15:00:20 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 2 15:00:20 2018 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:00:25 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00:28 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 15:00:31 <nathan95> hello 15:00:35 <adamw> morning folks, who's around for the qa meeting? 15:00:41 <lruzicka> .hello 15:00:41 <zodbot> lruzicka: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 15:00:55 * coremodule is here, good morning! 15:01:03 <adamw> .fire lruzicka improper use of bot 15:01:03 <zodbot> adamw fires lruzicka improper use of bot 15:01:12 <lruzicka> coremodule: Good evening :) 15:01:24 <lruzicka> adamw: How do I order the bot correctly? 15:01:38 <nathan95> Good evening 15:01:46 <lruzicka> adamw: I think my client is all set up correctly, but it still produces weird messages :) 15:03:38 <adamw> lruzicka: .hello (yourfasid) 15:03:49 <adamw> if your fas id is the same as your nick, i think you can use just '.hello2' (but not sure) 15:03:53 <adamw> how's everyone doing? 15:04:00 <lruzicka> .hello2 15:04:01 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'None' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 15:04:49 <lruzicka> Ha, I think there will a setting be needed in fas :) 15:05:26 <lruzicka> I am fine, btw. There is Easter Monday holiday in the Czech Republic. Spent the day visiting my family. 15:06:18 <adamw> man, i'm starting to think this whole 'easter' thing is just a setup for christians to get lots of holiday 15:06:21 <adamw> allllrighty 15:06:47 * sumantrom[m] is here 15:06:48 <adamw> let's get rolling! 15:06:49 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:06:51 <lruzicka> adamw: No Easter? People will find anything else to stay at home :) 15:07:13 <adamw> hehe 15:07:19 <adamw> "happy beer monday!" 15:07:45 <adamw> #info "adamw to file FESCo ticket detailing current state and potential risk to Beta schedule" - I did that, https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1862 - fesco picked it up, it's all closed business now 15:07:49 <nathan95> :) 15:08:40 <adamw> #info "adamw to ask fesco if they consider modularity as blocking Beta" - I also did that, we got a list of Beta requirements in the Change bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1537253#c6 , and tested them for Beta 15:08:51 <adamw> anyone got any other followup from last time? 15:08:56 <adamw> or notes on those topics? 15:09:21 <sgallagh> adamw: Could you also write a FESCo ticket to ask for any additional Final criteria? 15:09:39 <sgallagh> We should probably try to figure that out this week. 15:10:25 <sumantrom[m]> sgallagh adamw when can we have a test day around add on modularity? 15:10:49 <lruzicka> Are there any followups from FESCo where they would put a list of blockers? 15:10:57 <sgallagh> It's testable as of Beta, so whenever there's a free slot, I suppose 15:11:14 <adamw> sumantrom[m]: when do we have a slot for a test day? 15:11:19 <adamw> sgallagh: i'll ask in the bug 15:11:23 <sgallagh> Thanks 15:11:55 <adamw> lruzicka: we ended up nominating bugs that potentially broke the requirements through the normal nomination process 15:12:02 <adamw> no-one decided on that in advance, but it worked well enough 15:12:05 <adamw> i guess we could do the same for final 15:12:08 <nathan95> sgallagh: So what additional Final criteria do you think? 15:12:11 <sumantrom[m]> adamw: anytime after 2018-04-04 15:12:20 <adamw> sgallagh: there ya go 15:12:28 <lruzicka> adamw: I have not seen a resolution on that yet, though, did I overlook? 15:12:30 <adamw> do you and sumantro want to get together and file a ticket and plan it out? 15:12:31 <sumantrom[m]> Maybe 10th if sgallagh is okay with it? 15:12:40 <adamw> lruzicka: resolution on what? 15:12:58 <sgallagh> sumantrom[m]: Apr 10th should work fine 15:13:02 <lruzicka> adamw: On whether they accepted our proposals as final blockers or not 15:13:08 <sumantrom[m]> I am game :) 15:13:31 <sgallagh> nathan95: I'll get back to you once FESCo has discussed it. 15:13:35 <lruzicka> sumantrom[m]: Are you talking about the modularity test day? I am in. 15:13:41 <adamw> lruzicka: oh, we didn't decide if that one that got rejected as beta blocker is final blocker yet, i don't think. we can talk about it in today's blocker review 15:13:52 <sgallagh> nathan95: I suspect we want to figure out how to make sure that Modularity makes a nice splash and doesn't sink :) 15:13:52 <sumantrom[m]> sgallagh: April 10th it is! 15:13:57 <lruzicka> adamw: Ok. We can. 15:14:58 <sumantrom[m]> lruzicka: I will give you a heads-up when I am setting test day bits :) 15:15:07 <adamw> #action sgallagh and sumantrom to schedule and organize Modularity test day 15:15:11 <nathan95> sgallagh: ok 15:15:58 <lruzicka> sumantrom[m]: Ok, let me know if you need a helping hand :) 15:16:46 <adamw> alrighty! moving along 15:16:48 <adamw> #topic Fedora 28 status 15:16:57 <adamw> so, this is just a general catch-all topic really 15:16:58 <sumantrom[m]> adamw: copied :) 15:17:07 <adamw> #info Beta RC3 (Beta-1.3) was accepted as Beta, will be released tomorrow 15:17:10 <sumantrom[m]> lruzicka: sure :) 15:17:33 <adamw> #info Final freeze is 2018-04-17 15:17:54 <adamw> #info Final go/no-go is 2018-04-26 15:18:02 <adamw> so, that's the schedule we're working with. 15:18:22 <adamw> we also need to get Beta common bugs done, I'll look at that today. 15:18:27 <nathan95> adamw: Yes I knew that version 1.3 was Accetata and will be released tomorrow 15:18:31 <adamw> #action adamw to update Common Bugs for Beta 15:19:44 <adamw> I think we're in decent shape in general for F28, we just need to stick to the program...anyone have any particular thoughts/notes/questions on f28 status or the schedule? 15:20:12 <nathan95> no 15:20:45 <lruzicka> What is the procedure exactly? Are we still accepting blocker bugs and freeze exceptions suggestions? 15:20:50 <sumantrom[m]> Nothing from my side 15:21:02 <lruzicka> or do we just work what we have now: 15:21:03 <lruzicka> ? 15:21:11 <sumantrom[m]> lruzicka: yes this time for final 15:21:30 <adamw> lruzicka: yup, you can propose final blockers and fes 15:21:39 <lruzicka> so we can still find plenty of blockers that we have not found yet, right? 15:21:45 <adamw> indeed, such fun 15:21:54 <lruzicka> cleared for me :) 15:22:08 <srkraken> .fas srkraken 15:22:09 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 15:22:38 <sumantrom[m]> For each milestone we have some release criteria and when that fails we nominate those bugs as blockers for that-milestone in case for beta then beta blockers.. for final , final blockers 15:23:08 <sumantrom[m]> lruzicka: anything that breaks criteria is a blocker, so we can many many of them 15:23:13 <lruzicka> sumantrom[m]: I get it :) 15:23:34 <adamw> also, of course, anything that breaks Basic or Beta criteria that we missed in Beta, or that appears after Beta release, is also a Final blocker. 15:24:26 <adamw> #topic Test Day status 15:24:36 <adamw> sumantrom[m]: over to you :) 15:25:39 <nathan95> Clear but currently version 1.3 meets the criteria. That's better. :) 15:27:04 <sumantrom[m]> Well.. gnome test day went well 15:27:24 <sumantrom[m]> Tcp wrappers went well too 15:27:37 <sumantrom[m]> We have rust coming up day after 15:27:52 <sumantrom[m]> We will have modularity planned for 10th 15:27:58 <sumantrom[m]> Then cloud test day 15:28:34 <adamw> sumantrom[m]: rust test day on 2018-04-04, right? 15:28:37 <sumantrom[m]> We have had a lot of new people joining, onboarding calls are required.. I wish to propose on right now 15:28:45 <adamw> yup, sounds like a good idea 15:28:58 <sumantrom[m]> Yes Adamw 15:29:11 <adamw> #info Rust Test Day will be in two days (2018-04-04), Modularity is pencilled in for 2018-04-10 15:29:20 <adamw> #action sumantrom to schedule an onboarding call soon 15:29:38 <sumantrom[m]> I will open a ticket and keep tracking :) 15:29:46 <adamw> an 'onboarding call' is a video chat for new group members to get together and get some help on getting started with things, btw 15:29:52 <adamw> sumantro runs them every so often 15:30:32 <coremodule> Glad to help with the on boarding call sumantrom[m] 15:31:41 <adamw> #topic Criteria proposals 15:31:43 <sumantrom[m]> coremodule: yaay! 15:32:15 <adamw> welp, i was hoping by now we'd have a proposal for the image size thing 15:32:21 <adamw> and we're missing quite a few folks this week 15:32:27 <adamw> so i'm gonna suggest we mostly table this for next time 15:32:30 <adamw> i'll just include a note: 15:32:52 <adamw> #info there's a proposal for covering Server roles in the upgrade criteria that was sent to the list recently, please comment if you have any thoughts 15:33:11 <adamw> #info a proposal for adjusting the image size criterion is expected soon, we will discuss this next time most likely 15:33:16 <adamw> any thoughts on those topics? 15:33:50 <sumantrom[m]> Nothing from my side 15:34:12 <nathan95> Nothing 15:34:17 <nathan95> from me 15:34:24 <adamw> allllrighty 15:34:29 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:34:29 <lruzicka> Nothing, if we postpone the image size discussion 15:34:37 <adamw> welp, that's all i had, so let's give everyone back a bit of their day :P 15:34:51 <adamw> any other thoughts / notes / questions / complaints / grand unified theories? 15:35:49 <nathan95> no 15:36:04 * lruzicka does not 15:36:06 <adamw> blocker review meeting will be at the top of the hour in #fedora-blocker-review 15:36:10 <adamw> i will be taking attendance, and there will be a test 15:36:12 <adamw> :P 15:36:17 <lruzicka> :) 15:36:21 <sumantrom[m]> FreeIPA test day! 15:36:36 <sumantrom[m]> And when is a good time for upgrade test day as well? 15:37:02 <lruzicka> sumantrom[m]: Definitely before the final dead line :) 15:37:25 <adamw> sumantrom[m]: i'd say as soon as possible on both fronts 15:37:29 <adamw> earlier is generally better for test days 15:37:33 <adamw> freeipa is certainly in testable shape now 15:38:07 * satellit fyi cinnamon works after dnf update... 15:38:23 <sumantrom[m]> Adamw we are gonna target server f27 to f28 too right ? 15:38:32 <adamw> how do you mean? for upgrades? 15:38:45 <satellit> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1561304 15:39:01 <sumantrom[m]> Yes for upgrades 15:39:46 <adamw> ah, yeah. we already test that in fact. we just didn't have criteria. 15:40:55 <sumantrom[m]> Yes cz last time upgrade was not possible and it was not blocking.. 15:41:40 <lruzicka> sumantrom[m]: For server? Or for Workstation, too? 15:42:13 <lruzicka> I think that if you cannot upgrade, it should be a blocker. 15:42:33 <adamw> yeah, i'm not sure what you're referring to there? 15:42:42 <adamw> there was a bug with freeipa server upgrade, but it was workaroundable, iirc 15:42:52 <sumantrom[m]> For server cz last time we moved from traditional to modular 15:43:15 <adamw> ah, at beta time? right. 15:43:31 <adamw> i'd forgotten that discussion. but yeah, that was 'special', as in, we were making it up as we went along. :P 15:44:31 <sumantrom[m]> Adamw :) 15:44:57 <adamw> alrighty then, i guess we're done here - see you all in 15 mins in #fedora-blocker-review 15:45:02 <adamw> thanks for coming, everyone! 15:45:31 <coremodule> Thanks for hosting adamw 15:46:42 <adamw> #endmeeting