15:03:00 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:03:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 9 15:03:00 2015 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:03:03 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:03:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:03:07 <adamw> #topic Roll call 15:03:26 * jreznik is here... likely... 15:03:29 <adamw> ahoyhoy folks 15:03:34 * roshi is here 15:03:36 <sgallagh> /me lurks 15:03:59 * nirik is also in the back lurking, ping if I can help with anything. 15:04:11 * randomuser hangs around to see what happens 15:06:56 <adamw> #chair roshi nirik 15:06:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw nirik roshi 15:06:59 <adamw> anyone else? 15:07:19 * adamw wonders if there was a particularly good happy hour in brno last night 15:07:39 <nirik> perhaps it's a 'drink some beer' holiday there? ;) 15:07:49 <sgallagh> nirik: I think they call that "Friday" 15:07:55 * jreznik is not aware of any! 15:07:57 <nirik> days ending in y? 15:08:37 <jreznik> nirik: well, are friday ends with k :) 15:10:08 * adamw does a bit of poking in #fedora-qa 15:10:14 <adamw> give it a couple of minutes then we'll go ahead 15:12:24 * tflink is here 15:13:28 <adamw> ahoy tflink 15:13:33 <adamw> alrighty, let's go for it 15:13:56 <adamw> #topic Fedora 22 Alpha final check-in 15:15:13 <adamw> so two obvious things we need to get done: get the SELinux update tested and pushed stable, and get Common Bugs up 15:15:27 <adamw> anyone have anything else related to Alpha release? any thoughts on the testing process etc? 15:15:51 <sgallagh> /me has been working on both of those things this morning 15:17:07 <nirik> when's the first beta tc? ;) 15:18:15 * jreznik is looking 15:18:23 <adamw> 03-17 15:18:42 <jreznik> Tue 2015-03-17 15:18:44 <nirik> cool. next week. I think early tc's really help 15:19:04 <roshi> aside from the final push there, I thought the testing went well for Alpha 15:19:07 <jreznik> nirik: yeah, it helped last few releases 15:19:48 * adamw will set to Colada to run against nightlies until TC1... 15:20:17 <jreznik> that's another thing - nightlies coverage, even earlier than TC1 hits, thanks for that 15:20:40 <nirik> yeah. rawhide ones are even currently working nicely. 15:20:45 <jreznik> sgallagh: where we are with selinux update? 15:21:25 <sgallagh> jreznik: +2 karma so far 15:22:09 <adamw> nirik: only lives though right, not boot.iso ? 15:22:21 <adamw> openqa doesn't run on lives yet, i'm hoping to get a bit of time to work on that this wek 15:22:23 <adamw> also week. 15:22:25 <nirik> haven't looked at boot, let me see. 15:22:48 <nirik> oh right, thats broken 15:23:05 <nirik> in rawhide. we need dnf handling in pungi 15:23:13 <drago01> lets do a -7 day slip for a chnage ;) 15:23:16 <drago01> *change 15:23:47 <nirik> not sure where dgilmore was with that... 15:23:57 <nirik> drago01: release early? boy would that confuse people. ;) 15:24:04 <drago01> ;) 15:24:10 <adamw> i'm very scared 15:24:42 * nirik notes the only fedora releases since we have had alpha/beta that haven't had a slip at alpha were 9, 10, and 17. 15:24:52 <adamw> yaay 15:24:55 <roshi> I don't think kparal has that much PTO for us to sneak an early release in :p 15:24:55 <adamw> the plan is working 15:25:15 <adamw> roshi: we can task him to work on Xfce validation. :P 15:25:24 <jreznik> roshi: you mean https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1583169688619787&set=gm.10152630948241573&type=1 15:25:24 <sgallagh> Personally, I'm really glad we managed to ship Alpha on time. We needed that after 21 15:25:24 <roshi> :D 15:25:48 <roshi> haha 15:25:49 <sgallagh> :-D 15:25:52 <adamw> haha, that's awesome 15:26:11 <adamw> #info new Acceptable Alternative Fedora QA Desktop Background: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1583169688619787&set=gm.10152630948241573&type=1 15:26:12 <drago01> lol 15:26:31 <nirik> ha 15:26:33 <adamw> alrighty, so we're mostly happy with alpha 15:26:53 <adamw> i'll work on the commonbugs today, but any help is welcome 15:27:42 <adamw> #topic Fedora 22 Beta planning 15:27:52 <adamw> alrighty, so we kinda shaded into this already, but let's have the topic anyways 15:28:01 <adamw> #info Beta TC1 is scheduled for 2015-03-17 15:28:33 <adamw> #action adamw to schedule openQA runs on nightlies until then 15:30:25 <adamw> i'd really, really like it if we could run the Beta-level (and Final-level!) validation tests on Alpha and/or snapshots before TC1 15:30:31 <adamw> catch the blockers early 15:30:37 <adamw> ahoy pschindl 15:30:40 <roshi> sounds like a good plan to me 15:30:50 <pschindl> adamw: Good morning. 15:30:53 <pschindl> hi all 15:31:09 * pschindl missed the train. So he is late. 15:31:22 <adamw> what did you do with all the others? :) 15:32:02 <adamw> apart from that...on the Server SIG side we need to get the database role requirements in place and test cases drawn up, as that was missed for Alpha, but so far we've been keeping that mostly outside of QA caring about it (yay separation of powers) 15:32:19 <adamw> do we have any other criteria/test plan issues that need sorting ahead of Beta? 15:32:33 * adamw would like to revise the updates test cases to split out notification from install and graphical from console... 15:33:12 * roshi thought we did that already 15:34:27 <adamw> roshi: i don't think so? it's all one big test case which forms two 'test instances' (rows in the matrices) 15:34:45 <roshi> I probably mis-remember 15:34:51 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_desktop_updates 15:35:42 <roshi> well, in my head it's already done :p 15:36:42 * jreznik was confused a bit as he thought it was done too but it wasn't :) 15:37:09 <adamw> roshi: can i come and live in your head? it sounds like an improved universe! 15:37:31 <roshi> sure, there's plenty of room 15:37:42 <roshi> jreznik is here too 15:38:12 <adamw> hehe 15:38:30 <adamw> sounds like no-one has anything else urgent, though? cloud criteria/test cases are already in good shape, roshi? 15:38:49 <roshi> they are, but we've got a couple cloud bugs right now 15:39:07 <roshi> DHCP gets lost after N number of hours and never renews it's IP lease 15:39:20 <roshi> and randomly, on reboot, eth0 just goes away 15:39:24 <adamw> #info we should try and run Beta and Final validation tests against Alpha, if you're looking for some work to do between now and Beta TC1, do that! Just add more results to the Alpha RC3 pages. 15:39:26 <nirik> roshi: side note: vnc consoles should work again in the infra private cloud. 15:39:34 <roshi> iirc, both those bugs are filed as blockers 15:39:39 <adamw> roshi: huh, fun. 15:39:43 <roshi> if not, I'll get them in there 15:40:06 <roshi> so, at least for cloud, we need to have a "runs for x number of days and reboots" testcase 15:40:30 <roshi> trying to come up with the best method to codify that 15:40:34 <adamw> automate all the thiiiiiings 15:41:02 <roshi> since that would basically get rid of the ability to do a quick run through the suites like we just did for alpha 15:42:44 <adamw> well, we do allow transfer of results still, remembe 15:42:45 <adamw> r 15:43:08 <adamw> so if we hit a case like that and we still have a 'long-term' test running (or completed) from the previous compose, and we're confident the new compose shouldn't change it, we can take that 15:43:33 <roshi> yeah, a fair point 15:43:36 <adamw> of course in Perfect Spherical Fedora Land we'd always have enough time to run long-term smoke tests before approving releases 15:43:42 <adamw> does that happen in the universe in your head too? :P 15:43:50 <roshi> yeah 15:44:07 <adamw> aw, it sounds so nice in there 15:44:15 <roshi> we control time, so, basically we just speed things up in one small area of the place to do the long term testing in a fast manner 15:45:11 <adamw> proposal: all future testing to occur in roshi's head 15:45:43 <roshi> lol 15:46:59 <adamw> no acks? aww. :P 15:47:09 <adamw> alrighty then, moving along 15:47:12 <adamw> #topic Test Day check-in 15:47:20 <adamw> this was mostly scheduled for my benefit so i wouldn't have to look at the calendar. :P 15:47:25 <adamw> what've we got coming up, roshi? 15:47:49 <roshi> Ipsilon testday is this Thursday 15:48:06 <roshi> localization/translation days are next week 15:48:09 <adamw> who or what is an ipsilon, and how does one go about catching one for test purposes? 15:48:17 * adamw prepares ipsilon net 15:48:19 <roshi> Cockpit is the week after that 15:48:33 <roshi> Ipsilon is a auth provider 15:48:38 <tflink> it's the new fedoauth 15:48:41 <adamw> oh, right, knew i'd heard it somewhere. 15:48:52 <roshi> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Ipsilon 15:49:05 <roshi> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2015-03-12_Ipsilon 15:50:11 <adamw> #info upcoming test days: Ipsilon (authentication server) on 2015-03-12, l10n/i18n on 2015-03-17 and 2015-03-19, and Cockpit on 2015-03-24 . See https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/QA/?subject=Test+Day 15:50:21 <adamw> roshi: preparation in hand for those, or does anyone need help? 15:51:00 <roshi> not that I know of right now - but I'll check this week and ping people as needed 15:51:14 <roshi> ipsilon prep has been moving forward nicely 15:51:25 <roshi> have to check in on the localization/translation stuff 15:51:50 <roshi> since I'm only mono-fluent, I'm not of much aid to those test days 15:52:54 <adamw> those have been running for years so they're probably fine 15:52:57 <adamw> they're pretty well-oiled by now 15:53:07 <adamw> though i did revise their test cases the other month so i hope that doesn't surprise anyone. :P 15:53:14 <roshi> lol 15:53:49 <kushal> adamw, :) 15:54:54 <adamw> #info test day planning seems to be rolling along well 15:55:07 <adamw> roshi: i guess we can help post announcements and stuff for ipsilon tomorrow 15:55:21 <roshi> yeah 15:55:24 <adamw> alrighty then, time for a quick: 15:55:26 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:55:30 * roshi needs to write a Magazine post 15:55:34 <roshi> so 15:55:39 <adamw> anyone got anything I didn't cover, before we get to blocker review? 15:55:47 <roshi> I did send out a blocker review announce 15:55:56 <roshi> but I guess I sent it with a 2015-03-90 date 15:56:00 <adamw> oops. 15:56:02 <roshi> so it never made it to the list 15:56:09 <roshi> and I went to sleep right after hitting send 15:57:48 <roshi> so, announcing it now: We are having a blocker review today, in a couple minutes in #fedora-blocker-review 15:57:54 <roshi> new bat time, same bat channel 15:58:38 <roshi> right now we have 3/1 proposals for beta and final 15:59:12 <adamw> alrighty, sounds like we don't have anything else for QA meeting, let's head on over to #fedora-blocker-review :) 15:59:15 <adamw> thanks for coming folks! 15:59:20 <adamw> #endmeeting