15:02:45 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 15:02:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 24 15:02:45 2020 UTC. 15:02:45 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:02:45 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:02:49 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:02:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:02:53 <adamw> #topic Roll call 15:03:35 * kparal knocks 15:03:46 <bcotton> .hello2 15:03:47 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 15:03:49 <cmurf> .hello chrismurphy 15:03:53 <zodbot> cmurf: chrismurphy 'Chris Murphy' <bugzilla@colorremedies.com> 15:04:12 <adamw> who's around for qa fun 15:05:40 * sumantro is here 15:06:29 <adamw> ahoy to the oy 15:06:35 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:06:56 <lruzicka> .hello2 15:06:57 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 15:07:12 <adamw> #info no action items from last week 15:07:14 <adamw> any other followup? 15:07:20 <adamw> bearing in mind we'll do f33 status again next 15:08:11 <frantisekz> .hello2 15:08:12 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 15:09:05 * tflink shows up late 15:09:58 <cmurf> tflink: means you're right on time 15:10:08 <adamw> okey dokey 15:10:11 <adamw> #topic Fedora 33 status 15:10:56 <adamw> so, let's see, we still need a KDE package update to get the new f33 backgrounds in KDE 15:11:15 <adamw> freeipa is better now, though kickstart enrolment isn't working, i need to look into that 15:11:36 <adamw> freeipa upgrade also seems to be broken 15:12:01 <adamw> we have several images over their max sizes which need working on 15:12:19 <adamw> i know sgallagh is looking at netinsts, desktop team seems to be looking at workstation as the size is coming down 15:12:35 <kparal> xorg seems completely broken. We'll discuss that during our blocker review. 15:12:42 <sgallagh> Yeah, I'm looking into things right now 15:12:50 <kparal> well, xorg in gnome, to be exact. And gnome apps. 15:13:39 <cmurf> yeah not sure how xorg suddenly cracked 15:13:50 <cmurf> but i've experienced it 15:15:11 <adamw> fun! 15:15:21 <adamw> #info KDE does not have F33 backgrounds yet 15:15:29 <adamw> #info FreeIPA is no longer entirely broken but still has a couple of bugs 15:15:49 <adamw> #info Everything and Server netinsts and Workstation live are over max sizes, sgallagh and the desktop team are looking into those 15:15:57 <adamw> #info Xorg in GNOME seems to be broken 15:16:07 <adamw> but you know, apart from that everything's great ;) 15:16:13 <lruzicka> :D 15:17:14 <sumantro> :D 15:17:15 * cmurf realizes there aren't many songs about fires 15:17:41 <tflink> there are a few, though 15:17:45 <adamw> someone needs to set this is fine to music 15:17:52 <cmurf> let's insert one here ^ 15:17:57 <tflink> we didn't start the fire, ring of fire, lake of fire 15:18:00 <adamw> the roof 15:18:01 <adamw> the roof 15:18:03 <adamw> the roof is on fire 15:18:20 <tflink> we don't need no water ... 15:18:40 <adamw> this wheel's on fire 15:18:44 <adamw> tflink: probably best stop there :P 15:18:45 <cmurf> i'm not sure water on our computers is an improvement over fire 15:19:29 <bcotton> "fight fire with fire" by Kansas 15:19:30 <tflink> adamw: yep, hence the ellipsis 15:19:44 <adamw> oh man, we're gonna be here all day aren't we 15:19:57 <adamw> bcotton: i saw them once in Boston 15:20:01 <adamw> the Boston show in Kansas was cancelled though\ 15:20:13 <adamw> :P 15:20:17 <bcotton> adamw++ 15:20:17 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for adamwill changed to 9 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:20:29 * cmurf smiles with pride at his latest distraction 15:21:03 <bcotton> .fire cmurf 15:21:04 <zodbot> adamw fires cmurf 15:21:07 <cmurf> haha 15:21:07 <bcotton> speaking of fire... 15:21:18 <adamw> cmurf: excellent nerd snipe 15:21:27 <cmurf> is the butter on fire? 15:22:30 <adamw> probably! 15:22:38 <adamw> the cake is a lie. and on fire. 15:22:39 <adamw> alrighty 15:22:44 <adamw> where were we next 15:22:48 <adamw> a netsplit, that's where! 15:23:02 <adamw> what is this, the 1990s 15:23:09 <cmurf> wow haven't witnessed one of those in a while 15:23:18 <adamw> #topic Criteria proposals: log in/out, networking... 15:23:27 <adamw> so we have a couple of criteria proposals on the go 15:23:52 <cmurf> i'm in favor of both 15:24:06 <adamw> for the login/logout i feel like we should just go ahead and adopt one of the existing proposals, we can always twiddle it later 15:24:24 <adamw> #info we have two criteria proposals on the go: one for login/log out from coremodule, one for networking from me 15:24:41 <adamw> the networking proposal i just kinda slapped together late friday to have something for today 15:24:46 <adamw> i feel like it's a big area and i probably missed stuff 15:25:14 <kparal> the login/logout discussion just died, nobody responded after me 15:25:38 <kparal> and certainly no one proposed a more polished version as adamw wanted 15:25:39 <cmurf> kparal: that means you won 15:25:43 <bcotton> the networking one is pretty good. it's specific enough to give us cover to make decisions, but not so specific that it'll take the entire blocker meeting to read it 15:25:52 <kparal> cmurf: it sounds like that ;) 15:26:03 <adamw> "not so specific that it'll take the entire blocker meeting to read it" clearly i have failed 15:26:06 <adamw> second draft coming up 15:26:14 <adamw> just let me call the list admin and have them bump up the message size limit 15:29:21 <adamw> proposed #agreed either coremodule's or kparal's log in / log out criterion draft would be good enough to work with, we request coremodule to go ahead and write one of them into the criteria 15:29:36 <cmurf> ack 15:29:45 <bcotton> ack 15:30:19 <kparal> shouldn't we decide which one? 15:31:08 <kparal> please note that Geoff's proposal as is currently written is I believe not a good fit and needs to be tweaked 15:31:14 <kparal> I already said so in the email thread 15:31:24 <adamw> patch, then 15:31:39 <lruzicka> we should choose one and make it work as we like it to 15:31:40 <kparal> for example limiting it to just systems with multiple user accounts 15:31:47 <adamw> proposed #agreed kparal's log in / log out criterion draft would be good enough to work with, we request kparal or coremodule to go ahead and write it into the criteria 15:31:54 <bcotton> ack again 15:32:06 <cmurf> ack 15:32:15 <lruzicka> seems, we have chosen 15:32:15 <lruzicka> ack 15:32:28 <tflink> ack 15:32:39 <kparal> ack, I'll do it 15:33:32 <adamw> #agreed kparal's log in / log out criterion draft would be good enough to work with, we request kparal to go ahead and write it into the criteria 15:33:37 <adamw> (ninja patch #2 :P) 15:33:47 <adamw> #action kparal to update criteria with his log in / log out draft 15:34:09 <adamw> well hi there folks from the other side of the netiverse 15:34:43 <adamw> okay, so any other thoughts on the networking criterion? 15:34:54 <adamw> criteria, i guess. i wrote two! the teacher will be so proud 15:35:18 <cmurf> you wrote two? 15:35:26 <cmurf> did you post both? 15:35:40 <cmurf> the teacher is so confused 15:37:06 <adamw> the network one and the VPN one are two separate criteria 15:37:20 * kparal will respond to the mailing list later 15:37:28 <adamw> together in a new section named "Network requirements" 15:37:32 <adamw> kparal: well that sounds ominous :P 15:37:59 <kparal> adamw: not really, I'm just trying to review a high priority blockerbugs patch atm 15:38:04 <adamw> aha 15:39:46 <adamw> okey dokey 15:40:14 <adamw> #info folks are still reviewing the networking proposal, it's a big area, we'll give it a bit more time to mature 15:40:25 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 15:40:37 <adamw> sumantro: around? 15:40:59 <sumantro> hey adamw , yep I am around 15:41:07 <adamw> sumantro: wanna give us an update? 15:41:37 <sumantro> the kernel 5.8 test week happened and jforbes said there were some more testers than last time.. (yaay increase) 15:42:11 <adamw> awesome 15:42:24 <adamw> #info kernel 5.8 test week went off successfully, with an increase in testers: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2020-08-17_Kernel_5.8_Test_Week 15:42:48 <sumantro> the gnome test day saw like 15 odd testers and the results are already transferred in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2020-08-19_Fedora_33_Gnome_3.37#Test_Results 15:43:50 <sumantro> coming week from 31st through 7th we will have a btrfs test week; where we will be testing the blivety stuff and more dark parts of installer 15:44:25 <sumantro> the announcements will be coming shortly 15:44:37 <cmurf> there be dragons! 15:45:11 <sumantro> i18n test day is on 2020-09-08 | https://testdays.fedorainfracloud.org/events/90 15:45:59 <sumantro> IoT test day will be sometime mid September and will be announced on the test list soon 15:46:17 <adamw> #info GNOME Test Day also went off successfully with many testers: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2020-08-19_Fedora_33_Gnome_3.37 15:46:30 <adamw> #info i18n Test Day is on 2020-09-08, https://testdays.fedorainfracloud.org/events/90 15:46:38 <adamw> #info IoT Test Day is planned for mid-September and will be announced soon 15:46:40 <adamw> thanks sumantro! 15:47:03 <sumantro> on the on boarding side, we have one coming mid sept : proposed here | https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/221 15:47:12 <sumantro> adamw np! 15:47:29 <adamw> #info next onboarding call proposed for mid-September: https://pagure.io/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/221 15:47:36 <adamw> thanks to everyone who attended one of the test events! 15:47:48 <adamw> sumantro: did anything come out of the GNOME test day that looks concerning for Beta? 15:48:20 <sumantro> classic broke; reported already and its not a blocker.. 15:49:18 <cmurf> classic uses xorg so i think they are related 15:49:41 <sumantro> adamw, kparal mentioned xorg so thats mentioned already 15:49:41 <adamw> i don't think it does necessarily? 15:49:51 <adamw> not totally sure, though. 15:49:58 <adamw> sumantro: thanks 15:50:50 <sumantro> adamw, np! 15:53:42 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:53:44 <adamw> any other business, folks? 15:58:12 <lruzicka> nothing important :) 15:58:39 <adamw> alriiiighty then 15:58:45 <adamw> blocker review will be starting up in #fedora-blocker-review shortly 15:58:48 <adamw> thanks for coming, everyone 16:01:06 <adamw> #endmeeting