhradilek> I'm Batman! 13:23:07 <jreznik> #info jskarvad_mtg introduced himself - he's working on Power Management Guide 13:24:42 <jreznik> (sorry for missing a few guys in the room - it's a good opportunity to know our docs guys here) 13:27:17 <jreznik> #action jreznik to talk to WGs what they would like to see from docs team for products 13:28:12 <lnovich> is someone officially taking notes? 13:29:24 <jreznik> lnovich: I'd say everyone can take notes when it makes sense - coop game 13:31:12 <jsmith> Throw any of you notes here in the channel 13:31:24 <jsmith> #info Sparks talks about doing a better job of maintaining the wiki 13:33:00 <lnovich> so in short the wiki pages need to die? 13:34:42 <lnovich> #info noobs come from all souces - those who know Fedora, those who don't, those who know docbook, those who don't, those who know Linux, those who don't, those who have worked as a technical writer and those who haven't - we need to think about all those areas 13:35:13 <jsmith> #info Talking about new web publishing platform 13:35:41 <jsmith> #info New publishing platform doesn't authenticate based on FAS -- based on authorized_keys 13:36:48 * jsmith would love some guidance on the new publishing system 13:37:16 <lnovich> can't we just make a wrapper? 13:37:35 <randomuser> lnovich, +1 13:37:55 <lnovich> the more we change - the more complicated we make it - the harder it will be for noobs to get involved 13:38:08 <jhradilek> #info jhradilek will push the new publishing instructions to the Documentation Guide later today. 13:38:19 <randomuser> publishing is not a noob activity :P 13:38:26 <lnovich> it should be 13:38:26 <jsmith> randomuser: We want it to be :-) 13:38:33 <jreznik> randomuser: so it's not for me? :( 13:38:52 <lnovich> those who are veterans can be mentors! 13:39:10 <nb> #info docs dev instance docs01.dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org 13:39:21 <nb> #info if you want access, ask nb to add your key to /root/.authorized_keys 13:39:25 <lnovich> or can work on other applications (I have an idea for one) to get more access to docs 13:39:53 <jhradilek> nb: Can I get access? 13:39:59 <nb> #info correction: the dev instance uses authorized_keys, the production instance, docs-backend01.phx2.fedoraproject.org is based on sysadmin-docs membership 13:40:02 <nb> .members sysadmin-docs 13:40:06 <zodbot> nb: Members of sysadmin-docs: immanetize @nb +rlandmann sparks zoglesby 13:40:21 <nb> jhradilek, yes, should i use your same pubkey as you use for other fedora stuff? 13:40:29 <jhradilek> nb: Yes please. 13:41:53 <nb> jhradilek, try ssh root@docs01.dev.cloud.fedoraproject.org 13:42:39 <jhradilek> nb: It works, I am there. 13:42:48 <jhradilek> nb: Thanks! 13:43:14 <nb> jhradilek, i added you to sysadmin and sysadmin-docs also 13:43:25 <nb> you might want to set up filters, you will start getting nagios mail and puppet and ansible commit meial 13:47:40 <lnovich> when was the glossary issue fixed in Publican? 13:49:32 * jreznik has to leave for an hour at 4 PM (our time) but will be back for 5 PM Fedora.next impact topic 13:51:47 <jsmith> #info Highest Docs badge: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/wordstorm-wordsmith-v 13:55:27 <jhradilek> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1000862 13:56:20 * jsmith suggests we take a 10 minute break 14:03:14 <randomuser> about that 10 minutes - we should break until you folks are comfortably fed 14:03:29 <randomuser> no rush :) 14:11:52 <pandaconstantin> Hello everyone 14:16:33 <randomuser> hello pandaconstantin 14:19:28 <jreznik> pandaconstantin: Sparks can help you with BJ if you want video 14:21:47 <pandaconstantin> Oki 14:26:15 <lnovich> #info patches vs docs 14:28:19 <lnovich> Developers if we want to attract them will appreciate - REST, or LaTEX 14:28:42 <lnovich> which are very similar to markdown 14:29:47 <jhradilek> pandoc is a very powerful tool that can convert from Markdown to DocBook: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html 14:31:25 <jsmith> jhradilek: But not well, because Markdown marks things up based on "presentation", DocBook based on semantics 14:31:38 <jsmith> jhradilek: "Bold" vs "Application Name" 14:31:40 <jhradilek> jsmith: I know, but it's better than nothing. 14:32:05 <jhradilek> Personally, I prefer the hard way: do it manually and do it right. 14:32:23 <pbokoc> +1 14:32:27 <jhradilek> But if we want to allow more people to contribute to our docs without having to learn DocBook, it's a start. 14:33:12 <jskarvad> jhradilek, +1 14:36:31 <jreznik> jhradilek: I got sponsor for you 14:37:00 <jhradilek> jreznik: Really? That's great. 14:37:17 * randomuser noted lnovich's idea of docbook template - would find a good home in documentation-guide 14:37:43 <jreznik> jhradilek: what's your FAS account 14:37:52 <jhradilek> jreznik: jhradile 14:38:24 <jreznik> jhradilek: done 14:38:28 <jhradilek> \o/ 14:42:20 <jreznik> recordmydesktop or even I think GNOME has something integrated but I don't use GNOME so... 14:42:33 <jhradilek> Me neither. :) I use dwm. 14:42:58 <jreznik> there's -gtk and -qt frontend 14:43:04 <lnovich> subtitles in the videos can be done 14:45:55 <lnovich> would some slide show that is web hosted - such as Prezi be a good alternative? 14:46:33 <lnovich> Maybe we do a MOOC? 14:46:49 <randomuser> #action Sparks to reach out to fedora design list re: videos {intro,ending, unification} and inline graphics for docs 14:46:58 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Videos 14:47:11 <randomuser> MOOC. lnovich ? 14:47:44 <nb> #info this call will be recorded for quality purposes :) 14:47:45 <nb> lol 14:47:46 <lnovich> Massive Open Online Course 14:47:48 <lnovich> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_open_online_course 14:48:03 <nb> We can use alt.fedoraproject.org if we need somewhere to host videos and stuff 14:48:11 <lnovich> Fedora Docs 101 14:48:20 <nb> or a fedorapeople groups space 14:49:12 <nb> actually we already have space 14:49:20 <nb> #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/docs/ 14:50:00 <lnovich> someone needs to triage these contributions 14:50:17 <lnovich> and then someone would need to add it to a guide 14:51:45 <jreznik> I have to leave for an hour, will be back later 14:52:15 <nb> ok 14:55:51 <nb> Sparks, works now 14:57:19 <nb> What do people think about moving the securityguide to docs/securityguide.git 15:00:23 <jsmith> nb: I have no problem with that 15:01:19 <nb> i am not sure why i didn't do that when i first set up the docs subdir 15:02:50 <randomuser> nb, do it quick while Sparks is distracted 15:04:11 <randomuser> I think we're getting distracted with implementation s strategy 15:05:29 <randomuser> proposal: develop workflow for submission where 1) someone submits content 2) content is reviewed by experienced contributors 3) content is forwarded to {existing guide, new guide, cookbook} 15:05:44 <jhradilek> +1 15:05:57 <lnovich> sounds similar to the patch review process 15:06:36 <pbokoc> we're being hax0red 15:07:14 <randomuser> any other votes? 15:07:27 <lnovich> +1 15:08:26 <lnovich> if we do this - we will need a second Fedora-Docs meeting (patch review meeting) as there is never enough time in the hour we have in the first place 15:08:28 <pkovar> +1 15:09:12 <randomuser> lnovich, that might be the the time jsmith mentioned 15:10:56 <lnovich> and in walks Silas .... 15:11:28 <nb> /git/securityguide.git is now /git/docs/securityguide.ggit 15:11:32 <nb> /git/securityguide.git is now /git/docs/securityguide.git 15:11:40 <nb> and i updated the repo url in trac 15:11:43 <lnovich> \0/ 15:12:55 <lnovich> maybe a form on the fedoraproject.org? 15:13:02 <pkovar> speaking of trac, we could also discuss whether we want to maintain those trac pages... 15:15:03 <jhradilek> pkovar: Let's not. 15:16:11 * nb doesn't really see why we need trac pages for docs usually, no one seems to use them 15:16:36 <jhradilek> It's yet another page to worry about, let's not use these pages at all. 15:17:40 <pkovar> yes, that's why i mentioned that. we don't maintain them, and so they are mostly outdated 15:18:53 <pkovar> we should consider deleting them... en masse 15:19:00 <lnovich> +2 15:19:59 <jhradilek> nb, pkovar, randomuser: Can we discus this subject eventually? 15:20:09 <nb> sure 15:24:37 <randomuser> lnovich, maybe ping web@ with the idea and see if they can implement it? 15:24:37 <randomuser> #agreed develop workflow for submission where 1) someone submits content 2) content is reviewed by experienced contributors 3) content is forwarded to {exisdevelop workflow for submission where 1) someone submits content 2) content is reviewed by experienced contributors 3) content is forwarded to {existing guide, new guide, cookbook}ting guide, new guide, cookbook} 15:24:43 <randomuser> #action randomuser to open trac ticket for fedora cookbook 15:24:52 <Sparks> I got a message from pandaconstantin (a translator that wants to contribute to Docs) earlier so they may be joining us shortly on the conference. 15:25:10 <jhradilek> Cool. 15:29:16 <randomuser> jhradilek, trac? sure 15:30:07 <randomuser> jhradilek, IMO we should skip over fedora.next for now (at least until jreznik is around) and move on to recruitment/mentoring 15:30:27 <jsmith> randomuser: Works for me 15:30:33 <randomuser> jhradilek, would you or someone over there be willing to lead discussion? 15:31:05 <jhradilek> I can. 15:31:11 <randomuser> awesome 15:36:33 <nb> #info jsmith is the break coordinator, lol 15:38:19 <lnovich> do we want to implement a form? or are you setting me up for a lynching? 15:38:58 <lnovich> randomuser ^^ 15:39:06 <nb> #topic Trac instances for individual guides? 15:39:07 <jsmith> #topic Trac instances for individual guides? 15:40:20 <lnovich> #question - link from Trac pages to other content? 15:42:13 <lnovich> because PC and MAC will never agree - that's why 15:43:07 <nb> #action nb to review the trac pages for docs to see if there is stuff that needs to be kept then will nuke the old trac instancesd 15:45:17 <nb> members gitdeployment-guide 15:45:25 <nb> .members gitdeployment-guide 15:45:28 <zodbot> nb: Members of gitdeployment-guide: @dsilas fnadge +jhradile mdious @mhideo mhlavink mprpic obriend rlandmann rtsprakash rvokal @ryanlerch transif 15:46:10 <nb> jsmith, can you https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/edit/gitdeployment-guide and set owner to nb 15:46:15 <nb> so i can remove everyone and disable it 15:48:12 <jsmith> nb: Done 15:51:09 <Sparks> #info Jargon Guide should be resurrected and is available at git://git.fedorahosted.org/git/docs/jargon-buster.git 15:52:46 <jhradilek> Sparks: Cool. 15:53:19 <Sparks> jhradilek: I'm sure it needs to be updated but there are a lot of translations already done 15:53:36 <jhradilek> https://github.com/eslobodo/AcroBot/ 15:53:48 <randomuser> #info all guides are ~2.5GB 15:54:44 <nb> jsmith, gitdocsite-publican add me and promote twice so i am admin plz 15:57:09 <jsmith> nb: Done 15:58:35 <lnovich> you must make it so 15:58:41 <jhradilek> randomuser: Could you please move closer to the microphone? For some reason, we struggle to hear you. :) 16:00:37 <nb> Sparks, or jsmith gitrespin-guide please 16:00:47 <Sparks> jhradilek: I wonder if we can incorporate AcroBot functionality into zodbot 16:04:57 <randomuser> #action lnovich to set up whenisgood poll and ask for participation 16:05:05 <jsmith> nb: Done 16:05:11 <Sparks> nb: What about the gitrespin-guide? 16:05:21 <nb> Sparks, i needed made admin so i could remove it 16:05:34 <nb> since that group has been superceded by docs-writers 16:08:46 <Sparks> nb: On it 16:09:09 * zoglesby lurks 16:10:44 <nb> #info zoglesby is here! 16:10:47 <Sparks> zoglesby: Don't lurk, join in! 16:10:58 <nb> Sparks, send him bluejeans info :) 16:12:34 <pkovar> http://opensource.com/life/13/11/book-sprint-doc-camp-2013 16:12:45 <pkovar> Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Doc Camp. 16:12:51 <pkovar> says the page 16:13:39 <pkovar> http://google-opensource.blogspot.cz/2013/10/google-doc-camp-2013-wrapup.html 16:14:58 <zoglesby> Sparks: I am at the office, but no one else is here, so I am free to help as much as I can. 16:15:18 <randomuser> welcome, zoglesby !! 16:15:55 <jsmith> zoglesby! 16:16:24 <zoglesby> Tomorrow, I have most of the day devoted to the FAD 16:16:34 <nb> #chair zoglesby pkovar jhradilek lnovich 16:16:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jhradilek jreznik jsmith lnovich nb pkovar randomuser zoglesby 16:16:39 * nb forgets who already was a chair 16:16:49 * nb wonders if we should ask for a badge for the FAD :) 16:17:00 * lnovich would rather be a bench not a chair 16:17:01 <randomuser> yes! 16:17:13 <nb> zoglesby, would you like to join our videoconference? 16:17:28 <nb> randomuser, we need a list of FAS names 16:17:33 <nb> and i can file a ticket on fedora-badges 16:17:35 <zoglesby> nb: yeah I need a few min to eat lunch 16:17:49 <nb> zoglesby, ok, sparks will send you info 16:18:43 <randomuser> #action nb to open ticket requesting badge for FAD participation 16:19:05 <lnovich> nb should get a badge for getting badges! 16:19:19 <nb> i have two for getting badges :) 16:19:31 <lnovich> showoff 16:19:35 <nb> Theres one for logging in to the badges app and one for getting at least 50 16:19:39 <randomuser> there's a badge for proposing badges too 16:19:46 <nb> true 16:19:55 <nb> randomuser, want to open the ticket so you get that badge? I already have it 16:20:23 <lnovich> can I get a badge for contstantly forgetting my FAS password? 16:20:27 <randomuser> meh 16:20:32 <randomuser> nb, no, i think i have it 16:20:47 <randomuser> lnovich, there is a badge for changing your password 16:21:00 <jhradilek> randomuser: Does it have multiple levels? 16:21:06 <lnovich> great I think I have done that 5 times in the past year 16:21:08 <randomuser> no :) 16:21:12 <jhradilek> It should. :) 16:24:35 <nb> lnovich, you just got awarded the "Don't call it a comeback" badge for reactivating your account :) 16:24:48 <nb> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/253 16:25:10 <nb> #info that is the link for the badge request 16:25:10 <jhradilek> Lol. 16:31:46 <zoglesby> Sparks: bluejeans me! 16:32:37 <nb> securityguide git is removed (actually is backed up) 16:33:45 <nb> someone said a few others could be removed? 16:33:54 <nb> someone from the brno office, i forget who, and i forget which ones 16:34:20 <randomuser> jhradilek, deployment guide 16:35:57 <nb> ok 16:35:59 <lnovich> http://conf.writethedocs.org/ 16:36:00 <nb> i will remove it also 16:36:49 <nb> [nb@hosted03 ~]$ sudo mv /srv/web/trac/projects/deploymentguide/ ~nb/trac-backup/ 16:36:50 <nb> done 16:39:00 <jhradilek> "No such project." 16:39:01 <jhradilek> Thanks! 16:48:03 <randomuser> #info Sparks can share bluejeans access freely but there is a user count cap so you should request it 16:51:42 * pbokoc has more badges than jhradilek 16:52:14 * jhradilek is gonna cry. 16:52:45 <lnovich> you both have more than me combined so stop the crying 16:52:45 * jsmith just got another badge :-) 16:53:42 * yruseva has 3 16:57:45 <randomuser> .sponsors docs 16:57:46 <zodbot> randomuser: Sponsors for docs: bcotton ianweller immanetize jhradile @jjmcd @ke4qqq @laubersm @nb @pfrields @quaid @rlandmann @sparks sradvan tsagadai @zoglesby 16:57:55 <jreznik> sorry guys, the meeting took longer than I thought 16:58:27 <Sparks> jreznik: No worries 16:59:34 <Sparks> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mentors#Documentation_.26_Translation 17:04:06 <pkovar> nb: could you also remove tracs for https://fedorahosted.org/software-collections-guide/ and https://fedorahosted.org/packagers-guide/ ? 17:04:08 <pkovar> ty 17:04:23 <nb> pkovar, sure 17:06:11 <nb> pkovar, done 17:06:21 <nb> I have backups of all of them in my ~ on hosted03 17:06:21 <pkovar> great 17:06:28 <pkovar> thanks again 17:09:36 <Sparks> LUNCH 17:09:44 <zoglesby> You guys don't look like you are going to eat... 17:09:59 <nb> ok we are going now 17:10:05 <zoglesby> sure.... 17:27:18 <randomuser> Sparks is telling a story about his battle to the death with a can of diet dr pepper 17:27:41 <randomuser> he was marginally victorious 17:27:47 <jhradilek> :D 17:28:15 <Sparks> jhradilek: They have a 3D printer setup in the Hat Rack so I got pizza and a show. 17:28:17 <jsmith> But we now know how to knock him out of commission 17:30:42 <zoglesby> Has the adgenda on the wiki been tossed out the window? 17:31:01 <zoglesby> or the agenda 17:33:36 <randomuser> zoglesby, we're following roughly in order; topics overlap though 17:33:59 <zoglesby> randomuser: okay 17:41:55 <randomuser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Docs_Project 17:43:27 <randomuser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Gobby ? 17:47:01 * jsmith is the only one in the gobby channel 17:47:58 <jhradilek> I have gobby installed. What now? 17:51:20 * nb is on gobby also 17:51:27 <nb> jhradilek, cat ~lmacken/gobby on fedorapeople for the password 17:53:06 <jhradilek> nb: Thanks, I am there. 17:53:28 <randomuser> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Docs_Project_DE 17:53:38 <randomuser> and the member page... 17:54:44 <pkovar> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=De_DE/DocsProject&action=history suggests it's unmaintained 17:54:50 <randomuser> as compared to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project/de 17:55:07 <pkovar> (Imported from MoinMoin) 17:55:15 <randomuser> purge! 17:55:35 <zoglesby> I did not bring my personal computer to work today. I can't ssh into fedorapeople, so no gobby for me. 17:56:02 <randomuser> we can give you the password, zoglesby - not getting out of it that easily! 17:59:09 <nb> jsmith, https://www.cacert.org/cap.php?&format=letter 18:00:26 <Capesteve> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/De_DE/Docs 18:01:18 <Capesteve> in other words, dump that ^ 18:01:35 <Capesteve> and the page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project/de 18:02:56 <Capesteve> then just archive the one you gave, i.e. ^ 18:03:05 <Capesteve> if its easier 18:03:28 <jhradilek> pandaconstantin: Do you have connection problems? You keep joining and leaving the call. 18:03:40 <pandaconstantin> yeah 18:03:49 <randomuser> {{old}} 18:04:00 <pandaconstantin> I've a serious problem at this moment 18:04:20 <pandaconstantin> The connection is not stable 18:04:40 <randomuser> or {{delete}} 18:08:05 <Capesteve> curly brackets 18:08:09 <Capesteve> or braces 18:08:27 <jhradilek> or "that thing" 18:08:34 <randomuser> jhradilek, ++ 18:08:43 <pbokoc> not to be confused with The Thing 18:08:53 <jhradilek> pbokoc: True. 18:09:02 <pbokoc> http://barparblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/the-thing_2.jpeg 18:13:09 <Capesteve> time scales? "old" for 6 months ? archive for 6 months? delete within 3 months? 18:13:41 <randomuser> Capesteve, delete on next burst of wiki admin ambition 18:13:47 <quaid> of course, ianweller would remind us not to delete but to mark deprecated or move to an Archive: namespace that is not searched by default 18:14:24 <randomuser> ha! now that you're here, quaid, you can participate! 18:14:55 <quaid> hee hee 18:15:02 <randomuser> dont forget to check special:what links here 18:15:19 <nb> the issue someone mentioned was that even if we move it to Archive:, i think google will still find it 18:15:23 <quaid> saw this FAD was coming , totally forgot to get it on my calendar 18:15:56 <quaid> nb: ah ... I wonder if we can use robots.txt to blacklist namespaces? or is there something better built in to wikimedia 18:16:30 <quaid> ok, so is there anyone else who should be a wiki admin, other than nb? 18:16:42 * nb is not sure who is interested 18:16:52 <nb> randomuser, Sparks ?? maybe someone in brno? 18:17:27 <randomuser> quaid, if I said yes, would I have to *do* anything with it? 18:17:33 <Sparks> quaid: Can you check to see if I'm already? I can't remember if ianweller gave it to me or not. 18:17:34 <nb> randomuser, lol 18:17:35 <quaid> nb: ok, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Special:UserRights should appear for you now on the Special:SpecialPages so you can add other people 18:17:39 <Sparks> quaid: Not that I'd know what to do with it. 18:17:41 <nb> Sparks, doesn't look like you are on there 18:17:44 <nb> quaid, ok thanks 18:17:54 <quaid> you'll see on the special pages page that some options are bolded, those are admin-only views 18:18:05 <quaid> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Special:ListGroupRights 18:18:07 <nb> quaid, i think you have to add me to bureaucrat if you want me to be able to grant rights 18:18:20 <quaid> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Special:ListUsers&group=sysop 18:18:27 <quaid> nb: ok, wasn't sure, will do 18:19:11 <quaid> ok, done 18:19:31 <nb> quaid, thank you 18:19:36 <quaid> m'pleasure 18:19:44 <jhradilek> nb: You can add me, I guess. 18:20:11 <Sparks> quaid: Thanks! 18:20:23 <nb> jhradilek, done 18:21:12 <jhradilek> nb: Cheers. 18:21:22 <Sparks> quaid: Don't you want to join our FAD? 18:21:48 <randomuser> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_Style_Guide needs to go into Documentation Guide 18:22:27 <randomuser> #action randomuser to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_Style_Guide add into Documentation Guide 18:30:55 <quaid> Sparks: I do actually, I'm still in morning mode for a bit longer -- watched Serenity on the big screen last night then did my "European office hours" until 3 am PDT :) 18:36:19 <nb> fedora-business-cards --cmyk-pdf fedora 18:36:26 <nb> i belive is the usual command 18:36:31 <nb> or --svg or something if you want that 18:36:49 <nb> and it will let you choose what you want on it and you can edit it and stuff 18:48:05 <Sparks> quaid: Just let me know and I'll send you the BJ link 18:53:17 <nb> .members docs-publisher 18:53:18 <zodbot> nb: Members of docs-publisher: 18:53:21 <nb> .members docs-publishers 18:53:22 <zodbot> nb: Members of docs-publishers: alick averi @bcotton ciupicri crantila ddomingo dmparker dsilas elf elladeon fbolton fnadge giallu gomix +immanetize +jhradile @jjmcd jjr jskarvad @ke4qqq kopalova @laubersm lcafiero lnovich logan mamasun mkosek mprpic nathant @nb pbokoc +pfrields pmkovar +quaid rforlot @rlandmann ruigo sgordon shaiton shnurapet @sparks +sradvan stephenw tezcatl tiansworld tsagadai vpodzime warrink (1 more message) 18:53:25 <nb> .more 18:53:25 <zodbot> nb: yruseva @zoglesby 18:54:21 <Sparks> #topic Publishing docs using Koji 18:54:27 <Sparks> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Publishing_a_document_with_Publican#Publishing_using_Koji 19:22:04 * jsmith fixes the musician's guide 19:22:27 * pkovar updated the links on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_guides_table 19:28:51 * jsmith fixes the packagers guide 19:28:51 <randomuser> #action lnovich to explain SEO techniques later 19:32:28 * jsmith fixes the old "rpm guide" for Publican 4 19:33:21 <randomuser> pkovar, are you still deprecating the rpm guide? 19:34:31 <pkovar> randomuser: yes, let me send you a link to the new packagers guide content spec 19:35:16 <randomuser> pkovar, i have your mails to devel@ 19:35:28 <pkovar> randomuser: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/env-and-stacks/2014-March/000295.html 19:36:01 <pkovar> i am going to start working on it soon as i received positive feedback from fedora packagers 19:36:40 <randomuser> pkovar, what do you think about https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/env-and-stacks/2014-March/000295.html > http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packagers_guide_wishlist 19:36:44 <pkovar> the plan is to finish the current PG draft 19:36:46 <pkovar> finally 19:36:57 <randomuser> + feedback 19:36:59 <jsmith> pkovar: :-) 19:37:14 <pkovar> There is currently no text in this page. 19:37:31 <randomuser> pkovar, that's my point 19:37:33 <pkovar> ah, you mean to create the page 19:38:45 <pkovar> sounds good, sure 19:39:11 <Capesteve> Good night 19:43:15 * randomuser creates fedorahosted ticket for fedora-cookbook 19:43:32 <randomuser> and CCs nb, maybe he will do that 19:43:38 * nb will do what? 19:47:22 * pkovar created https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packagers_Guide_Wishlist - it still needs a bit of formatting 19:57:02 <pbokoc> are you guys muted? randomuser 19:57:22 <randomuser> yes, apparently so 19:57:29 <pbokoc> just checking :) 19:57:32 <randomuser> nb and I are setting up a new repo 19:57:35 <jhradilek> randomuser: We are getting pretty tired over here, so let's call it a day. 19:57:50 <randomuser> later, we will unmute then just move our mouths silently in mock conversation 19:58:29 <jhradilek> I'll finish updating the Publican chapter in the Documentation Guide later tonight and I'll push my changes to the repo, so that we can review it tomorrow. 20:03:53 <zoglesby> If you have anything you want me to take a look at tonight just let me know 20:19:13 <Sparks> #endmeeting