16:00:20 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 16:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 9 16:00:20 2017 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 16:00:27 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:00:30 <adamw> #topic Roll call 16:00:32 * roshi is here 16:00:35 * coremodule is here 16:00:36 * pschindl_ is here 16:00:38 * garretraziel is here 16:00:38 <adamw> morning everyone! who's around for qa funtimes? 16:01:10 * a2batic_ is here 16:01:22 * sumantro is here 16:01:43 * kparal is here 16:01:47 <adamw> nice to see you all 16:02:11 <adamw> how's the new year, for those who follow pope gregory? 16:02:38 <sumantro> adamw nice to see you too :) kparal o/ 16:03:37 <coremodule> Doing well! And you? 16:03:40 * adamw tries to remember how this thing works 16:03:48 <kparal> awesome. empty inbox, all tickets closed, no bugs, you know it 16:03:58 <adamw> who are you and what have you done with kparal 16:04:12 <adamw> security breach! security breach! intruder alert! 16:04:37 * kparal uses his beard to cover his evil laughter 16:04:55 <roshi> great. of course something like kparal's doppleganger shows up my first day back... 16:05:17 <adamw> ooh, hi roshi! welcome back! didn't even see you checking in 16:05:42 <adamw> hmm, very red hat-y crowd today, we've scared all the contributors away :P 16:05:52 <adamw> alrighty, let's get rolling i guess 16:05:55 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:05:58 <roshi> :D 16:06:20 * tflink is late 16:06:28 <adamw> #info "adamw to look into USB writing tool coverage in the validation matrices, draft something up" - yeah, I still didn't do that. i'll just move it to my personal todo list and stop boring you about it 16:06:32 <adamw> hi tflink 16:06:53 <adamw> #info "adamw to review the draft retrospective mail" - I reviewed it, I don't think sumantro sent it out yet? 16:07:17 <sumantro> I sent it. Its in the mailing list and you approved it already :) 16:09:00 <adamw> well, there's me starting the new year off on the right foot 16:09:08 <adamw> it's not in my list archive folder. strange. oh well! 16:09:16 <adamw> oh, and I forgot to throw some chairs around 16:09:20 <adamw> #info sumantro *did* send it out 16:09:26 <adamw> #chair roshi coremodule 16:09:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw coremodule roshi 16:09:44 <adamw> a2batic_: we have "a2batic to try and run some test migrations of trac into pagure" 16:09:52 * a2batic_ nods 16:09:53 <adamw> there's a full topic for this later, so can you just give us a quick note for now? 16:10:15 <a2batic_> yes 16:10:49 <a2batic_> the test repository has been setted up here -> https://stg.pagure.io/test-fedoraqa-2 16:11:17 <a2batic_> Roadmap contains all the milestone 16:11:25 <a2batic_> There are 5 levels of priority: 16:11:25 <a2batic_> Blocker 16:11:25 <a2batic_> Critical 16:11:25 <a2batic_> Major 16:11:25 <a2batic_> Minor 16:11:26 <a2batic_> Trivial 16:11:41 <a2batic_> The keywords, component and type are mentioned as TAGS 16:11:54 <adamw> awesome, thanks 16:12:19 <adamw> #info "a2batic to try and run some test migrations of trac into pagure" - a2batic has done this, there is a test repository at https://stg.pagure.io/test-fedoraqa-2 - further discussion later in this meeting 16:12:28 <adamw> that's all I got for followup, anything else? 16:13:07 <a2batic_> adamw, the release-ng project 16:13:24 <adamw> there's a topic coming up for that too 16:13:38 <a2batic_> Ok 16:14:18 <adamw> #topic Optical media test coverage discussion, redux 16:14:35 <adamw> so, kparal? Where do we stand on this? 16:15:14 <kparal> I concluded that we're not going to block on optical media for alpha/beta 16:15:25 <kparal> for Final we only block on Workstation Live/Everything netinst 16:15:39 <kparal> nobody argued against, which means everyone agrees 16:15:42 <roshi> that makes sense to me 16:16:03 <kparal> I'm going to send criteria adjustment proposals to test list this week (I actually wanted today, but...) 16:16:46 <kparal> I think we could track this information in this page https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/ReleaseBlocking/Fedora25 16:16:51 <kparal> (for F26) 16:17:10 <kparal> create a new column for optical media release blocking 16:17:21 <kparal> but that's an implementation detail 16:17:40 <adamw> sounds great 16:17:51 <adamw> so doesn't seem like any action needed, except for us to stand by to review the criteria draft? 16:17:57 <kparal> yep 16:18:29 <adamw> #info kparal is satisfied that the discussions have reached a consensus, and is working on a criterion draft, so we will stand by to review it 16:18:43 <adamw> #topic Trac -> Pagure migration status 16:18:55 <adamw> so, here's for a2batic :) 16:19:23 <adamw> #info as noted in previous meeting follow-up, a test Pagure instance is up at https://stg.pagure.io/test-fedoraqa-2 for people to check 16:19:41 <adamw> i must admit i haven't looked at it yet, sorry a2batic; I got distracted by python rebuilds. how's it looking? 16:20:24 <a2batic_> adamw, its looks good to me :) 16:20:24 <kparal> tags as categories, nice: https://stg.pagure.io/test-fedoraqa-2/issues?status=Open&tags=testday 16:20:39 <adamw> yay tags, we all love tags 16:21:09 <a2batic_> yes, I have updated some of the tickets #471, #472, #489, #491, #493, #494, #495, #496 for demo 16:21:56 <sumantro> all recently filed test day tickets has been moved ! yaay! 16:22:05 <adamw> it'd be nice if we could hide 'commits' and 'files' i guess 16:22:20 <adamw> not sure if pagure allows that 16:22:28 <adamw> i know you can hide 'pull requests' 16:22:40 <adamw> ideally we'd only have one tab, i guess :P 16:23:15 <a2batic_> ok, so we need only 'Issue' tab ? 16:24:53 <adamw> yeah 16:25:04 <adamw> but it's not super important, and it doesn't need to block the transition 16:25:28 <adamw> a2batic_: do you see any major problems so far? 16:25:45 <adamw> if not i guess we could give it till the end of this week for comments then go ahead and run the official migration next week? 16:26:19 <a2batic_> adamw, no problems till now 16:27:06 <adamw> great 16:27:20 <adamw> #info the test migration is looking pretty good, so we will aim to move ahead with official migration next week 16:27:25 <adamw> thanks for the work on this, a2batic! 16:27:52 <a2batic_> adamw, one thing, there are tickets in fedorahosted that are closed in different way, in pagure they can only be closed under 'invalid' 16:28:29 <adamw> ah, thanks for flagging that up... 16:29:03 <kparal> meaning there's only "resolved" and "invalid"? 16:29:34 <a2batic_> yes 16:30:17 <a2batic_> there are only two tags 'Fixed' and 'Invalid' 16:30:21 <kparal> ok, I think that's enough for us 16:30:31 <adamw> can we use 'fixed' for converted tickets? 16:31:02 <a2batic_> Converted tickets? 16:31:10 <kparal> from fedorahosted 16:32:08 <adamw> right 16:32:22 <adamw> you said 'they can only be closed under 'invalid'', but then kparal mentioned 'resolved' 16:32:33 <a2batic_> yes, the tickets that are closed under 'fixed' are taged as 'fixed' 16:32:39 <adamw> so i'm trying to clear up whether we can use both those statuses when converting issues 16:32:50 <adamw> ah, ok. then yeah, just having those two statuses is probably enough 16:33:15 <a2batic_> and tickets closed under any other tag are mentioned as 'invalid' 16:33:23 <a2batic_> ok 16:33:53 <a2batic_> example :- https://stg.pagure.io/test-fedoraqa-2/issue/470 https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/470 16:34:53 <adamw> i think that's OK 16:34:57 <adamw> except that the link doesn't work any more :P 16:35:04 <adamw> tflink: can we not have redirects from the old URLs? 16:35:27 <tflink> they were supposed to work 16:35:35 <tflink> but apparently they aren't 16:36:35 <adamw> next job :) 16:36:45 <adamw> alright, so this is looking fine, thanks again a2batic 16:36:51 <adamw> any other notes or shall we move on? 16:36:56 <a2batic_> Thanks adamw :) 16:37:15 <a2batic_> no more notes 16:38:26 <adamw> roger 16:38:33 <adamw> #topic Fedora 26 Test Day status 16:38:36 <sumantro> The test day satus is DNF 2.0 awaits F26 branching. The propose change maintainers are suggesting to run it after early f 26 branching. 16:38:46 <adamw> yikes, that was fast 16:38:55 <adamw> anything else? coremodule, any notes? 16:39:01 <sumantro> Fedora 26 BlivetGUI awaits code compelting dealine which is Fed 21 16:39:07 <sumantro> *feb 16:39:12 <sumantro> *deadline 16:39:28 <sumantro> adamw , I typed it beforehand :) 16:39:38 <coremodule> Nothing here, I like the idea of waiting for next week on the switch to pagure. 16:40:36 <adamw> alrighty, thanks sumantro 16:41:08 <adamw> #info DNF 2.0 Test Day is awaiting the branch point, blivet-gui Test Day is awaiting the code completion deadline - in general we will be able to move forward with events as the F26 schedule moves along 16:41:31 <adamw> #topic Fedora 25 Retrospective status 16:41:36 <adamw> so we haven't really got any retrospective feedback yet 16:41:40 <adamw> don't be shy, folks! fill it in! 16:42:00 <adamw> #info everyone please put thoughts about how the F25 cycle went in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_25_QA_Retrospective 16:42:19 <adamw> if we don't get any feedback it'll make sumantro's life easier, but it's nice to have some :) 16:44:04 <adamw> #topic Relval-ng status 16:44:38 <adamw> so, we got an update in the design ticket just before the holiday break: https://pagure.io/design/issue/483#comment-46427 16:44:47 <coremodule> Wow, totally missed that we had changed topics above ^^. 16:44:52 <adamw> i was kinda hoping to have some time to work on this over the break, but wound up doing python 3.6 rebuilds instead 16:44:57 <misc> genre /win 23 16:45:00 <misc> oups 16:45:03 <adamw> coremodule: d'oh =) did you have anything on test days? 16:45:53 <coremodule> Nothing here! I will get with sumantro closer to branch to work on planning/execution. 16:46:14 <coremodule> But I noticed my answer to your inquiry didn't quite fit... 16:46:54 <adamw> alright :) 16:47:25 <adamw> so on relval-ng, i guess the status is we need to start doing some work :) 16:47:54 <adamw> i think we have at least enough in the design mockups and planning so far to start working on some bits 16:48:52 * a2batic_ nods 16:49:40 <adamw> this meeting isn't really the place for detailed planning, so i guess let's do that elsewhere 16:50:09 <adamw> #info relval-ng status: we have updated mockups in the design ticket, and a vague idea of how we want to build the thing, so the next step is probably to set up a project and actually start working on the code 16:50:25 <adamw> (you can tell why no-one hires me to be a project manager, huh) 16:50:42 <kparal> :D 16:50:44 * adamw puts on project manager hat 16:50:49 <adamw> AGILE! AGILE! STAND-UP MEETING 16:50:52 <adamw> *ahem* sorry 16:52:03 <adamw> alright, and that gets us through the agenda, so there's time for a quick: 16:52:06 <adamw> #topic Open floor 16:52:18 <adamw> note we have blocker review (the first for f26) in #fedora-blocker-review in 8 minutes 16:53:01 <coremodule> Yayyy! 16:53:01 * kparal is not here and never was 16:53:26 <adamw> kparal: you should've paid more attention when i was nailing your feet to the floor earlier 16:54:16 <adamw> anything else for open floor, folks? 16:58:16 <roshi> I have nothing 16:59:12 <adamw> alright, welp, that's our time 16:59:14 <adamw> thanks for coming, everyone! 16:59:18 <adamw> and welcome back roshi! 16:59:34 <adamw> time for some blocker review over in #fedora-blocker-review 16:59:39 <adamw> see you there! 16:59:40 * adamw sets fuse 17:00:18 <a2batic_> Thanks adamw :) 17:00:31 <tflink> adamw: thanks for leading 17:01:10 <roshi> thanks, glad to be back! 17:02:05 <adamw> #endmeeting