23:01:06 <athos> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors Latam meeting 2016-11-05 23:01:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Nov 5 23:01:06 2016 UTC. The chair is athos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:01:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:01:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_latam_meeting_2016-11-05' 23:01:21 <athos> #meetingname fedora-latam 23:01:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 23:01:32 <athos> #topic Roll Call 23:01:43 <athos> .hello athos 23:01:44 <zodbot> athos: athos 'S D Barnes' <september@creyrdesign.com> 23:01:49 * athos Brazil 23:02:14 <athos> .hello athoscr 23:02:15 <zodbot> athos: athoscr 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> 23:02:19 <athos> ops :) 23:02:52 <yosef7> .hello josereyesjdi 23:02:53 <zodbot> yosef7: josereyesjdi 'Jose Reyes' <josereyes.jdi@gmail.com> 23:03:12 <itamarjp> .hello itamarjp 23:03:13 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:03:16 * itamarjp Brazil 23:03:18 <aaamourao> .hello aaamourao 23:03:19 <zodbot> aaamourao: aaamourao 'Adriano de Araujo Abreu Mourao' <adrianomourao@protonmail.com> 23:03:26 <fredlima> .hello fredlima 23:03:27 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:03:35 * fredlima Brazil 23:03:36 <porfirio> .hello porfiriopaiz 23:03:37 <zodbot> porfirio: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com> 23:03:54 * porfirio from Managua, Nicaragua 23:03:55 <rosset> .hello filiperosset 23:03:56 <zodbot> rosset: filiperosset 'Filipe Rosset' <rosset.filipe@gmail.com> 23:04:23 <rosset> .fasinfo filiperosset 23:04:24 <zodbot> rosset: User: filiperosset, Name: Filipe Rosset, email: rosset.filipe@gmail.com, Creation: 2008-10-30, IRC Nick: rosset, Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo, Locale: pt_BR, GPG key ID: F47674A0, Status: active 23:04:27 <zodbot> rosset: Approved Groups: packager cla_fedora cla_done ambassadors fedorabugs proventesters cla_fpca provenpackager fedora-br cvsl10n 23:05:46 <potty> .hello potty 23:05:47 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 23:06:13 <athos> #chair potty 23:06:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: athos potty 23:06:24 <potty> ! 23:06:34 <athos> go on potty 23:07:04 <potty> I want to propose a topic: LATAM budget status 23:07:22 <athos> that's awesome! :) thanks btw :) 23:07:35 <athos> #topic LATAM budget status 23:08:47 <potty> First things first. 23:09:03 <potty> Remember we have FY17 budget, which is 11950 USD. 23:09:42 <potty> So far we have spent 3360.44 USD. 23:10:03 <potty> The latest ticket I'm considering on this number is #361. 23:10:27 <potty> By simple arithmetics, we have available 8589.56 USD. 23:10:45 <potty> Right now, do anyone got any questions? 23:11:19 <athos> ! 23:11:29 <athos> when will FY17 end? 23:12:34 <potty> athos: Q4 is from December 2016 - February 2017 23:12:52 <potty> February 2017 is the deadline 23:13:13 <potty> By that time we should have decided and proposed FY18 budget. 23:13:21 <potty> Any other question? 23:13:24 <athos> ! 23:13:29 <potty> go ahead athos 23:13:40 * itamarjp thinks that We need fast reimbursement's to spend more money 23:13:59 <potty> itamarjp: thank you for your feedback 23:14:36 <yulytas> ! 23:14:56 <potty> yulytas: go ahead after athos 23:15:03 <athos> I propose we divide the remaining of the budget by the number of countries we have punded by the number of countries in each country and spend it all in swag 23:15:31 <athos> we will probably start having better quality swag in latam instead of bad quality stickers 23:15:40 <yulytas> Hi potty and guys, could you please send the link to propose the budget for 2017 and 2018. I regularly do 2 or 3 event per year 23:15:44 <athos> AND RH won't reduce our budget 23:15:49 <athos> any thoughts? 23:15:51 <itamarjp> last year I told to FPL that we don't need more money, We just need the same amount of money with faster reimbursements 23:15:55 <potty> yulytas: let me response first athos then go to you 23:15:57 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:15:57 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:16:07 <yulytas> ok, thanks 23:16:19 <potty> athos: it is a good idea but still have to consider if we have any other events on the remaining of the FY17 23:16:35 <athos> s/punded/considering/ 23:17:04 <athos> we are in november potty.... we spent less than 1/3 of our budget 23:17:15 <potty> btw people can still ask for the swag, just make the quotation, open the ticket, get approved, buy and then get reimbursed 23:17:18 <athos> if we can't spend it, then I agree with cutting it 23:17:26 <potty> athos: this is a recurrent problem 23:17:31 <potty> let's make an action on this 23:17:37 <potty> one person from each country 23:17:40 <potty> should create a ticket 23:17:42 <potty> with a quotation 23:17:50 <potty> for swag to be used on their country 23:17:56 <potty> deadline next week 23:17:59 <potty> sounds good, athos ? 23:18:04 <itamarjp> no one will do that because we have to pay in advance and wait a long line to get reimbursed. 23:18:06 <athos> potty++ 23:18:19 <athos> I agree potty 23:18:29 <potty> thank you athos 23:18:41 <potty> itamarjp: i'm sorry for this situation but right now is the way it works 23:18:49 <potty> itamarjp: i'm sure there will be changes in the future 23:19:02 <potty> itamarjp: but today it is like that and we have to go along with it 23:19:37 <potty> yulytas: as i understand from your question, you need FY18 link? 23:19:39 <athos> I have one last thing 23:19:42 <athos> to say 23:19:52 <potty> athos: let me finish with yulytas then go with you 23:20:04 <athos> guys: don't be shy on asking for budget to do Fedora related things 23:20:06 <yulytas> yes please, just the link to propose 23:20:07 <athos> please 23:20:13 <yosef7> potty. athos: great idea 23:20:23 <potty> yulytas: right now there is no link. Actually the information related to the budget will be available here: https://budget.fedoraproject.org 23:20:28 <athos> in noth america sometimes they ask for 2000 dollars to make fedora DVDs 23:20:33 <yulytas> ok, thanks 23:20:34 <potty> yulytas: but, we can still have a link on the wiki 23:20:38 <athos> ASK 23:20:50 <potty> yulytas: as usual (example: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Budget:2017) 23:20:51 <athos> if we can't make it, we will let you know 23:20:51 <zodiacfireworks> Hello 23:21:06 <athos> yulytas: wait for your turn please 23:21:10 <potty> yosef7: btw it is not updated 23:21:17 <potty> athos: go ahead 23:21:50 <potty> which was your other question? 23:22:04 <potty> s/yosef7/yulytas 23:22:05 <athos> that's all... we will keep having our budget cut.... and we neet more LATAM related fedora events... 23:22:16 <athos> ppl in brazil barely know fedora 23:22:29 <athos> they know Ubuntu and Debian.... 23:22:30 <potty> athos: Yes. As I mentioned before, this is the recurrent problem 23:22:35 <athos> :( 23:22:38 <potty> The way to solve this is with more events. 23:22:44 <potty> Hosting them or participating 23:22:45 <athos> exactly 23:22:47 <potty> I know Brazil 23:22:52 <potty> Is a great place were you people 23:22:57 <potty> always try to participate on events 23:23:03 <potty> but your unique effort is not sufficient 23:23:10 <potty> we have to encourage other countries 23:23:16 <athos> so let's go on and participate more, ask for budget! WE DO HAVE IT!!!! 23:23:18 <potty> for example: here in Panama we are having events 23:23:18 <porfirio> potty> The way to solve this is with more events. <--- This! 23:23:33 <potty> but yosef7 does not create tickets 23:23:36 <athos> porfirio++ 23:23:36 <zodbot> athos: Karma for porfiriopaiz changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:23:39 <potty> so things like this 23:23:41 <potty> we have to learn 23:23:44 <potty> and move on 23:23:45 <potty> :) 23:23:47 <athos> yes 23:23:49 <athos> eof 23:23:54 <rosset> ! 23:23:55 <potty> we still have a few months before FY17 is over 23:23:58 <sr_kraken_m> .fas srkraken 23:23:59 <zodbot> sr_kraken_m: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 23:24:06 <potty> rosset: go ahead 23:24:25 <rosset> last year I proposed to made more FADs here in Brazil 23:24:27 <rosset> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Activity_Day_-_FAD 23:25:00 <rosset> maybe, for the next year it's a good opportunity to expand our users base here :) 23:25:02 <yulytas> it is a good idea to have a day of FEDORA! I want to do that too here in Lima in universities :) 23:25:03 <rosset> eof 23:25:06 <aaamourao> ! 23:25:15 <rosset> yulytas, thats the idea :) 23:25:16 <potty> rosset: thank you 23:25:22 <potty> sounds good 23:25:35 <athos> rosset: 23:25:49 <athos> you can do that for F25 release parties 23:25:53 <athos> please, do that :) 23:26:04 <mayorga> FADs have a separate budget, AFAIK. 23:26:06 <athos> as I said: we have budget and we are NOT using it 23:26:07 <potty> just remember that FAD are approved by the Council 23:26:14 <potty> Not by us 23:26:18 <athos> oh 23:26:25 <athos> so make that non FAD days :) 23:26:35 <potty> as athos mentioned we should focus on participate and organizing events 23:26:46 <potty> things like yulytas is making 23:26:47 <itamarjp> potty, small events 23:26:50 <porfirio> ! 23:27:12 <yulytas> thanks potty for recognising it :p 23:27:21 <potty> itamarjp: correct 23:27:36 <rosset> ok, small events instead of call it FAD, sounds good to me. 23:28:00 <rosset> small hackatons, sprints to fix something, etc 23:28:02 <rosset> eof 23:28:09 <potty> rosset: that's correct 23:28:11 <potty> porfirio: go ahead 23:28:22 <potty> sorry porfirio, first is aaamourao 23:28:27 <potty> then is you porfirio 23:28:34 <aaamourao> thx, potty 23:28:39 <potty> welcome 23:28:42 <yosef7> potty: bad practice. sorry. 23:28:48 <yosef7> Hare los ticket. =) 23:28:59 <lorddemon> .fas lorddemon 23:29:00 <zodbot> lorddemon: lorddemon 'Gonzalo Nina Mamani' <g.nina.m@gmail.com> 23:29:08 * lorddemon Saluda desde Bolivia 23:29:23 <aaamourao> I would recommend to participate to general Open Source related events. It would bring ppl that have never heard about Fedora to contribute to it 23:29:58 <potty> aaamourao: correct. Sometimes we do participate but do not fill tickets. That's a problem too. 23:30:06 <aaamourao> Fedora only events will only reach ppl that already know fedora. it is good after it is known on the region 23:30:07 <yulytas> I will participate at UTP next Friday to install FEDORA 23:30:23 <aaamourao> eof 23:30:33 <yulytas> could you please tell me when is the release F25, I did download and it is still F24 23:30:56 <potty> yulytas: wait 23:30:58 <potty> aaamourao: thank you 23:31:01 <potty> go ahead porfirio 23:31:01 <athos> aaamourao: yes 23:31:05 <yulytas> ok potty 23:31:05 <porfirio> Is it possible to sponsor Fedora Contributors for attending to FUDCons with the Fedora LATAM budget?, This would have been so useful and we could avoided all the flame during FUDCon LATAM organizing. 23:31:13 <athos> aaamourao: let us know about those events, we will be present 23:31:43 <porfirio> I think, should organize FAD's, FAD brings new contributors into real action for the fedora project. 23:31:44 <potty> porfirio: it is always feasible 23:31:54 <athos> porfirio: budget will never be enough for bringing everybody.... :( 23:32:15 <potty> porfirio: FAD are a step, maybe not the first step but after organizing smaller events and involving people into subprojects we can then think of FAD 23:32:16 <aaamourao> athos: there are small ones on UFMG, I will bring the dates on the next meeting 23:32:32 <potty> porfirio: remember FAD are approved by Council and uses another budget different from us. 23:32:37 <athos> the right thing to do is: let's spread the word about fedora! make it's name in latam and have our budget increased instead of cut :) 23:32:46 <fredlima> ! 23:32:50 <porfirio> I right, got it. EOF 23:32:57 <potty> thank you porfirio 23:33:04 <potty> do anyone want the word? 23:33:07 <potty> remmeber to ! 23:33:10 <potty> fredlima: go ahead 23:33:26 <rosset> yulytas, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/Schedule 23:33:35 <yosef7> yulytas: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/Schedule 23:34:02 <yulytas> perfect russet and yosef, thanks! 23:34:37 <potty> fredlima: it is your turn 23:34:38 <fredlima> We have to reach places where fedora is not known, like North of Brazil. Almost all ambassadors goes to the rich side of Brazil. The south 23:34:55 <athos> yes 23:34:57 <potty> fredlima: do we have someone in the north part of Brazil? 23:35:04 <athos> no porfirio 23:35:08 <athos> no potty 23:35:10 <athos> :( 23:35:10 <fredlima> We have to stop going only on the same events 23:35:19 <athos> no formal contributors 23:35:24 <itamarjp> athos, we have some, 23:35:25 <athos> we do have ppl on telegram though 23:35:41 <athos> we can have events there 23:35:49 <aaamourao> fredlime: indeed, I agree 23:35:51 <athos> we just need to stop being shy asking for budget 23:35:55 <fredlima> I'm living on the middle east 23:36:09 <potty> so the action here is to start with some introductory event on those regions, budget will handle it 23:36:15 <athos> remember. this whole year we spent 1/3 of the budget! 23:36:20 <potty> athos, itamarjp: may you do the work? 23:36:28 <fredlima> None Fedora events since I came 23:36:30 <mayorga> ! 23:36:36 <athos> yes potty 23:36:46 <fredlima> Eof 23:37:03 <athos> I will also get ppl like fredlima to go on and go to more events! 23:37:05 <athos> :) 23:37:08 <athos> go on mayorga 23:37:10 <athos> :) 23:37:18 <mayorga> I do not think the problem is being shy, but having to pay in advance. It's not always easy to do it! 23:37:34 <athos> mayorga++ 23:37:34 <zodbot> athos: Karma for mayorga changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:37:42 <mayorga> So, we have to figure out how to improve the process. 23:37:42 <athos> :( solutions mayorga? 23:37:43 <mayorga> EOF 23:37:55 <porfirio> mayorga++ 23:37:55 <zodbot> porfirio: Karma for mayorga changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:38:22 <mayorga> I have this idea: produce all the swag in one place, and then send it to other LATAM countries. 23:38:31 <potty> mayorga: from my pov it is very difficult to change the process to have in advance payments, we are not the only region facing that 23:38:36 <mayorga> It's even cheaper. 23:38:39 <potty> mayorga: sounds like an old idea we always have 23:38:41 <potty> but never execute 23:38:56 <rosset> what about import/export taxes? 23:39:02 <athos> that will be not possible this year, but we can produce swag for each country by the end of FY... let's do this! 23:39:02 <potty> what would be the difference? 23:39:09 <potty> we have to consider some stuff 23:39:16 <potty> first from which country we will produce swag 23:39:19 <athos> rosset: we can do it in each country 23:39:20 <rosset> sometimes there are problems to send/receive material to/for other countries 23:39:26 <potty> secondly how will you send send 23:39:29 <potty> taxes 23:39:36 <potty> and those stuff 23:39:58 <athos> we can make swag for panama in panama, for brazil in brazil, etc 23:40:04 <athos> but once a yeat 23:40:06 <rosset> how many days to reimburse an approved ticket? 23:40:06 <potty> athos: that is the simplest wat 23:40:07 <athos> year* 23:40:10 <athos> yes! 23:40:22 <rosset> athos, yeah, got it :) 23:40:24 <potty> rosset: it depends on the availability of the card holder, in this case Neville 23:40:26 <mayorga> potty: You have a good point, yes. 23:40:30 <athos> let's say, it will be 10 or 20% more expensive, but it will be easier 23:40:35 <potty> athos: correct 23:40:42 <potty> athos: if we can handle individual requests 23:40:49 <potty> centralizing those later will be easier 23:40:57 <potty> because to choose a central country to produce 23:41:01 <potty> you have to calculate on each country 23:41:05 <potty> to see which is the cheapest 23:41:19 <potty> and to do that effort you should quote on each country 23:41:30 <potty> that is pretty the same as quoting swag for each country 23:41:36 <athos> yes.... potty can you and I talk about budget during this week? we can talk about the remaining budget and bring it to the meeting next week 23:41:38 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:41:38 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:41:41 <potty> rosset: should be within the month frame 23:41:44 <athos> we need to move on with the meeting 23:41:47 * tonet666p from Peru 23:41:54 <potty> athos: yes, sure 23:41:58 <potty> athos: let's move on 23:41:59 <athos> guys 23:42:03 <athos> can we move on? 23:42:07 <itamarjp> we already lost the opportunity to make the swags in Peru in a low cost, you're doing it again 23:42:09 <potty> But I think this was a sane exercise 23:42:11 <aaamourao> If people plan the Fedora events or represent fedora in an third part event 3 months before it happens, could fedora project pay in advance instead of ambassadors do it? 23:42:13 <athos> yulytas: you want to talk before we move on? 23:42:28 <itamarjp> talking about swags, and the result will be the same as of Peru. 23:42:29 <athos> no aaamourao :( 23:42:41 <yulytas> thank you athos 23:42:48 <aaamourao> athos: :( 23:42:50 <potty> aaamourao: no 23:42:58 <potty> yulytas: go ahead 23:43:03 <potty> @everyone let's move on 23:43:22 <yulytas> yes, swag is important to promote FEDORA in certain way among students 23:43:23 <athos> let yulytas talk potty, before we move to the next toppic 23:43:36 <yulytas> just that 23:43:54 <athos> ok 23:43:59 <athos> can I move on? 23:44:05 <potty> yes 23:44:10 <athos> anyone else on this topic? 23:44:18 * potty will be afk 23:44:29 <athos> #topic Migration from Trac to Pagure 23:44:31 <mayorga> Yes. 23:44:34 <athos> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/365 23:45:22 <athos> We talked about this last week 23:45:34 <athos> and we decided to talk about it today 23:45:53 <athos> I actually thought we would spend the meeting talking about it 23:46:08 <athos> but we spent it on the other (more important) ticket 23:46:33 <athos> I did prepare for this meeting 23:46:53 <athos> I evaluated Trac and the way we have been using it 23:46:59 <athos> please see http://paste.fedoraproject.org/472097/78389501/ 23:47:14 <athos> and I have a really important question here 23:47:40 <athos> are the tags in trac important, or you just don't use them at all? 23:47:52 <athos> as I see, we do not use most of them.... 23:48:08 <athos> the only important thing there is the "meeting" keyword.... 23:48:34 <athos> and if this is true, we can just migrate to Pagure and not worry about anything 23:49:10 <athos> eof 23:49:12 <athos> thoughts? 23:50:11 <rosset> maybe migrate data from Trac to Pagure to keep all the historic data 23:50:30 <rosset> it's supported, according to https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedorahosted-sunset-2017-02-28/ 23:51:04 <athos> yes rosset :) 23:51:17 <athos> please read the last meeting log... 23:51:32 <athos> we are ready for that 23:51:47 <athos> my question is: do we need all the tags we had in Trac? 23:52:28 <tonet666p> i think we never used all tags 23:52:54 <athos> exactly tonet666p 23:53:06 <tonet666p> if you read the tickets, there are some ttags 23:53:16 <tonet666p> not all 23:53:39 <athos> question is: jflory7 is migrating famna trac on sunday 23:53:44 <athos> should we do the same? 23:54:13 <porfirio> If using tags add more readabily and order to handling tickets, we should start using them. 23:54:18 <rosset> yes... we can migrate to Pagure test instance first, if everything is ok, them migrate our production 23:54:35 <rosset> Pagure Test Instance => https://stg.pagure.io/ 23:55:04 <athos> thats staging rosset. but I agree with you 23:55:24 <athos> we move all our tickets there and tags 23:55:29 <rosset> yeah, stage, but for test purposes :P 23:55:34 <athos> and in the future we discuss removing some of the tags 23:55:50 <athos> (we do not use all of them at all) 23:55:50 <rosset> Question: I want to test things out, but not migrate yet, how can I do that? 23:55:50 <rosset> Answer: We have a Pagure test instance you are welcome to create projects on and test importing data. Note that from time to time we clear out this instance, so do not use it for any long-term use. 23:56:20 <porfirio> Or documenting how to properly use it and ask to people open tickets to stay close to the guidelines. 23:56:44 <athos> getting back to track 23:57:07 <athos> can potty and I move to LATAM trac to pagure? 23:57:28 <athos> is there anyone against it? 23:57:35 <athos> please vote 23:57:39 <athos> +1 here 23:57:42 <porfirio> +1 23:57:51 <anamativi> +1 23:57:55 <fredlima> +1 23:57:59 <rosset> no, go ahead, but wrote an announcement to keep everyone aware 23:58:00 <rosset> +1 23:58:14 <athos> rosset++ 23:58:14 <zodbot> athos: Karma for filiperosset changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:58:16 <yosef7> +1 23:58:20 <aaamourao> +1 23:59:23 <athos> anyone else? 23:59:45 <itamarjp> +1 00:00:06 <athos> #agreed LATAM is migrating from Trac to Pagure with FAmNA. we will talk about tags later. 00:00:15 <fredlima> ! 00:00:21 <yulytas> ! 00:00:38 <athos> go on fredlima 00:01:03 <fredlima> Can we take a look at ana mativi ticket before we end this meeting? 00:01:06 <fredlima> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/368 00:01:18 <athos> this is the next topic 00:01:22 <athos> go on yulytas 00:01:26 <fredlima> OK tnx 00:01:56 <yulytas> thanks athos, then could you please check my ticket https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/364#comment:2 00:02:48 <athos> ok 00:03:02 <yulytas> thanks 00:04:00 <athos> I cannot access it here, can anyone put it in a few word here? 00:04:21 <athos> yulytas, fredlima 00:04:31 <yulytas> yes athos 00:05:00 <yulytas> The ticket is about to promote FEDORA use and contribution 00:05:01 <fredlima> Ana, can you say? 00:05:15 <yulytas> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuXatUNI 00:05:29 <athos> I know the ticket yulytas 00:05:35 <athos> what is the comment about? 00:05:41 <athos> sorry I cannot open it here 00:05:43 <yulytas> some FEDORA ppl like echevemaster neville, aly and tone will talk about contribution in FEDORA 00:05:50 <athos> yes 00:05:54 <rosset> The "Linux en la UNI" event will be held at Auditorium X of UNI (National University of Engineering) on November Y. The purpose of the event is to promove the use of FEDORA 25 and introduce new potential contributors to the free software renowed worldwide project such as FEDORA, which has impact in more than 166 countries. The audience is focused basically to students but not restricted to others. 00:05:54 <rosset> The agenda is as follows: 00:05:54 <rosset> Kiara from Panama to introduce to the Fedora ARM team (coordinated at FUDCON) Echevemaster from Colombia to start in FEDORA (coordinated at FUDCON) Johan Gaterol from Colombia to contribute with Python (coordinated at FUDCON) Eduardo Mayorga from Nicaragua to start in the documentation team (coordinated at FUDCON) Bernardo y/o Tonet from PERU to start contributions in FEDORA (coordinated at FUDCON) 00:05:58 <rosset> Costs 500 DVD FEDORA with envelop $232 02 Banners of the Event & metal support & case $150 100 A3 posters of the event $40 12 Tshirts for volunteers $48 250 FEDORA stickers 4F & FEDORA in blue $180 Flight Tonet $150 Flight Aly $150 00:06:05 <rosset> total = $950 00:06:13 <athos> oh 00:06:14 <athos> I see 00:06:16 <yulytas> there is a budget to be approved, yes rosset 00:06:22 <athos> you want to vote on it yulytas? 00:06:28 <potty> +1 00:06:31 <yulytas> we are going to have in person Tonet and Aly 00:06:55 <rosset> +1 00:07:21 <itamarjp> this ticket was already voted and approved some weeks ago, 00:07:28 <athos> in my opinion, we should not vote on it tonight. yulytas, you should add the meeting tag on it... please... read ambassadors documentation... BUT I will not let's put it to vote 00:07:35 <rosset> ok, no go to next one please 00:07:36 <athos> #chair rosset 00:07:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: athos potty rosset 00:07:54 <athos> I would postpone it again... 00:08:11 <rosset> why? if there are 2 pending tickets, let's vote tonight 00:08:13 <yulytas> it was approved? thanks Itamar! 00:08:24 <athos> rosset: this is not a pending ticket 00:08:34 <itamarjp> yulytas, what do you need ? 00:08:45 <athos> rosset: she did not add a meeting tag there 00:08:47 <yulytas> to write in the ticket 00:08:58 <yulytas> that it was approved please (if you do not mind) 00:09:00 <itamarjp> someone forgot to add approved on it, 00:09:17 <yulytas> and if it possible to ask for one more speaker here? 00:09:22 <itamarjp> who are responsible to add approved tags on tickets ? 00:09:25 <athos> was it approved already? 00:09:28 <yulytas> Potty maybe you can talk ? 00:09:40 <athos> so what is the point? 00:09:56 <yulytas> because I was asking to people to talk in Spanish about technical contribution in the event 00:10:17 <athos> ok 00:10:18 <athos> so 00:10:22 <yulytas> ok, let me check now if the ticket was approved correctly, so later was not confused please 00:10:24 <athos> yulytas: what do you need? 00:10:39 <yulytas> to register the approval of the ticket in the ticket please 00:10:41 <athos> this ticket was not voted itamarjp 00:10:49 <itamarjp> was voted and approved 00:10:50 <athos> because it was confusing 00:10:57 <itamarjp> and someone missed to add approved tag on it, 00:11:00 <athos> no it was not 00:11:04 <tonet666p> itamarjp, are you sure? 00:11:13 <athos> and if it was, it had my -1 00:11:19 <itamarjp> lets give 15 minutes to look in previous logs 00:11:20 <tonet666p> i think we didnt aproved it 00:11:33 <athos> as I recall, we told yulitas to organie her ideas 00:11:35 <rosset> ok, in the mean time can we vote the anamativi ticket? 00:11:38 <athos> so we could approve it 00:11:41 <yulytas> it was not approved or rejected as I remember 00:11:42 <lorddemon> creo que faltaba el wiki 00:11:43 <anamativi> my ticket is approved 00:11:45 <yulytas> yes please 00:11:51 <rosset> anamativi, oh, great :) 00:11:59 <yulytas> I did the wiki as you can see here http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuXatUNI 00:12:10 <athos> guys, please, we are talking about yulytas ticket 00:12:16 <yulytas> mine is pending as it seems in the log 00:12:22 <athos> we will talk about anamativi ticket later 00:12:39 <athos> neville is not here so in the end it wont even matter :) 00:12:43 <athos> so 00:12:51 <athos> please check yulytas link 00:12:57 <rosset> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuXatUNI 00:12:57 <athos> yulytas: what is the link? 00:13:10 <athos> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuXatUNI 00:13:20 <athos> where is the budget yulytas? 00:13:31 <yulytas> I already sent it pathos, let me send it you again 00:13:37 <yulytas> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuXatUNI 00:13:44 <rosset> yeah, it's fine, agenda, people, budget, all in this link 00:13:48 <athos> ok 950 dollars? 00:13:51 <athos> +1 here 00:13:57 <yulytas> yes please, thank you athos 00:14:26 <athos> rosset: itamarjp fredlima anamativi mayorga potty 00:14:28 <athos> votes please 00:14:31 <potty> +1 00:14:36 <aaamourao> +1 00:14:39 <yosef7> +1 00:14:43 <anamativi> +1 00:14:43 <rosset> +1 00:14:47 <fredlima> +1 00:14:52 <itamarjp> +1 00:14:54 <mayorga> +1, she did her homework by creating the event wiki page. 00:15:01 <zodiacfireworks> +1 00:15:02 <athos> #agreed on LunixatUNI 00:15:06 <lorddemon> +1 00:15:14 <athos> thanks for the hard work yuli 00:15:18 <athos> yulytas: 00:15:21 <athos> :) 00:15:23 <yulytas> thank you, can I ask for mayorga and potty to talk there that day ? 00:15:30 <sr_kraken_m> +1 00:15:36 <potty> which day it is? 00:15:39 <mayorga> yulytas: Sure! 00:15:46 <yulytas> November 26th 00:15:50 <potty> yes 00:15:59 <yulytas> gracias Mayorga 00:16:04 <athos> #topic FGSL - Ana Mativi ticket 00:16:10 <zodiacfireworks> the future web page for the event is linuxatuni.com 00:16:13 <yulytas> I wil send you later a mail with the invitation 00:16:27 <athos> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/368 00:16:38 <anamativi> Ok this ticket was approved last saturday 00:16:44 <athos> potty: you said neville was going to be here 00:16:54 <athos> we need someone to buy those tickets 00:16:58 <athos> how to proceed 00:17:07 <athos> @everybody: read the ticket 00:17:10 <athos> and the email 00:17:21 <athos> anamativi needs someone to buy her tickets 00:17:40 <rosset> it was approved 7 days ago 00:17:48 <athos> yes rosset 00:17:50 <potty> athos: i will ping Neville 00:17:52 <anamativi> before the vote I talked about the situation, either ways it was approved, the event is in 2 weeks 00:17:56 <athos> this is not approving the ticket 00:18:05 <athos> we want someone to buy the tickets in advance 00:18:10 <rosset> neville is aware... so... he need to buy the tickets right? 00:18:25 <athos> if neville wont buy the tickets, she will not attend 00:18:30 <potty> deadline athos ? 00:18:33 <athos> yes rosset 00:18:41 <athos> deadline is november 17th potty 00:18:47 <potty> let me talk to him asap 00:18:49 <rosset> potty, asap... flight can increase the price in next days... 00:18:51 <athos> but then it will cost 500 dollars 00:18:57 <potty> of course 00:18:57 <athos> :( 00:18:58 <rosset> s/can/will 00:18:58 <rosset> rs 00:18:58 <potty> ok 00:19:18 <athos> we need it asap 00:19:27 <athos> I did not agree with itamarjp before 00:19:47 <athos> but if neville is not able to attend meetings, potty should be the card holder 00:19:49 <anamativi> We didnt talk about this last week, but we'll hold a release party in the event as well! So 2 events in one 00:20:02 <athos> I am saying this for records :) 00:20:05 <itamarjp> athos, we should make an election for new cardholder, 00:20:14 <itamarjp> athos, I disagree nomitating potty as a cardholder, 00:20:24 <potty> itamarjp: cardholder is not something to propose or elected 00:20:27 <potty> it is choose by RH 00:20:31 <potty> one per region 00:20:37 <potty> so is useless to have that "voting" 00:20:38 <potty> we can choose 00:20:44 <potty> treasurer, logistician and storyteller 00:20:45 <itamarjp> I need to tell RH that we need a new one, 00:20:55 <potty> itamarjp: be my host 00:20:57 <athos> guys 00:21:12 <athos> all I am saying is that IF neville is not available 00:21:12 <potty> but afaik the only one that can propose a new cardholder is Neville himself 00:21:16 <potty> no other 00:21:19 <potty> athos: he is 00:21:22 <athos> someone alse should be cardholder 00:21:29 <potty> but do you ping him enough? 00:21:31 <itamarjp> last time I did and I was alone, 00:21:42 <potty> itamarjp: well sorry about that 00:21:44 <potty> let's move on 00:21:47 <potty> on the important things 00:21:52 <athos> potty: I sent an email a few days ago, no answer... 00:22:03 <potty> "Telegram" group? 00:22:18 <athos> IMHO: you (potty) should be card holder 00:22:30 <porfirio> <athos> but if neville is not able to attend meetings, potty should be the card holder <--- athos++ 00:22:31 <zodbot> porfirio: Karma for athoscr changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:22:39 <athos> Telegram is not official fedora communication mean 00:22:45 <itamarjp> who wanna to join me and ask for new cardholder, send me a private message, 00:22:45 <potty> mailing list? 00:22:48 <mayorga> Oh boy. Telegram, seriously? 00:22:57 <athos> potty: yes 00:23:05 <potty> people 00:23:05 <potty> relax 00:23:10 <potty> just let's ping him 00:23:13 <athos> the email I sent you an neville had email list cced potty 00:23:17 <rosset> itamarjp, let's wait, neville shold be a bit more proactive 00:23:23 <athos> yes 00:23:26 <potty> let's not punish people here 00:23:28 <potty> that's unfair 00:23:31 <athos> neville is probably just busy 00:23:32 <athos> :) 00:23:32 <rosset> potty, go ahead please, we need to fix these ticket issues asap :) 00:23:37 <potty> athos: correct 00:23:46 <potty> as all people here, right? 00:23:52 <athos> yes :) 00:23:53 <potty> everyone got their duties, everyone is busy 00:23:57 <potty> so be patient 00:24:03 <potty> be pushy 00:24:07 <potty> ask for your things 00:24:13 <potty> and lets move on 00:24:20 <athos> ok 00:24:28 <athos> question: 00:24:37 <athos> how should we proceed wit anamativi ticket? 00:24:45 <athos> we need those purchased asap 00:24:56 <potty> athos: i will comunicate with neville 00:25:02 <potty> call him if necessary 00:25:05 <potty> how much is the amount? 00:25:10 <athos> anamativi 00:25:12 <athos> ^ 00:25:13 <athos> ? 00:25:28 <anamativi> i put 394 for ticketsin the ticket 00:26:41 <potty> ok 00:26:54 <potty> #action potty to ping Neville to buy anamativi ticket asap 00:26:56 <potty> move on 00:27:05 <athos> ok 00:27:08 <fredlima> ! 00:27:11 <athos> that would be all 00:27:15 <athos> go on fredlima 00:27:51 <fredlima> Tnx potty, this tickets is for an event of the places I have told 00:28:08 <potty> fredlima: excellent! :) 00:28:12 <fredlima> Eof 00:28:20 <athos> #topic OpenFloor 00:28:35 <athos> does anyone have a topic they want to bring in? 00:28:49 <athos> else I will end this meeting in 2 minutes 00:29:17 <fredlima> potty++ 00:29:17 <zodbot> fredlima: Karma for potty changed to 8 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:29:22 <athos> and I am sorry this went past 30 minutes, but it was a great meeting :) 00:29:26 <yosef7> A insistir con Neville. el respondera 00:29:28 <yosef7> =) 00:29:42 * mayorga has nothing to add. 00:29:59 <anamativi> yosef7++ 00:29:59 <zodbot> anamativi: Karma for josereyesjdi changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:30:09 <yosef7> anamativi++ 00:30:09 <zodbot> yosef7: Karma for mativi changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:30:10 <aaamourao> I have nothing to add too 00:30:20 <athos> #endmeeting