17:06:30 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Ambassadors
17:06:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep  8 17:06:30 2016 UTC.  The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:06:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:06:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors'
17:06:31 <fedmsg-latam> meetbot.meeting.start -- echevemaster started meeting "Fedora Latam Ambassadors" in #fedora-latam
17:06:32 <tonet666p> ausil, lkf y blackfile
17:06:39 <echevemaster> #meetingname fedora-latam
17:06:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam'
17:06:41 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p
17:06:42 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com>
17:06:45 <Richzendy> echevemaster, genial, su cuenta fas es:  jmespiz
17:06:46 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a
17:06:48 * tonet666p from Perú
17:06:48 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com>
17:06:51 <Richzendy> .fasinfo jmespiz
17:06:52 <zodbot> Richzendy: User: jmespiz, Name: José Manuel Espinoza, email: josemespiz@gmail.com, Creation: 2016-02-03, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active
17:06:55 <zodbot> Richzendy: Approved Groups: None
17:06:57 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster
17:06:58 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com>
17:07:04 * alyaj2a from Peru
17:07:06 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia
17:07:19 <Richzendy> .fas Richzendy
17:07:19 <zodbot> Richzendy: richzendy 'Edwind Richzendy Contreras Soto' <richzendy@gmail.com>
17:07:23 <echevemaster> kohane just resign of its ticket
17:07:35 <echevemaster> https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/659#comment:11,
17:07:36 <fedmsg-latam> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- echevemaster linked to more information in the "Fedora Latam Ambassadors" meeting in #fedora-latam: "https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/659#comment:11,"
17:07:51 <echevemaster> she lives in Europe, that is the reason because she is not latam anymore
17:08:00 <echevemaster> given she will not going Fudcon
17:08:14 <echevemaster> who is the person of your list, who will going to Fudcon
17:08:18 <echevemaster> tonet666p:
17:08:33 <tonet666p> yo apostaria por ausil
17:08:54 <echevemaster> ok,
17:09:03 <echevemaster> please update the ticket then
17:09:05 <alyaj2a> echevemaster,
17:09:08 <echevemaster> alyaj2a:
17:09:09 <echevemaster> ?
17:09:24 <alyaj2a> el costo tiene que ser igual al que sylvia ?
17:09:36 <alyaj2a> por que el de sylvia era por 833USD
17:09:41 <tonet666p> me gustaria que se llame a reunion para no tener mas problemas, pero no tenemos tiempo
17:09:43 <echevemaster> that is something you have to discuss with jzb
17:09:46 <itamarjp> what are you doing here is not correctly
17:09:55 <itamarjp> the official meetings are on saturday
17:10:03 <echevemaster> itamarjp: is correctly
17:10:13 <echevemaster> I'm calling to a meeting with organizers
17:10:21 <echevemaster> they have the decision on this matter
17:10:21 <itamarjp> you're bypassing the latam community and deciding without inviting the community
17:10:33 <itamarjp> no one was invited to this meeting
17:10:40 <echevemaster> itamarjp: stop, I'm calling on a meeting with the organizers
17:11:08 <Richzendy> tonet666p, yo pienso que ustedes como organizadores tienen la última palabra, no hay que llamar a tantas reuniones
17:11:26 <echevemaster> that is the reason Richzendy because I'm doing this
17:11:38 <Richzendy> tonet666p, organizar un fudcon es un trabajo muy arduo, la única satisfacción que da, es poder elegir pequeñas cosas como estas por ejemplo
17:11:42 <echevemaster> this is not a votation.
17:11:55 <echevemaster> this is a call to the organizers
17:12:03 <echevemaster> so tonet666p
17:12:12 <echevemaster> please assign the sylvia's ticket
17:12:17 <itamarjp> its a violation
17:12:19 <echevemaster> ausil then?
17:12:25 <itamarjp> the meetings are on saturday not today
17:12:53 <alyaj2a> echevemaster, si ausil
17:12:55 <Richzendy> itamarjp, we understand that, but we don't have time, the fudcon is cooming soon
17:13:00 <echevemaster> this is not a meeting to vote itamarjp is a meeting for the organizers could decide who will take the position.
17:13:02 <itamarjp> adding people in spreadsheet like lbazan did without permission
17:13:34 <itamarjp> why we vote on tickets, let organizers decide about all people them
17:14:02 <echevemaster> alyaj2a: can you talk with lzb then
17:14:04 <echevemaster> ?
17:14:26 <tonet666p> who is lzb?
17:14:29 <tonet666p> jzb?
17:14:35 <Richzendy> <alyaj2a> el costo tiene que ser igual al que sylvia ? ------- Si, es lo más adecuado
17:14:46 <mayorga> Organizers have a choice on what sessions are selected in Call for Papers, not on tickets.
17:15:21 <mayorga> Tickets are voted by the community.
17:15:25 <tonet666p> please, some one have a guidelines for this decission?
17:15:28 <Richzendy> alyaj2a, a menos que con el mismo dinero puedan llevar a más panelistas de sitios más cercanos
17:15:36 <echevemaster> Organizers have a choice in select what people will going to Fudcon
17:15:51 <echevemaster> no, there are not guidelines for that
17:16:09 <echevemaster> Organizers have the plane decision about Fudcon
17:16:22 <echevemaster> so, I agree with Richzendy
17:16:28 <itamarjp> why we have voted on tickets them ?
17:16:34 <itamarjp> let organizers choose all persons
17:16:37 <Richzendy> alyaj2a, mi recomendación es que si están interesados en una persona cuyo costo sea superior, entonces que esa persona puede ir si está de acuerdo en cubrir la diferencia
17:17:04 <Richzendy> itamarjp, what's your point?
17:17:04 <echevemaster> alyaj2a: ?
17:17:21 <alyaj2a> jzb == ausil?
17:17:24 <itamarjp> things are done without approval from community
17:17:56 <echevemaster> itamarjp: the community is here :)
17:18:06 <itamarjp> not all of them,
17:18:13 <echevemaster> alyaj2a: so, ausil or anyone else
17:18:14 <Richzendy> itamarjp, in this moment any thing is decided, just is a meeting (maybe a emergency meeting) with the organizators
17:18:22 <itamarjp> not in correct date and time for meeting
17:18:30 <itamarjp> no one was invited
17:18:47 <itamarjp> you can talk about
17:18:58 <echevemaster> itamarjp: I'm on IRC and I'm inviting to a meeting to the people.
17:19:00 <itamarjp> but making an decision without approval of community is not a good thing
17:19:06 <Richzendy> itamarjp, BTW the organizators have the final decition about the people traveling with fedora fundings
17:19:18 <echevemaster> alyaj2a: tonet666p
17:19:33 <echevemaster> please, this is a meeting and it's being recorded
17:19:44 <echevemaster> so, this is a official meeting, please decide
17:19:49 <mribeirodantas> Richzendy, Really? So voting is merely good will?
17:20:18 <alyaj2a> entonces tenemos que hablar con ausil para ver si puede cubrir la diferencia ? el ticket de ausill espor 2000 USD y el de sylvia era por 833 USD
17:20:27 <tonet666p> ping dgilmore
17:20:49 <echevemaster> mribeirodantas: if after people vote, the organizers wants invite to other people, they have all the right
17:20:58 <itamarjp> we removed the president of Brazil Dilma Roussef because she did the same in Brazil. ( she did stuff without approval of Brazil Congress )
17:21:23 <mribeirodantas> echevemaster, Yes, sure. They're free to invite whoever they want. I'm talking about bugdet spending
17:21:52 <athos> .hello ribeiro
17:21:53 <zodbot> athos: ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com>
17:21:55 <mribeirodantas> But there is a reason we vote for approval or not.
17:22:01 <echevemaster> mribeirodantas: Sylvia resigned its ticket,
17:22:02 <mribeirodantas> .hello mribeirodantas
17:22:03 <fredlima> .fas fredlima
17:22:03 <zodbot> mribeirodantas: mribeirodantas 'Marcel Ribeiro Dantas' <ribeirodantasdm@gmail.com>
17:22:06 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br>
17:22:11 <echevemaster> and that budget is open
17:22:22 <mribeirodantas> Sure, so let's vote how to use that
17:22:24 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp
17:22:24 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br>
17:22:32 <mribeirodantas> And since it needs voting, we can't just decide 'i want to vote now'.
17:22:37 <Richzendy> mribeirodantas, don't but the organizators maybe need to make changes to the last time if is neccesary, I don't talk about remove all people, but maybe someone have a ticket 200 or 300 $USD up to the buy moment and are decititions to make
17:22:58 <mribeirodantas> Richzendy, sure. But they shouldn't have the power to take decisions without the community approval
17:23:05 <echevemaster> that is Fudcon budget mribeirodantas
17:23:15 <Richzendy> mribeirodantas, this are not a democracy
17:23:17 <tonet666p> how many latam people are here now?
17:23:21 <echevemaster> not latam budget, and that is the reason because organizers have the decision
17:23:31 <mribeirodantas> Come on, someone could just call a few friends, and say: let's vote now. I'm not saying that's what going on here right now, but I'm explaining how dangerous this is
17:23:33 * fredlima Brazil
17:23:38 <tatica> raise your hands to know how many is reading (nos just speaking)
17:23:40 <mribeirodantas> Richzendy, Of course this is. Otherwise, there would be no voting
17:23:43 <tatica> .hello tatica
17:23:44 <zodbot> tatica: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com>
17:23:45 <mayorga> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees#Who_decides_sponsorships
17:23:45 <fedmsg-latam> meetbot.meeting.item.link -- mayorga linked to more information in the "Fedora Latam Ambassadors" meeting in #fedora-latam: "http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees#Who_decides_sponsorships"
17:23:54 <tonet666p> tatica +1
17:24:09 <mribeirodantas> This could lead to very dangerous situatoins. This generates precedences.
17:24:32 <Richzendy> mribeirodantas, the community is needed to help, the community is needed to make sugerences, but is not a democracy
17:24:37 <echevemaster> The event owner is sometimes responsible for these decisions, and receives a set budget from which to offer subsidies under the process described below.
17:24:38 <mayorga> jzb said it had to be approved the by the ambassadors or the Board.
17:24:49 <itamarjp> theres no Openness and transparency  because the meeting is not supposed to be today
17:24:54 <mribeirodantas> mayorga, FAmSCo?
17:24:55 <dgilmore> tonet666p: pong
17:25:03 <mayorga> Itamar is right.
17:25:13 <alexove> Que pasó
17:25:27 <mribeirodantas> What a mess. It's 2 PM in here. In the middle of the work day. Most brazilians won't be abble to attend. I have a meeting in 15 minutes, I won't be able to attend.
17:25:32 <mayorga> mribeirodantas: LATAM ambassadors.
17:25:33 <tatica> itamarjp, I just consider this a logged discussion, not a meeting
17:25:35 <em3rson> .fas em3rson
17:25:36 <zodbot> em3rson: em3rson 'Emerson Santos' <em3rson@linuxmail.org>
17:25:38 <mribeirodantas> mayorga, I see.
17:26:02 <mribeirodantas> I have to leave, but I just want to share how I think this is a very dangerous decision that could lead to very bad actions in the near future.
17:26:09 <echevemaster> this is a discussion with organizers
17:26:13 <Richzendy> mribeirodantas> What a mess. It's 2 PM in here. In the middle of the work day. Most brazilians won't be abble to attend. I have a meeting in 15 minutes, I won't be able to attend. ---- la comunidad es grande, si tu no estás, otros estarán
17:26:22 <alexove> Que paso de que me perdi
17:26:26 <echevemaster> alexove:
17:26:35 <echevemaster> tonet666p: answer to dgilmore
17:26:36 <mribeirodantas> Richzendy, Unfortunately, most people work or study. They can't show up in a meeting that hasn't even been announced in the official channels.
17:26:55 <tatica> mribeirodantas, so do we, and here we are.
17:27:02 <mayorga> This does not make any sense.
17:27:03 <mribeirodantas> Great.
17:27:18 <tatica> again, this is not a meeting, is a logged discussion
17:27:31 <Richzendy> mribeirodantas, seguro, pero las deciciones acá no están escritas en piedra, pueden ser discutidas luego y además están en absoluto a lugar, por que los organizadores pueden tomar esas decicisiones sin tener que ir a votaciones cada vez
17:27:34 <tatica> I hope those who called it can put the thread on email so those who can attend can read it there and interact
17:27:37 <mribeirodantas> tatica, voting of spenses shouldn't occur in a logged discussion
17:27:58 <mribeirodantas> Richzendy, I'm not aware of that, but if you say so, I believe you. So I just wanted to make clear what I think of this.
17:28:10 <itamarjp> mribeirodantas++
17:28:10 <zodbot> itamarjp: Karma for mribeirodantas changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
17:28:10 <mribeirodantas> No hard feelings. Have a nice day, guys!
17:28:10 <fedmsg-latam> irc.karma -- itamarjp gave mribeirodantas(1) a karma cookie in #fedora-latam.  "mribeirodantas++" https://badges.fedoraproject.org/user/mribeirodantas
17:28:31 <mayorga> mribeirodantas++
17:28:31 <zodbot> mayorga: Karma for mribeirodantas changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
17:28:32 <fedmsg-latam> irc.karma -- mayorga gave mribeirodantas(2) a karma cookie in #fedora-latam.  "mribeirodantas++" https://badges.fedoraproject.org/user/mribeirodantas
17:28:36 <fredlima> mribeirodantas++
17:28:37 <fedmsg-latam> irc.karma -- fredlima gave mribeirodantas(3) a karma cookie in #fedora-latam.  "mribeirodantas++" https://badges.fedoraproject.org/user/mribeirodantas
17:28:37 <zodbot> fredlima: Karma for mribeirodantas changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle):  https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any
17:28:54 <echevemaster> so, dgilmore, Do you need full or partial subsidy?
17:29:01 <echevemaster> to going Fudcon
17:29:45 <tonet666p> echevemaster, i am asking to dgilmore
17:29:59 <tonet666p> the same questio
17:30:03 <echevemaster> tonet666p: please do it here
17:30:07 <echevemaster> not in private
17:31:42 <dgilmore> echevemaster: uno momento por favor
17:31:47 <echevemaster> ok.
17:32:24 <fredlima> tatica: if someone type #startmeeting, its a meeting
17:32:43 <tatica> fredlima, not necesary, can be a logged discussion. Taking literaly everything isn't healthy
17:32:55 <echevemaster> correct.
17:33:10 <echevemaster> Because of that I started it
17:33:16 <echevemaster> to log the discussion
17:33:25 <dgilmore> echevemaster: no es suficiente
17:33:57 <dgilmore> echevemaster: la tarifa aérea es de $1000 mas
17:34:05 <dgilmore> USD$1000 mas
17:34:21 <echevemaster> ok, we don't have enough budget, then only 864 I think-
17:34:37 <dgilmore> I am going to chase up internally to see if I can get more
17:35:05 <echevemaster> ok, so, we will vote on Saturday for it
17:35:13 <dgilmore> how much is the hotel?
17:35:21 <echevemaster> I just to know only what organizers will decide
17:35:24 <tonet666p> dgilmore, 15USD per night
17:35:29 <dgilmore> okay
17:35:37 <echevemaster> done, thanks dgilmore
17:36:01 <dgilmore> I can cover a few hundred myself. but not $1000
17:36:16 <dgilmore> I will see if I can chase up other sources though
17:36:26 <tonet666p> thak you for your time dgilmore
17:36:37 <dgilmore> de nada amigos
17:36:42 <echevemaster> #action We will vote for partial subsidy for dgilmore, as decision of the Fudcon organizers on Saturday
17:36:42 <fedmsg-latam> meetbot.meeting.item.action -- echevemaster noted an action in the "Fedora Latam Ambassadors" meeting in #fedora-latam: "We will vote for partial subsidy for dgilmore, as decision of the Fudcon organizers on Saturday"
17:36:51 <echevemaster> thanks all for this duscussion
17:36:59 <echevemaster> #endmeeting