22:58:18 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Ambassadors meeting 2016-08-06 22:58:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Aug 6 22:58:18 2016 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:58:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:58:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_meeting_2016-08-06' 22:58:32 <echevemaster> #meetingname fedora-latam 22:58:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 22:58:34 <x3mboy> tatica-m1, \o 22:58:41 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:58:43 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:58:44 <x3mboy> Sorry, meeting start 22:58:50 * echevemaster Colombia Venezuela 22:58:53 <tatica-m1> .hello tatica 22:58:54 <zodbot> tatica-m1: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 22:58:59 <tatica-m1> Venezuela 22:59:09 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 22:59:10 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 22:59:16 * yn1v Nicaragua 22:59:17 <dalmine_> .fas villadalmine 22:59:19 <zodbot> dalmine_: villadalmine 'Rino Rondan' <villadalmine@gmail.com> 22:59:27 <x3mboy> .fas x3mboy 22:59:28 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 22:59:31 * dalmine_ Argentina, chile 22:59:32 * x3mboy Venezuela - Chile 22:59:35 <echevemaster> we will start with the request fundng tickets and then with our brainstorming 22:59:40 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call 23:00:36 <echevemaster> so, starting with ticket 357 23:00:48 <echevemaster> #topic Order 100x 2GB usb stickers for Fudcon Puno 23:01:00 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/357 23:01:06 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 23:01:08 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:01:13 * fredlima Brazil 23:01:15 <em3rson_> .fas em3rson 23:01:15 <zodbot> em3rson_: em3rson 'Emerson Santos' <em3rson@linuxmail.org> 23:01:17 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 23:01:18 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:01:20 * itamarjp Brazil 23:01:21 * em3rson_ Brazil 23:01:27 <tatica-m1> Stickers or usb? 23:01:34 * jsmith Paraguay 23:01:36 <itamarjp> usb stickers 23:01:43 <itamarjp> aka pendrives 23:01:48 <anamativi> .fas mativi 23:01:49 <zodbot> anamativi: mativi 'Ana Clara Mativi de Souza' <acmativi@hotmail.com> 23:01:50 <echevemaster> itamarjp: can you explain us why do you want o buy these flash drives for Fudcon? 23:01:51 <tatica-m1> Ok 23:02:17 <x3mboy> s/stickers/sticks 23:02:26 <itamarjp> have them available for people installing fedora, 23:02:41 <echevemaster> why you don't bring the idea to the Puno organizers? 23:03:16 <echevemaster> also there is a opened request on the wiki to ask swag 23:03:23 <itamarjp> the people are talking about buying some stuff/swags 23:03:27 <dalmine_> what about the idea of swag 23:03:40 <itamarjp> but no one filled tickets 23:03:41 <echevemaster> idea here is centralize the efforts in Puno. 23:03:52 <tatica-m1> Usb's are swag 23:04:02 <yn1v> o/ 23:04:07 <echevemaster> because deadline is not over 23:04:09 <echevemaster> itamarjp: 23:04:26 <itamarjp> it will cost $2.5 each 23:04:27 <echevemaster> so, add this to the queue to process ot 23:04:32 <echevemaster> it* 23:04:33 <itamarjp> jsmith do you think you can find cheaper ? 23:04:37 <echevemaster> go ahead yn1v 23:05:06 <jsmith> itamarjp: Probably, but I'll have to check... Fedora may have some already that they can send 23:05:14 <yn1v> I think that if somebody take form outside Peru into the country, it will face import duties 23:05:31 <jsmith> yn1v: Likely, yes 23:05:38 <echevemaster> -1 here from me, the request have to being processed from Peru 23:05:41 <x3mboy> o/ 23:05:43 <echevemaster> please vote. 23:05:51 <echevemaster> x3mboy: go ahead 23:06:11 <yn1v> so, I think if possible to centralize swag production in Peru 23:06:17 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky 23:06:18 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky 'Kiara Navarro' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com> 23:06:19 <kovalevsky> Panamá 23:06:27 <x3mboy> 100x for installation purposes its, IMHO, too much. Or the idea is to gift them to people? 23:06:33 <yn1v> or somebody that is willingly to take the burden of custom processing. eof 23:06:37 <echevemaster> yn1v: because of that I made the wiki page. 23:06:57 <itamarjp> x3mboy, give 5 of them for each contributor 23:06:58 <dalmine_> -1, better to discuss in Peru, but if want to have in Peru, let this task to people from puno 23:07:03 <echevemaster> x3mboy: the idea is always to gif the people the usb drives 23:07:10 <yn1v> It will be nice to distribute swag left overs among ambassadors 23:07:26 <x3mboy> Ok, it was a misunderstanding on my side 23:07:45 <echevemaster> ok, two negatives votes 23:07:52 <echevemaster> one more, and move on. 23:08:06 <x3mboy> 0 23:08:06 <srkraken> .fas srkraken 23:08:06 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 23:08:09 <tatica-m1> 0 I thing the issue is not the ticket, is just the wrong placing 23:08:09 <itamarjp> dalmine_, dont think they can find cheaper price in peru. 23:08:22 <echevemaster> yes. 23:08:24 <echevemaster> ok. 23:08:24 <x3mboy> Same as tatica-m1 says 23:09:03 <echevemaster> #agreed The request has to be processed in Peru, so, this ticket is not approved 23:09:08 <echevemaster> next topic 23:09:08 * srkraken from Mexico 23:09:24 <dalmine_> just to think about swag from one side, and for other side it is a good idea but i do not know if people from puno agre that 23:09:33 <echevemaster> #topic Material for OSASCO OPEN event. 23:09:44 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/358 23:10:21 <tatica-m1> +1 23:10:24 <fredlima> +1 23:10:25 <echevemaster> ok this events needs some swag. 23:10:29 <echevemaster> +1 here 23:10:34 <itamarjp> +1 23:10:36 <em3rson_> +1 23:10:39 <dalmine_> +2 23:10:41 <dalmine_> +1 23:10:46 <x3mboy> +1 23:10:47 <itamarjp> this event is a kind of fisl but free and a little bit smaller 23:10:54 <echevemaster> #agreed ticket 358 approved 23:10:57 <echevemaster> next topic 23:11:26 <echevemaster> #topic Brainstorming 23:11:37 <echevemaster> First point 23:11:43 <echevemaster> #info Latam Domains 23:11:52 <x3mboy> o/ 23:12:08 <echevemaster> go ahead x3mboy 23:12:34 <x3mboy> Basically i have 3 points to discuss with the domains 23:12:48 <x3mboy> The first one is main domain to use 23:13:00 <echevemaster> #chair x3mboy 23:13:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster x3mboy 23:13:25 <x3mboy> I'm going to the proccess to ask for latam.fedoracommunity.org 23:13:57 <x3mboy> So i want to ask vote for choose as main domain latam.fedoracommunity.org or the one adquire fedora-latam.org 23:14:24 <echevemaster> ok I agree latam.fedoracommunity.org should exists. 23:14:24 <tatica-m1> +1 Latam.fc.org 23:14:29 <echevemaster> but. 23:15:01 <echevemaster> the content from fedora-latam.org could exists in fc.org? 23:15:04 <echevemaster> x3mboy: 23:15:27 <echevemaster> or we can redirect latam.fc.org to fedora-latam 23:15:29 <echevemaster> ? 23:15:32 <fredlima> +1 for latam.fedoracommunity.org 23:15:40 <x3mboy> We can make both ways 23:15:41 <jsmith> echevemaster: The redirect can happen either way... 23:16:05 <x3mboy> But fedora-latam.org is paid by us, and now is paid for 2 years 23:16:06 <echevemaster> thanks jsmith :) 23:16:24 <tatica-m1> We can work on the new site without pressure 23:16:30 <x3mboy> So, we can have the content on fc.org and redirect from fedora-latam.org or viceversa 23:16:36 <echevemaster> ok, if we can host the content of fedora-latam.org in latam.fc.org, my vote is yes. 23:16:39 <echevemaster> +1 23:16:43 <tatica-m1> Since we have time, and have both domains link the same place 23:16:45 <itamarjp> +1 23:16:46 <kovalevsky> +1 23:16:51 <fredlima> +1 23:16:56 <dalmine_> +1 23:16:59 <em3rson_> +1 23:17:09 <srkraken> +1 23:17:26 <echevemaster> #agreed, latam.fedoracommunity.org is being processed by x3mboy to became in our official domain 23:17:27 <x3mboy> +1 23:17:44 <echevemaster> x3mboy: next point of this topic, domains 23:17:52 <deadrat> fedora-latam.org +1 ---> latam.fedoracommunity.org 23:17:56 <x3mboy> The second point is country subdomains 23:18:26 <x3mboy> In some point, some countries has a page in the lost old domain proyectofedora.org 23:18:38 <x3mboy> We are going to maintain this as well? 23:18:54 <x3mboy> Because, for example, .ve and .ni has its own sites 23:19:06 <echevemaster> these regional sites was maintained by their own groups. 23:19:15 <x3mboy> .br and .cl are redirecting thier old sites to fedoraproject.org 23:19:25 <echevemaster> so, we have to investigate if these countries still have its sites. 23:19:56 <echevemaster> but, I feel we have to centralize all latam in our community site 23:19:57 <x3mboy> AFAIK only .ve and .ni 23:20:03 <echevemaster> with content in only a site. 23:20:16 <em3rson__> .fas em3rson 23:20:16 <tatica-m1> Richzendy just told me that he's working on the 23:20:16 <zodbot> em3rson__: em3rson 'Emerson Santos' <em3rson@linuxmail.org> 23:20:22 <tatica-m1> .Ve site 23:20:31 <tatica-m1> Sry, phone enter 23:20:46 <itamarjp> echevemaster, I think we can centralize the content in spanish, not sure about portuguese, 23:20:58 <echevemaster> my idea here is link to the other sites from our latam site, but not include subdomains 23:21:15 <echevemaster> itamarjp: sites is ready to support both languages 23:21:39 <x3mboy> Ok, so task here is to investigate country sites and discuss how they are going to manage their local content against main latam site, right? 23:22:00 <echevemaster> right, at least from my POW 23:22:11 <echevemaster> please WDTK? people 23:22:12 <x3mboy> ok 23:22:17 <echevemaster> WDYT? 23:22:18 <tatica-m1> I think that since there are so many sites this discussion should be on email, so everyone can follow it up 23:22:39 <x3mboy> +1 to discuss it in ML 23:22:55 <dalmine_> +1 ML 23:23:00 <echevemaster> #action tatica will send an email to discuss what countries still have content in its latam site 23:23:02 <R|chy> .fas Richzendy 23:23:03 <zodbot> R|chy: richzendy 'Edwind Richzendy Contreras Soto' <richzendy@gmail.com> 23:23:19 <echevemaster> sorry tatica-m1 was your idea, so send the email :) 23:23:23 <echevemaster> hehehe 23:23:27 <x3mboy> LOL 23:23:28 <tatica-m1> Sure, no problem at all 23:23:45 <echevemaster> next topic of this discussion x3mboy 23:23:46 <tatica-m1> I will send it tomorrow morning since I will leave the cinema at midnight 23:24:00 <echevemaster> no problem my darling 23:24:08 <dalmine_> squad suicide:) 23:24:11 <x3mboy> Well i make 2 points in 1, so i'm readi 23:24:19 <x3mboy> s/readi/ready 23:24:22 <echevemaster> ok x3mboy take your time. 23:24:24 <tatica-m1> dalmine_ aye 23:25:32 <x3mboy> echevemaster, ready, point 2 and 3 were related and the answer of 2, make 3 to be ready. So go on with the meeting 23:25:37 <x3mboy> Thanks for your time 23:25:48 <echevemaster> thanks. 23:25:57 <echevemaster> next topic 23:26:42 <echevemaster> #topic Define a way to control how we can following the new contributors work 23:27:45 <echevemaster> the idea here is add our names in a wiki document, I think most of them exists, for the latam people looking for a mentor 23:28:01 <echevemaster> ambassadors wiki page exists. 23:28:26 <echevemaster> packagers in latam wiki page doesn't exists. but the english page yes 23:28:37 <x3mboy> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassadors_Latin_America_(FAMLATAM) 23:28:38 <tatica-m1> +1 however, we need to encourage people to join a team before be ambassadors 23:29:11 <echevemaster> yes tatica-m1. so the idea is create a localised directory in the site. and in the wiki 23:29:24 <echevemaster> and share with the new contributors in a centralized way. 23:29:50 <echevemaster> why, because usually new people, does not have good english skills 23:29:56 <x3mboy> tatica-m1, i have an issue with your idea 23:30:03 <echevemaster> many of them learn english here 23:30:08 <tatica-m1> What if we do a join me page at our new latam.fc.org? 23:30:29 <tatica-m1> A cutw centralized page with all the info a an inbox to contact us? 23:30:54 <echevemaster> tatica-m1: good idea, but the goal is, Make a wiki page with the condensed content 23:30:57 <tatica-m1> Wiki is awful for new people... 23:31:11 <echevemaster> that is I'm talking about- 23:31:37 <echevemaster> so. We are agree on make this? 23:31:43 <x3mboy> +1 23:31:48 <tatica-m1> +1 23:31:51 <x3mboy> o/ 23:31:51 <dalmine_> +1 23:32:02 <echevemaster> I'll send to the list to discuss the content, and people wants contribute with the idea 23:32:06 <echevemaster> x3mboy: 23:32:08 <echevemaster> go ahead 23:32:27 <x3mboy> Join to one team before being an ambassador can be a problem, depending of people 23:32:46 <x3mboy> For now, i'm contributing to the magazine, and with marketing 23:33:02 <echevemaster> x3mboy: Because of that we are bringing the idea here. 23:33:10 <echevemaster> tatica-m1: is part of marketing 23:33:10 <x3mboy> But to join properly to these teams, you need to be an actual ambassador 23:33:17 <echevemaster> I'm sponsor of packagers 23:33:33 <tatica-m1> In our old times we used to help before had any title 23:33:36 <echevemaster> williamjmorenor is part of magazine 23:33:38 <tatica-m1> The titles were rewards 23:33:41 * x3mboy thinking in join like having the fas group approved 23:33:43 <echevemaster> and for translations. 23:33:47 <tatica-m1> We need to bring that back again 23:33:51 <yn1v> I think one problems is that there is no enough information about so many teams doing so many things. 23:33:59 <echevemaster> so, we have mentors into almost all the groups 23:34:08 <tatica-m1> People being rewarded for help, instead getting the price before doing anything 23:34:10 <x3mboy> tatica-m1, i understand this, and i'm agree 23:34:36 <R|chy> Mucha gente es aprobada como embajador/a pero luego desaparece y no contribuyen en más nada, una forma de conseguir fidelidad es que estén en algún otro team 23:34:39 <echevemaster> the problem here, is a lot of people does not know how to proceed on the groups. 23:34:57 <x3mboy> But if when you are working and making opinions, you get the "You are not an ambassador, so shut up" it's not nice 23:35:11 <tatica-m1> A centralized wiki with all team mentors should so the work 23:35:11 <echevemaster> so, we need to create a way to introduce them in the teams in its own language, 23:35:23 <echevemaster> so this could be a good point to start 23:35:32 <x3mboy> echevemaster, +1 23:35:37 <echevemaster> ok, next topic. 23:35:56 <yn1v> we should promote a more collaborator dialogue, rather than ambassador dialogue 23:35:58 <echevemaster> #topic strategy to gain visibility 23:36:33 <echevemaster> 1.- Send profiles of contributors to Fedora magazine 23:36:49 <echevemaster> possible profiles echevemaster, villadalmine, vbasel, potty, wolney 23:37:27 <echevemaster> williamjmorenor I think could take care of that 23:37:30 <x3mboy> tatica-m1 was already one of the how-do-you-fedora, make others possible it isn't hard 23:37:32 <tatica-m1> There is a series of interviews we can follow to gain visibility at the magazine 23:37:33 <echevemaster> so I will discuss with him 23:37:44 <tatica-m1> Yes, exactly 23:38:06 <tatica-m1> I have a terrible delay, lol 23:38:10 <dalmine_> i have an email about to write of how do you fedora about months agoo 23:38:24 <dalmine_> but i want to wrote more technical things 23:38:35 <echevemaster> #action william moreno will be our POC in Fedora magazine to gain visivility with some of our contributors 23:38:49 <echevemaster> FADS 23:38:55 <echevemaster> 2. FADS 23:39:12 <echevemaster> usually we never had FADS in latam 23:39:32 <echevemaster> and this is something we have to take on mind seriously 23:39:49 <echevemaster> so, the idea here is send ideas to host FAD in latin america. 23:40:00 <echevemaster> true FADS, not events 23:40:04 <tatica-m1> Im already working on a couple of diversity, wont mind to do a design one 23:40:39 <itamarjp> echevemaster, I think we can start with virtual fads using hangouts on air, 23:40:44 <echevemaster> one of the best examples was one of the FAD, that potty did few months ago, with the packaging of py3 packages 23:40:56 <x3mboy> design just had one 23:41:00 <x3mboy> but not latam 23:41:13 <echevemaster> yes itamarjp, it's not needed make a FAD travelling to the country where we will held the FAD 23:41:20 <tatica-m1> Yes, i was there 23:41:23 <echevemaster> x3mboy: exactly. 23:41:31 <dalmine_> yes, it is a good idea use hangout 23:41:33 <tatica-m1> I already had a design sprint with Peru 23:41:43 <echevemaster> so, the idea is create a list of FAD that will be held virtually 23:42:01 <tatica-m1> I've done about 7 online meetings the past 15 days 23:42:06 <x3mboy> There is a RH tool to make this vFADs 23:42:07 <echevemaster> through IRC and hangout, and create reports of the made work 23:42:16 <tatica-m1> It's totallt doable 23:42:24 <tatica-m1> Bluejeans 23:42:33 <echevemaster> x3mboy: can you share with us when you can 23:42:34 <x3mboy> Yeah, that one 23:42:41 <echevemaster> so. 23:42:41 <x3mboy> Bluejeans 23:42:57 <tatica-m1> We had the FWD using bluejeans 23:43:11 <tatica-m1> 3 weeks ago, about 20 people each 23:43:11 <echevemaster> #action echevemaster will send to the list a request to create a list of possible VFAD's 23:43:29 <echevemaster> tatica-m1: bluejeans is a package? 23:43:38 <x3mboy> tatica-m1, and the conferences can be recorded to plubish it later? 23:43:44 <itamarjp> something presencial will be ok for neighborhood countries 23:43:45 <tatica-m1> Yup 23:43:50 <itamarjp> like panama + costa rica, 23:43:56 <itamarjp> paraguay + brasil 23:44:00 <itamarjp> argentina + uruguay 23:44:02 <tatica-m1> No more unnecessary travel itamarjp 23:44:16 <tatica-m1> Isn't that what you said? 23:44:38 <itamarjp> tatica-m1, yes for that reason I suggested vfads 23:44:41 <tatica-m1> If the online ones work, then we can go and travel 23:44:49 <echevemaster> #topic Use Pagure.io to host the Latam code projects 23:44:51 <itamarjp> tatica++ 23:44:51 <zodbot> itamarjp: Karma for tatica changed to 5 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:44:51 <tatica-m1> Prove first, then rewarda 23:45:13 <echevemaster> this not need discussion 23:45:33 <echevemaster> Nowadays there is only three code projects in latam 23:45:40 <tatica-m1> So, just make a list and we will suggest fads 23:45:41 <echevemaster> with fedora guys 23:45:44 <tatica-m1> Count me in with 2 23:45:49 <echevemaster> thanks tatica-m1 23:46:07 <tatica-m1> Sry, delay. Didn't saw the topic change 23:46:08 <echevemaster> we will import these projects to pagure.io and keep them also in github 23:46:21 <echevemaster> #action we will import these projects to pagure.io and keep them also in github 23:46:41 <echevemaster> #topic Askbot contribution - In spanish version 23:46:55 <echevemaster> we have the spanish version of Askbot 23:47:17 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:47:19 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:47:20 <echevemaster> so I want to encourage you to participate in Askbot, we only have 500 questions 23:47:21 * tonet666p from peru 23:47:24 <tonet666p> hi guys 23:47:37 <echevemaster> and many of them still not answered 23:47:50 <echevemaster> who here have logged into ASkbot? 23:48:07 <tatica-m1> O/ 23:48:15 <x3mboy> With askbot do you mean ask.fedoraproject.org/es? 23:48:21 <echevemaster> yes 23:48:22 <tatica-m1> Yup 23:48:30 <x3mboy> So o/ 23:48:46 <echevemaster> that is the only official project we have in Fedora 23:48:57 <x3mboy> I was answering a 2 or 3 days ago 23:49:24 <echevemaster> mime, lokomurdok and I we worked on that two years ago, and we achieved this project was released 23:49:33 <x3mboy> And there are a lot of Qs than are old and irrelevant, the site need love 23:49:37 <echevemaster> so, we need to re-releasing 23:50:00 <echevemaster> that is the answer x3mboy site need love 23:50:12 <echevemaster> so, I can't put responsibles here 23:50:20 <echevemaster> but I can encourage you 23:50:37 <x3mboy> I'm in with that 23:50:40 <echevemaster> so, go ahead, and give a bit of love to ask.fpo. 23:50:41 <dalmine_> love like answer some question or other kind of love .) 23:50:51 <x3mboy> But just if we are talking about moderation, and answering 23:50:54 <echevemaster> dalmine_: stop trollng 23:51:06 <tatica-m1> Lol 23:51:13 <dalmine_> i just only asking.. do we need new site? 23:51:14 <echevemaster> x3mboy: if you want moderate I can give your credentials 23:51:17 <dalmine_> or more participation 23:51:32 <echevemaster> and obviously more participation 23:51:32 <x3mboy> Yeah, i have no issues 23:51:41 <echevemaster> the site is.. QA 23:51:42 <x3mboy> But we need to make marketing about the site 23:51:46 <echevemaster> we need answers 23:51:52 <echevemaster> exactly. 23:51:56 <x3mboy> And of course, answers 23:52:00 <echevemaster> so include the site in marketing 23:52:06 <echevemaster> in flyers etc 23:52:12 <dalmine_> answers,desing, markting 23:52:32 <echevemaster> ok. people. I think this is all our brainstorming. 23:52:43 <x3mboy> No, there is one more 23:52:49 <echevemaster> we can't convert telegram into an official channel 23:52:56 <x3mboy> Oh, so there is no more 23:52:58 <echevemaster> what one? x3mboy 23:53:01 <dalmine_> of course we can not 23:53:07 <dalmine_> but a lot of things be there 23:53:12 <dalmine_> and not in official channel 23:53:27 <echevemaster> but we will put rules there. 23:53:30 <R|chy> That's a great idea echevemaster, share the ask spanish site on all our talks and swag 23:54:06 <dalmine_> if tg is not a official channel, do we need rules ? 23:54:12 <tatica-m1> I can help with that. Maybe we should do something for Pune. Will work with the local team on it 23:54:12 <echevemaster> and we need to create rules because the channel was made to help new contributors 23:54:16 <dalmine_> because it is not a fedora channel 23:54:18 <x3mboy> dalmine_, yes we need 23:54:36 <dalmine_> it is a friend channel 23:54:48 <tatica-m1> Some tend to forget that... 23:54:50 <echevemaster> tatica-m1: What do you refer, flyers or rules? 23:54:56 <x3mboy> But conversations are not friendly all the time 23:55:01 <tatica-m1> Flyers... lag.... sorry 23:55:28 <echevemaster> x3mboy: being candor,conversations are not friendly at all last days or last weeks 23:55:38 <dalmine_> ok, but i do not know who we can manage it if tg channel it is nothing official 23:56:05 <tatica-m1> I think that is we set some rules would be ok 23:56:07 <x3mboy> Well things are official or not official, no grey areas 23:56:08 <dalmine_> a lot of distros/communit are using TG 23:56:16 <tatica-m1> Anyone who break those twice gets kicked out 23:56:23 <echevemaster> correct. 23:56:31 <dalmine_> at least 4F 23:56:35 <tatica-m1> First time warning, second out 23:56:36 <echevemaster> and I will take the same rules of Fedora for the channel 23:56:42 <echevemaster> be respectfully 23:56:46 <echevemaster> help to others 23:56:52 <dalmine_> channel is not official but we feel like official.. 23:57:01 <echevemaster> exactly 23:57:07 <dalmine_> so maybe try to apply same rules there 23:57:17 <echevemaster> so, we can make jokes, we can be funny 23:57:21 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 23:57:22 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com> 23:57:27 * chinosoliard from .ar 23:57:29 <echevemaster> but we can not be unrespectful 23:57:33 <chinosoliard> hi people 23:57:38 <R|chy> Chinosoliard, welcome 23:57:39 <deadrat> I would personally advice against TG group.. I have noticed many communities that started a telegram group, but slowly their activity got shifted to tg from IRC .. 23:57:52 <echevemaster> ok. I will write some rules and share with you. 23:57:59 <tatica-m1> That's our case currently 23:58:01 <echevemaster> and put into the header of our channel 23:58:20 <tatica-m1> However, I spend more time on my phone now, so tg is easier to me 23:58:22 <dalmine_> they are may bots in TG 23:58:29 <dalmine_> maybe fedora can create one personal bot 23:58:37 <dalmine_> like "fedora" bot 23:59:09 <echevemaster> dalmine_: this is not about a bot. is about is someone not follow rules will kicked off 23:59:11 <chinosoliard> I'm sorry, I'm lost 23:59:20 <echevemaster> thats it 23:59:23 <echevemaster> so. 23:59:32 <echevemaster> #topic OpenFloor 23:59:32 <dalmine_> yes, rules... 4F 23:59:44 <deadrat> it is easier, but telegram is not a complete free software. fedora project was always very reluctant to use prop. services for the project.. if you move, the community may move to tg from IRC without even realising it.. 23:59:54 <echevemaster> someone wants bring something to OpenFloot? 00:00:22 <tatica-m1> I would like to raise a first warning on itamar at the tg channel 00:00:22 <x3mboy> So having the statement that TG is not official, anything recorded that can be took as a decision or voting 00:00:34 <echevemaster> deadrat: actually we are not moving to TG, but a lot of people is chatting in ther 00:00:51 <echevemaster> x3mboy: never has been so 00:01:02 <tatica-m1> A friendly call of attention that we really don't like this new attitude 00:01:45 <echevemaster> yes, tatica-m1 00:02:03 <R|chy> You are right, deadrat, but fedora have presence on Facebook for example and is not free, we need be openmind sometimes 00:02:11 <echevemaster> itamarjp: take into account this is the first call of attention. 00:02:23 <chinosoliard> deadrat, Fedora also have a news channel in TG 00:02:37 <echevemaster> so people 00:02:48 <echevemaster> Can I close this meeting? 00:02:49 <x3mboy> o/ 00:02:56 <x3mboy> No, just a last call 00:02:56 <echevemaster> go ahead x3mboy 00:03:27 <R|chy> Yes, echevemaster 00:03:35 <echevemaster> x3mboy: define the rules. after them. Put in practice 00:03:38 <echevemaster> not before 00:03:38 <x3mboy> Locally in Chile, i'm working with Larry, Roy, hopefully with dalmine_ next week, to bring Fedora.cl community back 00:03:38 <tatica-m1> Almost no battery! 00:03:39 <R|chy> Thank you so much 00:03:40 <itamarjp> echevemaster, I will use my freedom to say what I would like to say only in my own groups 00:03:48 <itamarjp> so no one will kick me out. 00:03:50 <echevemaster> x3mboy: excellent! 00:04:08 <deadrat> chinosoliard: yes, some people maintain a channel there.. :( I was afraid that this could happen.. 00:04:08 <echevemaster> itamarjp: you can use your freedom 00:04:09 <x3mboy> So, we want to ask, having none of us going to FUDCon 00:04:21 <tatica-m1> Bravo itamarjp... it's more important that than your community folks... just bravo 00:04:25 <echevemaster> but you can not use your freedom to bother. 00:04:44 <dalmine_> do you have a new communit?? 00:04:48 <x3mboy> If we can make a kind of local FUDCon, streaming with real FUDCon and having poeple attending to an event at the same time that FUDCon 00:05:16 <x3mboy> dalmine_, no, AFAIK, for now is just bringing dead back to live 00:05:16 <tatica-m1> It depends on puno streaming, right? 00:05:20 <echevemaster> yes 00:05:28 <echevemaster> and never we had stremings 00:05:29 <echevemaster> so. 00:05:34 <chinosoliard> I need to ask for help tomorrow, to complete the flight doc. I've never traveled by plane, and I'm really confused 00:05:40 <tatica-m1> But we can have transcripts... 00:05:46 <echevemaster> ok, I will close the meeting. 00:05:49 <yn1v> streaming a is a lot work, I think that the team has a lot of things to take care. 00:05:50 <tatica-m1> We just had those for flock 00:05:51 <x3mboy> Not all events, but i think i'm going to chanalize this in a email 00:05:57 <dalmine_> yes x3mboy we can talk about it ins antiago :) i want help 00:06:00 <echevemaster> chinosoliard: tomorrow I will help you 00:06:06 <chinosoliard> thanks, echevemaster <3 00:06:13 <echevemaster> 5 00:06:14 <x3mboy> dalmine_, that's the idea ;) 00:06:15 <echevemaster> 4 00:06:17 <echevemaster> 3 00:06:18 <x3mboy> echevemaster++ 00:06:18 <zodbot> x3mboy: Karma for echevemaster changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:06:19 <echevemaster> 2 00:06:21 <echevemaster> 1 00:06:24 <echevemaster> #endmeeting