15:00:42 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 29 15:00:42 2013 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:46 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00:50 <adamw> #topic roll call 15:00:55 <adamw> all rolls, identify yourselves 15:01:09 * satellit listening 15:01:09 * tflink doesn't know what kind of roll he is 15:01:15 * mkrizek is here 15:01:23 * pschindl is here 15:02:02 * jreznik is here 15:02:05 * Viking-Ice joins in 15:03:11 * jskladan lurks 15:03:35 <adamw> we have many rolls today 15:04:15 <adamw> #chair tflink 15:04:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw tflink 15:04:24 <adamw> alrighty! 15:04:26 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:04:43 <adamw> just a couple of things from me so i'll go ahead and do 'em 15:05:06 <adamw> #info "adamw to complete Beta criteria update" - this was done and announced on the list, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Beta_Release_Criteria is in the new format now 15:05:53 <Viking-Ice> did you track down that recommendation ? 15:05:55 <adamw> #info "adamw to add iscsi test case back to the matrix" - did that last night, the template now has the iSCSI test case again so it'll be in the list for beta validation 15:06:13 <adamw> Viking-Ice: which one? there's probably something I forgot 15:06:19 <Viking-Ice> the KVM one 15:06:39 <adamw> oh, the thing about figuring out a reference for the virt criterion? not yet :/ it's on my todo list 15:06:56 <Viking-Ice> if you cant find it then remove the mentioning of "recommendation" 15:07:11 <adamw> not that I couldn't find it - I just didn't get around to looking yet 15:07:19 <adamw> my bad 15:08:37 <adamw> #topic Fedora 19 Beta status/planning 15:09:04 <adamw> so far as I know we're pretty much all systems go for Beta TC1 tomorrow 15:09:19 <adamw> there was a showstopper in anaconda 19.22 but they have a fix for that coming in 19.23 15:09:37 <jreznik> nice, /me saw it in #anaconda 15:10:13 <adamw> anyone aware of any other major booboos? 15:10:44 * jreznik is not aware of any, we should have a fix for apper issue - would be great to have it in TC1 15:11:08 * satellit Sugar is now working for me on f19. 15:11:52 <adamw> satellit: awesome 15:13:40 <adamw> #info it seems like things are on track for Beta TC1 so far as we're aware 15:14:22 <adamw> jreznik: if the bug's on the blocker or fe list i should probably get the fix in the compose request, if not, can you drop me a line with the details? 15:14:42 <jreznik> adamw: it's the only accepted blocker for now 15:14:44 <jreznik> :) 15:14:55 <adamw> no probs then 15:15:32 <jreznik> just fyi, not to forget it as the current fix would require some more test coverage as I talked with Rex and Lukas today 15:15:41 <adamw> thanks 15:16:05 <adamw> did people have a look over the criteria and make sure i didn't mess stuff up? 15:17:35 <jreznik> from quick look, looks good for me 15:18:38 <adamw> thanks 15:20:29 <jreznik> thanks for criteria revamp adamw! 15:21:01 <adamw> yoooou're welcome 15:21:10 <adamw> #topic Test Days 15:21:13 <tflink> +1 on thanks for the hard work 15:21:31 <tflink> criteria mongering != fun 15:21:32 <adamw> sooo, Graphics Test Week went off well, many thanks to martix for handling it 15:22:20 <adamw> hi martix! 15:22:23 <adamw> just got onto graphics test week 15:22:39 <adamw> it wasn't as busy as some we've done but people did a lot of the tests and we got some good data/bug reports 15:22:58 <brunowolff> A few of us still need to do their tests 15:23:09 <adamw> yes you do :) 15:23:24 <adamw> Martix: any comments on it? 15:26:30 * jreznik wanted to do test on Fri but messed up upgrade :) 15:29:08 <adamw> #info graphics test week went ahead and ran fine, numbers a little down but good testing 15:29:25 <adamw> #action martix or adamw to write a summary email 15:29:29 <adamw> #undo 15:29:29 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x19ab86d0> 15:29:39 <adamw> #action martix or adamw to write a Graphics Test Week recap email 15:31:14 <adamw> we have the mariadb test day coming up tomorrow: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2013-04-30_MariaDB 15:31:31 <adamw> the page looks fairly complete 15:32:06 <adamw> it'd be good to get the word out about the event as it's an important thing to be testing 15:32:56 <jreznik> hmm, I'll try spamming all my "anti" social networks :) 15:34:26 <adamw> #info MariaDB Test Day is tomorrow, it looks like it's ready to go, but we should try and get the word out 15:34:32 <adamw> tell your friends :) 15:35:49 <adamw> welp, that's the agenda 15:35:52 <adamw> #topic open floor 15:35:56 <adamw> anything anyone wants to bring up? 15:38:12 <tflink> nothing from me 15:38:25 <tflink> er, that was a lie 15:39:25 <jreznik> I just wanted to kick off the discussion about secondary arches and freeze exceptions... would be nice to have it solved for Beta as PPC guys are really trying hard to release asap after primary arch 15:39:26 <tflink> I sent out a message to test@, but as a reminder: the next version of the blocker tracking app has gone to production, now with blocker proposal ability - please let us know (via email, irc or trac ticket) if you see any bugs 15:41:09 <Martix> adamw: I will 15:41:15 <adamw> jreznik: erf, zoiks, yeah. 15:41:44 * Martix is dinning, ping me loudly if you need me 15:41:49 <adamw> #info the new version of the blocker tracking webapp is now in production at https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs , with blocker proposing functionality included 15:42:00 <cigicat> of questionable importance: alpha netinst doesn't seem to be linked on the get-prerelease page 15:42:01 <adamw> Martix: roger 15:42:41 <adamw> cigicat: I think that's 'normal', though I'd kinda like it if netinst were there too. that's all up to the websites team though 15:43:00 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites - should have contact details to ask them about it 15:43:00 * nirik noticed that too. will mention it. 15:43:14 <satellit> will mate live cd be in Beta? 15:43:25 <adamw> not sure on the status of that 15:43:43 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/19/Spins says: 15:43:50 <adamw> 2013-04-20 Near final approval. 15:44:05 <adamw> but Dan wrote that himself, so I dunno 15:44:22 * satellit dan408 was working on one I downloaded his test...yesterday 15:45:16 <adamw> #info there may be a MATE spin for Beta. or not. we're not sure. 15:45:21 <nirik> it's been 'approved' by the spins sig. He has commits to add it to git. I dunno if it's too late for this cycle or not. 15:45:39 <adamw> thanks nirik 15:46:07 * nirik would personally be fine with doing it for beta, but dunno about everyone elses feelings. 15:46:33 <adamw> tflink: do you want to do a bit of a pr blitz on the blocker proposal feature? mail to test and devel, blog posts, that kinda jazz? 15:47:02 <adamw> jreznik: is it okay if we make the secondary arch FE thing an agenda topic? it's a bit big to tackle in open floor 15:48:25 <jreznik> adamw: sure 15:48:57 <tflink> adamw: yeah, I still need to write that up 15:49:40 <adamw> coolbeans 15:49:58 <adamw> #action tflink to do some promotion for the blocker bug proposal webapp 15:52:51 <adamw> anything else? 15:53:55 * adamw sets Quantum Fuse 15:54:38 <jreznik> sure, I'll try to kick of the sec arch discussion on the list, there's no more time today :) 15:54:48 <adamw> thanks! 15:56:53 <adamw> thanks for coming everyone 15:56:55 <adamw> #endmeeting