14:10:43 <sayan> #startmeeting fedora-hubs
14:10:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 17 14:10:43 2016 UTC.  The chair is sayan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:10:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:10:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-hubs'
14:10:53 <sayan> #meetingtopic roll call
14:11:04 <devyani7> .hello devyani7
14:11:05 <zodbot> devyani7: devyani7 'Devyani Kota' <devyanikota@gmail.com>
14:11:23 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury
14:11:24 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com>
14:11:28 <stickster> .hello pfrields
14:11:29 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com>
14:11:31 * stickster lurking
14:12:38 <sayan> #chair sayan devyani7 stickster
14:12:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: devyani7 sayan stickster
14:14:21 <sayan> #topic hubs status
14:14:27 <akahat> .hello akahat
14:14:27 <zodbot> akahat: Sorry, but you don't exist
14:15:03 <stickster> use ".hello <fas-username>" :-)
14:15:18 <akahat> stickster, ok
14:15:25 <akahat> .hello amolkahat
14:15:25 <zodbot> akahat: amolkahat 'Amol Kahat' <amolkahat@gmail.com>
14:15:35 <akahat> stickster, thanks
14:16:12 * stickster looks around for mizmo, abompard, decause
14:16:48 <dhritishikhar> .hello dhrish20
14:16:50 <zodbot> dhritishikhar: dhrish20 'Dhriti Shikhar' <dhrish20@gmail.com>
14:16:53 <sayan> stickster: mizmo informed that she would be going for OSCON
14:17:00 <stickster> Oh right!
14:17:05 <sayan> #chair amolkahat
14:17:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: amolkahat devyani7 sayan stickster
14:17:21 <sayan> #chair akahat
14:17:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: akahat amolkahat devyani7 sayan stickster
14:17:38 <sayan> #chair dhritishikhar
14:17:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: akahat amolkahat devyani7 dhritishikhar sayan stickster
14:17:57 <sayan> let me go ahead with my update
14:18:14 * abompard is here
14:18:28 <abompard> .hello abompard
14:18:29 <zodbot> abompard: abompard 'Aurelien Bompard' <aurelien@bompard.org>
14:18:45 <sayan> Last week I started off with building a scaffolding for waartaa
14:18:51 <mleonova> .hello mleonova
14:18:52 <zodbot> mleonova: mleonova 'Maria Leonova' <mleonova@redhat.com>
14:19:31 <sayan> It uses pyramid in the backend and react for frontend. The basic architecture for the project has been setup
14:20:04 <sayan> #chair abompard mleonova
14:20:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard akahat amolkahat devyani7 dhritishikhar mleonova sayan stickster
14:20:59 <sayan> It renders nothing more than Hello World. Right now I am working on the React componenets to include FAS login.
14:21:54 <sayan> Having a bumpy ride with React as the resources scarce
14:22:05 <sayan> that's all from my side.
14:23:06 <decause> .hello
14:23:06 <zodbot> decause: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1".
14:23:10 <decause> .hello decause
14:23:11 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com>
14:23:53 <devyani7> sayan: sounds cool. um, not much to update, but...
14:24:09 <sayan> #chair decause
14:24:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard akahat amolkahat decause devyani7 dhritishikhar mleonova sayan stickster
14:24:38 <devyani7> currently, am working on the ML part of the feed widget to get it close to the mockup that we decided on.
14:25:20 <devyani7> the mailing list comments for the thread, in the feed widget
14:25:44 <devyani7> had university stuff last week. will be working on it this week :)
14:25:55 <devyani7> <eom>
14:27:04 <sayan> devyani7: have you pushed it somewhere?
14:27:31 <devyani7> sayan: nope, its on the my local branch
14:28:15 <devyani7> s/the my/ my
14:28:24 <sayan> devyani7: can you push it?
14:28:49 <devyani7> will open a PR and push it,
14:29:06 <devyani7> still working on it
14:29:28 <sayan> no problem, it's good to do smaller commits rather than a big one
14:30:00 <devyani7> sayan: ok :)
14:30:04 <sayan> who's next?
14:31:17 * decause has a quick one
14:32:51 <decause> I'm going to be sending out some requests for 1x1's and standups to get an idea of when mentors would be available for a weekl or bi-weekly powow
14:34:16 <decause> I'll be updating our "welcome kit" a bit too
14:34:33 <decause> #link http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-gsoc-welcome-2016
14:35:00 <decause> if folks have items to add for their student's or their own work specifically, feel free to add a section near the bottom
14:35:07 <decause> this is a working document
14:35:09 <decause> EoF
14:35:45 * sayan clicks
14:39:06 <sayan> decause: what would be the difference between the 1x1's and standups?
14:40:04 <decause> sayan: the stand-ups are for everyone, but meant to be *really* fast
14:40:17 <decause> 1x1's would be individual check-ins
14:40:18 <sayan> cool
14:40:54 <decause> stand-up: "what did you do yesterday, what are you doing today, what will you do tomorrow, what blockers do you have if any?"
14:41:24 <decause> that's the idea at least :P
14:42:17 <sayan> decause: sounds good
14:42:21 <sayan> decause: looks like skamath and devyani7 both have Bootstrapping Badges Series as their deliverable in the Bonding Period
14:42:59 <decause> nod nod, as does jflory, but he already got it
14:43:22 * devyani7 has 4 more badges to get :/
14:43:23 <decause> devyani7: we should get a section added for you in there too at the bottom
14:45:02 <sayan> right, devyani7 you can add your proposal timeline in the etherpad
14:45:03 <devyani7> decause: yup, sounds good.
14:45:23 <devyani7> sayan: roger, will do after the meeting. :)
14:45:38 <sayan> anybody else wants to go?
14:47:02 <sayan> I think I can go ahead and end this meeting
14:47:25 <sayan> #endmeeting