23:01:16 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Meeting 2017-05-13 23:01:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat May 13 23:01:16 2017 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:01:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:01:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_meeting_2017-05-13' 23:01:20 <athos> hello ;) 23:01:31 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 23:01:32 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:01:35 * fredlima Brazil 23:01:40 <echevemaster> #meetingname fedora-latam 23:01:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 23:01:46 <alexove> . fas alexove 23:01:47 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:01:47 <echevemaster> Hello athos and fredlima 23:01:53 <fredlima> hello echevemaster 23:01:54 * alexove = Perú 23:02:03 <echevemaster> #chair fredlima athos alexove 23:02:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove athos echevemaster fredlima 23:02:26 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call 23:02:27 <danniel> .fas danniel 23:02:28 <zodbot> danniel: kuroneko02 'Danniel Justavino' <justavinod@hotmail.com> - danni 'danniele' <jordon@openmailbox.org> - danniel 'Daniel Lara Souza' <daniellarasouza@yahoo.com.br> - hdanniel 'Hector Paz' <hdanniel@gmail.com> 23:02:39 <douglax> .fas aacosta 23:02:39 <zodbot> douglax: aacosta 'Alejandro Acosta' <alxacostaa@gmail.com> 23:02:40 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 23:02:43 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 23:02:49 * douglax from México 23:02:54 * echevemaster Colombia - Venezuela 23:03:29 <x3mboy> .fas x3mboy 23:03:29 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 23:03:36 * x3mboy Chile - Venezuela 23:05:13 <echevemaster> ok, I'm checking Pagure and there are only a ticket, and that ticket will be delayed until the next Q 23:05:21 <x3mboy> ! 23:05:27 <echevemaster> go ahead x3mboy 23:05:41 <x3mboy> I have an important topic to discuss 23:06:02 <echevemaster> #chair x3mboy 23:06:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove athos echevemaster fredlima x3mboy 23:06:13 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 23:06:13 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:06:16 <echevemaster> use topic word x3mboy 23:06:29 <x3mboy> Give me a second to locate a link 23:06:33 <x3mboy> Just a minute 23:06:35 <tonet666p> hi guys 23:06:39 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:06:39 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Jallo' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:06:44 * tonet666p from Perú 23:06:46 <echevemaster> tonet666p, hi 23:07:47 <echevemaster> ok x3mboy please when you start use the word 'topic' after a pound and the title of the topic 23:07:55 <x3mboy> Ok 23:08:26 <x3mboy> #topic FUDCon News 23:08:37 <echevemaster> go ahead x3mboy 23:08:48 <x3mboy> Well, I sent an email this Thursday 23:08:56 <x3mboy> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/embajadores-fedora-latam@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/63XJTLQX5O3TN46GHNJDOPEK6T7PPF3I/ 23:09:10 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:09:11 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:09:22 * alyaj2a from Peru 23:09:29 <x3mboy> Brian Exelbierd was online on the telegram Channel 23:09:49 <x3mboy> And he want to clarify to us that FUDCon budget wasn't directly cut 23:10:13 <athos> bexelbie, ping in case you are there and interested ^ 23:10:17 <x3mboy> Some of his words: FUDCon budget lines were removed as the current FUDCons weren't having the kind of impact they were supposed to. By removing those budget line items we didn't eliminate the money 23:10:46 <x3mboy> Ah, and he reviewed the email before I sent to the list 23:10:50 * bexelbie lurks 23:10:57 <x3mboy> bexelbie, o/ 23:10:58 <echevemaster> So there are good news, FUDCon is possible yet. The only requirement is to 23:10:58 <echevemaster> be clear about the objectives we want to accomplish with having a FUDCon in 23:10:58 <echevemaster> an specific location. 23:12:02 <echevemaster> this is something we were saying to all, every year. Fudcon should and must have defined objectives. 23:12:09 <x3mboy> echevemaster, yes. bexelbie can be more specific, but the reality is that objective needs to be really clear about objectives and how to measure that 23:12:20 <x3mboy> s/that/them/g 23:12:40 <echevemaster> every people that have hosted the Fudcon knows this. 23:13:01 <athos> ! 23:13:12 <echevemaster> one of the things, Fudcon should not be for talks. 23:13:14 <echevemaster> athos, 23:13:16 <echevemaster> go ahead 23:13:29 <itamarjp> in my opinion theres no FUDCon this year, because Fedora is not going to choose between Latinoware, Colombia and Panama 23:13:33 <echevemaster> Fudcon should be for direct contributions and plans 23:13:57 <athos> As I understood this week, the proposal for a fudcon in latinoware is no longer on the table 23:14:20 <echevemaster> neither in Colombia or Panama athos 23:14:20 <tonet666p> then, it name going to need be changed, specifically the part where say "conference" 23:14:28 <alexove> ! 23:14:35 <echevemaster> tonet666p, please check the thesaurus 23:14:40 <echevemaster> alexove, go ahead 23:14:45 <bexelbie> ! 23:14:46 <athos> so IF anyone is still willing to propose sth, one should go ahead and do it and we should set deadlines for that 23:14:49 <echevemaster> bexelbie, 23:14:50 <athos> EOF 23:15:14 <tonet666p> echevemaster, ok 23:15:18 <chinosoliard> hi all 23:15:20 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 23:15:21 <echevemaster> tonet666p, please set your point and after that bexelbie 23:15:21 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com> 23:15:24 * chinosoliard from Argentina 23:15:32 <alexove> Los FUDCon tienen una forma definida y tiene Charlas talleres, hacklabs y fudpub 23:15:44 <alexove> Sin esas actividades sería otro tipo de evento 23:15:54 <bexelbie> .hello bex 23:15:55 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 23:16:04 <echevemaster> ok alexove 23:16:09 <echevemaster> go ahead bexelbie 23:16:12 <bexelbie> I consider it very possible that we could have a FUDCon LATAM this year, but only if we know why we are doing it. It isn't the case that Fedora won't choose, it is the case that you have to make a case for why and what will happen. Talks can happen at FUDCon - if that is what is the best way to handle things. 23:16:21 <bexelbie> EOM 23:16:24 <alexove> No fudcon, si tienen alguna duda al respecto la wiki ayudará 23:16:26 <alexove> Eof 23:16:58 <echevemaster> bexelbie, thanks 23:17:24 <echevemaster> guys, latest fudcon has been events without a defined ojective or a limited objective 23:17:44 <athos> I have no interest in organizing a FUDCon myself, since I do not have the time for now. I would love to see a technical FAD in LATAM though... :) 23:18:01 <echevemaster> if you want a Fudcon, you should define objectives and acomplish them 23:18:13 <echevemaster> athos, good point 23:18:30 <x3mboy> ! 23:18:33 <echevemaster> x3mboy, 23:18:36 <echevemaster> go ahead 23:19:29 <echevemaster> btw alexove tell me a latest Fudcon with hacklabs or workshops 23:19:34 <x3mboy> I see 2 things happening, one is that the thought of the lost of FUDCon give an impulse to do better things, I hope that the idea of having the FUDCon again don't let that pass 23:20:01 <x3mboy> Other thing is that people is thinking in the talks only in FUDCon. 23:20:14 * alexove says: lo haré, organizare, etc. No digan quisiera que se haga esto o aquello.... 23:20:16 <echevemaster> x3mboy, it happen even in NA, because of that, the Flock,this could be the way or reinvent us 23:20:40 <tonet666p> alexove++ 23:20:40 <zodbot> tonet666p: Karma for alexove changed to 4 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:20:45 <tonet666p> alexove+1 23:21:08 <echevemaster> ok, we have the window opened now. 23:21:32 <echevemaster> if you want to continue the idea to make the Fudcon (with clear objectives), go ahead 23:21:49 <x3mboy> I hope it will be good if Bids are updated with the info detailed in the email 23:21:56 <echevemaster> if not, take into account, that could be the last time for Fudcon as we know it 23:22:45 <echevemaster> so, if the interested countries wants to send clear objectives to Redhat to deserve make the Fudcon 23:22:48 <echevemaster> go ahead 23:22:52 <x3mboy> For me, this year is impossible to leave the country and my job, but if anybody needs my help with anything, I will be glad to help 23:22:54 <bexelbie> ! 23:23:08 <echevemaster> bexelbie, go ahead 23:23:11 <bexelbie> We are sending objectives for FUDCon to Red Hat 23:23:21 <bexelbie> the region plus the Fedora Council make the decision 23:23:32 <bexelbie> Red Hat has put its faith in Fedora's community 23:23:35 <bexelbie> EOM 23:23:54 <echevemaster> s/redhat/Fedora council 23:24:40 <echevemaster> bexelbie, thanks for your clarification, from me, when I talk about funds, is Redhat. but yes, we have to call the things as they are 23:25:34 <echevemaster> ok, guys the ball is wheeling again, who wants to play with her? 23:26:04 <echevemaster> athos, send an email to the list explaining the case 23:26:16 <echevemaster> and open a ticket in Paguree too 23:26:17 <echevemaster> please 23:26:25 <bexelbie> ! 23:26:31 <echevemaster> bexelbie, go ahead 23:26:40 <athos> I will ;) 23:26:42 <bexelbie> I wonder if it might be useful to think about this from a different angle 23:26:52 <bexelbie> instead of trying to figure out how to plan a FUDCon 23:26:57 <bexelbie> figure out what you want to accomplish in the region 23:27:05 <bexelbie> What audience do you want to attract? 23:27:21 <bexelbie> What do you want them to do after you contact them? (i.e. install Fedora, contribute, etc.) 23:27:27 <alexove> ! 23:27:32 <bexelbie> What are you going to do to influence their behavior? 23:27:38 <bexelbie> Then figure out the best way to do that 23:27:48 <bexelbie> You may find that the best way is a FUDCon or you may find something else 23:27:54 <bexelbie> but let your objectives guide your actions 23:28:02 <chinosoliard> bexelbie :: What are you going to do to influence their behavior? <- bexelbie++ 23:28:02 <zodbot> chinosoliard: Karma for bex changed to 16 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:28:04 <echevemaster> bexelbie, that is the point, we are talked as region all this month. 23:28:06 <echevemaster> alexove, 23:28:07 <bexelbie> This may also be something that a Planning FAD is required to help out with 23:28:09 <athos> bexelbie++ 23:28:09 <zodbot> athos: Karma for bex changed to 17 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:28:10 <alexove> Ayúdenme con el inglés por favor 23:28:19 <alexove> Bex tiene razón 23:28:20 <echevemaster> alexove, go ahead 23:28:23 <bexelbie> it may also be something you can figure out 23:28:24 <bexelbie> EOM 23:28:34 <alexove> Nuestros objeto dirigen nuestras actividades 23:28:34 <echevemaster> from alexove, bex, you're right 23:28:42 <alexove> Pero 6 23:28:49 <echevemaster> from alexove,our objectives leads our activities 23:28:58 <yoseft7> Hola a todos 23:29:01 <alexove> Pero los objetivos deben ir alineados a la misión 23:29:18 <bexelbie> echevemaster, ty for translating - i appreciate it. 23:29:21 <alexove> Y la misión acaba de salir publicada hace poco 23:29:23 <echevemaster> from alexove, but the objectives sould be aligned with the mission 23:29:54 <echevemaster> from alexove, and the mission was published a few months ago 23:30:04 <yoseft7> =) 23:30:08 <echevemaster> s/should/should 23:30:14 <echevemaster> s/should/should 23:30:19 <echevemaster> s/sould/should 23:30:26 <echevemaster> damn keyboard 23:30:31 <bexelbie> :D 23:30:35 <bexelbie> echevemaster++ 23:30:35 <zodbot> bexelbie: Karma for echevemaster changed to 8 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:30:50 <x3mboy> bexelbie++ 23:30:52 <alexove> Y debemos poder los objetivos pero recién se acaba de publicar un artículo para recoger ideas de como medirlo 23:30:53 <x3mboy> echevemaster++ 23:30:56 <alexove> Esto me parece ilógico 23:31:06 * bexelbie hopes everyone here is feeling like they can add to the mission discussion - your voices are critical 23:31:17 <athos> alexove: the mission is not changed yet, we are still willing to promote free software advance and that's why I want to be part of this community :) 23:31:46 <chinosoliard> athos++ 23:31:49 <alexove> Se debe de establecer estas políticas primero para poder poner nuestros propios objetivos y ayudar a fedora 23:31:58 <echevemaster> alexove, take into account somethig, even NA had to re think their objectives, Fudcon or Flock have to happen with a clear objective 23:32:09 <alexove> Athos por favor busca la misión de la comunidad 23:32:14 <chinosoliard> bexelbie: I came late, I'm trying to understand everything here 23:32:20 <alexove> Salió hace poco 23:32:29 <echevemaster> bexelbie, the alexove question is, how measure this objectives and be aligned 23:32:38 <echevemaster> ? 23:32:52 <alexove> Por eso creo que plantear objetivos en este momento para FUDCon es inviable 23:32:54 <x3mboy> alexove, it's a draft yet 23:33:02 <alexove> Debemos esperar 23:33:08 <x3mboy> Even bexelbie just invite us to help in the discussion 23:33:12 <chinosoliard> alexove :: Por eso creo que plantear objetivos en este momento para FUDCon es inviable <- Agree 23:33:20 <athos> alexove: from the wiki: "The Fedora Project's mission is to lead the advancement of Free and open source software and content as a collaborative community. " 23:33:29 <x3mboy> bexelbie hopes everyone here is feeling like they can add to the mission discussion - your voices are critical < -- alexove 23:33:39 <alexove> X3mboy un borrador es un borrador no es nada definitivo 23:33:41 <alexove> Eof 23:33:54 <bexelbie> ! 23:34:01 <echevemaster> bexelbie, go ahead 23:34:02 <bexelbie> answering alexove, that is a hard question to answer. I think it is important that if we are targeting users we can demonstrate we have done the work to prepare for the event and have a way to follow up afterward. Then we can see if we can see activity in our user community - maybe we should create one that is more focused ofr LATAM if that is an objective. If we are going after contributors, people like Bee can help with meassurements 23:34:05 <bexelbie> EOM 23:34:26 <athos> ! 23:34:34 <echevemaster> I think it is important that if we are targeting users we can demonstrate we have done the work to prepare for the event and have a way to follow up afterward 23:34:41 <echevemaster> see this point above 23:34:50 * alexove no pretende ofender a nadie 23:35:08 <echevemaster> I, potty and neville said to you avery time before a Fudcon 23:35:16 <echevemaster> we have to have a plan 23:35:28 <echevemaster> and this is not a something new 23:35:30 * x3mboy always hope and understand good will behind Fedora Community words 23:35:46 <echevemaster> athos, go ahead 23:35:59 <athos> bexelbie: Do you think it's possible to have those 'state of fedora' charts per region, or would that be too "invasive" for users? 23:36:04 * potty is listening in the corner 23:36:19 <bexelbie> athos, I think it is possible 23:36:27 * bexelbie doesn't know how easy it is 23:36:37 <bexelbie> There is a statistics GSoC student this summer 23:36:44 <bexelbie> lets work with sayan and bee on it 23:37:06 <athos> awesome :) 23:37:08 <echevemaster> great! 23:37:09 <x3mboy> ! 23:37:13 <athos> I did not know about it 23:37:13 <echevemaster> x3mboy, go ahead 23:37:21 <x3mboy> I said it before FLISoL 23:37:28 <x3mboy> Follow up needs to be done 23:37:54 <x3mboy> We only take the work to organize the event, make as much installations as we can, but we never do follow up 23:38:00 <athos> I do have some ideas :) check https://athoscr.fedorapeople.org/pkgs_not_reviewed.png 23:38:21 <x3mboy> I do something different this year and I have 2 good users working with Fedora 23:38:33 <x3mboy> s/do/did/g 23:38:49 <chinosoliard> x3mboy++ 23:39:00 <echevemaster> athos, please don't send the email, first we will elaborate it and let clear the objective 23:39:01 <athos> Maybe I could do that per region contributors (both the review requests and the reviews) 23:39:05 <athos> ok 23:39:17 <echevemaster> I could do not, athos. I will do 23:39:30 <chinosoliard> athos :: I do have some ideas :) check https://athoscr.fedorapeople.org/pkgs_not_reviewed.png <- We need to work in that 23:40:33 <athos> yes, there are cool things we could do with information in bugzilla! :) 23:40:41 <echevemaster> I'm very proud of you guys, for example in Packaging, we I started to packaging we only had 5 packagers, today we are more than 15, and three of them are sponsors 23:40:59 <echevemaster> take into account that we you talk abou define objectives 23:40:59 <athos> only 3? 23:41:12 <echevemaster> sorry athos 4 23:41:14 <echevemaster> you 23:41:37 <x3mboy> Well, that's EOF for my topic 23:41:47 <echevemaster> and also we have proven packagers... :) 23:41:59 <echevemaster> x3mboy, thanks for bring this on the table 23:42:20 <x3mboy> echevemaster, glad to 23:42:31 <x3mboy> I know how important is FUDCon un LATAM 23:42:33 <echevemaster> ok. 23:42:42 <echevemaster> #topic OpenFloor 23:43:16 <alyaj2a> amigos tengo un ticket 23:43:16 <x3mboy> Good people of Latam 23:43:17 <alyaj2a> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/406 23:43:49 <echevemaster> alyaj2a, this ticket will be delayed until the NEXT Q 23:44:21 <echevemaster> so, it will not be discussed today, but in the future 23:44:22 <alexove> Echevemaster, no se busca aprobarlo ahora sino que se tenga listo para el siguiente trimestre 23:44:55 <echevemaster> alexove, does not make sense talk about the ticket today, so please discuss on the ticket 23:45:08 <x3mboy> ! 23:45:15 <echevemaster> alyaj2a, do you wnat to invite people to discuss right? 23:45:20 <echevemaster> x3mboy, go ahead 23:45:45 <echevemaster> btw, it's open floor, raising the hand is not required 23:45:46 <x3mboy> Why we just discuss tickets to approval in meetings? 23:45:58 <alyaj2a> echevemaster: ok 23:46:12 <echevemaster> x3mboy, is not required if it takes some time 23:46:13 <athos> x3mboy: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Athoscr/LATAM_tickets 23:46:40 <athos> this is my proposal :) feel free to add to it, change it and push if further if you like 23:47:02 <echevemaster> so, alyaj2a please invite throught the email list, to all the community to give their opinion 23:47:20 <x3mboy> echevemaster, Let me explain what I see: We create tickets and use the ML to "discuss" topics, anything important or not 23:47:30 <echevemaster> athos, I didn't see an email in the list inviting to people to read your proposal 23:47:37 <x3mboy> We use meetings to vote tickets for approval 23:47:44 <x3mboy> This is not effective 23:47:48 <alyaj2a> echevemaster: esto es una genial idea 23:47:56 <echevemaster> good point x3mboy 23:48:04 <athos> echevemaster: my bad, should have done that a while ago! 23:48:07 <x3mboy> I sent the email about FUDCon this Thursday, and nobady pay attention 23:48:12 <x3mboy> nobody* 23:48:34 <echevemaster> I undestand your point, is discuss everything on the tickets, and voting in the meetings 23:48:35 <x3mboy> We should use meetings to discuss and Pagure to velections 23:48:46 <echevemaster> x3mboy, it happens. 23:49:02 <x3mboy> echevemaster, I feel it doesn't happens 23:49:04 <chinosoliard> x3mboy: I did! Giving no response != pay attention :-P... Sorry! 23:49:10 <echevemaster> take into account something 23:49:23 <echevemaster> you are discussing Fudcon things today 23:49:24 <x3mboy> But can be my perception 23:49:33 <echevemaster> and all the people here are discussing, 23:49:41 <echevemaster> you sent the email to the list 23:49:42 <x3mboy> chinosoliard, I know you did, we discuss it this morning or yesterday 23:49:47 <echevemaster> nobody see it 23:49:53 <echevemaster> but 23:50:16 <echevemaster> if you send both, people dont have the opportunity to say 23:50:17 <chinosoliard> x3mboy :: chinosoliard, I know you did, we discuss it this morning or yesterday <- :-/ I was drunk! (?) 23:50:25 <echevemaster> I don't now any about thiss 23:50:40 <echevemaster> clear x3mboy 23:50:55 <x3mboy> echevemaster, clear 23:51:00 <echevemaster> so, people,when you need discuss something, share it 23:51:15 <echevemaster> it's the best way to implies more eyes 23:51:25 <echevemaster> May I close this meeting 23:51:25 <echevemaster> ? 23:51:27 <fredlima> chinosoliard: agreed 23:51:35 <alexove> Echevemaster ++ 23:51:36 <x3mboy> echevemaster, good for me 23:51:42 <x3mboy> Close it 23:51:45 <athos> x3mboy: want to work on that proposal with me before I send the email or should I send it and we can discuss it there? 23:51:48 <echevemaster> thanks guys 23:51:49 <athos> yes, close it echevemaster 23:51:51 <athos> :) 23:51:55 * chinosoliard wants to (re)call people to try to be present on IRC, and assist/help new people that wants help or contribute 23:52:00 <echevemaster> may the force be with you 23:52:05 <echevemaster> athos, send to the list 23:52:19 <echevemaster> #endmeeting