18:08:16 <randomuser> #startmeeting Fedora Docs Office Hours 18:08:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 16 18:08:16 2014 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:08:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:08:21 * randomuser kicks the bot 18:08:43 <tusharkumar> lol 18:09:35 <randomuser> hey, tusharkumar 18:10:00 <randomuser> I should pull your evolution thing and look at it 18:10:08 * tusharkumar happy that one week completed in fedora project 18:11:52 <tusharkumar> randomuser: yes 18:13:29 <randomuser> tusharkumar, did you get the xref/ulink distinction clarified? 18:13:57 <tusharkumar> yup, ulink is like for url... and xref is for link within document, right? 18:14:04 <randomuser> that's it 18:14:23 <tusharkumar> So, how does it look like? 18:14:26 <randomuser> let's go through some lines where xmllint sees problems 18:14:52 <tusharkumar> I don't think it will show now... 18:15:21 <randomuser> on line 32, the xref tag is good syntax, but it isn't closed 18:15:34 <tusharkumar> Hmm 18:15:59 <mpduty> randomuser, hi 18:16:09 <randomuser> You can use <xref linkend='id' /> or <xref linkend='id'>link text</xref> 18:16:21 <randomuser> hey mpduty! how have you been? 18:16:25 <tusharkumar> Yes 18:17:15 <mpduty> randomuser, fine, thanks and you must be pretty busy with beta freeze 18:18:03 <randomuser> mpduty, yes, i've been working on the release notes quite a bit 18:19:03 <randomuser> tusharkumar, that's the only xml mismatch type problem I see at the moment; you should be able to preview with yelp once that is fixed 18:19:54 <tusharkumar> randomuser: I remember you said it earlier and I tried to find a way to preview it with yelp... 18:20:14 <tusharkumar> randomuser: but can you tell me how to preview it in yelp? 18:20:26 <randomuser> tusharkumar, `yelp /path/to/file.xml` 18:20:32 <tusharkumar> oh 18:20:37 <tusharkumar> right... 18:21:05 * tusharkumar is getting old 18:21:11 <randomuser> heh 18:25:59 <tusharkumar> randomuser: In the preview, xref is not giving an actual link to the specified section in yelp.. 18:26:28 <randomuser> tusharkumar, I noticed that too. A shortcoming of yelp, maybe? 18:28:54 <tusharkumar> randomuser: also, in the section installation, the font is small but I think it should be bigger.. 18:29:17 <tusharkumar> randomuser: Only the "Installation" 18:29:43 <randomuser> tusharkumar, how is the installation section different from the others? 18:29:53 <randomuser> in the xml, i mean 18:30:58 <tusharkumar> randomuser: It was title element. It's fine now and xref link is also showing now. I guess it looking fine now 18:31:08 <tusharkumar> randomuser: pushing it now 18:31:31 * randomuser prepares to pull 18:31:54 <tusharkumar> randomuser: pushed 18:33:20 <randomuser> tusharkumar, okay,, looks good. I have one more suggestion, that you can do or not 18:33:23 <randomuser> your call 18:33:31 <tusharkumar> randomuser: Sure 18:34:36 <randomuser> tusharkumar, Sparks started a GPG section, with info about creating and signing GPG keys, and general GPG use. You could opt to write an article specifically about using GPG with evolution. 18:35:17 <randomuser> otoh, if the amount of info in the existing article is as much as you want to get into right now, that's fine too 18:36:15 <tusharkumar> randomuser: I can add a couple of things more in the same article regarding gpg usage in evolution. Will that be good? 18:36:53 <randomuser> tusharkumar, however you want to handle it. I just wanted you to be aware that there is an existing GPG section that you could work within or link to. 18:37:15 <randomuser> ...linking to is probably a good idea, at a minimum. 18:37:25 <tusharkumar> randomuser: It would be good. 18:38:58 <randomuser> tusharkumar, when you're satisfied with that, I think we are ready to include your article and merge your commits in to the master branch. 18:41:28 <tusharkumar> randomuser: That would be so awesome. :) I'm not sleeping tonight till I finish this. 18:45:02 <randomuser> tusharkumar, okay, let me give you a short list since I might be afk for a few hours soon 18:47:21 <randomuser> tusharkumar, when your revision is complete and xmllint clean, `git mv` the file into the Communications directory. 18:47:49 <randomuser> tusharkumar, in Communications.xml, create a new section for email articles, and add an include for your evolution article. 18:48:19 <tusharkumar> randomuser: one quick question. The file by Sparks is different but I can use to link it just by same id? 18:48:26 <tusharkumar> randomuser: Sure 18:48:52 <randomuser> tusharkumar, you can link to any id attribute from any included file 18:49:03 <tusharkumar> Right.. 18:49:17 <randomuser> ... but there should be no 'same id' - the id attributes must be unique 18:49:33 <tusharkumar> Yes 18:51:21 <randomuser> tusharkumar, does that answer your question? 18:52:14 <tusharkumar> randomuser: Yes :) 18:53:57 <randomuser> tusharkumar, once you have the include in, you should be able to build with `publican build --langs en-US --formats html-single` (or your desired format) 18:54:37 <tusharkumar> randomuser: Sure :) 18:55:14 <randomuser> tusharkumar, I'm looking ahead a little here - you will need to remove the lang attribute from the top level section. It *might* work as en-US instead of en_US - but even so, it probably wont help with the translation process. tag attributes are naturally not changed in translation. 18:56:37 <tusharkumar> Hmm... So, I will remove lang attribute.. 18:57:11 <tusharkumar> randomuser: I have to include like this <xi:include href="Creating_GPG_Keys.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" /> 18:57:29 <tusharkumar> and then I can use xref anywhere, right? 18:57:47 <tusharkumar> Like first include file, then add xref anywhere? 18:57:51 <randomuser> tusharkumar, no, an include will display the content of the file. Think of it as calling a function. 18:58:01 <tusharkumar> oh.. 18:58:05 <tusharkumar> Nice.. 18:58:41 <randomuser> tusharkumar, what you want is an xref to one of the sections inside Creating_GPG_Keys.xml 18:58:57 <tusharkumar> randomuser: Yes 18:59:15 <randomuser> it's publican's job to know about the other files and make the association, you just have to point at the element 18:59:40 <tusharkumar> I just have to write the correct id, right? 18:59:57 <randomuser> correct. I have to go for a while, but if you have more questions you can ask and someone else can probably help 19:00:08 <tusharkumar> Sure 19:02:34 <mpduty> randomuser, I have a small request to make, could you spare a couple of minutes 19:11:47 <randomuser> mpduty, sure, I suppose I have a couple minutes 19:12:02 <Sparks> Hey, it's office hours! 19:12:59 <mpduty> randomuser, I am no longer using the account 'mohanprakash', I am using the FAS account 'mpduty' 19:13:56 <mpduty> could you please remove mohanprakash from group membership and grant the same to mpduty instead? 19:14:14 <randomuser> mpduty, what happened? 19:15:07 <randomuser> .fasinfo mohanprakash 19:15:08 <zodbot> randomuser: User: mohanprakash, Name: Mohan Prakash, email: petreach@gmail.com, Creation: 2013-12-27, IRC Nick: mpduty, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: AF620142, Status: active 19:15:11 <zodbot> randomuser: Approved Groups: fedorabugs docs cvsl10n cla_done cla_fpca 19:15:21 <mpduty> nothing, only I wanted to use the same FAS name and IRC nick, I hope I am not being troublesome 19:15:48 <mpduty> .fasinfo mpduty 19:15:49 <zodbot> mpduty: User: mpduty, Name: Mohan Prakash, email: mpduty@gmail.com, Creation: 2014-03-15, IRC Nick: mpduty, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: AF620142, Status: active 19:15:52 <zodbot> mpduty: Approved Groups: fi-apprentice cla_done cla_fpca 19:16:08 <randomuser> mpduty, not too much - but don't make a habit of it :P 19:16:36 <mpduty> :) thanks 19:18:08 <zoglesby> Yay, I made it for office hours again 19:18:21 <randomuser> .fasinfo mohanprakash 19:18:22 <randomuser> .fasinfo mpduty 19:18:23 <zodbot> randomuser: User: mohanprakash, Name: Mohan Prakash, email: petreach@gmail.com, Creation: 2013-12-27, IRC Nick: mpduty, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: AF620142, Status: active 19:18:26 <zodbot> randomuser: Approved Groups: fedorabugs cvsl10n cla_done cla_fpca 19:18:29 <zodbot> randomuser: User: mpduty, Name: Mohan Prakash, email: mpduty@gmail.com, Creation: 2014-03-15, IRC Nick: mpduty, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: AF620142, Status: active 19:18:32 <zodbot> randomuser: Approved Groups: fedorabugs docs fi-apprentice cla_done cla_fpca 19:18:47 <randomuser> mpduty, you should set the old account to inactive 19:18:55 <mpduty> yes 19:18:58 <randomuser> .fasinfo zoglesby 19:18:59 <zodbot> randomuser: User: zoglesby, Name: Zach Oglesby, email: zach@oglesby.co, Creation: 2008-09-22, IRC Nick: zoglesby, Timezone: Europe/Madrid, Locale: en, GPG key ID: F20C4707, Status: active 19:19:02 <zodbot> randomuser: Approved Groups: sysadmin-docs cla_fedora cla_done ambassadors freemedia fedorabugs packager @docs @docs-writers @docs-publishers sysadmin sysadmin-web cla_fpca 19:19:14 <randomuser> yay zoglesby 19:19:38 <zoglesby> Hmm, I am not in Timezone: Europe/Madrid anymore 19:19:42 <zoglesby> I should fix that 19:20:18 <randomuser> Oglesby - is that a Spanish name? 19:20:26 * randomuser winks 19:20:29 <zoglesby> randomuser: yep 19:21:03 <zoglesby> It was San Oglesby, but that was too long so I changed it 19:22:32 <randomuser> zoglesby, I'm skeptical about this. 19:23:13 <zoglesby> randomuser: I don't need to provide you with my birth certificate, you must take my word 19:24:37 <randomuser> zoglesby, I would accept paella as adequate verification 19:28:01 <zoglesby> randomuser: okay, but I don't think it will keep well in the mail 19:29:03 <randomuser> ha! I can imagine the mailman scooping a floppy, dripping cardboard container into my mailbox 23:17:12 <randomuser> good office hours today 23:17:19 <randomuser> #endmeeting