16:00:41 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 16:00:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 4 16:00:41 2019 UTC. 16:00:41 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:41 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 16:00:44 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:00:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:00:48 <adamw> #topic Roll call 16:00:52 <frantisekz> .hello2 16:00:54 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 16:00:54 <adamw> morning folks! how's everyone doing? 16:01:16 <frantisekz> pretty fine... everybody idling and waiting for new compose :'( :D 16:01:18 * sumantro is here! 16:01:21 * kalev has a quick topic. 16:01:23 <lruzicka> .hello2 16:01:24 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 16:01:27 <kalev> .hello2 16:01:28 <contyk> .hello psabata 16:01:28 <zodbot> kalev: kalev 'Kalev Lember' <klember@redhat.com> 16:01:31 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 16:01:33 * kparal is here 16:02:19 * satellit listening 16:02:40 <alciregi> .hello2 16:02:42 <zodbot> alciregi: alciregi 'Alessio Ciregia' <alciregi@gmail.com> 16:02:56 <tflink> .hello2 16:02:57 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 16:03:18 <adamw> kalev: what's the topic? 16:03:44 <coremodule> .hello2 16:03:44 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com> 16:03:46 <kalev> adamw: GNOME 3.31.92 release and the upcoming freeze and FE 16:03:54 <adamw> rgr, i'll get it in there 16:04:03 <bcotton> .hello2 16:04:04 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 16:04:04 <kalev> thanks :) 16:07:16 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:08:01 <adamw> "cmurf to ask docs team to make sure F30 docs talk about effect of LUKS2 encryption on using older releases' rescue mode on F30 installs" 16:10:13 <adamw> i pinged cmurf on #fedora-qa but he may not be around 16:11:06 <adamw> i think the followup to this wound up being 'there's not a whole lot to document', let me see if i can quickly dig out some mails... 16:11:26 <adamw> oh, i found his email to docs team 16:11:51 <adamw> #info "cmurf to ask docs team to make sure F30 docs talk about effect of LUKS2 encryption on using older releases' rescue mode on F30 installs" - cmurf did mail the docs team about this, https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/docs@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/XNGNIUM4YABEP2R5TPM4R2TVO6JYGTOA/ 16:12:21 <adamw> we also have "frantisekz to check if F28/F29 support mounting and interacting with LUKS2 created by F30 installation" 16:12:31 <adamw> frantisekz? 16:13:13 <frantisekz> somebody else tested that, I think cmurf 16:13:20 <frantisekz> let me check mailing list 16:13:34 <adamw> iirc the answer was that it does? 16:14:00 <frantisekz> "From my perspective so far, this change is transparent to the user, 16:14:00 <frantisekz> until they go back to Fedora 27 or older. Anaconda-rescue gives no 16:14:00 <frantisekz> error, just keeps asking for the crypto passphrase; whereas 16:14:00 <frantisekz> 'cryptsetup open' reports "Unsupported LUKS version 2"." 16:14:10 <frantisekz> so, works on F28 and F29 16:15:40 <adamw> rgr 16:16:08 <adamw> #info "frantisekz to check if F28/F29 support mounting and interacting with LUKS2 created by F30 installation" - cmurf checked this before frantisekz could, and the answer is 'yes they do' 16:16:33 <adamw> #topic Fedora 30 status 16:17:07 * jlanda is semi lurking around 16:17:43 <satellit> do we need a FE for mate installer with black text on dark blue background? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1684808 16:19:03 * satellit c#7 16:21:00 <adamw> yeah, seems like a reasonable FE 16:21:08 <adamw> probably something to do with mate theming? 16:21:10 <satellit> k 16:21:16 <adamw> oh, yeah, no, it's anaconda. heh 16:22:14 <adamw> so, mass rebuild has happened, we had some issues with composes but we've had at least a couple of branched composes 16:22:31 <adamw> most recent one is 20190301.n.0, it is more or less working 16:22:39 <adamw> oh, and branching happened, of course :) 16:22:57 <adamw> the most active problem area right now seems to be upgrade bugs 16:23:13 <adamw> there are two out-and-out upgrade process bugs (the modularity platform ID and the 'getting stuck at the end' bug) 16:23:28 <adamw> and then there are an awful lot of cases of python2 packages being retired but not properly obsoleted 16:29:47 <adamw> #info since last meeting, mass rebuild and branching have happened, and we have had a few composes 16:29:53 <adamw> #info we are still having issues with composes quite often 16:30:20 <adamw> #info recent composes are basically functional, but there are some significant outstanding upgrade bugs along with other miscellaneous blockers 16:32:10 <adamw> #info Beta freeze and Bodhi activation point are scheduled in 7.5 hours time 16:32:50 <jlanda> I read today some winning around lack of silverblue tag for f30, dunno if it's related to composes or are built on some other way 16:32:56 <adamw> Beta release 'preferred target' is 2019-03-26, so we're really coming up on that. we should definitely start looking for gaps in validation test coverage and making sure everything's done 16:33:13 <adamw> not sure what's meant by 'silverblue tag' in this context? 16:33:43 <adamw> there was a Silverblue installer image in the 20190301 compose, which suggests all the silverblue bits are getting built 16:34:46 <lruzicka> talking about validation tests, I would like to throw a topic to discussion or to explanation about modules. 16:35:20 <adamw> we've got a bit of a crowded agenda today, i'll try to fit it in somewhere... 16:35:26 <adamw> for now, any more notes on f30 status? 16:36:06 <jlanda> uprading is a pain :D 16:36:06 <adamw> #info Beta release dates are now coming up quite soon, we should ensure that validation testing coverage is good for the nominated composes 16:36:41 <adamw> jlanda: for silverblue? i mean, i thought the idea is you just rebase to a f30 system image...which is supposed to be a 'change a number and reboot' kinda thing... 16:37:07 <jlanda> no, for normal one, mainly due to already talked modules and python2 stuff 16:38:08 <adamw> ah, right, yeah. 16:38:23 <adamw> i'll definitely do what i can to make sure as much python stuff gets fixed as possible.. 16:39:21 <adamw> ok, moving on quickly... 16:39:22 <adamw> #topic Fedora 31 Change review: Python 3.8 16:39:40 <adamw> we were asked to review this proposed Change for F31 - https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/582 16:39:58 <adamw> i don't really see any issues, of course landing it ASAP is good so we can catch whatever inevitable bugs it surfaces 16:40:07 <adamw> anyone have specific concerns about it? 16:41:04 <kparal> it's a bit weird that the final version will appear only after F31 Final freeze, and we still put it in 16:41:27 <jlanda> I readrd the changelog and there is no anything too big on py3.8, the problem is the timing :S 16:41:54 <kparal> well it's still a bit worrying. but I'm not against it 16:42:09 <bcotton> fwiw, the feature freeze is pretty far in advance of our release 16:42:30 <adamw> oh, hm, i actually missed that wrinkle :P 16:42:41 <adamw> still, python's release process *is* pretty conservative 16:42:46 <bcotton> from a schedule perspective, it looks reasonable to me if upstream hits their marks 16:42:49 <kparal> adamw: see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python3.8#Important_dates_and_plan 16:43:08 <adamw> yeah, i see it now 16:43:14 <adamw> i think i misread it a bit at first... 16:43:26 <adamw> the Change does say "So we are proposing this early, in the case the Fedora schedule might need to be adjusted." 16:43:53 <adamw> should we at least ask that the fedora schedule be bumped a week at this point so we expect python 3.8.0 to land before f31 final freeze? 16:44:24 <adamw> or suggest it, at least? 16:44:32 <bcotton> my problem with that is that any slip means we start tripping over holidays and stuff for elections and other post-release activity 16:45:22 <bcotton> but i don't have a historical sense of how much we should trust the python upstream to 1. stick to their schedule and 2. actually freeze when they say freeze 16:46:27 <adamw> my impression is they're pretty good on that 16:46:36 <adamw> maybe we can just note it as an area of concern, for now 16:46:44 <adamw> kalev-afk: i was gonna do your topic after this :) 16:46:52 <kalev-afk> I have 2 minutes :) 16:47:00 <adamw> ok, let me juggle quick 16:47:05 <adamw> #info will circle back to this in a second 16:47:23 <adamw> #topic GNOME 3.31.92 released and the Fedora 30 schedule 16:47:25 <kalev-afk> right! so GNOME 3.31.92 release is this week 16:47:27 <adamw> kalev, go! :) 16:47:31 <adamw> roger 16:47:33 <kalev-afk> I just sent a heads up to the devel list about that 16:47:44 <kalev-afk> and it's also the F30 Beta freeze tonight 16:47:45 <adamw> so this is the usual go-round with our schedule not quite lining up with GNOME's? 16:47:49 <kalev-afk> yep 16:48:08 <kalev-afk> last time this came up, fesco asked me to note the schedule things and what FE's we'd like to request in the Change planning 16:48:35 <kalev-afk> so I did that a while back, FYI: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/GNOME3.32#Detailed_Description 16:48:51 <kalev-afk> (the change page doesn't have much more content than the schedule discussion) 16:49:27 <kalev-afk> 3.31.92 is the second 3.32.0 Beta release and GNOME 3.32 enters hard code freeze after that, with only critical bugs fixes going in 16:50:02 <kalev-afk> so it should be perfect for F30 Beta -- we'll be able to line up the upstream freeze with the F30 freeze if we take 3.31.92 into F30 Beta 16:50:34 <adamw> so practically speaking - you want us to get 3.31.92 into F30 Beta? 16:50:35 <kalev-afk> I'm preparing the builds in the f30-gnome side tag and trying to make sure things look ok before submitting to bodhi 16:50:37 <kalev-afk> yeah 16:50:53 <adamw> okay. thanks for the heads-up 16:50:54 <kalev-afk> anyway, really have to go now :) sorry! 16:50:58 <adamw> please file an FE 16:51:00 <kalev-afk> thanks for the attention 16:51:01 <kalev-afk> will do 16:51:09 <jlanda> I have two proposal for FE along gnome 3.32 related to the move from 'System' to 'Utilities', but i missspelled the first proposal (adamw read my pm please) I'm out with a horrible networking 16:51:27 <adamw> #info kalev lets us know the GNOME 3.31.92 release is this week, shortly after Beta freeze, and desktop team will be requesting a Beta FE for it. this is noted, we will review the FE as usual 16:51:41 <jlanda> and the other one has been closed but has not landed f30 yet 16:51:50 <jlanda> Anyway, Final FE, not beta 16:51:53 <adamw> jlanda: will do 16:52:00 <adamw> #topic Fedora 31 Change review: Python 3.8 16:52:03 <adamw> back to the python change... 16:52:32 <adamw> proposed #agreed QA is generally OK with this Change in principle, we are somewhat concerned at the timing and would be happiest if the Python 3.8 release winds up happening *before* the Fedora 31 Final freeze 16:52:34 <adamw> how does that sound? 16:52:51 <sumantro> good 16:52:59 <jlanda> +1 16:53:09 <kparal> ok 16:53:29 <lruzicka> ok 16:53:35 <lruzicka> and frantisekz says +1, too 16:54:21 <Southern_Gentlem> +1 16:54:26 <tflink> +1 16:55:27 <coremodule> +1 16:55:36 <adamw> #agreed QA is generally OK with this Change in principle, we are somewhat concerned at the timing and would be happiest if the Python 3.8 release winds up happening *before* the Fedora 31 Final freeze 16:55:45 <adamw> #topic Fedora 31 Change review: Rawhide package gating 16:55:53 <adamw> so, this is https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/GatingRawhideSinglePackageUpdates 16:56:03 <adamw> and, hum, we're running short on time, but I at least wanted to bring it up 16:58:21 * kparal will study it, hasn't read it yet 16:58:36 <adamw> ok, so, we're out of time and blocker review is up next 16:58:49 <adamw> #info that's our time, folks, blocker review in #fedora-blocker-review in a minute 16:58:57 <adamw> we can meet again and finish the agenda next week 16:59:02 <jlanda> Sound great, and yeah, there should be a qa contact for the system if it's going to launch qa team managed tests 16:59:08 <adamw> i dunno why we seem to have no topics for a couple of weeks and then lots all at once :) 16:59:21 <tflink> beta freeze 16:59:23 <adamw> #info we will meet again next week to finish the agenda 16:59:28 <adamw> tflink: ? 16:59:38 <adamw> #info that includes finishing discussion of this Change 16:59:39 <tflink> things come up because it's almost beta freeze 16:59:40 <adamw> #topic Open floor 16:59:42 <adamw> ah, i see 16:59:47 <adamw> any particularly urgent business that can't wait? 16:59:53 <kparal> nope 17:00:13 <lruzicka> no, not that pushy 17:01:44 <sumantro> nothing from my side 17:02:30 <adamw> alrighty, thanks folks! 17:02:34 <adamw> see you over in #fedora-blocker-review 17:02:36 <adamw> #endmeeting