14:12:44 <pingou> #startmeeting fedora-hubs
14:12:44 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul  5 14:12:44 2016 UTC.  The chair is pingou. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:12:44 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:12:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-hubs'
14:12:54 <pingou> #topic rollcall
14:13:10 <pingou> mizmo: sayan stickster around?
14:13:38 * stickster pops up
14:13:46 <radhikak> .hello radhikamani88
14:13:47 <zodbot> radhikak: radhikamani88 'Radhika Kolathumani' <radhikak@umich.edu>
14:13:50 * atelic here
14:13:52 <stickster> .hello pfrields
14:13:53 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com>
14:14:04 <pingou> .hello pingou
14:14:05 <zodbot> pingou: pingou 'Pierre-YvesChibon' <pingou@pingoured.fr>
14:14:23 <stickster> mizmo and abompard are both on PTO this week IIRC
14:14:26 * devyani7_ here almost
14:15:31 <pingou> stickster: ah, I knew for abompard didn't remember for mizmo , thanks :)
14:16:19 <pingou> should we dive in?
14:16:26 <pingou> #topic status updates
14:16:40 <pingou> radhikak: the floor is yours :)
14:17:00 <radhikak> I worked on rework and feedback for the issues last week, worked on animating the prototype which I will upload this week. Further , worked on fedora -bootstrap for which I am getting a 403 error while trying to push my changes to the master ? I probably require permissions maybe ?
14:18:18 <pingou> that's likely the issue yes
14:18:36 <radhikak> Should I be pinging ryan for this ?
14:18:40 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-bootstrap looks like only Ryan has commit there
14:18:46 <pingou> (see the Owners column)
14:19:44 <radhikak> Yup, will have to talk to him this evening. Rest I worked on other assignments and also updated the weekly blog
14:20:27 <pingou> cool, thanks for doing that :)
14:20:31 <radhikak> *end of update*
14:20:36 <radhikak> yup no probs
14:20:55 <pingou> atelic: do you want to continue?
14:21:08 <atelic> Happy to
14:21:22 <atelic> So last week the first round of React/Feed widget introductions were merged. I needed to make some changes from that but it looks like review is stalled because of an issue pingou is having that I can't repro or debug.
14:21:39 <atelic> I also began working on the plus plus service that was discussed last week. Some small changes for tests were made as well as beginning to work through the auth and token flow there. That will be my focus this week while abompard is on PTO
14:22:21 <pingou> atelic: we could do something as simple as: provide a header with a hard-coded token
14:22:43 <pingou> then we share this token with zodbot and hubs and we're good to go :)
14:22:52 <pingou> using the profound kiss principle :)
14:23:17 <atelic> pingou: that's definitely more simple than what I was envisioning. I like it
14:23:20 <stickster> radhikak: sorry if this is redundant... FYI, you should be able to fork the fedora-bootstrap repo, and push your changes to your fork, so they're backed up, and easily pulled in :-)
14:23:53 <atelic> mild side note: the httpie package is awesome for testing/developing apis
14:24:01 <pingou> atelic: blog :-p
14:24:08 <pingou> (but it is, agreed :))
14:24:16 <atelic> pingou: it's on my list :)
14:24:29 <pingou> atelic: we should see about trying to debug my feed widget
14:24:46 <pingou> no idea where to start
14:25:07 <pingou> ok on my side
14:25:10 <atelic> agreed, it's important to get that figured out. Do you have time after this meeting?
14:25:13 <radhikak> stickster : Not at all, will try one more time
14:25:16 <pingou> atelic: sure
14:25:37 <pingou> * FMN: the PR for the new architecture is opened: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fmn.consumer/pull/76 reviewers most welcome :)
14:25:45 <atelic> Great. That is it from me </update>
14:26:00 <pingou> * Hubs: started the port to openid-connect: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/pull-request/208
14:26:10 <pingou> this has lead to a few fixes in flask_oidc and ipsilon
14:26:16 <pingou> but things are getting there
14:26:36 <pingou> the main idea is that using oidc we will be able to query and act on other apps
14:27:06 <pingou> I was able to contact fedocal (also ported to oidc) using the token from hubs and it seemed to work :)
14:27:29 <pingou> so soon we'll be able, from hubs to perform actions in other apps
14:28:15 <pingou> and played with hubs and fedocal for the 'Request a new meeting'
14:28:18 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/33
14:28:30 <pingou> but that made me realize that this widget is really border line with the
14:28:49 <pingou> 'no communication silos' rule we want for hubs
14:29:10 <pingou> since we would be storing the invite to the new meetings on hubs and nowhere else
14:29:30 <pingou> more inputs/thoughts welcome :)
14:30:20 <pingou> that's it for me atm
14:30:32 <pingou> skrzepto is away but shared his update earlier:
14:30:46 <pingou> Basically the SSE server is going good and he hopes to have things ready later this week
14:31:07 <pingou> it will deploy an instance on his vps so that atelic can test the feed widget with real data
14:31:59 <pingou> devyani7_: want to continue?
14:32:42 <atelic> skrzepto++
14:32:42 <zodbot> atelic: Karma for skrzepto changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
14:32:42 <devyani7_> Yup yup
14:32:43 <devyani7_> pingou: um, not much to update this week. having issues with saving users' preferred order. Tried to save using forms but, didn't quite end up well. after a couple of stack overflow links, thinking about using json response.
14:33:03 <devyani7_> Maybe if you have time, can discuss after the meeting?
14:33:11 <devyani7_> pingou^^
14:33:16 <pingou> sure thing
14:33:44 <pingou> devyani7_: you could put all the ids in the list and build that list from the order set by the user
14:34:15 <pingou> then submit that list in a form as you would for normal http request
14:35:08 <pingou> sayan: around?
14:35:33 <devyani7_> pingou: um, ok. Will be trying that. thanks :)
14:35:33 <pingou> devyani7_: sure :)
14:38:50 <pingou> #topic open-floor
14:38:59 <pingou> does anyone have something for the open-floor?
14:39:23 <pingou> or should we just close the meeting and get 20 minutes back
14:41:15 <pingou> alright so let's close :)
14:41:19 <pingou> #endmeeting