14:00:43 <williamjmorenor> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Jan 19th, 2018 14:00:44 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 19 14:00:43 2018 UTC. The chair is williamjmorenor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:44 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_jan_19th,_2018' 14:00:56 <williamjmorenor> #meetingname fedora-latam 14:00:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 14:01:06 <williamjmorenor> #topic Rollcall 14:01:11 <williamjmorenor> .fas williamjmorenor 14:01:11 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 14:01:19 * williamjmorenor Nicaragua 14:03:18 <williamjmorenor> *-* 14:03:29 <bt0_> hi 14:03:36 <williamjmorenor> hola bt0_ 14:03:41 * bt0_ from México 14:03:52 <williamjmorenor> no hay gente hoy ni tickets en el track 14:03:58 <bt0_> .fas bt0dotninja 14:03:58 <zodbot> bt0_: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 14:04:00 <williamjmorenor> solo tenia un par de anuncios 14:04:03 <bt0_> ohhh 14:04:08 <bt0_> las elecciones? 14:04:11 <williamjmorenor> correcto 14:04:16 <bt0_> el swag? 14:04:20 <williamjmorenor> correcto 14:04:22 <williamjmorenor> esos dos 14:04:29 <bt0_> eso imagine 14:04:29 <williamjmorenor> #topic Announces 14:04:48 <williamjmorenor> #info Fedora elections are open, please remember to vote 14:05:01 <williamjmorenor> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/tag/elections/ 14:05:30 <JuanCarlosLin> Hi all 14:05:33 <bt0_> hi 14:05:37 <williamjmorenor> #info The Council aproved $10K of aditional budget for the swag production 14:05:46 <williamjmorenor> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/175 14:05:48 <bt0_> that Is awesome 14:06:00 <williamjmorenor> yes it is 14:06:12 <williamjmorenor> and thanks a lot of bex 14:06:25 <bt0_> bex++ 14:06:42 <williamjmorenor> bexelbie++ 14:06:52 * bexelbie is lurking - thank you 14:06:56 <x3mboy> .hello2 14:06:57 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 14:07:00 <bt0_> right :p 14:07:18 <bt0_> hello x3mboy 14:07:34 <williamjmorenor> for the next meeting we need to start putting together de 2018 budget for the next fiscal year 14:07:43 <williamjmorenor> this is a important task 14:08:06 <williamjmorenor> now RedHat support both CentOS and Fedora and a lot of other projects 14:08:32 <williamjmorenor> and the budget is limited 14:08:36 <bt0_> ok 14:09:13 <bexelbie> ! 14:09:26 <williamjmorenor> bexelbie ? 14:09:40 <williamjmorenor> do you have any comment? 14:09:41 <bexelbie> Red Hat has not indicated in any way shape or form that our budget is limited in any way by CentOS also being a supported community 14:09:48 <bexelbie> that is not a true statement 14:09:48 <chinosoliard_> hi! 14:09:49 <chinosoliard_> .fas chinosoliard_ 14:09:50 <zodbot> chinosoliard_: 'chinosoliard_' Not Found! 14:09:54 <chinosoliard_> .fas chinosoliard 14:09:55 <zodbot> chinosoliard_: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <me@chinosoliard.com> 14:09:57 * chinosoliard_ from Argentina 14:10:02 <williamjmorenor> ok 14:10:14 <williamjmorenor> thanks for the feedback bexelbie 14:10:15 <bexelbie> As for FY19 planning - you don't need to decide every event now 14:10:22 <bexelbie> you need to figure out a plan for focus 14:10:24 <bt0_> it's good to know 14:10:31 <bexelbie> but I strongly encourage you to allow events to be suggested during the year 14:10:39 <bexelbie> flexibility is the key to getting things done not rigid structure 14:10:49 <bexelbie> where you let the rules dictate the outcome and not the needs and abilities 14:10:56 * bexelbie said the same thing to APAC in their vFAD 14:11:07 <williamjmorenor> i am currios about this 14:11:37 <williamjmorenor> last years we made a prospective of events as base of calculation for the fiscal year budget 14:12:35 <bexelbie> This year's budget was very flexible as the extra money that LATAM just got shows 14:12:43 <williamjmorenor> do you mean we can go ahead with events as we need budget to cover those events? 14:12:46 <bexelbie> while the council has not made any decisions for next year, I suspect the system will continue 14:12:55 <williamjmorenor> OK this is nice to know 14:13:07 <bexelbie> I believe the council will once again allocate money and you can once again do events and ask for more if you run out 14:13:14 <bexelbie> also Mindshare may change things slightly 14:13:18 <x3mboy> For me the idea is to plan thing that can be planned 14:13:25 <x3mboy> Like FLISoL, for example 14:13:33 <x3mboy> But not do a rigid calendar 14:13:33 <bexelbie> but unless someone proposes something that can be done and has the ability to do it, it makes no difference if you have money 14:13:59 <williamjmorenor> #topic Budget 14:14:10 <williamjmorenor> every year we have a budget like this 14:14:11 <williamjmorenor> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Budget:2018 14:14:30 <williamjmorenor> this do not mean that a event not listed here will not have budget 14:15:30 <bexelbie> Are there no events in all of LATAM in Q1 and Q2? 14:15:47 <bt0_> it's just a draft 14:16:29 <bt0_> we have atte least two release parties, right? 14:17:02 <williamjmorenor> yes we did have events in Q1 and Q2 14:17:08 <williamjmorenor> budget report is here 14:17:10 <williamjmorenor> https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/latam.html 14:17:21 <williamjmorenor> So a imcomplete wiki do not help at all 14:18:15 <bexelbie> fair point .. I should have looked htere 14:18:24 <williamjmorenor> so in fact most of the event that have been aproved last year not were in the budget 14:18:27 * bexelbie is not a fan of duplicating work - the wiki seems like a duplicate in some ways 14:18:36 * chinosoliard think that we need to send a mail asking people for complete the wiki page 14:18:39 <williamjmorenor> and many of the event in the budget were not done at all 14:18:56 <williamjmorenor> so we need to improve our budgeting proces here 14:19:46 <bexelbie> I am confused 14:19:47 <williamjmorenor> bexelbie are you ok if we do not work in the budget wiki this year but works more close with you in the budget page? 14:19:50 <bexelbie> How did hte budget fail? 14:20:03 <bexelbie> what process is broken if you did events and they were funded? 14:21:12 <williamjmorenor> I do not mean that 14:21:21 <alexove> .fas alexove 14:21:21 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 14:21:37 <williamjmorenor> I am talkgin about the budget wiki versus the info in the wiki execution 14:22:01 <williamjmorenor> as far as I see the wiki did not help anything this year 14:22:16 <chinosoliard> we're "creating" events, there're not to much "big events" (with fixed dates, every year) in Argentina, for example 14:22:32 <chinosoliard> and I think that in most LATAM country is the same 14:22:43 <williamjmorenor> and we shuld work in helping to keep the budget execution info currated 14:22:44 <x3mboy> bexelbie, some of the events in the wiki didn't happen 14:22:58 <williamjmorenor> many of they did not happen 14:23:22 <williamjmorenor> and most of the event that **happen** were not in the wiki 14:23:23 <x3mboy> In Chile there aren't events if we don't organize them. Only FLISoL 14:23:33 <bexelbie> I wonder if we could find a way to plan events that has less paperwork overhead? For example, do you need a centrally planned budget or could you divide the budget by 4 and start there for deciding on events on an event-by-event basis? 14:23:40 <bexelbie> especially if the big events are unknowns at this time? 14:23:41 <williamjmorenor> so I am +1 to drop the budget wiki 14:24:13 <bexelbie> In the budget system, once allocations are done, you can block off money for big events and then do quarterly budgets 14:24:13 <williamjmorenor> I am +1 to bexelbie proposal 14:24:31 <williamjmorenor> totaly agree here 14:24:45 <bexelbie> ty but I really want this to work for LATAM - and I realize that just because I think of something it may not work for everyone everywhere 14:24:46 <williamjmorenor> what do you think x3mboy bt0_ JuanCarlosLin chinosoliard ? 14:25:19 <x3mboy> +1 too 14:25:20 <chinosoliard> +1 to bexelbie proposal too 14:25:25 * alexove Wich ticket? 14:25:34 <williamjmorenor> I am fine with a quarterly budget workflow 14:25:39 <williamjmorenor> alexove no ticket 14:25:42 <x3mboy> Because in LATAM we are invited to events in the last minute 14:25:50 <williamjmorenor> correct 14:26:01 <williamjmorenor> do we agree with that? 14:26:21 <williamjmorenor> I see 3 +1, x3mboy chinosoliard and my 14:26:24 <bt0_> +1 14:26:42 <chinosoliard> we're (now) fixing our communication problems, but we need to work quarterly, because if not, we will arrive Oct without budget :) 14:27:29 <bexelbie> chinosoliard, alterantely you can ask for more money through out the year based on projected needs 14:27:48 <bexelbie> Getting to october with no budget would be an interesting and probably nice problem to have in some ways 14:27:55 <bexelbie> if the money was spent on worthwhile events and experiments 14:28:01 <chinosoliard> this sounds great! (first we need to find projects! :) ) 14:28:11 <williamjmorenor> #agree For the next fiscal year (2019 budget) we will work in a quarterly budget workflow 14:28:16 <bexelbie> exactly no projects means it doesnt' matter if you ahve moeny or not :) 14:28:38 <williamjmorenor> #action williamjmorenor to help to track the budget execution 14:28:51 <williamjmorenor> agree we need to focus in latam 14:28:54 <bexelbie> suggestion: use the budget system to track the budget 14:29:04 <bexelbie> don't duplicate data 14:29:22 <alexove> bexelbie++ 14:29:22 <zodbot> alexove: Karma for bex changed to 11 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:29:29 <bexelbie> and literally anyone can send a PR to the budget to make modification so williamjmorenor can help easily 14:29:48 <williamjmorenor> this become a interesting meeting, thanks to bexelbie for the feedback about budget 14:29:53 <bexelbie> and yn1v[m] and potty can merge / approve 14:30:13 * bexelbie mumbles about possibly moving everyone to a PR work flow for automated publishing reasons ... :D 14:31:09 <williamjmorenor> bexelbie the representatives schema per region still works? 14:31:25 * chinosoliard don't know what "PR" means... 14:31:30 <bexelbie> PR == pull request 14:31:42 <chinosoliard> ohh, ok. thanks 14:31:42 <bexelbie> williamjmorenor, do you mean are there still treasurers and card holders in each region? 14:31:49 <williamjmorenor> yes 14:33:05 <bexelbie> then yes, that is still true 14:33:17 <bexelbie> unfortunately yn1v[m]'s card is currently broken 14:33:21 <bexelbie> and I am really seriously trying to get it fixed 14:33:24 <bexelbie> but I am covering for it 14:35:18 <williamjmorenor> I supossed to be the history teller in latam but I do not even know is still the hystory teller role 14:35:56 <williamjmorenor> If still the history teller role exists 14:35:59 <williamjmorenor> :( 14:36:00 * bt0_ Is taking notes 14:37:17 <x3mboy> williamjmorenor, Are you going to do the 2017 review for us? 14:38:02 <williamjmorenor> yes will 14:38:41 <bt0_> cool 14:39:19 <x3mboy> williamjmorenor, let me know if you need some help with that 14:43:25 <chinosoliard> should we move to openfloor ? 14:44:39 <williamjmorenor> I will send the draft this weekend 14:44:42 <williamjmorenor> is a pirated 14:44:55 <williamjmorenor> so anyonwe can help 14:45:10 <williamjmorenor> les move open floor 14:45:19 <williamjmorenor> #topic OpenFloor 14:46:52 <williamjmorenor> a todo esto 14:47:05 <williamjmorenor> si apoyo con el presupuesto 14:47:15 <williamjmorenor> no es por el esteriotico de que el contador vea las cuentas 14:48:14 <chinosoliard> no te estaría entendiendo 14:48:40 <williamjmorenor> yo soy Contador Publico Autorizado 14:48:46 <williamjmorenor> no trabajo como informatico 14:49:08 <chinosoliard> si, lo sé! yo (y varios) creemos que sos el indicado para history teller 14:49:21 <williamjmorenor> la comunidad local en nicaragua siempre molesta porque cuando hay que hacer cosas de numeros, presupuestos y demas termino siendo yo quien mira los numeros 14:49:23 <chinosoliard> pero claro, ahora entró la duda de si eso existe o no en la actualidad 14:49:42 <williamjmorenor> con el flujo de trabajo actual 14:49:43 <chinosoliard> williamjmorenor, si! pero me dijeron que has sido de mucha utilidad! 14:49:48 <williamjmorenor> parace que no 14:50:02 <williamjmorenor> pero si voy a tratar de ayudar con el presupuesto 14:51:10 <bt0_> creo que si 14:51:10 <williamjmorenor> creo que estamos lists con este meeting 14:51:18 <williamjmorenor> y podemos cerrarlo 14:51:27 <bt0_> recién vi que buscaban uno en APAC 14:51:35 <chinosoliard> si, no hay mucho para comentar 14:51:59 <chinosoliard> además me estan llamando hace un rato, y no he salido de acá 14:52:18 <chinosoliard> cookieTime 14:52:22 <chinosoliard> bt0++ 14:52:24 <chinosoliard> williamjmorenor++ 14:52:25 <williamjmorenor> clossing this meeting 14:52:26 <williamjmorenor> 5 14:52:27 <chinosoliard> x3mboy++ 14:52:29 <chinosoliard> bexelbie++ 14:52:31 <williamjmorenor> 4 14:52:32 <williamjmorenor> 3 14:52:32 <williamjmorenor> 2 14:52:34 <williamjmorenor> 1 14:52:38 <williamjmorenor> #endmeeting