15:00:55 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:00:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 20 15:00:55 2015 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:03 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:01:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:01:07 <adamw> #topic Roll call 15:01:10 * tflink is here 15:01:10 <adamw> ahoyhoy folks 15:01:12 * lbrabec is lurking 15:01:18 * garretraziel is here 15:01:26 * satellit listening 15:02:08 <adamw> #chair satellit garretraziel 15:02:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw garretraziel satellit 15:02:28 * brunowolff is here 15:02:29 <adamw> everyone have a good weekend? 15:03:32 <danofsatx> mmph 15:03:37 * satellit did some testing... 15:03:47 * pschindl is here 15:03:47 <adamw> satellit: you've gotta take a break sometime, man :) 15:03:49 <brunowolff> Well I had to deal with dnf-langpacks breaking. 15:04:35 <brunowolff> It didn't take too long to figure out. 15:04:35 <adamw> jeez, am I the only one who did the most important thing: going out drinking? 15:04:58 * kparal is here 15:05:02 <garretraziel> it was too hot in Brno to do basically anything 15:05:09 <adamw> EXCEPT DRINKING 15:05:32 <danofsatx> I had a beer or 10.... 15:05:38 <adamw> whew, good job that man 15:05:48 <garretraziel> I went with sangria and few mojitos 15:05:55 <garretraziel> if that matters :-) 15:05:56 <adamw> i'd hate to feel i was alone in the gutter 15:06:07 <adamw> aaaaaallrighty 15:06:10 <tflink> I made ice cream 15:06:16 <danofsatx> and the wife came up with some concotion yesterday that she claimed was a watermelon margarita. 15:06:16 <tflink> not quite drinking, though :) 15:06:20 <adamw> tflink: did it have alcohol in it? 15:06:26 <danofsatx> It had tequila in it, I didn't care ;) 15:06:35 <tflink> adamw: not unless you count the vanilla extract 15:06:55 <adamw> danofsatx: I believe 'had tequila in it' is the sole official requirement for margarita status, indeed 15:07:18 <adamw> my personal favorite being the tequila margarita 15:07:38 <adamw> i find the tequila really brings out the tequila... 15:07:46 <danofsatx> yes, that it does. 15:07:51 <tflink> who'da thunk? 15:08:29 <adamw> so I don't really have a lot for the schedule this week (can you guess?!), but figured since we're late for f23 alpha tcs it'd be good to make sure everyone's up to speed 15:08:32 <adamw> #topic Fedora 23 status 15:08:58 <adamw> so with all the fixes and nightly testing last week (thanks folks), the actual bits we have right now are good enough for a tc1, it looks like 15:09:24 <adamw> unfortunately releng is blocked on a mock bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1208092 15:09:39 * satellit look at this https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1244431#c2 15:09:41 <adamw> dgilmore tells me we can't do a compose the way we intended for 23 until that's dealt with 15:10:02 <adamw> satellit: sure, that's a good tc1 bug :P 15:10:26 <adamw> #info Alpha TC1 compose is currently blocked by https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1208092 15:11:09 <adamw> so my thinking is we can wait a day or two more for that, then we need to start looking at options; dgilmore says it may be possible to basically go back to the 22 compose process for alpha 15:11:36 <adamw> for now we can keep testing the 07-17 nightly and finding bugs (like satellit did) 15:11:41 <adamw> does that seem OK? 15:12:20 * kparal nods 15:12:48 <dgilmore> what adamw said :) 15:12:52 <satellit> also boot.iso does not login after install 15:13:01 <adamw> we definitely should aim to get as much testing done with 07-17 as we can - pretty much pretend it's a TC and get through all the tests that are possible 15:13:05 <adamw> satellit: yeah, that's known 15:13:09 <satellit> k 15:13:42 <adamw> satellit: we should get a lorax build that fixes it soon 15:13:55 <adamw> for now, after installing, you'll want to trigger a full system relabel, or boot with enforcing disabled 15:14:03 <satellit> k 15:14:14 <adamw> i'll send a mail to the list and update the 07-17 instructions, thanks for the reminder 15:14:32 <adamw> #action adamw to notify list about SELinux bug in 07-17 and update the 07-17 nightly instructions 15:14:44 <nirik> FYI, clark said he had a fix for the mock bug friday. 15:14:51 <nirik> just need to get a build to try with 15:14:54 <adamw> nirik: do you mean in the bug? 15:15:06 <adamw> nirik: to me the comment doesn't quite make it clear whether he's actually *done* the thing he said yet or not :) 15:15:13 <adamw> i didn't want to push too hard in the comments, though 15:15:15 <nirik> no, I talked to him on irc. 15:15:18 <adamw> ah, cool 15:15:32 * nirik looks at the bug again, perhaps I missed something 15:15:51 <adamw> nirik: that sounds like the latest info 15:16:32 <nirik> yeah, he was trying to get it's test suite to pass before pushing a build. 15:16:34 <adamw> OK, so that's basically what i've got - keep testing 07-17 and we'll try to get alpha tc1 done asap 15:16:37 <nirik> hopefully we will get something today 15:16:43 <adamw> tests, schmests! 15:17:20 <adamw> so does anyone have anything else to note about f23 - thoughts or bugs not currently being prioritized, etc? 15:18:35 <kparal> I wonder if there's going to be a blocker bug meeting today 15:19:18 * roshi is here - just late (work getting done on the house right now) 15:19:33 <brunowolff> There are issues with 4.2 kernels and i915 graphics. Hopefully rc3 will work OK again. 15:20:02 <adamw> brunowolff: is there a bug report tracking that? 15:20:09 <adamw> kparal: good question - roshi? 15:20:10 <randomuser`> yeah, I think I have that problem 15:20:33 <brunowolff> I'm not sure. It is being discussed on the kernel list. 15:21:12 <brunowolff> It's hard to describe the issue, other than redrawing sections doesn't work correctly some of the time. 15:21:15 * roshi is reading backscroll 15:21:40 <roshi> we've got 5/1/1 - so should probably have a meeting 15:21:50 <roshi> sorry, I didn't get the announcement sent on friday 15:21:58 <randomuser`> if I switch to a console TTY, it looks like the horizontal adjust is wrong and it scans wildly sideways 15:22:00 <brunowolff> It doesn't make my laptop unusable, but it is annoying. 15:22:19 * randomuser` starts prepping new analogies for when all the people that know about tube screens are gone 15:22:28 <adamw> heh 15:22:43 <adamw> 'it looks like that weird effect people apply to videos that's meant to look like an old-timey tv' 15:23:10 <randomuser`> I suppose you could get that from an LCD display on a digital oscilloscope 15:23:15 <adamw> i always wonder what The Kids think of videos that mimic analog film glitches 15:23:15 <brunowolff> There is a fix I think just missed rc2-git2 and might be in rc3 (unless I misread things). I will be testing it tonight. 15:23:37 <adamw> brunowolff: kk. if upstream's active on it i guess we don't need to track downstream too hard 15:23:47 <randomuser`> adamw, I think they say "retro" instead of "old timey" these days 15:23:56 <adamw> bodhi's not in effect yet so whenever we do tc1 it'll get the latest available kernel build 15:24:09 <adamw> randomuser: i see - old timey is kinda retro? 15:24:14 <adamw> :P 15:24:46 <brunowolff> I can make a bug if it is still broken for me tonight. There may be multiple bugs. 15:24:48 <randomuser`> nothing gets by you! 15:24:56 <adamw> #info known issues with intel graphics in current kernels, upstream is working on it 15:26:19 <adamw> guess that's about where we are 15:26:27 <adamw> so, let's do a quick Test Day update 15:26:30 <adamw> #topic Test Days 15:26:43 <adamw> roshi: how are we coming along? i noticed some movement on test day tickets last week 15:29:50 <tflink> adamw: he has a plumber at his house ATM, may be AFK 15:30:06 * adamw sends a description to the airport and closes the borders 15:30:18 <adamw> clearly i planned all this well 15:30:20 <roshi> I emailed people 15:30:40 <roshi> all the changes we identified last week have been checked up on 15:30:54 <adamw> looks like we have proposed test days for NetworkManager and Cinnamon, but none of the Changes (that i see) 15:30:58 <roshi> some of them might not happen for F23, but the changes that are on track will be filing tickets shortly 15:31:18 <adamw> cool. 15:31:32 <roshi> I'll be tracking them and probably get the tickets filed 15:31:33 * satellit_e off topic can we add cinnamon to test matrix? 15:31:35 <adamw> #info Change owners have been contacted and we expect tickets for Test Days shortly 15:31:57 <adamw> satellit: it's already in there 15:32:08 <adamw> satellit: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_23_Branched_20150717_Desktop , in the 'non-blocking' tables 15:32:10 <satellit_e> missed it 15:32:18 <adamw> np :) 15:32:33 <adamw> satellit: are you a regular cinnamon user? 15:32:38 <satellit_e> yes 15:32:38 <adamw> (or is anyone else here?) 15:32:45 <adamw> wondering if someone would like to help co-ordinate the cinnamon test day 15:33:19 <satellit_e> I am only a tester though....ask in #fedora-cinnamon? 15:34:11 <adamw> well, i meant from the QA side 15:34:21 <adamw> but if you'd rather stick to running the tests it's fine :) 15:35:16 <satellit_e> I will particiate in test day but cannot run it 15:37:24 <adamw> no probs 15:37:29 <adamw> alrighty, so that seems to be moving along 15:37:42 <adamw> I didn't really have anything else - anyone have anything else that deserves its own topic before we move to open floor? 15:39:43 <adamw> guess not then! 15:39:45 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:40:28 <adamw> guess I could note that we should have some of the openQA tests working again soon (I already got them going on openqa.happyassassin and so there are 'colada' results for 07-17) 15:40:42 <adamw> anyone have any other notes? 15:40:44 <garretraziel> adamw: great work! 15:40:50 * satellit_e saw them 15:40:50 <garretraziel> happy to see some tests passing again 15:40:59 <tflink> as a heads up, the blockerbugs url may be changing if I can get all these bits working together. if it does change, there will be redirects but don't be alarmed if it changes to apps.fp.o/blockerbugs 15:41:16 <adamw> garretraziel: my print screen key needs a rest :P 15:41:37 <adamw> #info tflink is moving infra around, blockerbugs URLs may change (but redirects will be in place) 15:41:45 <adamw> did I see something go by somewhere about the testdays app as well? 15:41:54 <tflink> working on getting that redeployed 15:42:02 * adamw waves flag 15:42:20 <tflink> still some questions on how exactly that's going to be done, though 15:43:08 <garretraziel> adamw: as with OpenQA, I am planning to merge develop into master tomorrow to have all the tests on our Boston machine up to date again 15:44:13 <adamw> garretraziel: cool 15:44:30 <adamw> i'll try and figure out the rest of the test failures this week; at least some of them actually do look like *actual fedora bugs* :) 15:44:43 <adamw> some of the others look a bit weird, like it clicks a button and nothing seems to happen, could be timing. 15:45:39 <adamw> alrighty, shall we wind up now and give people a bit of time before blocker review? 15:45:46 <roshi> works for me 15:46:54 <adamw> okely dokely 15:47:03 <adamw> thanks for coming, everyone! let's try and fill out the 07-17 matrix 15:47:20 <adamw> #endmeeting