16:04:25 <handsome_pirate> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 16:04:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 24 16:04:25 2014 UTC. The chair is handsome_pirate. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:04:36 <handsome_pirate> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:04:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:04:54 <handsome_pirate> #chair roshi danofsatx-work satellit tflink adamw 16:04:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw danofsatx-work handsome_pirate roshi satellit tflink 16:05:08 <handsome_pirate> #topic Roll Call 16:05:13 * cmurf brings out a bolus of thick concentrated coffee+prescription Red Bull and injects adamw intraveneously 16:05:13 <danofsatx-work> aqui 16:05:15 * roshi is here 16:05:16 * satellit here 16:05:20 * pwhalen is here 16:05:22 <handsome_pirate> #chair cmurf 16:05:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw cmurf danofsatx-work handsome_pirate roshi satellit tflink 16:05:30 * mkrizek is here 16:05:35 <handsome_pirate> #chair pwhalen mkrizek 16:05:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw cmurf danofsatx-work handsome_pirate mkrizek pwhalen roshi satellit tflink 16:06:11 <cmurf> Does chair mean I have to do something useful other than give adamw a hard time? 16:06:22 <roshi> it means you're someplace to sit 16:06:28 * tflink is present 16:06:32 <danofsatx-work> I think it means we get to sit down during the meeting. 16:06:39 <handsome_pirate> cmurf: Not really, but if you want to #info something 16:06:43 <handsome_pirate> #chair tflink 16:06:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw cmurf danofsatx-work handsome_pirate mkrizek pwhalen roshi satellit tflink 16:06:48 <danofsatx-work> noob's have to stand 16:06:49 <roshi> or, in WWE fashion, handsome_pirate gave us all the chair 16:06:55 <adamw`> ahoy hoy 16:06:56 <handsome_pirate> lol 16:06:58 <adamw`> NO SITTING 16:07:05 <cmurf> I don't think I've ever info'd anything. 16:07:09 <handsome_pirate> #chair adamw` 16:07:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw adamw` cmurf danofsatx-work handsome_pirate mkrizek pwhalen roshi satellit tflink 16:07:13 <cmurf> OH I SEE THE BOLUS worked right on time 16:07:14 <handsome_pirate> he he 16:07:18 * roshi is perpetually standing 16:07:20 <danofsatx-work> you found an outlet in the snow? wow, I'm impressed.... 16:07:44 <handsome_pirate> adamw: Want to take over? :) 16:07:50 <handsome_pirate> If not ... 16:07:51 <adamw> danofsatx-work: i'm in the lodge 16:07:54 <adamw> handsome_pirate: eh, go right ahead 16:08:01 <adamw> i'll chip in if needed 16:08:05 <handsome_pirate> #topic Fedora.next plans 16:08:21 <handsome_pirate> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Technical_Specification 16:08:41 <handsome_pirate> Has everyone looked over the workstation spec? 16:09:20 * satellit worried about possible loss of persistence on lives...list discussions 16:09:33 * roshi has 16:09:46 * adamw has too 16:09:57 <adamw> i don't see anything that raises immediate alarms... 16:10:21 <roshi> btrfs as default wasn't what I was expecting, but cmurf should be happy :) 16:10:22 <handsome_pirate> So far, it largely looks like it will be standard Gnome DE 16:10:31 <handsome_pirate> roshi: I like btrfs :) 16:10:32 <danofsatx-work> Oh wow...I must have missed that. Too much data for me to parse right now, but I'll get back to y'all. 16:10:33 <roshi> same here adamw 16:10:33 <adamw> yeah, it's interesting 16:10:45 <cmurf> It's tentative 16:10:52 * roshi hasn't messed with it much 16:10:59 <drago01_> does not mean default for f21 though 16:11:10 * handsome_pirate wonders if this means he needs to dust off the btrfs test cases he wrote a few years ago ... 16:11:22 <adamw> but i think the question of whether it's ready or not is a technical one not a QA one; i'm sure they'll take input from domain experts. might be worth checking the storage folks know about it, though. 16:11:30 <handsome_pirate> drago01_: Default for the Workstation product, not necessarily other products 16:11:53 <cmurf> Open question if anaconda can support different product defaults 16:11:55 <handsome_pirate> adamw: From using it everyday for going on two-three years, I think it's ready 16:12:22 <cmurf> I'd say Server folks probably will want XFS, and if we can't have a different default with products then XFS is fine for Workstation too, not a big deal. 16:12:30 <handsome_pirate> cmurf: Two ways to do that, I think: Ansible (like what nirik proposed a couple years ago) or kickstart 16:12:52 <nirik> hum? 16:13:18 <handsome_pirate> nirik: Was it you that proposed using ansible playbooks in Fedora a couple of Fudcons ago? 16:13:19 <nirik> oh, yeah, I would think we could work something out... 16:13:33 <nirik> yes, but I don't think it's a good fit for this case really. ;) 16:13:53 <handsome_pirate> Ah, okay 16:13:53 <adamw> yeah, still wiggle room there. 16:13:53 <adamw> hawkey backend for updates has been approved by fesco, i believe, though it's something we need to take note of 16:13:53 <adamw> i say this all the time, but it means we ought to be careful to test graphical updates and not just use yum all the time 16:13:54 <danofsatx-work> ok, not as much data as I thought. 16:13:57 <handsome_pirate> But, that's largely a question for Anaconda folks 16:14:04 <nirik> also, I note that kernel folks have reservations for btrfs... but the product folks can decide if they want. 16:15:51 <handsome_pirate> All right, any more thoughts? 16:15:58 <danofsatx-work> handsome_pirate: yeah, I would say so. I haven't quite figured out btrfs even after reading all of cmurf's emails on the subject 16:15:59 <danofsatx-work> pardon my naivete - but don't all anaconda instances use a kickstart file? Wouldn't that be a simple change in the kickstart? 16:16:42 <adamw> "The workstation will ship with a single theme, which will have support for the included toolkits: gtk3, qt and gtk2. Applications are expected to work well with this theme, as well as with the high-contrast theme that is used for accessibility" might be slightly trickier to implement than expected 16:16:43 <adamw> it's fine as a high level goal, it's an area i'd want to inject caution into for f21 release requirements though 16:16:44 <nirik> yes, depending on if each of the products have a seperate kickstart and don't share one... for example the install dvd 16:17:05 <danofsatx-work> wow...I'm lagging bigtime 16:17:19 <nirik> I think freenode is lagging. ;( 16:17:38 <adamw> handsome_pirate: i believe it'd be reasonably trivial to do anaconda side 16:17:39 <handsome_pirate> It got hit hard this weekend 16:17:58 <handsome_pirate> adamw: Indeed 16:18:12 <cmurf> Personally I think if the Workstation WG wants Btrfs for either F21 or F22 that Rawhide should go to Btrfs sooner than later. We can always change it at branch or after alpha if it's not going to be used, but it might give it broader coverage. 16:18:22 <adamw> nirik: right, that's why i noted probably a good idea just to make sure the relevant folks who assess btrfs' 'readiness' have advisory input into the desktop WG's decision 16:18:34 <danofsatx> lemme try this window - different server 16:18:45 <adamw> not really qa's job to do that, but hey 16:19:04 <adamw> handsome_pirate: anaconda already has mechanisms for varying its defaults depending on what product it's installing. rhel uses different defaults from fedora. 16:19:11 <cmurf> So we need some people to assess that readiness and report to the Workstation WG. 16:19:16 <adamw> handsome_pirate: shouldn't be difficult to hook different fedora products into that mechanism. 16:19:29 <adamw> danofsatx-work: that's...um. your understanding is wrong, let's say. 16:19:37 <adamw> ultimately, the release images are built from kickstarts. yes. 16:19:46 <adamw> but not in the way that you could specify the default filesystem to be used when installing from that image, in the kickstart from which the image is built. 16:19:46 <adamw> if you see what I mean. 16:19:53 <adamw> or being DoSed. again. 16:19:54 <adamw> so yeah, the spec defines a " Core Package list " and says "This package list will be the priority focus for QA and bug fixing. " 16:19:59 <adamw> others have commented on the desktop@ list about whether a core package list is really appropriate for a tech spec 16:20:06 <adamw> but insofar as the basic idea goes, i think it's reasonable - obviously there'll be a 'core' set of functionality which is higher testing priority so far as that product goes. so, i don't see a problem there. 16:20:21 <adamw> so far the spec doesn't seem to be locking in any wild expectations for f21, which is good. 16:20:21 <adamw> cmurf: yeah. again, not really a QA responsibility, but no harm in us dropping a line to the relevant kernel devs or whatever to ensure they're aware of it, if desktop isn't already planning to consult them - drago01? 16:20:48 <adamw> guess he's lagging too :) or i am 16:21:12 * roshi reads you fine 16:21:29 <adamw> oh, well. 16:22:19 <handsome_pirate> adamw: Roger, and understood 16:23:17 <handsome_pirate> Anyway, probably time to move along 16:23:17 <handsome_pirate> #topic installer discussion: partitioning simplification? 16:23:21 <cmurf> adamw: well apparently there's some variation on what constitutes ready as some fs devs say its ready within certain constraints and others have reservations, and while I know the specifics of those constraints I don't know the specifics of the reservations. 16:23:54 <handsome_pirate> danofsatx: Was this your topic? 16:24:13 <adamw> so i think what we really need at this point is some kind of solid proposal (even if it's just a 'run-it-up-the-flagpole' type thing) in front of the relevant people 16:24:16 <danofsatx-work> no, I didn't set any topics (that I know of) 16:24:26 <adamw> it's cmurf's RFC 16:24:30 <handsome_pirate> Ah 16:24:33 <handsome_pirate> cmurf: Ahoy! 16:24:51 <danofsatx-work> but I did respond to cmurf's RFC ;) 16:25:01 <adamw> kicking it around on test@ is all well and good, but i think we're all more or less agreed that we want at least some kind of simplification of the guided path...but we don't get to decide that, so we need to get it in front of those who do, in a concrete way. 16:25:12 <adamw> i'm willing to try and start that, or leave it to cmurf - either way 16:25:59 <cmurf> Right. Well is there any concensus/agreement on dropping Partition Scheme pop-up menu as essentially useless? 16:26:32 * satellit 2 day old 21-24-1 boot.iso and koji lives do do custom installs for me 16:26:42 <bochecha_> join #fedora-meeting-2 16:26:42 <bochecha_> oops, sorry about that :) 16:27:06 <handsome_pirate> cmurf: Aye, I don't see much point in it 16:27:21 <danofsatx-work> it is useless - I like to consider myself an above average intelligence user, and I find it very confusing and hard to use 16:27:29 <handsome_pirate> I either don't care about partition layout for throw-away vms and go with default, or I want to set up my own. 16:28:02 <cmurf> My thought is, if it's going to be useful, it should list use cases or workloads to help people get a better layout; otherwise it's just gobbdygook terminology which isn't helpful for the Guided/Automatic target market. 16:28:50 <roshi> I concur - if there was something saying "If you want to do to X choose fs-Y" or just have one default and go from there 16:29:54 <handsome_pirate> +1 16:30:12 <adamw> cmurf: I like the idea of dropping it entirely *in theory*. i suspect we won't be able to get there in practice. 16:30:27 <adamw> or, do you mean the specific UI design rather than the choice itself? 16:30:48 <cmurf> adamw: Both 16:31:04 <adamw> i think starting the discussion off with a very detailed issue about the implementation might be a tactical mistake and lead to the discussion getting bogged down 16:31:11 <danofsatx-work> adamw: the UI is wonky, but yeah, the choice shouldn't be there. 16:31:15 <adamw> i'd want to start it off at a more general level, but that may just be my preference 16:31:42 * cmurf is lost 16:31:51 * danofsatx-work is too 16:32:01 <danofsatx-work> lag is killing us 16:32:08 <cmurf> let's talk about it in fedora-qa later 16:32:28 <roshi> I think adamw means do you just want to use radio buttons instead of a dropdown - or no choice at all making the UI tool not matter 16:32:28 <danofsatx-work> might have a better synch on @test today 16:32:33 <handsome_pirate> I would say go with two choices: Default or Custom 16:32:43 <handsome_pirate> Anything else is not necessary 16:32:51 <satellit> +1 radio buttons 16:33:06 <danofsatx-work> handsome_pirate: as adamw pointed out on the list, that choice already exists. 16:33:09 <adamw> again, i like that idea in concept, i'm worried especially the "don't want LVM" crowd would make it impractical in practice. but it might make a good trial balloon 16:33:18 <roshi> (or I just devolved the discussion more :) whee for bike shedding 16:33:31 <adamw> then we could 'compromise' on still having LVM/non-LVM choice available, but ditching "thinp" and "btrfs" at least 16:33:50 * adamw realizes discussing your Cunning Plan in a logged meeting may be a mistake :P 16:34:23 <danofsatx-work> well, if btrfs is default, isn't the LVM/non LVM choice a moot point? 16:34:42 <cmurf> danofsatx-work: Yes 16:35:10 * danofsatx-work doesn't know enough about XFS yet 16:35:16 <adamw> cmurf: um, no? 16:35:27 <cmurf> Btrs on LVM makes zero sense as a default. 16:35:32 * handsome_pirate doesn't know how popular xfs would be 16:35:40 <adamw> cmurf: the question of what's the default and the question of how many non-default options we offer in non-custom path appears to be a separate one. 16:35:47 * handsome_pirate actually has not touched it outside of a rhel7 install 16:35:53 <adamw> making btrfs the default, right now, would simply consist of changing the default selection in the drop-down. 16:36:06 <roshi> are we still talking about Workstation or anaconda in general? 16:36:07 <adamw> it doesn't imply any of the other three choices goes away, *necessarily*. the two questions seem to be separate. 16:36:16 <danofsatx-work> handsome_pirate: that's where I first saw it too. RHEL has other issues, I haven't even delved into the FS yet 16:36:16 <adamw> i was on anaconda in general 16:36:16 <roshi> point adamw 16:36:18 <handsome_pirate> roshi: I think anaconda in general 16:36:23 <cmurf> adamw: yes i understand that, ok look my basic premise has now been lost 16:36:48 <roshi> btrfs is default only (tentatively) on Workstation, AIUI - which is where my confusion came from 16:37:07 <cmurf> Either we think the Partition Scheme pop-up menu that uses terminology is incompatible with "newbies" who don't understand such terms, or we think large numbers of users who will use the default path actually understand those options. 16:37:07 <adamw> cmurf: OK, so let's get back to it. what's your default premise? 16:37:10 <adamw> sigh. basic premise. 16:37:31 <cmurf> I think 10% have any idea what the distinction is between LVM, Standard Partitions, Btrfs, and LVM Thin Provisioning. 16:37:36 * satellit I have trouble with formatting when I use anaconda f21 need to format HD in gparted then install..? otherwise fails 16:37:53 <cmurf> I think maybe 25% understand the distinction between LVM and Standard Partitioning 16:38:12 <synchris> i think the problem is between mbr and gpt sometimes 16:38:19 * handsome_pirate understands! I am the 25% :) 16:38:23 <adamw> i'm wary of throwing numbers around without any data at all, but sure, as a theoretical premise. 16:38:26 <synchris> i retain hybrid format for my disks 16:38:46 <adamw> synchris: i don't see that it has anything to do with the current question. 16:38:56 <cmurf> The numbers are subjectively based off various user formums. 16:39:21 <adamw> cmurf: reasonable. 16:39:28 <synchris> adamw: maby it has to do with of what satellit days 16:39:30 <synchris> says 16:39:31 <cmurf> It has everything to do with it. Either that pop-up menu is useful or it's not useful. And I'm arguing it's compeltely useless because it's using terms almost no one understands. 16:39:44 <synchris> adamw: i doesnt has to do with urs 16:39:57 <adamw> cmurf: synchris brought up mbr vs. gpt. i was trying to avoid us chasing THAT yak around with a razor. 16:40:09 <danofsatx-work> cmurf: it's not only the terms - when I can't make it do what I want, it is useless. 16:40:13 <handsome_pirate> lol 16:40:27 <cmurf> it is a default layout that's it 16:40:33 <danofsatx-work> as I pointed out on the list, there was no way to tell it what PVs I wanted in what LV - at least not that I could find. 16:40:39 <adamw> cmurf: so, are you working from "many people don't understand the choice offered" to "the choice should be pushed down the custom install path"? 16:40:41 <cmurf> It's not going to work for a lot of people. 16:41:03 <adamw> danofsatx: again, that's really not on topic for the current question. sorry to be a topic nazi, but discussing the installer design is a really complex area and we have to stay focused 16:41:28 <danofsatx-work> I know, I know....I'll sit down and shut up. 16:41:30 <cmurf> adamw: I'm saying *IF* you want a pop-up menu of choices in the Guided path, *make them useful*. And right now they are useless. 16:41:35 <synchris> adamw: sorry for being out of topic 16:41:40 <adamw> we're discussing the guided path, where you don't get to make decisions that detailed and it's not likely that you will; if the custom path doesn't work well for you that's obviously an issue, but it's not what we're taling about ATM 16:42:03 <cmurf> adamw: So that suggests two paths: Get rid of the pop-up menu and go with one default layout. Or change the options to be use case or workload driven rather than technobabble driven. 16:42:15 <adamw> cmurf: OK. i'd just be a bit worried that broadening out the scope like that is an invitation to bikeshedding, which results in 'well, everyone has a different idea what should be in the dropdown so let's just leave it how it is'... 16:42:28 <adamw> but yeah, i think you're on track with the basic idea 16:42:38 <cmurf> adamw: This is why monarchy can be much more efficient. 16:42:45 <adamw> =) 16:42:51 <adamw> so long as I get to be king! 16:43:09 <cmurf> I don't care who is king or queen, just someone make a decision and execute the naysayers. 16:43:11 * tflink shudders at the thought of adamw as king 16:43:20 <adamw> cmurf: so, are you interested in taking it forward with a concrete proposal? 16:43:26 <adamw> execution? CAN DO 16:43:31 <nirik> so, could this be a place products could want specific things for their product? 16:43:33 <handsome_pirate> adamw: What, you're not firing tflink over that? 16:43:34 <adamw> someone make me a .guillotine macro 16:43:40 <drago01_> tflink: prepare the pitforks just in case ;) 16:44:10 <adamw> nirik: i think that might wind up being a detailed question... 16:44:11 <danofsatx-work> pifork? is that what they use for BBQ pits? 16:44:18 <tflink> drago01_: pitchforks and torches - can't have a good mob without torches :) 16:44:30 <drago01_> ;) 16:44:35 <adamw> nirik: there's quite a difference between "product X and Y have different defaults and different choices in the drop-down" and "product X has the drop-down but product Y doesn't", for instance... 16:44:36 * nirik isn't fully sure which popup you are talking about, would have to go do an install to recall. 16:44:56 <adamw> nirik: in current F20, there's an Installation Options popup after you pick disks 16:45:05 <handsome_pirate> tflink: adamw doesn't eat bacon, as I recall; we could toss him in a pit of yummy, crispy bacon 16:45:15 <cmurf> QA is already doing a lot of testing in Manual/Custom because of the limitations of Guided which already has four options in it. So it's kinda like, I don't see our workload increases by dropping four options in Guided. At least we have a one shot default. 16:45:22 <cmurf> … that works. 16:45:35 <adamw> it has a dropdown where you can pick LVM, LVM thinp, ext(4), or btrfs partitioning (IIRC) strategies 16:46:07 <handsome_pirate> Anyway, probalby about time to move on; we've kicked this horse around some now 16:46:08 <adamw> in F21 the IO popup has been basically merged down into the disk selection screen, but the partitioning strategy choice box is still there. 16:46:42 <adamw> if you pick one and then go for guided partitioning, that's the one that gets used: if you pick one and go for manual partitioning, it becomes your default for the manual partitioning screen. 16:46:50 * cmurf is surprised no one is arguing "if you don't understand the other options in that pop-up, then why are you changing the setting?" 16:47:00 <nirik> alright. 16:47:36 <handsome_pirate> #topic installer discussion: variant installers? 16:47:52 <handsome_pirate> cmurf: Is this one yours, as well? 16:48:17 <cmurf> handsome_pirate: I'm contrarian so pinning me down is not easy. 16:48:19 <danofsatx-work> yup, the horse is dead. 16:48:20 <adamw> handsome_pirate: no, i'd rather have a concrete plan of action here 16:48:20 <adamw> i.e. someone gets an action item to take this forward outside of QA 16:48:20 <adamw> we've kicked it around enough, like you said, so now we need to *do* something :) 16:48:20 <adamw> if cmurf or anyone else wants the action item, great: if not i'll take it. but we shouldn't delay it any longer 16:48:45 <handsome_pirate> cmurf: Up for it? 16:49:20 <cmurf> adamw: if you want to do a draft that includes what's in and out of scope, then I'll fill in the blanks with some arguments supporting the position and against the predicted opposition :-P 16:49:32 <tflink> handsome_pirate: that's ... disgusting and fits the definition of cruel and unusal :-P 16:50:07 <handsome_pirate> #action adamw to draft up a proposal to the Anaconda devs about guided partitioning screen 16:50:18 <handsome_pirate> #action cmurf to fill in blanks on the proposal 16:50:29 <cmurf> yay action 16:50:30 <handsome_pirate> tflink: I wouldn't find it cruel :) 16:50:37 <handsome_pirate> Okay, moving on 16:50:43 <handsome_pirate> Alternate installers? 16:51:06 <cmurf> sounds like that's answered as a likely yes, but I don't know how it manifests 16:51:21 <cmurf> Will there be different Live's for each product? 16:53:28 <nirik> we don't know yet. ;) but I think likely would be: 16:53:48 <nirik> cloud just ships an image, workstation ships a live, server ships an install iso. 16:55:25 <cmurf> Or can we combine products on one LiveDVD and make it an installer choice? 16:55:26 <cmurf> netsplit time? 16:55:26 <handsome_pirate> cmurf: That's a question that I don't think has been touched yet 16:55:26 <handsome_pirate> cmurf: Want to find out? 16:56:41 <nirik> cmurf: dunno. That might be nice for ambassadors... especially if you tossed on the other desktop spins. 16:56:57 <nirik> but could get pretty complex. 16:57:01 <cmurf> OK so we need to hear back from the WG's on this question I think. I'd like to see consolidation of media for Server and Workstation. 16:57:13 <cmurf> A LiveDVD that contains both and choose which one at install time. 16:57:17 <cmurf> And the same happens for Netinst 16:57:22 * satellit end up with a 8 GB USB installer? 16:58:02 * satellit or Double Layer DVD... 16:58:14 <mjg59> cmurf: That sounds pretty awful 16:58:40 <mjg59> cmurf: Separate products benefit from being, well, separate products 17:00:33 <satellit> netsplit... 17:00:58 <danofsatx-dt> yup, split 17:02:43 <danofsatx-dt> we're wrapping the meeting up in the "other" meeting channel... 17:03:06 <danofsatx-dt> to continue in #fedora-qa if Freenode ever catches up to us 17:04:03 <satellit> other? 17:05:13 <danofsatx-dt> I have two clients up on two servers - most of us stayed connected to the original channel. 17:05:19 <danofsatx-dt> this is the split one :( 17:06:47 <satellit> I have 2 PC's and both are split here.... 17:07:00 <handsome_pirate> danofsatx: No, it has to be in this channel 17:07:00 <handsome_pirate> hrm 17:07:06 <danofsatx> looks like we're all back together 17:07:11 <handsome_pirate> #info netsplits causing meeting issues 17:07:24 <handsome_pirate> #topic taskotron update 17:07:33 <handsome_pirate> tflink: Ping 17:08:11 <handsome_pirate> tflink: Want to talk about this, or shall we go ahead and end the meeting due to freenode borkage? 17:08:33 * satellit both working here 17:08:40 <danofsatx-dt> I say end it. pick up later in qa or blockerbug channel 17:08:48 * handsome_pirate doesn't see a response, so 17:09:02 <handsome_pirate> #info Ending meeting due to irc issues 17:09:06 <handsome_pirate> #endmeeting