15:00:40 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:00:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 24 15:00:40 2016 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:00:43 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00:46 <adamw> #topic Roll call 15:00:54 * sumantro is here 15:00:54 * tflink is here 15:00:57 * tenk is here 15:00:57 <adamw> morning everyone, who's around for qa meeting times? 15:00:58 * a2batic is here 15:01:13 * coremodule is here. 15:01:19 * siddharthvipul1 is here 15:03:25 <adamw> hi hi 15:03:26 <adamw> good to see you all 15:03:30 <adamw> how's everyone doing? 15:03:46 <siddharthvipul1> Good to see you too Adam :) 15:03:57 <sumantro> \o hey adamw , I am doing good .. How are you doing? 15:04:20 <adamw> i'm just waiting for them to hook up the tanker truck full of coffee to my IV 15:04:25 <a2batic> adamw, hi :) 15:04:32 <coremodule> Doing well here! Morning adamw. 15:05:39 <adamw> allllrighty 15:05:42 <adamw> guess we'll get rolling 15:05:46 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:05:55 <adamw> AKA the part where adam finds out what he forgot to do last week 15:06:17 * garretraziel is glad that he did his #action :-) 15:07:27 <adamw> #info "sumantro to organize a test day for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/BetterSwitchableGraphicsSupport" - we're working on that, at https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/493 and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-10-26_BetterSwitchableGraphicsSupport , it will be 2016-10-26 (Wednesday); more details later I guess 15:07:49 <adamw> sumantro: we've got a test day status topic coming up, so we can talk more about it there if needed 15:08:01 <adamw> #info "garretraziel or adamw to file a phab ticket for looking into setting up openQA testing of the post-release live respins" 15:08:04 <adamw> grrr 15:08:05 <sumantro> yes sure admaw 15:08:05 <adamw> #undo 15:08:05 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by adamw at 15:08:01 : "garretraziel or adamw to file a phab ticket for looking into setting up openQA testing of the post-release live respins" 15:08:11 <adamw> "garretraziel or adamw to file a phab ticket for looking into setting up openQA testing of the post-release live respins" 15:08:16 <adamw> did you do that garret? i don't think i did 15:09:27 <garretraziel> i did that 15:09:28 <adamw> oh yes, he did 15:09:42 <adamw> #info "garretraziel or adamw to file a phab ticket for looking into setting up openQA testing of the post-release live respins" - garretraziel did that, https://phab.qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org/T852 15:09:51 <adamw> hopefully we'll find some time to actually do it =) 15:10:14 <garretraziel> :-) 15:10:25 <adamw> #info "adamw and kparal to update commonbugs for Beta" - kparal did that, thanks kparal 15:10:36 <Southern_Gentlem> **crosses fingers** 15:11:03 <adamw> that's all the action items from last week, does anyone have any other follow-up that we won't hit in later topics? 15:11:44 <coremodule> Heroes of Fedora 25 Alpha posts + F24 edits are submitted and "Pending Review" at the discretion of the CommOps team. 15:11:57 <adamw> coremodule: awesome, thanks for doing that 15:12:06 <coremodule> No problem! 15:12:20 <adamw> #info coremodule has edited the Heroes of Fedora blog posts for F24 and F25 Alpha to include nightly validation results, they're awaiting editorial review 15:12:27 <coremodule> *Heroes of Fedora 25 Beta, my bad. 15:12:45 <adamw> eh, close enough 15:14:06 <adamw> alrighty then, rolling along with the agenda 15:14:09 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 15:14:11 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 15:14:22 <linuxmodder> (late and twotiming mtgs with join atm 15:14:35 <adamw> hiya linuxmodder 15:14:49 <adamw> #topic Default install validation test change proposal 15:14:57 <adamw> so unfortunately kparal's not around, but never mind 15:15:16 <adamw> this is about the "Installation validation test change proposal: merge USB tests into 'default boot and install', add more environment columns" thread 15:16:10 <adamw> i was hoping to finish off work on that this week, so figured i'd throw it on the agenda...hoping to chat with kparal about his suggestions, but has anyone else been following along? got opinions? 15:16:37 <adamw> otherwise i'll probably aim to come up with a revised proposal incorporating kparal's thoughts this week 15:17:03 <sumantro> adamw the survery you told me about 15:17:10 <sumantro> I am on this and I can help 15:17:27 <adamw> sumantro: i think that's a different topic - that was the 'release validation NG' thing 15:17:41 <sumantro> Oh yes , my bad ! 15:17:42 <adamw> this is just about adjusting the default install test cases and wiki tables a bit 15:18:22 <sumantro> Okay ! 15:18:29 <adamw> sumantro: but since you mentioned it - we're waiting on design team mockups for that at present, and handsome_pirate volunteered to take a shot at writing the code for it 15:19:05 <sumantro> awesome! Is there any ticket which is raised for this? 15:19:14 <tenk> do we already know which language will be use? 15:21:14 * a2batic too want to volunteer for contributing 15:22:16 <adamw> tenk: most likely Python. 15:22:20 <adamw> most Fedora stuff is in Python. 15:22:41 <adamw> sumantro: not yet 15:22:57 <adamw> a2batic: awesome, we'll have to get you and handsome_pirate together 15:23:03 <tenk> yes that why i start self training on it (but to be sure that the good way) 15:23:21 <tenk> i have to catch handsome_pirate too 15:23:31 <a2batic> adamw, ^_^ 15:24:38 <adamw> sumantro: i'm thinking once we have the initial design mockups might be a good time to run some kind of user survey 15:24:59 <sumantro> yes sure , I stand at the ready ! 15:25:02 <linuxmodder> did anyone check WS live recently to check if the pci error I mentioned and saw at bsidesDC over weekend is regressed ? 15:25:11 <tenk> adamw: i want to pratice on actuall tools, do you have a list of improvement in mind that i can try to implement? 15:25:17 <linuxmodder> where it fails closed on a pci error on asus laptops 15:25:56 <adamw> sorry folks, can we stay on topic a bit? 15:26:30 <adamw> tenk: i don't, but if you ask on the qa-devel mailing list people probably will, especially for tools like blockerbugs and testdays (webapp) that we don't get as much time to work on as we'd like 15:27:00 <adamw> #action adamw to come up with revised version of installation validation test change proposal this week 15:27:11 <adamw> #topic Fedora 25 status 15:30:57 <adamw> so, just to remind folks of dates once again: Final freeze is 2016-11-01 (next Tuesday), go/no-go is 2016-11-10 15:31:19 <adamw> so we need to be aiming to run all the Final validation tests that haven't been run yet 15:31:23 * adamw brb, call of nature 15:35:27 * adamw back 15:35:54 <adamw> #info Final Freeze is 2016-11-01, Go/No-Go is 2016-11-10 15:36:23 <adamw> #info we need to be filling out Final validation tests at this point: as a reminder, you can use https://www.happyassassin.net/testcase_stats/25/ to see how often tests have been run and find ones that need running 15:37:39 <adamw> does anyone have any concerns about any Fedora 25 Changes (features) at this point? how are we feeling about the wayland experience overall? 15:38:11 <adamw> i'm pretty relaxed about it, i think, especially since the screenshot and mirroring bugs got fixed 15:38:20 <sumantro> Better Switchable Graphical is having wayland issues 15:38:34 <sumantro> and no one is working on them as the propose owner mentioned to me 15:38:51 <sgallagh> sumantro: http://hansdegoede.livejournal.com/16396.html 15:39:25 <adamw> hmmm 15:39:51 <sumantro> I have seen that already , we are having a test day coming up and as I was working on the test cases , I found the one with open source drivers to work weel 15:39:51 <adamw> does Fedora automatically fall back to X on hybrid systems, or does it just fail to boot properly? 15:39:54 <sgallagh> Probably we just want to make sure that F25 GNOME doesn't *try* to switch. 15:40:14 <sumantro> *Well but not for nvidea drivers 15:40:28 <sumantro> adamw it gives a black screen sometimes 15:40:52 <adamw> ok, so that does seem like a potential concern, since those laptops are pretty common these days 15:41:30 <adamw> #action adamw and sumantro to discuss state of Wayland with hybrid graphics systems with hansg, desktop team etc. to see if we need to worry about it for F25 release 15:41:43 <adamw> thanks for mentioning it 15:41:45 <sumantro> yes , I had a word with Hans as he told he that feature will be complete by the end of the year but not for f25 gold 15:42:49 <tenk> Does someone follow the case of live image with unsupported hardware for gnome wsayland? 15:43:54 <adamw> don't know if we've considered the live boot case specifically, but i know we are thinking about fallback in general 15:45:49 <adamw> alrighty, so it sounds like we're mostly just going through the regular process for 25, but we do have a few more things to clarify about wayland, i'll make sure to talk to the relevant folks 15:45:56 <adamw> any more F25 discussion before we move on? 15:49:53 <adamw> alrighty then 15:49:57 * adamw should stop multitaksing 15:50:00 <adamw> also learn to spell 15:50:10 <adamw> #topic Test Day status 15:50:23 <adamw> so as mentioned a couple of times, we have a switchable graphics Test Day coming up this week 15:50:33 <sumantro> As for single gpu with open source drivers , its working fine for x11 and wayland .. for hybrid gfx it working somewhat good with few minor bugs .. Although , the basic test ran fine . The third party nvidia needs a lot of manual configuration for wayland. Test cases for next test day have been written keeping in mind the open source drivers and not the theird party ones. 15:50:55 <adamw> #info Switchable Graphics Test Day is this Wednesday, 2016-10-26: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016-10-26_BetterSwitchableGraphicsSupport 15:51:05 <adamw> if you have a system with switchable graphics please do come out and help test 15:51:10 <sumantro> The community blog is under review and will be out in couple of hours , I will ping jflory7 for that once ! 15:51:26 <adamw> sumantro is working to complete the test day organization this week, i'll help where necessary 15:51:28 <adamw> awesome 15:51:44 <adamw> i'll do a personal blog about it, and we should send a mailing list announcement and social media etc. 15:52:01 <adamw> if folks can link to the announcements from their blogs/twitters/g+'s/whatever other social media the kids are using, that'd be great 15:52:06 <adamw> i think this is the last test day for f25, right? 15:52:44 <sumantro> can we have ore 15:52:47 <sumantro> more 15:52:58 <sumantro> I am ready for another one if time permits 15:54:00 <adamw> well, in theory we could, but it's a question of whether there's one we can run which could still benefit f25 15:54:20 <adamw> it's usually not much use to run a test day after freeze because we can't get any fixes in anyway 15:54:28 <adamw> was there a topic you were thinking of? 15:54:43 <sumantro> yes the ticket which is there for sometime 15:54:52 <sumantro> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/489 15:55:09 <tflink> there's a cloud test day today for atomic host 15:55:34 <adamw> hmm, yeah, we never did get to that one, did we? 15:55:38 <adamw> tflink: ooh, url? 15:55:42 <sumantro> no we didnt 15:55:55 <tflink> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Test_Day:2016_10_24_Cloud 15:56:01 <sgallagh> storaged is a fairly difficult test day to run, because the full suite of tests we'd want might be destructive. 15:56:03 <adamw> sumantro: well, we could try to wedge it in there, i guess 15:56:19 <adamw> tflink: bad tflink, use the clean link format :P 15:56:33 <adamw> #info Cloud team is running an Atomic Host Test Day today, please join in if you have time: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016_10_24_Cloud 15:56:34 <sumantro> yes adamw we surely can try 15:56:34 <tflink> what's the clean link format 15:56:35 <tflink> ? 15:56:37 <adamw> tflink: ^^^ 15:56:39 <tflink> oh 15:56:46 <adamw> i hate those index.php? links) 15:56:55 * tflink just clicked on what was in the email to the cloud SIG 15:57:02 <adamw> i'll blame them then :P 15:57:10 <adamw> #info we may try to run a storaged Test Day next week 15:57:16 <adamw> i guess that's all 15:57:24 <sumantro> yes!! :) 15:57:26 <adamw> so moving along quickly, since we have blocker review after this :) 15:57:28 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:57:35 <adamw> any other business? quickly? :P 15:58:22 <sumantro> nothing i can think of 16:00:39 <tflink> nothing from me 16:00:49 <adamw> alrighty, thanks for coming, everyone 16:00:56 <adamw> blocker review is starting up in #fedora-blocker-review RIGHT NOOOWWW 16:00:59 <adamw> so see you over there :) 16:01:16 <sumantro> Thanks adamw again :) 16:03:02 <adamw> #endmeeting