23:00:19 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Ambassadors 2016-10-29 23:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Oct 29 23:00:19 2016 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_2016-10-29' 23:00:31 <echevemaster> #meetingname fedora-latam 23:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 23:00:57 <echevemaster> athos I´m here now 23:01:03 <athos> awesome! \o/ 23:01:24 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call 23:01:33 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia 23:01:35 <potty> .hello potty 23:01:36 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 23:01:45 <athos> .hello athoscr 23:01:46 <zodbot> athos: athoscr 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> 23:01:59 * athos Brazil 23:02:02 <porfirio> .hello porfiriopaiz 23:02:03 <zodbot> porfirio: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com> 23:02:12 * porfirio from Managua, Nicaragua 23:02:17 <madc0w> .hello aaamourao 23:02:18 <zodbot> madc0w: aaamourao 'None' <adrianomourao@protonmail.com> 23:02:37 <itamarjp> .hello itamarjp 23:02:38 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:02:51 * potty Panama 23:03:04 * itamarjp Brazil 23:03:35 <echevemaster> #chair athos potty 23:03:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: athos echevemaster potty 23:03:46 <yosef7> .hello josereyesjdi 23:03:47 <zodbot> yosef7: josereyesjdi 'Jose Reyes' <josereyes.jdi@gmail.com> 23:03:49 <anamativi> .hello mativi 23:03:50 <zodbot> anamativi: mativi 'Ana Clara Mativi de Souza' <acmativi@hotmail.com> 23:05:55 <echevemaster> #topic MIgration from Trac to Pagure 23:06:12 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/365 23:06:46 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:06:47 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:07:11 <echevemaster> From me, this is huge +1 23:08:18 <athos> I posted a link in the comments of the ticket which is also really relevant here 23:08:37 <echevemaster> Yes, this the path we have follow. 23:08:58 <potty> #link https://pagure.io/pagure-importer 23:09:11 <potty> This is the relevant instructions to follow. 23:09:15 <potty> ping jflory7 23:09:25 <echevemaster> potty, we have to make the migration? 23:09:41 <athos> I believe we could start migrating our stuff ourselves instead of waiting for a plan to come from other regions. This way we can help them joining the discussions with possible problems we may face 23:09:52 <potty> Fedorahosted will be on read-only in next year. So yes, the migration is unstoppable. 23:10:01 <potty> athos: I agree with you 23:10:09 <echevemaster> sorry if I was not clear 23:10:11 <potty> I bring up jflory7 because they already started 23:10:26 <echevemaster> we have to make the migration ourselves 23:10:28 <echevemaster> ? 23:10:28 <athos> so, I am a +1 here for starting the migration ASAP 23:10:35 <potty> athos: also we have to solve some interim stuff as the tags for instance 23:10:40 <potty> let's put responsibles 23:10:49 <potty> and dates 23:11:01 <potty> i think we should all read the path from the link 23:11:06 <potty> and then next week 23:11:10 <potty> propose and define 23:11:12 <athos> yes echevemaster, I believe we have to run it orselves 23:11:13 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 23:11:14 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:11:16 <potty> who is going to do what 23:11:23 * fredlima Brazil 23:11:28 <itamarjp> I think the best approach is to start filling tickets in new system 23:11:41 <echevemaster> ok. I want to propose myself to do it. 23:11:53 <echevemaster> athos, I think do you want also, right? 23:12:08 <athos> yes :) 23:12:40 <echevemaster> ok, who wants to join? 23:12:45 <athos> and I agree with potty here. We should read, propose and then do it after next week's meeting. 23:13:01 <echevemaster> ok, so, it's done. 23:13:24 <echevemaster> #action we will read the ticket, and discuss it for the next week 23:13:33 <athos> FYI, we have a staging instance of pagure which we could probably use for that matter during this week 23:13:53 <echevemaster> ok, got it. 23:15:03 <echevemaster> #topic FUDCon retrospective 23:15:19 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/366 23:16:02 <echevemaster> I didn't saw reports yet. athos did you see? 23:16:28 <athos> I read one or two of them that ppl posted on facebook 23:16:35 <athos> Wolnei also posted his 23:16:47 <athos> and it is linked in the wiki (mine is there as well) 23:16:55 <echevemaster> ok it's valid, but we have to link to the planet. 23:17:04 <echevemaster> or, include it in our site. 23:17:11 <potty> :) 23:17:11 <echevemaster> linked to the planet. 23:17:18 <athos> yes! 23:17:28 <athos> mine and wolnei's are in planet 23:17:40 <echevemaster> Pros and cons: 23:17:57 <echevemaster> athos, do you want to bring to the table your retrospective 23:17:59 <echevemaster> ? 23:18:01 <athos> tonet is not here, but he volunteered to write the MAJOR report which Brian (bex) wanted to post in the magazine 23:18:11 <athos> Yes :) 23:18:19 <echevemaster> great! 23:18:34 <potty> good! 23:18:59 <athos> So: This was my 1st FUDCon and I really enjoyed it. ppl from organization worket really hard there 23:19:25 <athos> The city was quite small, and that is a good thing since we could just walk everywhere 23:19:33 <athos> (event, hostel, restaurants, etc) 23:20:08 <athos> The last day was too empty: 23:20:29 <alyaj2a> athos, tonet ya esccribio el reporte que le prometio a Brian 23:20:36 <athos> I believe the university hosting the event made the students attend to FUDCon, so we had just a few ppl there on saturday 23:20:47 <athos> awesome alyaj2a :) 23:21:11 <yosef7> :) 23:21:22 <athos> so maybe, for the next FUDCons we should either move it to Wed, Thu, Fri or change how saturday works 23:21:25 <potty> athos: your point is attendance is correlated to university pressure on their students? 23:21:33 <athos> yes potty 23:22:21 <echevemaster> ok, so. for the next fudcon we have to think to make our activities on business days, right? 23:22:25 <athos> I am not even discussing if this is a good or a bad thing: I am just saying that we should prepare for saturdays: there will be less ppl, if we do that with universities 23:22:41 <potty> 1 23:22:42 <potty> ! 23:22:49 <echevemaster> potty, go ahead 23:22:50 <athos> sth like that would work, echevemaster (if we want to go with the university thing) 23:23:07 <potty> Do we have extra marketing? Like non-related to the university? 23:23:10 <echevemaster> agree athos 23:23:34 <potty> maybe there was the problem... focused too much to the university (it's not wrong) 23:23:35 <potty> eof 23:24:02 <athos> I am not sure. alyaj2a or tonet should answer that. But We did see some FUDCon flyers around the city 23:24:02 <echevemaster> potty, that is a recurrent issue, focused to much on students and university. 23:24:03 <itamarjp> It's sad but most universities are using private/closed/non-free software, most of their students are not aware of free-software 23:24:31 <echevemaster> maybe we have to make a hard work in extra marketing moths before 23:24:35 <echevemaster> months* 23:25:00 <potty> itamarjp: totally agree with you 23:25:02 <athos> IT companies and other FLOSS projects maybe (?) 23:25:08 <potty> athos: correct 23:25:09 <echevemaster> yes athos, but in this case, flyers could works, but better is the direct invitation 23:25:28 <echevemaster> and yes itamarjp, that could be another issue. 23:25:48 <echevemaster> but... we have years fighting again that hehehehe 23:25:59 <madc0w> Maybe is also related to the fact that there are more students on the university on week days, and on weekends most of them avoid to go to the university. I am not saying this is good also, just saying what I think that is a fact 23:26:06 <chinosoliard> hi! 23:26:07 <madc0w> it is also related* 23:26:11 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 23:26:12 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com> 23:26:18 <lorddemon> .fas lorddemon 23:26:19 <zodbot> lorddemon: lorddemon 'Gonzalo Nina Mamani' <g.nina.m@gmail.com> 23:26:20 * chinosoliard from Argentina 23:26:27 <echevemaster> ok. 23:26:33 * lorddemon saluda desde Bolivia. 23:26:56 <echevemaster> 1. Investigate what could be better strategies to invite more people on non business days 23:26:56 <chinosoliard> I'm sorry I'm late 23:27:12 <athos> Ok, the other thing is: we need to make this event more consistent, right? This was my 1st FUDCon, but I talked to a lot of ppl, and it seems that the event vary a lot in some aspects. So what I am proposing here, is a knowledge base, where FUDCon organizers post a 'recipe' to organize the event 23:27:30 <athos> from checklists, to marketing and contacts, TODOs and DONT's 23:27:36 <echevemaster> athos, thumbsup 23:28:16 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:28:17 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:28:27 * tonet666p from Perú 23:28:31 <athos> I mean, the only single problem I saw on this FUDCon was that we did not have toilet paper in the restrooms (that was probably terrible for the girls) 23:28:43 <echevemaster> however, I saw a bunch of ppl from organizers wanting to become in collaborator, for example I'm in contact with a couple of them. 23:28:44 <potty> athos: no toilet paper? 23:28:44 <athos> other than that, they did an amazing job! 23:28:58 <echevemaster> LOL 23:29:00 <athos> and we want to be able to repeat that in other countries 23:29:03 <yosef7> Aly and Tonet... great work 23:29:11 <athos> yes 23:29:11 <potty> athos: how did you people clean from other people talking non-productive stuff i... 23:29:16 <athos> alyaj2a++ 23:29:16 <zodbot> athos: Karma for alyaj2a changed to 5 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:29:21 <echevemaster> the same here, congrats, you guys rocks 23:29:26 <athos> tonet666p already got cookies for fudcon :) 23:29:28 <yosef7> alyaj2a++ 23:29:33 <athos> lol 23:29:50 <lorddemon> tonet666p++ 23:29:50 <zodbot> lorddemon: Karma for tonet666p changed to 5 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:30:00 <chinosoliard> tonet666p++ 23:30:00 <zodbot> chinosoliard: Karma for tonet666p changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:30:06 <chinosoliard> alyaj2a++ 23:30:06 <zodbot> chinosoliard: Karma for alyaj2a changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:30:07 <athos> potty: lol. I mean, it was ok for guys, we could just hold it 23:30:09 <yosef7> tonet666p++ 23:30:09 <zodbot> yosef7: Karma for tonet666p changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:30:16 <lorddemon> alyaj2a++ 23:30:16 <zodbot> lorddemon: Karma for alyaj2a changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:30:16 <echevemaster> #action Make a knowledge base like a recipe for the next Fudcon organizers 23:30:16 <yosef7> alyaj2a++ 23:30:16 <athos> but not good for the girls, right? 23:30:33 <potty> yeah 23:30:34 <tonet666p> i want to remember you, all this fudcon was the result of the others fudcon 23:30:44 <athos> maybe flock ppl have a chacklist for that, we could start there 23:30:53 <tonet666p> echevemaster, that is already published 23:31:00 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, do you want to bring to the table your retrospective 23:31:02 <athos> use tonet666p and alyaj2a's input there, idk 23:31:09 <echevemaster> tonet666p, yes, alyaj2a told us 23:31:33 <tonet666p> #link https://tonet666p.wordpress.com/2016/10/27/fudcon-puno-conclusions/ 23:31:34 <athos> s/chack/check/ 23:32:16 <echevemaster> thanks tonet666p 23:32:19 <yulytas> hola chicos 23:32:22 <tonet666p> :) 23:32:23 <chinosoliard> echevemaster: I haven't finish my report yet... I'm a little busy this days 23:32:58 <athos> tonet666p: don't forget to add the link on the wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Puno_2016#Reports 23:33:00 <echevemaster> athos, we have to make a retrospective of all the group and include it on the wiki 23:33:02 <yulytas> hey, this is my report: https://lleksah.wordpress.com/2016/10/19/attending-a-fudcon-2016/ 23:33:09 <lorddemon> chinosoliard, me too.. but tomorrow work in it. 23:33:22 <tonet666p> athos, thank you for remember me 23:33:23 <chinosoliard> but I've to say that this is my 2nd FUDCon, and I'm really happy about the results 23:33:24 <echevemaster> ppl, remember to link them to the planet 23:33:32 <athos> echevemaster: maybe this meeting topic log? 23:33:44 <yulytas> I did it! thanks to BRian, he helped me a lot! 23:34:07 <chinosoliard> I mean, maybe we don't create new FAS, but we catch people, we make loyalty 23:34:07 <echevemaster> ok, I will take this words, and rephrase the idea 23:34:15 <athos> yulytas: don't forget to add the link in the wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Puno_2016#Reports 23:34:29 <yulytas> Can I bring my ticket here? 23:34:40 <yulytas> ok I am doing it! thank aths 23:34:49 <echevemaster> what ticket yulytas ? 23:35:05 <yulytas> there is a new one 23:35:15 <potty> yulytas: post the link here please 23:35:18 <yulytas> I am planning to organize an envet on 25 November 23:35:25 <yulytas> the name is LINUX at UNI 23:35:52 <yulytas> I already arrange the auditorium and all the permissions at UNI with all the authorities 23:35:56 <echevemaster> yulytas, do you have the trac link? 23:35:58 <yulytas> ok potty 23:36:39 <athos> are we moving topics? no one else want to bring inputs? 23:36:56 <athos> s/moving/changing/ 23:37:22 <echevemaster> yes. I'm thinking the same. I told to yulytas that if she will create an event, put all the points on the trac. 23:37:24 * chinosoliard never takes that amount of photos (>1500) 23:37:51 <potty> let's change the topic to yulytas ticket 23:37:58 <potty> so we can discuss it 23:38:01 <echevemaster> so. yulytas do you have the link of the ticket 23:38:18 <tonet666p> yulytas, did you have a wiki page with your event details? 23:38:19 <echevemaster> ? 23:38:22 * potty https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/364 23:38:26 <echevemaster> done 23:38:27 <yulytas> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/364 23:38:43 <yulytas> I am waiting for the designer 23:38:45 <echevemaster> #link FEDORA as sponsor of the event Linux at UNI 23:38:51 <echevemaster> sorry 23:38:56 <echevemaster> #topic FEDORA as sponsor of the event Linux at UNI 23:38:56 <yulytas> to post the whole wiki tonight 23:39:01 <yulytas> yes please 23:39:07 <echevemaster> yulytas, thanks. 23:40:02 * potty will be AFK. 23:40:07 <itamarjp> what are the total cost yulytas ? 23:40:51 <chinosoliard> same question that itamarjp 23:41:23 <echevemaster> yulytas, I explained to you that we have to give further detail of all the event. 23:41:27 <echevemaster> on Fudcon 23:41:34 <yulytas> I am including travel tickets for Tonet and Aly 23:41:34 <echevemaster> please sum all the amounts 23:41:36 <athos> It would be really nice to read the Trac instructions and organize the costs better so we can actually understand what you are asking for, yulytas 23:41:40 <echevemaster> and give us the total 23:41:49 <yulytas> Martin is alsop helping in the organization 23:41:54 <yulytas> $950 23:41:57 <echevemaster> yulytas, costs 23:42:00 <echevemaster> ok. 23:42:34 <chinosoliard> I'm really lost about the budget status 23:42:48 <chinosoliard> potty: how is it going? 23:42:54 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:42:54 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:42:56 <chinosoliard> ohh, potty is AFK :-/ 23:42:56 <alexove> ! 23:43:03 <echevemaster> alexove, go ahead 23:43:37 <echevemaster> in spanish, if you want. 23:43:39 <alexove> Hola a todos, respecto al tema de yulytas, sugiero que se haga el proceso normal comenzando con crear la pagina de wiki del evento segun el template 23:43:47 <athos> ! 23:43:55 <echevemaster> athos, go ahead 23:43:59 <alexove> template de eventos de fedora, ahi se muestra toda la información por la que estan preguntando 23:44:15 <alexove> EOF 23:44:33 <echevemaster> alexove, is right, please create a Fedora event on the wiki. 23:44:39 <echevemaster> but the ticket is created. 23:44:41 <yulytas> I am doing it 23:44:45 <yulytas> wiothout he designer 23:44:59 <yulytas> you know that I am so vry carefull aboyt new ideas of every nvet I do 23:45:02 <tonet666p> alexove, for that i asking about wiki page 23:45:12 <yulytas> my designer was so busy these days and so do I 23:45:14 <echevemaster> the design, right? 23:45:19 <itamarjp> yulytas, you need to create a page like this one, 23:45:20 <itamarjp> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/XIII-FGSL 23:45:21 <tonet666p> yulytas, you dont need design for wiki page 23:45:28 <yulytas> I did three talks this week besides my job :) 23:45:36 <echevemaster> ok, pppl, read the ticket and decide 23:45:41 <yulytas> ok, doing it right now echevemaster 23:46:03 <tonet666p> yulytas, i can help you, send me a mail if you cant do that 23:46:10 <athos> I agree with alexove. We need better information on that ticket. Remeber our discussion in FUDCon? We shall not accept tickets that are that unclear. Other than that, this looks like a great idea and if you are bringing all those great ppl over, you will have my +1 :) but 1st you really need to organize that to avoid problems with refunding 23:46:20 <echevemaster> yulytas, I would like that you create all the stuff before the discussion 23:46:27 <echevemaster> I said you on fudcon 23:46:40 <echevemaster> it is not the people dont want to vote. 23:46:43 <athos> eo 23:46:44 <athos> eof 23:46:45 <potty> yulytas: may you create the wiki so we can vote on this next meeting? 23:46:47 <echevemaster> is that the tickets should be clear 23:46:54 <itamarjp> tonet666p alyaj2a will you attend yulitas event ? 23:46:58 <yulytas> ok guys, I am also reasking here about your online talks 23:47:20 <yulytas> because the first two hours are going to be installa party and then contribution, and you are the specialists 23:47:26 <tonet666p> itamarjp, yulytas invited us on fudcon, from me, i can go to her event 23:47:28 <echevemaster> besides that, you have my +1 23:47:43 <potty> yulytas: just create the wiki page, following the template itamarjp shared and update the ticket with the link of the wiki and the total amount 23:47:49 <potty> we shall vote next meeting 23:47:55 <echevemaster> yulytas, follow the steps please 23:48:02 <echevemaster> as potty recommend you 23:48:06 <yulytas> ok potty, thanks 23:48:14 <potty> please don't feel like we are -1 this... actually it is a good idea, and we encourage you to push this the proper way 23:48:26 <echevemaster> correct. 23:48:40 <yulytas> next wek the design is also going to be posted! :) 23:48:53 <echevemaster> thanks yulytas ! 23:48:57 <athos> I also volunteer to help, if you need a hand with setting the ticket and/or the wikipage :) 23:49:10 <yulytas> yes aths, please learn Spanish!!! :D 23:49:48 <echevemaster> potty, we have healthy budget to these 900 dollars? 23:49:49 <potty> yes 23:49:53 <potty> i will give you 23:49:59 <potty> full detials of the report 23:50:00 <potty> next meeting 23:50:05 <echevemaster> good. yulytas go ahead! 23:50:06 <athos> ! 23:50:10 <echevemaster> athos, 23:50:11 <potty> s/detials/details 23:50:21 <potty> s/report/budget 23:50:24 <chinosoliard> yulytas: wiki page must be in english! 23:50:29 <echevemaster> athos, go ahead 23:51:15 <yulytas> yes, I just say to Athos about Spanish because most of my students do not speak clear English and Athos is definitely a good example of newcomer 23:51:23 <athos> do we have an open budget? whre? I mean, I know about the planning and estimatives. I am asking about the current balance and description on whatever we spent this FY 23:51:39 <athos> eof 23:51:42 <tonet666p> yulytas, a wiki page can be on both langs 23:51:49 <potty> athos: my bad... it is not public 23:51:56 <tonet666p> s/langs/languages 23:52:02 <potty> athos: will make it public and share the link by next week 23:52:13 <potty> i have it currently on a local spreadsheet 23:52:35 <athos> ok potty, I am not complaining nor anything, I was just curious about it :) I know how hard it is to keep that up to date 23:52:45 <potty> yup. thanks for asking 23:52:47 <echevemaster> thanks gouys, we have to continue with the next topic 23:52:51 <potty> echevemaster: yes 23:53:08 <echevemaster> #topic Funding request to attend FGSL XIII 23:53:22 <zodiacfireworks> Hello to everyone 23:53:50 <chinosoliard> link, please 23:53:59 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/367 23:54:06 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, take it easy 23:54:22 <chinosoliard> it's ok! sorry, echevemaster 23:54:41 <potty> athos: the asked budget is updated? 23:55:26 <athos> yes 23:55:40 <echevemaster> 200 per person 23:55:42 <echevemaster> yes? 23:56:10 <echevemaster> please read this ticket also 23:56:12 <echevemaster> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/368 23:56:12 <athos> no, $200 for me but considering a hotel room that will acomodate me and anamativi 23:56:21 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/368 23:56:23 <echevemaster> to save time 23:57:06 <anamativi> 'll talk a bit about the #368, do you want me to do it now? 23:57:08 <echevemaster> 414 dollars? 23:57:08 <athos> so it would be 150 for transportation + 50 for 2 beds 23:57:21 <echevemaster> anamativi, go ahead 23:58:14 <anamativi> Yes, it's a lot. I was considering not even opening the ticket, but the others in our organisation group asked me to do so anyway 23:58:40 <echevemaster> anamativi, I'm not asking about it. it is ok 23:58:45 <anamativi> Porto Alegre is far from the event, but other ambassadors were not available to attend the event (more were originally planning to) 23:58:46 <echevemaster> so, no worries. 23:58:59 <echevemaster> I'm putting the amounts here, just in case 23:59:21 <anamativi> The biggest problem for me is, I can't buy the tickets myself, because my credit card doesnt have that limit (lol) 23:59:33 <anamativi> I don't know if there's something we can do in this situation 23:59:39 <echevemaster> so 614 dollars 23:59:56 <echevemaster> anamativi, we can ask to our cardholder. 00:00:56 <echevemaster> so, ppl? we can vote for both tickets 00:01:00 <anamativi> Yes. But I wanted to gather your opinion, if you think it's worth to spend that much for me to attend 00:01:08 <anamativi> Because it's a 2 day event 00:01:10 <echevemaster> +1, -1 with names please 00:01:19 <itamarjp> fredlima will attend the event too and help promoting fedora, Fred will cover his costs on his own 00:01:35 <chinosoliard> fredlima++ 00:01:35 <zodbot> chinosoliard: Karma for fredlima changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:01:37 <echevemaster> anamativi, that will be decided by the people 00:01:42 <athos> this is without SWAG. I will probably open a ticket for that for the next meeting, IF we get this approved. 00:02:06 <echevemaster> if there are events we have to spend our budget on those events anamativi 00:02:10 <echevemaster> so no worries 00:02:13 <athos> ! 00:02:13 <itamarjp> I think its important to have anamativi on that event because her will help recruiting new people, 00:02:20 <potty> +1 00:02:24 <itamarjp> +1 for athos ticket 00:02:28 <itamarjp> +1 for anamativi ticket 00:02:34 <echevemaster> potty, name 00:02:35 <yosef7> +1 00:02:41 <fredlima> +1 00:02:42 <echevemaster> +1 for athos ticket 00:02:44 <lorddemon> +1 for athos ticket 00:02:45 <chinosoliard> +1 for athos' ticket, +1 for anamativi's ticket 00:02:48 <potty> +1 00:02:51 <yosef7> +1 for athos ticket 00:02:51 <alexove> +1 * 00:02:52 <echevemaster> +1 for anamativi ticket 00:02:53 <porfirio> +1 for athos ticket 00:02:55 <aaamourao> +1 00:02:58 <porfirio> +1 for anamativi ticket 00:03:01 <lorddemon> +1 for anamativi ticket 00:03:01 <fredlima> +1 for both 00:03:05 <tonet666p> +1 for both 00:03:08 <zodiacfireworks> +1 for animativi ticket 00:03:12 <aaamourao> +1 for both 00:03:19 <zodiacfireworks> +1 for athos ticket 00:03:20 <echevemaster> stop, this seems a log of a traceback 00:03:24 <echevemaster> hehehehe 00:03:41 <chinosoliard> jajaja 00:03:44 <aaamourao> lol 00:03:50 <athos> lol 00:03:53 <yosef7> +1 both 00:03:55 <lorddemon> fredlima++ 00:03:55 <zodbot> lorddemon: Karma for fredlima changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:03:57 <echevemaster> #agreed https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/367 00:04:21 <athos> thank you guys :) I will work hard there and try to bring some new people in ;) 00:04:27 <echevemaster> #agreed https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/368 00:04:34 <echevemaster> athos, more important 00:04:58 <echevemaster> please try to anamativi make their first package 00:05:28 <echevemaster> I can sponsor then :) 00:05:37 <athos> true :) Will do! anamativi, prepare your mockSSS! lol 00:05:39 <anamativi> Yes! TY athos echevemaster 00:05:56 <anamativi> I'm crazy busy this semester, on events I'm fully dedicated to Fedora 00:05:57 <echevemaster> #topic Material for Future Fedora Events near my City 00:06:27 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/369 00:07:20 <itamarjp> one important detail is that Fedora 25 will be released soon, We should organize release events. 00:07:32 <athos> ! 00:07:50 <echevemaster> athos, go ahead 00:09:28 <echevemaster> athos, ? 00:09:30 <athos> Do we produce swag in that way? I mean, before an event? Do not get me wrong: I am a +1 here since we all know itamarjp and we do know he is a great ambassador. But we should be careful with that kind of ticket (I believe they should focus specific events) 00:09:34 <athos> +1 00:09:57 <athos> s/before an event/without aiming no event/ 00:10:20 <itamarjp> do you have swags for FGSL ? no, but you should. 00:10:28 <echevemaster> athos, 100 dollars for me is not expensive right now. 00:10:29 <athos> yes :) 00:11:11 <echevemaster> but itamarjp and athos take into account filling a ticket after to produce swags for brazil 00:11:13 <echevemaster> and more important 00:11:22 <chinosoliard> that was the porpouse of the SWAG ticket, but we couldn't do it, so, "El hombre precavido vale por 2" 00:11:27 <echevemaster> put this before all the year on the events page 00:11:45 <echevemaster> budget page sorry. 00:11:52 <echevemaster> so, please vote 00:11:55 <athos> +1 00:11:59 <chinosoliard> +1 00:12:02 <echevemaster> it's 11 over the hour. 00:12:07 <echevemaster> +1 00:12:27 <lorddemon> +1 00:12:43 <anamativi> +1 00:12:46 <echevemaster> #agreed https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/369 00:12:46 <itamarjp> I think we can get a better price producing some stuff in advance, 00:12:47 <fredlima> +1 00:12:49 <zodiacfireworks> +1 00:12:50 <porfirio> +1 00:12:55 <echevemaster> itamarjp, thanks. 00:12:55 <aaamourao> +1 00:13:11 <echevemaster> May I close this meeting? 00:13:18 <chinosoliard> ! 00:13:24 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, go ahead 00:13:32 <chinosoliard> openfloor, first 00:13:57 <anamativi> ! 00:13:57 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, do you want to bring something to openfloor? 00:14:06 <chinosoliard> yes, echevemaster 00:14:08 <echevemaster> #topic OpenFloor. 00:14:16 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, go ahead 00:14:37 <chinosoliard> I only want to say and propose... 00:14:56 <chinosoliard> to find a nice way to vote FUDCon tickets 00:15:12 <chinosoliard> to avoid problems, and discussions 00:15:35 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, I think discussions and problems was solved on the Fudcon itself. 00:15:55 <chinosoliard> echevemaster, we need to do it before FUDCon 00:16:19 <echevemaster> so, we learned of our errors and I think this should not be happen anymore. 00:16:33 <itamarjp> chinosoliard, I think we should have schedule of FUDCon completed before FUDCon too 00:16:35 <chinosoliard> I'm still embittered for not voting blackfile ticket 00:16:47 <alexove> chinosoliard cual es tu propuesta 00:16:50 <echevemaster> chinosoliard, sure. 00:17:10 <itamarjp> chinosoliard, what do you propose ? 00:17:36 <chinosoliard> alexove: I have not propose yet... 00:17:43 <chinosoliard> we need to talk about it 00:18:03 <echevemaster> ok, I think we have to make a hangout for that. 00:18:17 <echevemaster> to avoid bad ideas, only writing 00:18:29 <echevemaster> wdyt in two weeks 00:18:30 <echevemaster> ? 00:18:33 <echevemaster> ppl? 00:18:42 <alexove> ! 00:18:52 <echevemaster> alexove, go ahead 00:19:08 <alexove> chinosoliard, creo que primero tienes que explicarnos que problemas son los que debemos de resolver 00:19:15 <porfirio> ! 00:19:22 <echevemaster> porfirio, go ahead 00:19:27 <alexove> 2do tendriamos que proponer alternativas de solución en base a ese problema 00:19:29 <alexove> EOF 00:19:37 * alexove dice que esperen a los EOF 00:19:59 <echevemaster> alexove, chinosoliard refers to our relationship and the lack of respect between us the last two months 00:20:15 <echevemaster> caused by the Fudcon voting 00:20:19 <echevemaster> we have to define rules. 00:20:22 <porfirio> blackfile ticket was voted. 00:20:24 <chinosoliard> people from the same country where the ticket can not vote 00:20:49 <porfirio> I don't understand chinosoliard statement about no been voted. 00:20:50 <chinosoliard> porfirio: I didn't vote because mine was next, and budget was empty 00:21:29 <porfirio> chinosoliard: I still don't understand. 00:21:30 <alexove> echevemaster: quisiera que se expusiera el problema en concreto con las formalidades del caso para evitar malas interpretaciones 00:21:41 <itamarjp> We think that the way we are using for voting is not optimized, 00:21:55 <itamarjp> like If I give +1 other people will give +1 too 00:22:05 <itamarjp> if I start giving -1 people will continue giving -1 00:22:06 <echevemaster> alexove, agreed 00:22:06 <porfirio> itamarjp: is right. 00:22:25 <echevemaster> itamarjp, as I talk with you on fudcon, you are right 00:22:30 <echevemaster> ok, ppl. As I said , are 19.21- you are agree to discuss this in a Hangout or in this channel? 00:22:32 <yulytas> yes itamar is right 00:22:37 <echevemaster> in two weeks. 00:22:43 <anamativi> ! 00:22:45 <yulytas> I am in in two weeks too 00:22:53 <chinosoliard> we have a lot of time to discuss that 00:22:54 <echevemaster> with more time, and with all the time 00:23:02 <echevemaster> anamativi, go ahead 00:23:03 <anamativi> What should I do about the situation for my air tickets? 00:23:03 <itamarjp> other issue is about FUDCon, like how many people event owner can bring to FUDCon without votiing ? 00:23:13 <echevemaster> and then, I'll close the meeting 00:23:21 <athos> anamativi: neville or brian, I think 00:23:26 <echevemaster> itamarjp, put your thoughts on a list. 00:23:28 <echevemaster> for that day 00:23:35 <athos> echevemaster: ^ 00:23:48 <echevemaster> I'll send the invitation 00:23:51 <itamarjp> I think We should save sometime to work in a FUDCon Guide or something 00:23:53 <echevemaster> athos, ? 00:24:03 <echevemaster> good! itamarjp 00:24:08 <echevemaster> anamativi, go ahead 00:25:00 <echevemaster> porfirio, itamarjp athos I will put all this point on the invitation 00:25:05 <anamativi> I posted the issue up there ^ It's just that need to be handled asap 00:25:16 <anamativi> Because I think the prices might go up 00:25:28 <porfirio> Thanks echevemaster. 00:26:35 <echevemaster> anamativi, I will send the issue to the cardholder 00:26:49 <anamativi> thank you echevemaster 00:27:03 <anamativi> I made a reservation for airbnb already 00:27:10 <echevemaster> #action echevemaster will send anamativi's ticket to Neville ASAP 00:27:26 <athos> ! 00:27:36 <echevemaster> athos, go ahead 00:28:18 <athos> What do you guys think about using the remaining of the budget in the end of the FY to do a massive ammount of SWAG in each country 00:28:29 <echevemaster> athos, crs 00:28:31 <athos> and distribute it between the active ambassadors? 00:28:37 <echevemaster> create the ticket 00:28:43 <echevemaster> and will discuss the next meeting 00:28:46 <chinosoliard> I think it's a great idea 00:29:10 <echevemaster> athos, ? 00:29:21 <athos> ok 00:29:23 <yulytas> SWAG makes happy to people at conference, it is a good investment! :) 00:29:24 <athos> eof 00:30:08 <echevemaster> Please ppl. if the tickets are created, we can invest all the time to vote them. 00:30:17 <itamarjp> I think its an interesting idea but its need to be done per country, one of the issues is that we have to pay in advance and wait for a refund. 00:30:33 <echevemaster> you know, that if the last ticket is not voted, I will not close the meeting 00:30:50 <echevemaster> we have to start to have discipline. 00:31:17 <echevemaster> that is the best way to improve our work like ambassadors 00:31:30 <echevemaster> eof 00:31:36 <echevemaster> May I close the meeting? 00:31:48 <yulytas> ok 00:32:02 <yulytas> thanks for reading and good bye! 00:32:03 <athos> yes 00:32:14 <echevemaster> ciao guys! 00:32:16 <echevemaster> 5 00:32:17 <athos> thank you echevemaster 00:32:18 <echevemaster> 4 00:32:18 <echevemaster> 3 00:32:19 <echevemaster> 2 00:32:20 <echevemaster> 1 00:32:20 <athos> :) 00:32:22 <aaamourao> see you 00:32:23 <chinosoliard> good bye! 00:32:26 <echevemaster> to you athos :) 00:32:31 <echevemaster> #endmeeting