15:00:46 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM & AArch64 Status Meeting 15:00:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 7 15:00:46 2015 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:46 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen bconoboy pbrobinson dgilmore hrw jsmith kyle ddutile dmarlin 15:00:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: bconoboy ddutile dgilmore dmarlin hrw jsmith kyle pbrobinson pwhalen 15:00:53 <hrw> o/ 15:00:57 <jsmith> \o 15:00:58 * pbrobinson waves 15:01:04 <pwhalen> good morning folks, hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend 15:01:08 <pbrobinson> \o/ 15:01:08 <bconoboy> hiya 15:01:09 <jsmith> It was long? 15:01:21 <pbrobinson> 4 days for pwhalen and I :-P 15:01:28 <hrw> 3 for me 15:02:27 <bconoboy> wait, I didn't have to work yesterday? dangit 15:02:30 * jsmith sighs... 15:02:33 <pwhalen> alright, lets get started with the usual suspects.. 15:02:37 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:03:28 <pbrobinson> we're near 4.0 which will be GA for F-22, with rc7 I'd like to see as many people (other than pwhalen and myself) testing the f-22 images on as many devices as possible 15:03:36 <pwhalen> morning ctyler 15:03:42 * ctyler waves 15:04:18 <pbrobinson> so anyone have any feedback on the kernel for aarch64 or ARMv7 at all? 15:04:48 <pbrobinson> kylem: did you get a chance to look at the state of RPi2 kernel bits by chance? 15:04:49 <pwhalen> armhfp i dont think we have anything pending. aarch64.. ? 15:05:00 <hrw> I think that we got the important parts for aarch64 included. 15:05:01 <kylem> pbrobinson, heck no. 15:05:08 <kylem> maybe this week? 15:05:25 * kylem has a pressing thing to finish first. 15:05:26 <hrw> and with fixed dtb usb and kvm works on mustang 15:05:34 <pbrobinson> kylem: no issues 15:06:03 <pbrobinson> hrw: good news, so that just needs vendor or a 0.16 FW 15:06:27 <hrw> yes 15:07:19 <pwhalen> anything else? 15:07:40 <pbrobinson> not from me 15:07:48 <hrw> nothing rc blocking from me 15:07:53 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== 15:08:06 <hrw> ghc? 15:08:11 <pbrobinson> it's fixed 15:08:26 <pbrobinson> just aligning all the bits to get everything else rebuilt against the fixed NVR 15:08:56 <pwhalen> #info ghc fixed, currently aligning all the bits to get everything else rebuilt against the fixed NVR 15:08:56 <pbrobinson> so then we see how much is actually fixed.... or not 15:08:59 <pbrobinson> getting there 15:09:54 <pwhalen> any other stand outs? 15:10:36 <pbrobinson> strace is probably the main rawhide one ATM, the maintainer is aware of it 15:12:36 <pwhalen> #info strace broken, maintainer is aware 15:12:44 <pwhalen> #link https://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=8896 15:13:19 <pwhalen> sounds like we should have some change next week with ghc fixed 15:13:29 <pwhalen> next? 15:13:30 <pbrobinson> yep 15:13:38 <pbrobinson> no others on my list currently 15:13:57 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 22 Beta TC1 for AArch64 ==== 15:14:08 <pwhalen> #info Testing Results: 15:14:08 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Architectures/AArch64/QA/22_Beta_TC1 15:14:10 <hrw> s/TC1/TC2 15:14:26 <pwhalen> not sure we discussed tc1 15:14:30 <hrw> ok 15:14:33 <pbrobinson> TC2 https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/arm/2015-April/009328.html 15:15:13 <bconoboy> What needs to happen before the TC becomes an RC? 15:16:13 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: mainline needs to hit all the bits which means we're ready 15:16:32 <pwhalen> couple issues identified in tc1 that should now be resolved in tc2 - 1) package abrt-cli-2.3.0-5.fc22.aarch64 requires abrt-addon-ccpp on the server repo/dvd 2) TC version appearing in anaconda 15:16:34 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: if mainline isn't ready it means there's core blockers open 15:17:10 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: which by definition means we'll likely be affected by them and we don't progress to RC 15:17:17 <bconoboy> #info per pwhalen, tc1 issues expected to be resolved in tc2: 1) package abrt-cli-2.3.0-5.fc22.aarch64 requires abrt-addon-ccpp on the server repo/dvd 2) TC version appearing in anaconda 15:18:13 <pwhalen> any other issues in TC1? 15:18:36 <bconoboy> #link TC2 is available for testing, https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/arm/2015-April/009328.html 15:18:48 <hrw> booted here 15:19:24 <bconoboy> pwhalen: is there already a TC2 test page? 15:19:43 <pwhalen> small, we default to minimal in TC1 on the server netinstall iso 15:19:53 <pwhalen> bconoboy, not yet, TC2 *just* finished. 15:20:04 <bconoboy> heh, okay 15:20:11 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: it was announced moments ago.... pwhalen is good.... but ;-) 15:20:19 <pwhalen> i wanted to discuss tc1 before we move on to TC2 here though 15:20:20 <bconoboy> he's really good ;-) 15:21:58 <pwhalen> #info 22_Beta_TC2 Test result page: 15:22:03 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/AArch64/QA/22_Beta_TC2 15:22:53 <pwhalen> anything else for tc1/tc2? 15:22:54 <bconoboy> \o/ 15:23:16 <pbrobinson> not at the moment from me 15:23:46 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== F22 - Beta Testing (armhfp) ==== 15:24:01 <pwhalen> #info Fedora 22 Beta TC8 is the latest. 15:24:02 <pwhalen> #info === Please help test and update the Fedora wiki with results: 15:24:02 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Summary 15:24:20 <kylem> the only armhfp i can test this week is trimslice. 15:24:47 <pbrobinson> kylem: if you've got some cycles to do so it would be fab 15:26:52 <kylem> yeah. 15:27:30 <bconoboy> #info kylem to test trimslice- volunteers for other armv7hl boards sought 15:27:31 <pwhalen> i just started on tc8, should have results up shortly. could use the help with the desktop testing 15:27:40 * jsmith can test BBB 15:27:49 <bconoboy> #info jsmith to test BBB 15:28:25 <hrw> can TC builds for aarch64 have same numbers as primary ones? 15:29:11 <pbrobinson> hrw: you mean like TC8? 15:29:13 <pwhalen> hrw, that would be confusing to jump right up to TC8 15:29:26 <hrw> pbrobinson: yes 15:29:44 <hrw> pwhalen: with f21 iirc we has such jump 15:29:54 <hrw> tc1, tc2, tc6 or sth like that 15:30:08 <pwhalen> why though? 15:30:14 <pbrobinson> hrw: what value does it provide? 15:31:07 <hrw> pbrobinson: just asking 15:32:01 <kylem> consistency i suppose, if we know TC$n+1 has the same arch indep fixes as the corresponding build on primary. 15:32:36 <hrw> consistency was missing word 15:33:30 <kylem> i guess my question is when we do a secondary TC build, does it have the same NVR as the corresponding primary, or does it include later fixes to common things? 15:33:34 <pbrobinson> kylem: we're close to that now but not quite there yet, was hoping to be in closer lockstep once we hit beta RCs 15:33:52 * kylem nods. 15:36:07 <pwhalen> #topic 5) == Open Floor == 15:36:48 <hrw> TC2 booted so I will create some crazy installation howtos 15:38:12 <pwhalen> cool.. anything else for today? 15:38:23 <pbrobinson> not from me at the moment 15:38:31 <pbrobinson> just report bugs report issues :) 15:38:36 <pbrobinson> and help test!! 15:39:06 * jsmith has nothing to add 15:39:16 <bconoboy> nothing for this week 15:39:22 <pwhalen> #endmeeting