16:00:29 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 16:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 2 16:00:29 2013 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:33 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:00:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:00:37 <adamw> ahoyhoy, folks 16:01:01 * tflink is present 16:01:08 <kparal> is it roll call? 16:01:13 <kparal> topic is missing 16:01:23 <adamw> #topic Roll call 16:01:28 <adamw> DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT 16:01:29 * pschindl is here 16:01:30 * pwhalen is here 16:01:31 * satellit listening 16:01:35 * mkrizek is here 16:01:57 * nirik is lurking in the back 16:02:03 * kparal is here, but can't attend the blocker bug meeting in an hour. going to theatre. you now, culture. 16:02:15 * roshi is here 16:02:42 * jreznik is mostly here, needs three more minutes 16:02:56 <adamw> .fire kparal the only culture Fedora QA folks are allowed is 'to the suburbs' (oh snap! inside joke!) 16:02:56 <zodbot> adamw fires kparal the only culture Fedora QA folks are allowed is 'to the suburbs' (oh snap! inside joke!) 16:03:42 <kparal> fire me again for not getting that joke 16:03:55 <adamw> kparal: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_audio_basic 16:04:13 <adamw> kparal: that's the example sound track. i know the first three seconds of it...pretty well. 16:04:19 <tflink> yeah, have heard that song a few times :) 16:04:33 <kparal> oh right, I thought we had stallman's free software song in that test case. should be replaced 16:04:38 <adamw> ! excellent plan. 16:04:41 <adamw> send a pathc 16:04:43 <adamw> also a patch 16:04:44 <brunowolff> I'm around if you need to ask about spin-kickstarts. 16:05:12 <adamw> brunowolff: thanks 16:05:15 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:05:31 <adamw> brunowolff: that'll probably come up in the blocker meeting, which will be in #fedora-blocker-review, just so you know 16:05:51 <adamw> #info "adamw to draft a new test case and matrix row for validating cloud image checksums" - I totally didn't get around to doing this. too busy playing with tablets. my bad 16:06:16 <adamw> #action adamw to draft a new test case and matrix row for validating cloud image checksums 16:07:10 <adamw> #info "adamw to make sure the desktop tests are completed for TC2" - they're covered between TC2 and TC3, many thanks to roshi satellit and mkrizek for chipping in 16:07:29 <adamw> and pwhalen for arm 16:08:28 * Viking-Ice is here 16:08:40 <adamw> "jreznik to check in with KDE team if they're on top of the two proposed KDE blockers or if help would be appreciated" - jreznik, back yet? 16:08:41 <adamw> ahoy viking 16:10:22 <jreznik_> adamw: I'm here! 16:10:49 <jreznik_> the whole team works on arm one but without any success 16:10:53 <adamw> zoiks 16:11:16 <adamw> Fedora 20: ARM's A Primary Arch (As Long As You're Not Super Keen On Clicking On Things) 16:11:22 <jreznik_> one idea is to workaround the bug by moving that offending widgets to the desktop 16:11:45 <adamw> eeexcellent, it's hack time 16:11:45 <jreznik_> advanced panel test case would still fail in some way but at least basic usecase could be ok 16:12:08 <jreznik_> and seems like mouse events are broken on intel too, just not such horribly 16:12:44 <jreznik_> so plasma does something in a really bad manner 16:13:28 <jreznik_> and it's a question how you would like this hack, making it better, not fixed with a lot of stuff still broken... 16:13:56 <jreznik_> for the rest of kde bugs - it's more up to your testing with kdm based image, how does it look? 16:13:56 <adamw> sounds likes classic fedora to me 16:14:09 <adamw> seemed fine, I ran the whole desktop_login test case 16:14:20 <adamw> of course it'll hit TC4 and explode on impact, that's just a given 16:14:30 <roshi> yay 16:14:54 <jreznik_> adamw: what I don't get - upstream aims on arm based tablets, they are aware of this bug for a long time and it's still there... :( 16:15:04 <adamw> jreznik: yeah, seems weird 16:15:31 <adamw> maybe they figure it's not super important. if they have some discussion of it somewhere where they reached that conclusion, it'd be useful to have the reference, so we can use it to justify our inevitable fudge 16:16:07 <jreznik_> I can ask guys, they talked to sebas 16:17:08 <jreznik_> it's *still* arm... but at least one desktop should be somehow usable... if not primary one 16:17:51 <adamw> yeah, maybe we should've made xfce primary after all. quick change? :P 16:18:05 <pwhalen> the desktop is still very usable, more an inconvenience. xfce works well.. it was our original blocker desktop 16:18:45 <jreznik_> pwhalen: define "very" 16:19:01 <adamw> #info lots of firepower has been aimed at the KDE / ARM plasma systray widget bug - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=969524 - without success so far. we'll keep working on it, but may need to fudge it for release 16:19:47 <pwhalen> besides the convenience of the plasma widgets, everything else seems to be okay. 16:20:26 <jreznik_> and if we could be able to make it at least a bit better, it would be win 16:21:17 <adamw> okay, sounds like we're on top of it. 16:21:25 <adamw> "cmurf to send a quick email to test-announce asking folks to test and karma critpath updates ahead of freeze tomorrow" 16:21:33 <adamw> well, we don't have a cmurf, but i believe he did that 16:22:04 <adamw> #info "cmurf to send a quick email to test-announce asking folks to test and karma critpath updates ahead of freeze tomorrow" - this was done: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test-announce/2013-November/000821.html 16:23:00 <Viking-Ice> pwhalen, hmm was that decided by fesco as an DE could block the ARM release 16:23:45 <adamw> Viking-Ice: we decided it at Flock, you were there 16:24:23 <Viking-Ice> I'm lucky if I can remember what happened last week 16:25:40 <jreznik_> Viking-Ice: lucky man, I have troubles to remember what happend day before sometimes! 16:25:45 <adamw> Viking-Ice: hehe :) 16:25:55 <adamw> #topic Fedora 20 Final status 16:26:18 <Viking-Ice> since fesco has started butting into our processes ( like they are doing with the EOL process ) it's harder to keep taps of where things got decided 16:26:23 <adamw> ...where am i? who are all you people? how do I work this machine? 16:27:03 <Viking-Ice> jreznik_, that does just happen to me after serious drinking the night before 16:27:17 <jreznik_> for other F20 bugs - I was able to get status for 16:27:32 <Viking-Ice> where you wake up in strange places wearing nothing but mankini 16:27:38 <jreznik_> other two heisenbugs are systemd ones, especially that lvm on bios raid 16:27:52 <adamw> #info test coverage for TC2+TC3 is looking fairly good, we're still missing some of the usual suspects on the install matrix (annoying cases like SCSI, iSCSI, hardware RAID and those icky kickstart deployment ones) 16:27:55 <jreznik_> systemd guys seems to be clueless for that one 16:28:03 <adamw> jreznik_: the instantiated service one? 16:28:07 <jreznik_> yep 16:28:08 <Viking-Ice> lvm issue most likely I would say 16:28:15 <Viking-Ice> race condition 16:28:30 <jreznik_> Viking-Ice: it's race and they are trying to help peter but no luck so far 16:29:05 <jreznik_> for journald - mschmidt was on PTO today but also seems like the proposed fixes are not enough :( 16:30:45 <jreznik_> for grubby bug, pjones says it's rfe, not a blocker as it's not supported configuration 16:31:16 <Viking-Ice> grubby has plenty of bugs 16:31:38 <pjones> jreznik_: right - the bug is specifically about /boot on a subvolume, which isn't something anaconda will allow you to do. 16:31:55 <pjones> Viking-Ice: wild categorizations of grubby notwithstanding, the question is if this bug is a blocker. 16:32:22 <jreznik_> so this is my status for currently accepted blockers I was able to collect so far 16:33:50 <jreznik_> for the proposed, I can share it at blocker review meeting 16:34:14 <Viking-Ice> pjones, 864198 got accepted as a blocker hence it is 16:34:22 <adamw> pjones: i thought you can do it in custom partitioning, but autopart doesn't do it. 16:34:33 * adamw checks the bug report 16:34:35 <jreznik_> from non bugs related side - we are getting pretty ready 16:35:07 <Viking-Ice> all docs an all workarounds documented in release notes ;) 16:35:09 <jreznik_> Viking-Ice: well, the maintainer is always one party to decide what should be blocker and not 16:35:17 <pjones> adamw: the bug specifically states that during installation he puts /boot on ext4 16:35:54 <adamw> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=864198#c9 16:36:00 <adamw> "This bug is still alive, and anaconda will let the user create a layout as describe in comment 7" 16:36:26 <adamw> so, the obvious alternative here if you want this to be an unsupported configuration is don't allow it in anaconda. 16:36:43 <Viking-Ice> rifht 16:36:46 <Viking-Ice> mean right 16:36:57 <pjones> I really thought that was the case - let me check with dlehman, because he's the expert on that. 16:37:05 <adamw> i can do a quick test easy enough 16:37:29 <pjones> but in any case adding this to grubby is a fairly significant effort that's not going to happen at the last minute 16:37:33 <adamw> okay 16:37:45 <adamw> so basically the plan is: check if it's really allowed in anaconda, if so, patch it out 16:37:52 <adamw> seems fine to me 16:37:53 <pjones> (unless, you know, $mystery_coder shows up with some patches) 16:37:54 <jreznik_> seems like 16:38:01 <Viking-Ice> jreznik_, I would say more the input from developers is appreciated but the actual decision making if an bug is a blocker is not 16:38:29 <adamw> Viking-Ice: per policy it's supposed to be a shared decision between qa, devel and releng 16:38:38 <adamw> though lately it's mostly qa folks showing up to meetings 16:38:50 <adamw> #chair roshi viking-ice 16:38:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw roshi viking-ice 16:38:51 <Viking-Ice> well historically speaking it has more or less been that case 16:39:03 <adamw> in the early days of meetings we did a better job at getting more people out... 16:39:17 <adamw> i think they found they couldn't stand the four hours of sheer excitement ;) 16:40:08 <adamw> eep. my 'quick test' produces an unrelated crasher bug. stand by 16:40:10 <Viking-Ice> in anycase anyone who actually shows up can have a say in a vote unless he has directly related or responsible for what is being discussed and voted upon 16:42:45 <adamw> so, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1036025 , fun. back to trying to check this. 16:43:56 <adamw> pjones: yeah, custom part happily let me out with just a btrfs /boot, btrfs /, and swap. 16:44:04 <pjones> ugh. 16:44:20 <adamw> install is running now. no warnings, even. 16:44:38 <adamw> okay, we know the status anyhow. two days to fix it, plenty of time :) 16:45:15 <Viking-Ice> or we simply slip if necessary 16:46:02 <adamw> sure 16:46:04 <adamw> updated the bug 16:46:39 <adamw> so, taking a look at the current blocker list...https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/20/final/buglist 16:46:42 <mkolman> adamw: looks like a duplicate 16:46:49 <mkolman> adamw: checking with vpodzime now 16:46:52 <adamw> it's quite long, but some of them are bureaucracy bugs 16:47:09 <jreznik> update for plasma arm one - guys are building fix right now 16:47:27 <adamw> yay 16:47:31 <jreznik> (like a real one, not a workaround but still nasty hack) 16:47:32 <adamw> we've mostly covered the most tricky ones 16:47:54 * pwhalen is watching the build 16:48:02 <adamw> we probably need to point some dcbw firepower at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1018317 16:48:25 <mkolman> adamw: 1036025 yep is a dupe 16:49:12 <adamw> ok 16:49:14 <adamw> dupe it 16:49:34 <jreznik> adamw: he should know how to fix it 16:49:35 <mkolman> dshea already did :) 16:49:55 <adamw> ah, cool 16:50:05 <jreznik> jklimes added a comment there - it seems like impact *could* be limited to only particular use cases but... 16:50:10 <adamw> jreznik: i just poked dcbw about it 16:50:40 <adamw> #info current blocker bug load is large, but work is progressing on most bugs; we still have a shot at on-time release 16:50:42 <jreznik> [15:55] <jklimes> danw, dcbw: jreznik pinged me to find out what happens, so that they could decide blocker/noblocker 16:50:43 <jreznik> [15:55] <jklimes> danw: if you have a solution (in mind), go for that 16:50:44 <jreznik> [15:55] <danw> it happens for some openvpn users, but not all, and it depends on how the openvpn server is configured, so there's no workaround on the client side 16:50:46 <jreznik> [15:56] <danw> i don't think we have any clue what percentage of openvpn users is affected 16:50:47 <jreznik> [15:56] <danw> and yeah, i think we know how to fix it 16:51:14 <adamw> we can discuss the %age thing in blocker review meeting 16:52:19 <jreznik> hmm, from the last two comments it looks like it's again unsupported config 16:52:19 <adamw> as far as TC4 goes...we have enough stuff queued up to do it today, probably 16:52:23 <adamw> sound ok to everyone? 16:52:31 <adamw> i'm hoping the next build after that may be RC1 16:52:38 <roshi> works for me 16:53:04 <jreznik> ok, still systemd bugs are the hard ones, but we will see 16:54:01 <Viking-Ice> so have we somehow magically moved this meeting to a blocker bug meeting 16:54:17 <jreznik> well, topic is status :D 16:54:37 <adamw> i'm trying to follow the agenda i wrote :P 16:54:40 <adamw> we're about done with it now 16:54:48 <adamw> 5 minutes of open floor then blocker review meeting time, sound goo? 16:54:50 <adamw> or good 16:54:56 <Viking-Ice> yeah 16:54:59 <jreznik> sure, goo 16:58:33 <adamw> #topic open floor 16:58:38 <adamw> sorry, forgot...anyone have anything? 17:00:19 <adamw> alrighty 17:00:30 <adamw> blocker review meeting should be starting up in #fedora-blocker-review shortly - see you folks voer there 17:00:33 * adamw sets quantum fuse 17:00:54 <adamw> thanks for coming, folks! 17:01:10 <adamw> #endmeeting