15:58:12 <herlo> #startmeeting 15:58:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Sun May 23 15:58:12 2010 UTC. The chair is herlo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:58:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:58:12 <rbergeron> dgilmore: english? 15:58:17 <rbergeron> thank you, herlo 15:58:18 <rbergeron> :) 15:58:28 <dgilmore> rbergeron: mmmkay thats not english 15:58:36 <rbergeron> lol 15:58:48 <herlo> #chair rbergeron ke4qqq dgilmore threethirty inode0 15:58:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore herlo inode0 ke4qqq rbergeron threethirty 15:59:57 <rbergeron> i have... 6,666 unread mails, randomly. 16:02:26 <tatica> hello guys :) 16:02:36 <ke4qqq> so completely OT - the discussion this morning at breakfast was about tatica's age - sooooooo how old are you :) 16:03:18 <herlo> lol 16:03:26 <tatica> LOLª 16:03:35 <tatica> it depends.... can I win something? 16:03:48 <tatica> how old did all of you said? 16:03:51 <herlo> #task ke4qqq upgrade ups account and add herlo as admin (and possibly others) 16:04:11 <ke4qqq> our hearts and minds?? lol ummmmm max might send you one american dollar :) 16:04:14 <herlo> #task herlo work with threethirty to build standard Ambassador_Kits 16:04:21 <tatica> lol 16:04:44 * tatica = 26 (until august) 16:04:48 <tatica> who win? 16:04:59 <ke4qqq> not me - /me was 2 years off 16:05:30 * herlo was over by only a couple years... 16:06:20 <tatica> lol 16:06:47 <tatica> thanks... at least you ke4qqq think I'm younger 16:06:48 <tatica> :P 16:07:00 <tatica> now... keep working guys!!! stop playing arround :P 16:07:13 <herlo> tatica: exactly, thanks. we're working now... 16:09:43 <spevack> /nick grumplestiltzken 16:10:03 <herlo> lol 16:11:31 <tatica> o0 16:11:35 <tatica> spevack, ping 16:16:31 <lcafiero> tatica, I thought you were 40 16:16:36 <lcafiero> Just kidding 16:16:57 <tatica> lol 16:18:32 <rbergeron> win 4 16:18:37 <rbergeron> fail 16:19:18 <tatica> so... nobody wins? 16:20:33 * dgilmore fails hard 16:21:36 <herlo> dgilmore: did you fail fast! 16:21:44 <herlo> ?? 16:21:49 <dgilmore> herlo: hard and fast 16:23:06 <herlo> w00t! 16:23:09 <herlo> do it again :) 16:29:55 <ianweller> looks like we're getting out of here on time. wow. 16:30:11 <ianweller> have a safe trip home, everybody (: 16:34:52 <lcafiero> see ya, ianweller 16:40:44 <threethirty> spevack: hey I have $100 USD voucher from google for ad words, I have no use for it, is there any interest/way to dontate that to Fedora 16:40:44 <dgilmore> adios amigo 16:40:52 <dgilmore> threethirty: no 16:41:12 <dgilmore> threethirty: well what is ad words? 16:41:46 <threethirty> https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=adwords&hl=en_US<mpl=adwords&passive=true&ifr=false&alwf=true&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fadwords.google.com%2Fum%2Fgaiaauth%3Fapt%3DNone%26ugl%3Dtrue&gsessionid=eUG5bCA0epN0vV5emB6IzA 16:42:12 <makfinsky> Adwords is google ad placements on searches for specific keywords. 16:42:43 <makfinsky> Not sure if it'll give an impression that fedora is a commercial project if we use web ads for driving traffic to fedoraproject.org. 16:43:20 <makfinsky> It's something worth thinking about. 16:45:23 <inode0> use of ad words caused a recent explosion on the mtkg list didn't it? 16:48:32 <ke4qqq> explosion - only from the fact that the discussion was around buying keywords like Ubuntu 16:54:40 <dgilmore> ke4qqq: doing something like that is wrong 16:55:39 <lcafiero> +1 dgilmore 16:56:30 <rbergeron> indeed 16:56:42 <rbergeron> and that's just the be excellent perspective 16:56:47 <rbergeron> let alone the legal perspective 16:56:52 <rbergeron> which is another whole ball game 16:57:49 <makfinsky> Buying generic or less "competitor" specific keywords should be ok. ianal. 16:58:26 <threethirty> like "Linux"? 16:58:42 <makfinsky> threethirty: That may be trademarked by Libus. 16:58:44 <makfinsky> Linus. 17:00:23 <threethirty> INAL but i think you can buy TM's on adwords 17:03:23 <ke4qqq> dgilmore: +1 18:06:27 <herlo> rrix: ping 18:06:38 <rrix> Hey I know you 18:06:42 <rrix> herlo: pongalong 18:06:44 <herlo> rrix: how's things? 18:07:01 <rrix> herlo: pretty nice, enjoying weather in northern AZ atm. :) 18:07:04 <herlo> rrix: do we have any screenshots from the latest F13 KDE spin?? 18:07:19 <rrix> I thought nourishedcloud came up with one, hang on 18:07:28 <herlo> cool, thx 18:08:44 <threethirty> rrix: how did your final go? 18:08:52 <rrix> threethirty: good :) 18:09:24 <herlo> rrix: art?? 18:10:37 <rrix> herlo: looking... 18:10:55 <rrix> eh, lemme just take one 18:11:28 <herlo> k, make sure it's high quality and has a few apps on it 18:11:45 <herlo> make it look good, without being offensive. I'm working on a KDE spin bifold sleeve 18:12:07 <VileGent> threethirty, i ran into some friends of yours this pass week 18:12:40 <rrix> herlo: Okiedoke :) 18:13:28 <herlo> rrix: tx 18:14:17 <ianweller> on the ground in MSP. whee 18:16:20 <rrix> This thing does not handle two xservers verry well 18:16:44 <rrix> still creating the shell account on the new user …. 18:16:50 <rrix> s/shell/default/ 18:21:55 <rrix> herlo: you can't really see the goddard art, Im uploading it now 18:23:12 <rrix> herlo: rix.si/files/snapshot1.png 18:23:15 <herlo> rrix: make it big 18:23:28 <rrix> herlo: that's my desktop size :< 18:23:32 <herlo> kk 18:23:34 <rrix> 1280x800 18:23:44 <rrix> I can get someone in -kde to make a bigger one 18:23:47 <herlo> rrix: put the f13 logo maybe? 18:23:56 <herlo> go to the one page release notes for f13 18:24:03 <herlo> and put the browser up front maybe?? 18:24:03 <rrix> ok 18:24:06 <rrix> yeah 18:24:36 <herlo> give a few more apps that are smaller, like empathy (or Kopete) 18:28:41 <herlo> rrix: maybe include the kde logo on the background somewhere?? 18:33:08 <rrix> herlo: it's hard to get the one page release notes at a spot without a draft note 18:33:33 <herlo> rrix: do me a favor and send me images of five of your favorite apps 18:34:07 <rrix> just the apps? 18:34:11 <rrix> or on a desktop 18:35:08 <herlo> both 18:35:17 <fedora-kde> say hi :) 18:35:19 <herlo> just the apps and then also a few different desktops... 18:36:44 <herlo> fedora-kde: you are a dork 18:36:49 <herlo> :) 18:37:15 <fedora-kde> herlo: thanks, I appreciate it 18:37:23 <herlo> hehe, np 18:37:57 <herlo> rrix: when you get a few uploaded, ping me 18:38:22 <fedora-kde> just taking some snapshots, will upload in a few minutes 18:38:29 <fedora-kde> this system really fails with two xservers xD 18:39:23 <herlo> indeed... 18:40:04 <fedora-kde> okay, enough applications, i think... Do you want any "custom" (ie, not from default-user) fedora-kde snapshots? 18:40:20 <fedora-kde> or, here, lemme throw some applets on the dekstop 18:42:51 <herlo> kk 18:43:07 <herlo> well, sort of standard is good 18:43:57 <fedora-kde> yeahh 18:44:10 <fedora-kde> let's see if I can get compositing working 18:44:47 <fedora-kde> nope 18:45:07 <fedora-kde> okay, lemme upload these 18:45:13 <fedora-kde> my dad and I are heading back to PHX soon 18:45:21 <herlo> cool 18:45:27 <herlo> where's you at exactly?? 18:45:41 <rrix> Show Low AZ 18:45:50 <rrix> uploading.... 18:46:09 <herlo> interesting... 18:46:17 <rrix> yeah 18:46:24 <rrix> just to get out of town 18:46:27 <rrix> brb 18:46:38 <herlo> nice 18:50:02 <herlo> rrix: we're heading over to inode0's house, bbiab 18:50:05 <herlo> #endmeeting