09:02:32 <flock-b286> #startmeeting state of copr build service
09:02:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug  6 09:02:32 2014 UTC.  The chair is flock-b286. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
09:02:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
09:09:01 <flock-b286> Copr is running on old OpenStack. We need to restart it manually time to time.
09:11:38 <flock-b286> Copr is using mock as its core service.
09:12:06 <flock-b286> Mock is checking gpg signatures now.
09:13:45 <flock-b286> In future, mock will have Red hat subscription manager integration and docker integration.
09:16:17 <flock-b286> Copr is used during the test days, for nightly builds, software collections, and playground repositories
09:20:04 <flock-b286> copr have dnf integration
09:20:35 <flock-b286> dnf copr enable yourname/yourpackage && dnf install yourpackage
09:21:35 <flock-b286> Submit your project directly from git using tito, groc, or copr-cli.
09:24:22 <flock-b286> copr will use obssign daemon for signing
09:25:07 <nb> nice! /me did not know you could just tell dnf to use a copr without makign a yum.repo.d
09:25:12 <nb> that will be very nice
09:27:01 <flock-b286> power pc support is comming into copr soon.. In January? We are working on that.
09:27:34 <flock-b286> Q: Why you spining a VM?
09:28:43 <flock-b286> A: In koji are nice packages. In Copr, there was fear of attacks on builders.
09:31:53 <flock-b286> There is a proof of concept implementation of obs-mock builder
09:33:27 <flock-b286> Q: You will use some daemon for singing? Will it happen automatically?
09:33:29 <flock-b286> A: yes
09:38:02 <flock-b286> Q: Does have copr different builder images? The usual problem is we have old version of rpmbuild in builder.
09:38:29 <flock-b286> A: We are using mock from epel for rhel
09:39:18 <flock-b286> Q: Is there python module with copr api?
09:39:32 <flock-b286> A: If there is an demand, we can make it.
09:42:07 <flock-b286> #endmeeting