16:03:07 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 16:03:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 5 16:03:07 2015 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:03:09 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:03:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:03:11 <adamw> #topic Roll call 16:03:16 <amita> heya 16:03:32 * mkrizek is here 16:03:37 <apatel> here 16:03:46 * roshi is here 16:03:46 * kparal here 16:03:58 * Greylocks is here 16:04:06 * tflink is here 16:04:10 * satellit listening 16:04:19 <adamw> ahoyhoy folks 16:04:32 <adamw> #chair roshi kparal 16:04:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw kparal roshi 16:04:33 * nirik is lurking in the back 16:05:36 <roshi> good showing :) 16:06:14 <adamw> yup yup 16:06:21 <adamw> everyone must've gotten over the hangover by now 16:07:00 <amita> first meeting of 2015 16:07:04 * pschindl is here 16:09:59 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:10:36 <adamw> "adamw to sync with cmurf and look at revising multiboot criteria" - nope still haven't done that, really (boy I suck). but cmurf has posted to the list about it, which i have earmarked to look at later 16:10:40 <adamw> holidays kinda got in the way 16:10:54 <adamw> i'll put it on the list one more time before deciding the person's an idiot and not adding it any more :P 16:11:05 <adamw> #action adamw to sync with cmurf and look at revising multiboot criteria 16:11:15 <adamw> any other follow-up? 16:12:12 * roshi has nothing 16:14:20 <adamw> #topic Blocker bug review planning 16:14:29 <adamw> so as we know, everyone just *loves* blocker bug review meetings 16:14:39 <adamw> so clearly what we need is to have more of them, and as soon as possible! right? 16:14:48 <roshi> whee! 16:15:16 <kparal> ... guess so... 16:15:34 <Corey84> .fas Corey84 16:15:35 <zodbot> Corey84: corey84 'Corey84' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 16:15:37 <Corey84> late sorry 16:16:03 <amita> adamw, they will be longer than before :/ or earlier in the cycle meaning shorter as well? 16:16:16 * Corey84 hates blocker mtgs but hates blocker bugs themselves even more :) 16:16:33 <roshi> haha 16:16:54 <roshi> adamw and I thought that having them earlier would help stop the really long ones later in the cycle 16:16:57 <roshi> spread it out more 16:17:28 <Corey84> I ok with that but that early hour in the day is troublesome at times 16:17:47 <adamw> Corey84: it's always tricky to find a time that works for everyone :/ it's mid-evening for europe atm 16:18:09 <adamw> Corey84: it's annoying for me too but if we push it any later folks in europe are reviewing blockers at the bar, and we all know how that ends ;) 16:18:15 <Corey84> I know lol I make the sacrifice for the -docs -ambassadors mtgs too 16:18:28 <Corey84> indeed 16:18:55 <adamw> so yeah, my thought was if we start reviewing early and review all nominated blockers for *all* milestones from the start, we get earlier knowledge of what bugs are most important (for us and devs) and we avoid the huge meetings later in the cycle 16:18:57 <Corey84> im up late normally up too early is normally my issue 16:19:20 <Corey84> adamw, i agree 16:19:27 <roshi> I'm +1 for the idea, anyways 16:19:29 <adamw> right now we have 3 proposed alpha, 2 proposed beta, and 3 proposed final blockers - we could empty the list with one review meeting 16:19:40 <Corey84> or if they occur there is more heads up 16:19:42 <Corey84> +1 16:19:50 <roshi> yep - instead of letting them build up 16:20:14 <amita> and chances of acceptance will increase 16:20:18 <amita> +1 16:20:33 * danofsatx|w is here, kinda sorta maybe 16:20:47 <pschindl> How often should it be? 16:20:48 <brunowolff> I am more likely to attend short blocker meetings than marathons. 16:20:50 <danofsatx|w> happy new year, y'all 16:21:13 <adamw> pschindl: i think as before, depends on size of the list - it's just about starting, like, right now instead of around alpha tc1 16:21:28 <adamw> so i'd say we just schedule one a week as usual at first, and if they're getting too long we can go to 2 16:22:09 <Corey84> would anyone be opposed to say a guideline of once weekly UNLESS we get X number total or in a criterion? 16:22:25 <Corey84> adamw, +1 16:22:56 <danofsatx|w> I like Corey84's idea 16:23:07 <apatel> +1 16:23:19 <roshi> that works for me 16:24:02 <kparal> I wouldn't set up too many rules right now. let's just try it and see how it works 16:24:03 <Kinokoio> +1 16:24:15 <roshi> probably a good call 16:24:20 <apatel> +1 16:24:34 <adamw> kparal: yeah 16:24:36 <adamw> okey dokey 16:24:39 <roshi> if we start doing more than one on a regular basis, we can try to put some informal structure on it later 16:24:50 <Corey84> see how many bugs starts getting marathons stage at once/week then that becomes the cutoff 16:24:54 <adamw> #agreed everyone seems on board with the idea of starting up blocker review now and reviewing for all milestones to try and stay on top of the bug pile 16:25:11 <adamw> #action roshi to arrange and announce first f22 blocker review meeting this week 16:25:16 <adamw> that OK roshi? 16:25:21 <roshi> yep 16:25:52 <adamw> cool beans 16:26:02 <adamw> welp, i don't see any other agenda topics, so let's throw it straight to... 16:26:04 <adamw> #topic Open floor 16:26:20 <roshi> I'll do it after the meeting 16:26:20 <adamw> if anyone's been wondering about nightlies - as it's been RH vacation time, no new anaconda/related package builds have showed up 16:26:37 <adamw> so no new nightly compose has been 'nominated' due to the 'interesting package change' test 16:26:51 <adamw> if i'm counting right, tomorrow's will get nominated so long as it's testable, because it'll have been 14 days since the last one 16:26:56 <satellit> wiki page to report tests of lives anyway? 16:27:09 <satellit> several build each day but not all 16:27:11 * Corey84 took a break from 22 nightlies for the holidays 16:27:17 <adamw> satellit: there's no need to have a {{result for every test - just file blocker bugs when you hit 'em 16:27:25 <satellit> k 16:28:36 <satellit> boot.iso installs end in console login (latest) 16:28:57 <adamw> fun! 16:29:07 <adamw> when did that start happening? 16:29:25 <satellit> 4-5 days ago? 16:29:33 <adamw> #info current Rawhide nightly boot.iso installs hit a console login screen for satellit since ~5 days ago, confirmation would be great 16:29:51 <roshi> I think I've seen that 16:30:22 <Corey84> satellit, which boot.iso ? Ill test out today 16:30:32 <roshi> will confirm though 16:31:30 <satellit> not sure it depends on boot.iso date sources may be problems (same anaconda for a while) 16:31:32 <adamw> Corey84: the rawhide nightly ones i'm guessing 16:32:01 <adamw> Corey84: so https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/development/rawhide/x86_64/os/images/boot.iso is the current one, you can find the last few days at http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/ 16:32:05 * satellit x86 rawhide here 16:32:43 <Corey84> ah nice to know i default to x64 myself will check both of the archs 16:33:16 <Kinokoio> downloading boot.iso to test 16:33:28 <adamw> anyone else got any interesting testing notes or ideas or anything? 16:33:52 <Corey84> none here 16:34:31 <Kinokoio> I don't know how to test packages in rawhide. 16:35:28 <adamw> Kinokoio: did you read https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/Rawhide ? 16:35:31 <roshi> text mode crashes if you enter the software selection spoke before installation source is set up 16:36:09 <roshi> .bug 1178214 16:36:12 <zodbot> roshi: Bug 1178214 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'environments_iter' - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1178214 16:36:30 * roshi should rename that 16:37:12 <adamw> nice 16:37:25 <roshi> it also dies if there's no network configured :) 16:37:37 <roshi> satellit and I were poking a tthat on friday 16:38:03 <satellit_e> +1 16:38:08 <Corey84> the latter makes sense short of a local media install 16:38:12 <Corey84> +1 16:38:19 <satellit_e> cannot install from wireless only 16:38:39 <adamw> yeah, i don't think it's meant to do that 16:38:40 <roshi> perhaps, but it should warn you there's no network and let you configure wireless instead of just committing suicide 16:38:50 <satellit_e> +1 16:39:27 <satellit_e> it sees wireless but crashes before can configure it 16:41:01 <adamw> well the anaconda devs are back on the job this week so they should be picking these bugs up 16:42:03 <adamw> sounds like that's about all we had 16:43:05 <Kinokoio> The boot.iso I downloaded lacks many languages, including English 16:44:46 <adamw> huh, that sounds odd. english should always be there. 16:44:53 * adamw sets the Acme Meeting Fuse 16:45:01 <adamw> thanks for coming, everyone 16:46:27 * danofsatx|w runs fer da hillz 16:47:12 <Kinokoio> nvm, rebooted and all languages are there 16:47:46 <roshi> happy new year everyone! 16:48:14 <satellit_e> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1178932 wireless crash of boot.iso 16:48:19 <Kinokoio> Maybe I accidentally entered input in filter 16:49:09 <adamw> happy new year all! 16:49:11 <adamw> #endmeeting