15:01:14 <tflink> #startmeeting fedora-qa 15:01:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 16 15:01:14 2012 UTC. The chair is tflink. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:18 <tflink> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:01:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:01:22 <tflink> #topic roll call 15:01:24 * jskladan tips his hat 15:01:30 * mkrizek is present 15:01:38 <tflink> sorry for the late notice, all - there was a miscommunication on who was going to run the meeting today 15:02:02 * kparal is here 15:02:04 * pschindl is here 15:02:23 <tflink> or lack of notice - doesn't look like the announcement has been approved on test-announce@ yet 15:04:44 <tflink> hrm, we seem to be a little light on attendees today 15:04:51 <jskladan> seems to be private fedoraqa meeting so far ;) 15:05:13 <jskladan> s/fedoraqa/fedoraqe/ 15:05:25 <tflink> I imagine that the lack of announcement has something to do with that 15:05:58 <Cerlyn> It will be fast then 15:06:13 <tflink> #chair kparal 15:06:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: kparal tflink 15:06:36 * tflink waits another minute or two before getting started 15:09:32 * j_dulaney waves 15:09:40 <jskladan> robatino: j_dulaney: hey there 15:09:56 <j_dulaney> jskladan: Morning 15:10:00 <tflink> ok, lets get started 15:10:10 <tflink> #topic Previous Meeting Follow-Up 15:10:36 <tflink> The only thing I'm seeing on the wiki is the proposal for preupgrade criterion adjustment 15:10:41 <tflink> which was done 15:11:05 <tflink> #info Preupgrade release criterion modification proposal sent out to test@ 15:11:39 <tflink> I assume that there is no extra discussion needed on this topic? 15:12:00 <j_dulaney> None here 15:12:03 <tflink> OK, moving on 15:12:18 <tflink> #topic Fedora 17 beta retrospective 15:12:28 <tflink> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_QA_Retrospective 15:12:42 <tflink> #info Fedora 17 beta RC4+RC4.1 went gold last week 15:13:12 <tflink> #info Fedora 17 beta to be released on 2012-04-17 15:13:27 <j_dulaney> Tomorrow! 15:13:39 <rbergeron> it's only a day away. 15:14:00 <tflink> we have some stuff up there already, but if anyone has ideas on what went well or what could have gone better, please add to the retrospective wiki page 15:14:52 <j_dulaney> Don't slip? 15:15:03 <tflink> most of the stuff that comes to mind for me isn't going to be fixed between beta and final but more ideas are good 15:15:17 <tflink> j_dulaney: easier said than done 15:15:29 <kparal> that's not a request for QA 15:15:43 <tflink> also true 15:16:15 <tflink> lots of things went into "why did beta slip so much" 15:17:27 <tflink> rbergeron: I forget, does any change to the delay between go/no-go and release readyness need to wait for F18? 15:19:01 <tflink> either way, probably isn't going to happen right now 15:19:18 <tflink> #topic Test Day Reports 15:19:26 <tflink> #chair j_dulaney 15:19:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: j_dulaney kparal tflink 15:19:35 <tflink> j_dulaney: how did the test days go last week? 15:20:18 <j_dulaney> tflink: Pretty well 15:20:30 <j_dulaney> All the usual suspects seemed to be present 15:21:21 <tflink> yeah, looking through the test day wiki pages, it looks like there was a pretty good turnout for the KDE test day 15:21:32 <tflink> not as sure about virt since I'm not seeing a results matrix, though 15:22:21 <tflink> #info turnout for the KDE test day was good - results on wiki page 15:22:27 <tflink> anyone know how the virt test day went? 15:22:58 <rbergeron> tflink: that's a loaded question. adamw pinged me on it last friday and I'm not entirely sure, i don't really think it needs to, but I am going to see if i can get poelcat on the phone and see if he remembers any details 15:24:10 <tflink> rbergeron: ok, I was just curious and didn't realize that adamw was already asking you about it. If it changes for F17, it changes. If it doesn't, it doesn't :) 15:25:35 <tflink> #info no visible results from virt test day, unsure of how it went 15:25:56 <tflink> #topic Upcoming QA Events 15:26:12 <tflink> #info F17 Beta Release on 2012-04-17 15:26:36 <tflink> #info F17 Final Blocker Bug Review Meeting #1 on 2012-04-20 15:26:46 <tflink> we also have 2 test days coming up 15:26:57 <tflink> #info JBoss test day on 2012-04-17 15:27:33 <tflink> looks like that is pretty much ready to go as far as the wiki page is concerned 15:28:14 <tflink> #info Gnome Boxes test day on 2012-04-19 15:28:44 <tflink> looks like the test cases haven't been added to that page yet but there are still a couple of days left 15:29:05 <maxamillion> bah!!! I'm late 15:29:08 <lmacken> last I checked, boxes was in rough shape, SELinux wise. Hopefully they'll have the policy fixed up by then. 15:29:16 * lmacken filed a couple of bugs about it last week 15:29:21 <tflink> anyone willing to take an action item to ping the coordinators on status and if they need any help? 15:29:33 <lmacken> also, it defaults to 512mb ram, which won't let you install f17 :( I couldn't figure out how to change that either 15:29:36 <tflink> maxamillion: better late than never :) 15:30:05 <tflink> hrm, sounds like boxes may not be ready for the test day by thursday 15:30:07 <maxamillion> tflink: I'll take it :) 15:30:44 <tflink> #action tflink to ping gnome boxes people about test day on thursday 15:31:07 <tflink> and on to ... 15:31:11 <tflink> #topic AutoQA Update 15:31:15 <tflink> #chair kparal 15:31:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: j_dulaney kparal tflink 15:31:23 <kparal> do we have one? 15:31:30 <tflink> nothing I can think of 15:31:44 <kparal> actually hongqing updated rats_install 15:32:01 <kparal> to do updates and updates+updates-testing installation 15:32:04 <kparal> two passes 15:32:11 <kparal> but I haven't reviewed it yet 15:32:18 <kparal> and rats_install is broken anyway :/ 15:32:38 <tflink> #info rats_install updates to run against updates and update+updates-testing has been submitted, pending review 15:32:46 <kparal> and one more thing, I disabled all "ok" emails coming to autoqa-results ML 15:32:47 <tflink> kparal: still issues with virt-install? 15:33:07 <kparal> tflink: no, there's a bug in anaconda when using a specific kickstart 15:33:13 <tflink> #info emails to autoqa-results are now "failure only" - passing results only use bodhi and resultsdb 15:33:49 <kparal> that's all I can think of 15:33:56 <tflink> ok, thanks 15:34:09 <tflink> #topic Open Floor 15:34:23 <tflink> anything else to cover today? 15:34:50 <tflink> have we done any testing on the new livecd-creator updates? 15:34:57 <kparal> I have one thing 15:35:08 <tflink> kparal: go for it 15:35:20 <kparal> you might have noticed that http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/ is empty now 15:35:29 <kparal> oh, RC4 re-appeared 15:35:32 <maxamillion> I did not notice but that is ... interesting 15:35:36 <kparal> thanks nirik or someone 15:35:40 * nirik notes we readded rc4 and rc4.1 15:35:54 <maxamillion> \o/ nirik 15:36:12 <nirik> our policy has always been to clean those out after a release goes gold... 15:36:20 <kparal> anyway, I asked on #fedora-admin releng guys to leave old RCs and TCs intact if possible, because we use it for regression testing 15:36:20 <tflink> #info F17 beta RC4+RC4.1 had disappeared from alt but has been re-added 15:36:22 <kparal> I do 15:36:25 <nirik> but it sounds like they get used still for other things... 15:37:05 <kparal> there seems to be a policy that they should delete old composes between GOLD is announced before it is officially released 15:37:24 <kparal> I think it hurts QA, so I'd like to ask your opinions 15:37:26 * nirik thinks it might be good to have a thread on the test list about it... and people could note what (if anything) they actually use old composes for? 15:37:41 <maxamillion> nirik: +! 15:37:42 <tflink> nirik: that sounds like a decent proposal 15:37:43 <maxamillion> shit 15:37:46 <maxamillion> nirik: +1 15:37:53 <maxamillion> ney keyboard ... still getting used to it 15:37:56 <tflink> any volunteers to start the thread? 15:37:58 <maxamillion> new* 15:38:04 <kparal> I will 15:38:05 <tflink> maxamillion: I can see that :-P 15:38:22 <kparal> tflink: throw an action item at me! 15:38:31 <tflink> #action kparal to start thread on test@ regarding use of RCs between GOLD and release 15:38:49 <tflink> action item thrown 15:38:49 <maxamillion> tflink: the keyboard is amazing, its just the first mechanical I've owned in a long time and I'm trying to get used to where the switch registers the keystroke before hitting the rock bottom of the key well and its been causing me typos :P 15:39:07 <maxamillion> horray for kparal ! 15:39:25 <kparal> I like to volunteer, didn't you notice yet? 15:39:40 <kparal> let's discuss on ML then 15:39:48 * tflink is tempted to #action kparal test all of fedora 17 15:40:07 <maxamillion> lol 15:40:07 <kparal> I already do! 15:40:15 <maxamillion> TEST ALL THE THINGS! 15:40:17 <kparal> not finished yet though 15:41:02 <tflink> the only other thing I can think of is to do some testing w/ livecd-tools so that the new update can get to stable 15:41:21 <kparal> tflink: which one? 15:41:28 <kparal> 16.11? 15:41:28 <tflink> I have a suspicion that the nightlies are being built with 17.7 which is what we had problems with in RC4 15:41:36 <tflink> livecd-creator 15:41:47 * tflink is thinking one thing, typing another 15:42:07 <tflink> but now that you mention it, are there livecd-tools updates that are still in testing? 15:42:37 <kparal> 16.11 are in stable now 15:42:38 <tflink> looks like the F15 build is still in testing 15:43:08 <tflink> #info livecd-tools-15.12-1.fc15 is still in updates-testing 15:43:23 <kparal> I don't know whether they fix the "missing Packages repo on USB" bug 15:43:24 <tflink> #action tflink to send out testing request for f15 livecd-tools to test@ 15:43:41 <tflink> kparal: which bug is that? 15:44:07 <kparal> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=812141 15:44:36 <tflink> sounds like it was fixed with the last release 15:45:09 * tflink will look into the livecd-creator update 15:45:35 <tflink> I'd rather not wait for TC1 to deal with the initial testing 15:45:55 <tflink> OK, any other topics to bring up 15:46:10 <tflink> other than firing adamw for being absent? 15:46:46 <kparal> let's not forget that 15:46:53 <kparal> .fire adamw 15:46:53 <zodbot> adamw fires adamw 15:46:59 <maxamillion> o.O; 15:47:01 <kparal> success 15:47:03 <tflink> you beat me to it :) 15:47:12 <maxamillion> how on earth does that work? 15:47:26 <maxamillion> I assume the bot is hard coded to 'adamw fires $foo' ? 15:47:39 <tflink> maxamillion: I think so, yes 15:47:43 <kparal> no, the universe just knows what to do 15:47:48 <maxamillion> lol 15:48:22 <kparal> #info adamw was fired by adamw for not being present 15:48:29 <tflink> well, if there's nothing else - I say we end the meeting and get back to MOAR TESTING! 15:48:34 <tflink> kparal: awesome 15:48:58 <tflink> Thanks for coming and working hard on testing for beta! 15:49:18 * tflink sets fuse for [0,5] minutes 15:52:16 * tflink will send out minutes shortly 15:52:19 <tflink> #endmeeting