#fedora-el: Fedora Greek Meeting 2012-03-15
Meeting started by liknus at 19:13:28 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (cmpahar, 19:14:19)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Greekteam_2012-03-15#Agenda
- Announcements (cmpahar, 19:16:09)
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board
- Events (cmpahar, 19:20:50)
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule
- Events - FOSSCOMM 2012 (cmpahar, 19:25:07)
- http://serres.fosscomm.gr/
- ACTION: cmpahar
creates a wiki page for fosscomm 2012 (cmpahar,
- AGREED: να
δημιουργείσουμε wiki page και να το εμπλουτίσουμε μέχρι τις 29/3
όπου και θα αποφασίσουμε στο meeting ποιες παρουσιάσεις θα πάνε στην
fosscomm (cmpahar,
- Swag (cmpahar, 19:41:59)
- ACTION: cmpahar ask
for swag (cmpahar,
- ACTION: file a budget
request for creating buttons for the button machine and
stickers (cmpahar,
- Fedora Greek Website and Forum (cmpahar, 19:50:37)
- ACTION: comzeradd
change capthca at our forum (cmpahar,
- Open Floor (cmpahar, 19:58:48)
Meeting ended at 20:02:26 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- cmpahar creates a wiki page for fosscomm 2012
- cmpahar ask for swag
- file a budget request for creating buttons for the button machine and stickers
- comzeradd change capthca at our forum
Action items, by person
- cmpahar
- cmpahar creates a wiki page for fosscomm 2012
- cmpahar ask for swag
- comzeradd
- comzeradd change capthca at our forum
People present (lines said)
- cmpahar (143)
- dimirage (20)
- liknus (19)
- comzeradd (19)
- zodbot (11)
- nestos (5)
- jim_ailaion (3)
- dglaros (3)
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