13:59:49 <bexelbie> #startmeeting fedora-docs 13:59:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 12 13:59:49 2018 UTC. The chair is bexelbie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:59:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-docs' 13:59:53 <bexelbie> #topic roll call 13:59:55 <bexelbie> .hello 13:59:55 <zodbot> bexelbie: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 14:00:00 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:00:01 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:00:05 * pbokoc is kinda here 14:00:37 * bexelbie kinda waves at pbokoc :D 14:01:24 <ymdatta[m]> Hello 14:01:45 <bexelbie> hello 14:01:58 * bexelbie gives folks a few minutes 14:04:17 <bexelbie> #topic Meeting Time 14:04:24 <bexelbie> so ... as we know the current meeting time isn't really working 14:04:29 <bexelbie> I've created a when is good to find a new one 14:04:34 <bexelbie> Please consider responding here 14:04:35 <bexelbie> #link http://whenisgood.net/hzmigi3 14:04:46 <bexelbie> #topic Release Notes 14:05:06 <bexelbie> Release Notes tickets have been filed. pbokoc is going to be helping to drive these .. but jump right in and write - don't be afraid :) 14:05:13 <bexelbie> #link pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes/issues 14:05:20 <bexelbie> #topic Open Floor 14:05:23 <pbokoc> yeah I'll send out a mail with instructions and call for contributions later 14:05:27 <bexelbie> anyone have some things? 14:05:30 <pbokoc> god damn that's a fast moving agenda 14:05:36 <bexelbie> ymdatta[m], how are you? Anything we can help you with :) 14:05:47 <bexelbie> pbokoc, you said you were only sorta here so I didn't expect any input :) 14:05:56 <bexelbie> #action pbokoc to sen out instructions for release notes later this week 14:05:57 <bexelbie> :D 14:06:11 <bexelbie> looking for something to write on? 14:07:34 * bexelbie gives ymdatta[m] some time in case matrix is laggy 14:08:53 <bexelbie> Anyone want to add anything? 14:09:06 <bexelbie> The Docs FAD was successful and we have new stuff online now :) 14:09:07 <x3mboy> .hello2 14:09:08 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 14:09:23 <x3mboy> Sorry, I wasn't aware of the meeting time for this meeting 14:09:25 <bexelbie> langdon, is working on some advanced tooling for us to handle better inclusions of sub-repositories 14:09:29 <pbokoc> yeah, about the FAD - is there any writeup about that besides the minutes posted on the list? 14:09:30 <ymdatta[m]> Just here to view the meeting, if you have anything a beginner can help with, I am up for it :) 14:09:35 <bexelbie> x3mboy, that's ok we are trying to change it : http://whenisgood.net/hzmigi3 14:09:44 <x3mboy> Cool! 14:09:48 <pbokoc> like, what you all managed to do, what you talked about, that kinda thing 14:10:04 <bexelbie> ymdatta[m], there are a few tasks on the easy fix page https://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/ 14:10:16 <bexelbie> ymdatta[m], there are also release notes to be written in pagure.io/release-notes/issues/ 14:10:19 <bexelbie> both are great places to start 14:10:32 <bexelbie> pbokoc, the minutes are it for now - the FAD was mostly a "do" not a "discuss" thing 14:10:50 <bexelbie> the big thing we did was formalize the information architecture for the subprojects parts of the site (not user docs related) 14:10:51 <ymdatta[m]> Ok, will look into it, thanks :) 14:11:06 <bexelbie> and we want to see the quick-docs published in a non-hierachical form - but we don't have a solution for that yet 14:11:22 <bexelbie> we also got PR building working (but that was almost entirely cverna and bstinson ) 14:11:34 <bexelbie> actually publishing is still almost there, but not yet ready 14:11:53 * bexelbie hopes to get something written up from that FAD RSN 14:11:57 <pbokoc> alright 14:11:59 <bexelbie> rsn == real soon now 14:12:09 <bexelbie> but we really did focus on being locked in a room and making things better 14:12:14 <bexelbie> with an emphasis on the quick docs repo 14:12:28 <pbokoc> bexelbie, btw, can we package the release notes in asciidoc now? I forget if that worked or not but it's about to be a very relevant issue soon 14:12:46 * jsmith joins the meeting late, sorry 14:13:01 <bexelbie> pbokoc, it is not working yet - and is definitely somethign we need 14:13:14 <pbokoc> ooof 14:13:16 <bexelbie> we got almost here in the last release, but we don't package all of the fonts/javascript 14:13:20 <bexelbie> I'll keep looking at that 14:13:25 <bexelbie> but it was usable, if not pretty 14:13:45 <bexelbie> No one had a use case for this package other than for archival purposes so usable seemed to be acceptable but not perfect 14:13:55 * bexelbie has an open branch on it and will poke at it again 14:15:10 <bexelbie> ymdatta[m], please consider emailing our mailing lsit, docs@fedoraproject.org if you ahve questions or ping one of us directly 14:15:30 <x3mboy> Will we start working on this: https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-28/f-28-docs-tasks.html at some point? For next release maybe? 14:15:51 <pbokoc> usable is fine, I doubt anyone even uses the package as opposed to the online version. Problem is it's still among release criteria IIRC, and if we deliver it at the last minute for like the 6th release in a row, adamwill might have an aneurysm... 14:16:06 <bexelbie> x3mboy, I don't believe that schedule reflects reality anymore - we should probably clean that up as part of our first order of business when we get a better meeting time 14:16:34 <x3mboy> bexelbie, cleaning that could be a great easyfix 14:16:36 <bexelbie> pbokoc, agreed 14:16:51 <bexelbie> x3mboy, maybe - it depends on if you know the actual way the team works now :D 14:17:01 <bexelbie> x3mboy, but yes, in theory 14:17:20 <bexelbie> I believe that page may be generated by the master schedule though so it needs to go through jkurik ultimately 14:17:32 <x3mboy> Probably 14:18:05 <bexelbie> I'll try to redline it in the next little while to bring up in our new meeting time where we hopefully have greater overlap with people's availability 14:18:14 <bexelbie> redline == mark up errors and suggestions 14:20:02 <bexelbie> adds a few minutes 14:20:17 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to look at the packaging of release note so they are hopefully not a blocker 14:20:40 <bexelbie> #action we need to update schedule at https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-28/f-28-docs-tasks.html to reflect reality - probably in the new meeting time 14:20:51 <bexelbie> #action we said welcome to ymdatta[m] :) 14:21:05 <x3mboy> I have a PR pending that shows the message: "The pull-request cannot be merged due to conflicts" 14:21:10 <bexelbie> which PR? 14:21:13 <x3mboy> How can I check those conflicts? 14:21:17 <x3mboy> 23 14:21:23 <x3mboy> https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/quick-docs/pull-request/23 14:21:25 <bexelbie> you'll need to compare it to the master branch in the repo 14:21:28 <bexelbie> try doing this 14:21:33 <bexelbie> git checkout master 14:21:39 <bexelbie> git pull --rebase upstream master 14:21:42 <x3mboy> In quick docs 14:21:45 <bexelbie> git checkout <your pr> 14:21:49 <bexelbie> git rebase -i master 14:21:58 <bexelbie> git push -f origin <your branch> 14:22:01 <bexelbie> and see if that fixes it 14:22:11 <bexelbie> assuming upstream is the upstream repo and origin is your fork 14:22:54 * bexelbie goes to look at that pr directly too 14:23:30 <bexelbie> pr 23? 14:23:41 <x3mboy> Yes, on quick-docs 14:24:15 <bexelbie> looks like the conflicts include the _topic_map.yml 14:24:37 <bexelbie> You're going to need to walk the conflicts tree as found with git rebase -i master above 14:24:49 <pbokoc> ah, fun times 14:24:54 <jsmith> x3mboy: I can help you get it resolved if you get stuck 14:24:58 <x3mboy> bexelbie, I'm working on it 14:25:04 <x3mboy> jsmith, thanks 14:25:13 <bexelbie> looks like it may be somewhat gnarly ... I'll jsmith help :P 14:25:48 <bexelbie> remember, rebase early and rebase often 14:27:10 <bexelbie> anyone/anything else? 14:27:43 <bexelbie> I'll close the meeting soon 14:27:44 <bexelbie> but first 14:27:51 <x3mboy> Nothing from me 14:27:54 <bexelbie> EVERYONE go vote at http://whenisgood.net/hzmigi3 for a new meeting time 14:27:54 <x3mboy> :D 14:27:59 <bexelbie> it'd be great to get your votes by Friday 14:28:01 <x3mboy> I already did it! 14:28:02 <x3mboy> :D 14:28:15 <bexelbie> #action EVERYONE: select a new meeting time at http://whenisgood.net/hzmigi3 14:29:21 <bexelbie> Thank you everyone x3mboy jsmith pbokoc ymdatta[m] 14:29:34 <bexelbie> let's try to get on a new meeting time for next week or the week after at the latest 14:29:38 <bexelbie> #endmeeting