15:00:30 <sgallagh> #startmeeting Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2015-04-21) 15:00:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 21 15:00:30 2015 UTC. The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:30 <sgallagh> #chair sgallagh mizmo nirik stefw adamw simo tuanta mitr danofsatx 15:00:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw danofsatx mitr mizmo nirik sgallagh simo stefw tuanta 15:00:30 <sgallagh> #topic roll call 15:00:52 <nirik> I'm sorta of here, but also watching and fixing minor beta stuff with the release this morning. 15:01:10 <sgallagh> /me nods 15:01:21 * simo half here too 15:02:20 <sgallagh> If most folks are distracted today, we can postpone to next week. 15:02:38 <simo> not sure it will be better :-) 15:02:39 <sgallagh> The only thing on the agenda right now is planning our remaining work for Final 15:03:06 <adamw> .hello adamwill 15:03:07 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <adamw+fedora@happyassassin.net> 15:03:42 <mitr> Hello 15:03:56 <adamw> sgallagh: did you ever send out a mail or anything for the test case draft you did? 15:03:59 <stefw> .hello stefw 15:04:00 <zodbot> stefw: stefw 'Stef Walter' <stefw@redhat.com> 15:04:23 <sgallagh> adamw: Yeah, some time ago. 15:04:49 <adamw> huh, i don't see it... 15:05:10 <sgallagh> Hmm, maybe I only pinged you in IRC 15:05:26 <sgallagh> /me tries to find the link 15:05:33 <sgallagh> well, first: 15:05:38 <sgallagh> #topic Agenda 15:05:42 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: F22 Final Planning 15:05:48 <sgallagh> Other items of importance today? 15:07:16 <sgallagh> Looks like no 15:07:28 <sgallagh> #topic F22 Final Planning - QA 15:07:35 <sgallagh> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_DB_role_cli 15:08:00 <sgallagh> This is just a basic smoke-test to verify that the Database Server Role is reachable and providing at least minimum functionality. 15:08:47 <sgallagh> I'm planning to also work up an Optional criterion using PgAdmin3 15:08:55 <sgallagh> s/criterion/test case/ 15:09:14 <adamw> cool 15:09:58 <adamw> i think ideally what we probably want is a reliable location for basic role deployment instructions - more or less, what goes in the deployment config - that is linked from https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Server_role_deploy 15:10:08 <adamw> then separate test cases for all functionality beyond basic deployment 15:10:16 <sgallagh> Seems reasonable 15:10:35 <sgallagh> If you want to figure out the framework for that, I'll fill in the details 15:10:38 <sgallagh> Fair? 15:12:40 <sgallagh> *crickets* 15:12:49 <sgallagh> adamw: OK, anything else from QA? 15:12:59 <adamw> sure, sounds fine 15:13:03 <adamw> nothing else i can think of 15:13:12 <adamw> stuff's basically working in beta, right? 15:14:02 <sgallagh> Yeah, as far as I know, there are no technical issues specific to Server at this time. 15:14:25 <sgallagh> simo: There was some question about switching a library for FreeIPA, IIRC? Is that going to happen or not? 15:14:50 <sgallagh> If so, we're going to want to rerun all the validation against it as soon as it lands, to be safe. 15:16:42 * adamw chews on grass stalk, watches dust balls 15:17:24 <sgallagh> Yeah, this conversation is kind of dead.. 15:17:32 <sgallagh> Well, I'll keep an eye on that one. 15:17:58 <sgallagh> I'll rerun Domain Controller validation if-and-when that hits updates-testing 15:18:17 <simo> sgallagh: you mean mod_auth_gsssapi ? 15:18:27 <sgallagh> Without tuanta or mizmo around, I guess we can't realistically have the discussion about marketing and websites. 15:18:34 <sgallagh> simo: Yeah, that was it. 15:18:48 <simo> yes we are going to have it as GA or 0 day, but we are going to have it for sure 15:19:58 <sgallagh> simo: Then let's do that this week or next so we have plenty of time to regression-test it. Reasonable? 15:21:15 <simo> sgallagh: yes I think I saw a message for MArtin that was proposing to push today 15:21:27 <sgallagh> Perfect. 15:22:36 <adamw> yeah, if we're going to land a significant change, do it as early as possible. 15:22:50 <sgallagh> adamw: In theory, it should be a compatible drop-in replacement. 15:22:56 <sgallagh> Since we know what that means in practice... 15:23:06 <adamw> right. 15:23:29 <sgallagh> #topic Open Floor 15:24:32 <sgallagh> Any other topics? 15:25:37 <simo> adamw: hey are you doubting my code is anything but bugfree-perfect ? >:-) 15:25:52 <adamw> simo: yes. that is exactly what i'm doing. :P 15:26:11 <sgallagh> OK, if there's nothing further, I'll give everyone half an hour of their lives back. 15:26:17 <simo> NEXT item on the agenda! 15:26:25 <simo> sgallagh: thanks 15:26:46 <sgallagh> #info Good work everyone on the Beta Release! 15:26:49 <sgallagh> #endmeeting