15:00:11 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 14 15:00:11 2015 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:16 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00:20 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 15:00:22 <adamw> ahoyhoy folks 15:00:45 * roshi is here 15:00:48 * kparal is here 15:00:48 * lbrabec is lurking 15:00:52 * garretraziel is here 15:01:14 <shvr> is lurking 15:01:19 * satellit listening 15:01:31 * tflink is here 15:01:56 * pschindl is here 15:02:29 <adamw> wow, full house, huh 15:02:38 <adamw> can you hear me up in the cheap seats? 15:03:11 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:03:17 <adamw> (a.k.a. Adam's Walk Of Shame) 15:03:36 <adamw> #info "adamw to find slide deck from Flock 'exploratory testing' talk and post it to the list" - did have a quick look but couldn't find it yet, I'll try this one more time 15:03:46 <adamw> #action adamw to find slide deck from Flock 'exploratory testing' talk and post it to the list 15:04:33 <adamw> #info "adamw to suggest a new date for Cinnamon test day that would have collided with Cloud" - so we moved it to the following week but then no-one got around to organizing it. Current plan is to do it again when we've had time to prep the test day page 15:04:50 <adamw> #action adamw to set up Cinnamon Test Day asap 15:05:01 <adamw> I think that's the full list of things I'm terrible at, anyone got any more? :) 15:05:22 <garretraziel> none here 15:06:43 <adamw> moving swiftly on, then :) 15:06:54 <adamw> #topic Fedora 23 status 15:07:05 <adamw> so just to make sure everyone knows where we're at: 15:07:18 * danofsatx is here 15:07:37 <adamw> 23 Beta TC5 is in testing now. the Beta freeze was last tuesday. Go/No-Go is (panics) this Thursday. 15:07:43 <adamw> (where DOES the time go) 15:08:00 * satellitsoasTC5 soas now works and also as sugar-runner in cinnamon (here) 15:08:00 <roshi> away 15:08:05 <roshi> that's where the time goes 15:08:59 <adamw> looking at test case coverage, I'd say we're somewhat behind, several haven't been done since Alpha 15:09:28 <adamw> mainly installation and server tests 15:09:50 <adamw> #info test case coverage is somewhat behind, we need to pick up all the missing tests this week 15:10:05 <adamw> in case anyone doesn't know: https://www.happyassassin.net/testcase_stats/23 helps you see what tests have been run when 15:11:20 <adamw> things look fairly good when looking at the blocker list, only one accepted blocker not at least in MODIFIED, and I know KDE folks are looking at that one. we'll review the proposed blockers after this meeting 15:11:31 <adamw> however, we do have quite a few concerns about DNF upgrades, I think? 15:11:44 <adamw> kparal: you have some opinions i believe :) 15:13:13 <kparal> I do, but I don't think it needs to block Beta 15:13:24 <kparal> but I should file it and we should discuss it, I guess 15:13:43 <kparal> wwoods has been very silent in that github report, I was waiting for some feedback 15:13:47 <nirik> if nothing else could be a commonbugs... 15:13:53 <kparal> right 15:14:40 <kparal> the tldr summary is that when you have certain packages installed (e.g. vlc/ffmpeg from rpmfusion), a large portion of your system will not upgrade to f23 15:15:08 <kparal> the only way to fix it is to use dnf distro-sync --allowerasing, which probably people will not discover easily 15:15:21 <nirik> :( 15:15:23 <adamw> kparal: yeah, i think the lack of clear response from wwoods/dnf folks is worrying me a bit there 15:15:38 <kparal> of course once rpmfusion is updated, this will go away, but I suppose it might happen very easily with other third-party repos people have usually installed 15:15:40 <adamw> it seems like something that needs a definite response 15:15:45 <kparal> even coprs and such 15:16:06 <nirik> he may have just been away, etc... 15:16:13 <adamw> nirik: all of them? :) 15:16:31 <nirik> them? dnf maintainers? or ? 15:16:38 <adamw> nirik: wwoods plus the dnf maintainers 15:16:45 <adamw> since this is kinda split responsibility 15:16:57 <adamw> (aiui the system upgrade plugin is basically following dnf's defaults) 15:16:57 <nirik> right, but I think they said they wanted him to actually maintain things. But I should just shut up... ;) 15:17:51 <adamw> kparal: is it OK if we make you the point person for this? being aware of known major problems with the upgrade behaviour and making sure at least appropriate people have considered the issues and made definite decisions 15:18:21 <kparal> adamw: ok, I'll try to reach to relevant people 15:18:26 <adamw> thanks 15:18:38 <adamw> bring it back to a meeting/the list if it seems like you're stuck or terrible things are happening, of course 15:18:42 <adamw> you know...more than they usually do 15:18:56 <kparal> I don't know how potentially problematic this issue is, it didn't break my system... but the upgrades have a bad reputation as they were, I'd rather have it safer than not 15:19:40 <adamw> kparal: it seems pretty concerning to me, honestly. 15:19:54 <adamw> ok, anyone have other notes on 23 status? 15:20:01 <roshi> at the very least, it could lead to some really bad press 15:20:20 <adamw> #action kparal to ensure DNF upgrade issues are properly considered by relevant developers / committees / whatever 15:22:49 <adamw> no? alrighty then 15:23:01 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:23:08 <adamw> so in that case, anyone have any other notes on anything else at all? 15:23:18 <adamw> (you can tell this was a really tightly planned meeting, huh) 15:23:41 * adamw couldn't come up with anything else that needed discussing. it's almost like we know what we're doing or something. that, or we've all lost interest! 15:23:58 <adamw> oh, a question i guess - is bodhi 2 generally working out for folks so far? 15:24:15 * adamw has some quibbles with some UI decisions but mostly it seems to work 15:25:02 <kparal> has anyone tried fedora gooey karma yet? 15:25:16 <kparal> I saw that easy karma does not work yet 15:26:22 <adamw> no, but if easy-karma didn't get fixed yet i'd guess gooey-karma doesn't work 15:26:28 <adamw> we should really prioritize fixing at least easy-karma 15:26:36 <adamw> i kinda thought someone was working on that...no? 15:26:56 <kparal> I know tflink was a bit 15:27:24 <nirik> there's a bug and a patch 15:27:30 <nirik> I don't know why it's not pushed out yet... 15:27:42 <tflink> i think till is waiting on me - I got distracted 15:27:57 <adamw> it happens, no problems 15:28:01 <adamw> can i action you? 15:28:06 <nirik> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1255452 15:28:07 <tflink> sure 15:29:23 <adamw> #action tflink to finish up getting easy-karma fixed up for Bodhi 2 15:30:36 <adamw> satellit: sugar's more or less in OK shape with TC5, right? 15:32:26 <nirik> has anyone tested Xfce on arm? ;) 15:32:46 <pwhalen> nirik, I will be shortly 15:32:57 <nirik> cool. let me know if you run into any issues. 15:33:15 <pwhalen> will do. 15:33:22 <adamw> nirik: surprisingly enough....no. :P 15:33:26 <adamw> pwhalen: thanks 15:33:44 * nirik is just trying to avoid last minuteizms 15:33:54 <adamw> yeah, good call 15:34:13 <adamw> i like how in fedora, planning it three days before the go/no-go counts as conscientious forethought 15:34:14 <danofsatx> FWIW, Cinnamon is really working well. 15:34:20 <adamw> danofsatx: good to know! 15:34:29 <adamw> you mean the cinnamon live image or just using cinnamon in general? 15:34:45 <danofsatx> Installed from live, and using afterwords. 15:35:19 <adamw> cool. 15:35:41 <adamw> alrighty, sounds like we're about done here 15:36:10 <adamw> i'm gonna provisionally aim to have an RC done tomorrow, depending on the outcome of blocker review, which is coming up in 25 mins 15:36:33 <adamw> #action adamw to get new anaconda build from sbueno and get RC1 (or failing that TC6) built soon 15:37:06 * adamw sets quantum fuse 15:38:27 * roshi will get started on i386 tests after blocker review 15:39:44 <adamw> yeah, i'm gonna make today a testing day too, try and get through the missing validation tests. 15:39:59 <adamw> alrighty, thanks for coming folks! blocker review at the top of the hour in #fedora-blocker-review, shoudl be a short one 15:40:03 <adamw> #endmeeting