16:01:34 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 16:01:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 22 16:01:34 2021 UTC. 16:01:34 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:01:34 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 16:01:43 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:01:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:01:51 <coremodule> tablepc, thankfully no! it looks warm out. are you? 16:02:37 <tablepc> for about the last three weeks we have about 30 CM of pack now. 16:02:43 <adamw> #topic Roll call and Happy Birthday to our glorious meeting leader 16:02:44 <adamw> salute me, mortals!~ 16:02:52 <frantisekz> .hello2 16:02:53 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 16:02:54 * coremodule stands at attention 16:02:59 <tablepc> .hello2 16:03:00 <zodbot> tablepc: tablepc 'Pat Kelly' <pmkellly@frontier.com> 16:03:08 <lruzicka[m]> .hello lruzicka 16:03:09 <zodbot> lruzicka[m]: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 16:03:17 <bcotton> .hello2 16:03:18 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 16:03:21 <cmurf> .hello 16:03:21 <zodbot> cmurf: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 16:03:26 * coremodule locks his knees and quickly passes out, falling forward on his face while his comrades look on 16:03:34 <tablepc> Sir Adam are you having a Great Day? 16:03:35 <cmurf> but i have the alias set 16:03:41 <cmurf> .hello chrismurphy 16:03:42 <zodbot> cmurf: chrismurphy 'Chris Murphy' <bugzilla@colorremedies.com> 16:04:07 <adamw> tablepc: i woke up and had coffee, so it's A+ so far :P 16:04:19 <cmurf> oh that's what i'm forgetting 16:04:22 <cmurf> coffee 16:04:38 <coremodule> .hello2 16:04:39 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com> 16:04:52 <tablepc> I had my tea so I am calm and happy. 16:07:46 <copperi> hello 16:08:05 <adamw> alrighty, let's get going 16:09:51 * kparal is here 16:10:08 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:10:10 <kparal> so, Matrix doesn't seem to showing the current #topic, hmm 16:11:05 <adamw> it is here? 16:11:37 <adamw> #info no action items from previous meeting 16:11:52 <adamw> did we land the audio criteria changes yet? 16:12:14 <adamw> #info I forgot to do the aarch64 matrix tweaks mentioned last week, will do them this week for realz 16:14:02 <lruzicka[m]> I am not sure about the criteria but I have sort of lived with the notion that we have been waiting for more support? I guess we are not getting any, so we should go ahead 16:14:24 <lruzicka[m]> or perhaps kparal has more info 16:14:49 <tablepc> I've been following them and they look good to me. 16:14:59 <kparal> lruzicka: I don't remember, you're driving this forward ;-) 16:15:30 <lruzicka[m]> ok, so I believe that we should decide to incorporate them and I will update the criteria tomorrow. 16:15:32 <adamw> for criteria tweaks i tend to use 'fuzzy lack of non-consensus' as the standard 16:15:47 <adamw> i.e. if no more than one person (hi kevin) complains after a week or two, just go ahead. :P 16:16:02 <adamw> #action lruzicka to go ahead and merge the proposed audio criteria changes 16:16:08 <lruzicka[m]> ok, I will go ahead -> this applies to the Sound Recording Final criterion 16:16:34 <adamw> i'll get my comments in on the test cases this week, sorry i didn't do that yet 16:16:45 <lruzicka[m]> we have agreed not to change the currecnt Basic Audio 16:16:47 <cmurf> haha 16:18:28 <cmurf> i've skimmed the criteria and they lgtm 16:18:40 <lruzicka[m]> thanks, cmurf 16:19:02 <adamw> alrighty, moving on then 16:19:17 <adamw> #topic Fedora 34 status and Changes 16:20:41 <Lailah> Hello! 16:20:47 <Lailah> .fas lailah 16:20:48 <zodbot> Lailah: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 16:21:40 <adamw> hi lailah! how's it going? 16:22:08 <adamw> alrighty, so f34 is in rather better state than last week but still a bit rough around the edges 16:22:19 <coremodule> agreed! 16:22:33 <lruzicka[m]> tablepc thinks differently, I guess 16:22:42 <Lailah> adamw: good enough, and you? 16:22:48 <Lailah> Sorry for the long absence 16:23:54 <adamw> no probs 16:24:36 <adamw> so in f34 composes are running, we have several known issues that are hopefully being worked on, and also lruzicka and I broke the tests a bit so we'd better fix that after the meeting :P 16:25:10 * Southern_Gentlem is here 16:25:18 <lruzicka[m]> happyassassin[m]: Yay, which ones? 16:25:57 <adamw> install_lvm_ext4 and install_lvm_ext4@uefi are attempting to load the wrong test files, i think 16:26:43 <Lailah> adamw: I have an unexpected oddity in KDE Settings, I discovered it yesterday. So if it's okay, I'd like to comment it during the open floor. 16:26:52 <adamw> sure sure 16:26:54 <lruzicka[m]> happyassassin[m] if that was the latest merge, I was not sure about it. Will check. 16:27:04 <adamw> thanks 16:29:41 <adamw> so the obvious big thing in f34 right now is GNOME 40 has (more or less) landed 16:29:46 <adamw> bits of it are still straggling in, i think 16:30:04 <adamw> but now's the time to be testing it out and reporting any major bugs or problematic changes and what have you 16:30:50 <tablepc> gcc hasn't been runnint in the last few drops for me. 16:31:42 <lruzicka[m]> tablepc: I think it is just the Mouse tab causing the problems. 16:31:53 <cmurf> historically there's been a freeze exception for a big gnome drop, getting everything all on the same page 16:31:55 <lruzicka[m]> At least, it was for me when I tried today. 16:32:07 <cmurf> so i expect the same soon 16:32:29 <adamw> that's usually when there's a specific point release to land 16:32:36 <adamw> i dunno if there's another of those expected before our beta 16:33:01 <cmurf> right 16:33:04 <adamw> #info F34 is in somewhat better shape than last week, but still rough around the edges, there are some known blockers we will cover at the blocker review meeting after this 16:33:13 <adamw> #info GNOME 40 is mostly landed now, please test 16:34:08 <frantisekz> beware that dash to dock doesn't work there... kinda blocker for me :( 16:34:31 <adamw> they did change the overview a lot so that's kinda expected i guess 16:34:34 <adamw> i imagine it'll be adapted 16:35:08 <frantisekz> (tried to fix that, failed, "extension api" around dash is completely different) 16:35:14 <lruzicka[m]> frantisekz: Everything is ok, when you expect exactly what they give you :D 16:35:22 <frantisekz> :D 16:35:55 <tablepc> On GCC I find that about any tab click will kill it and it won't start after that even after a reboot. 16:36:19 <Lailah> frantisekz: That often happens with major Gnome updates 16:36:40 <Lailah> The API changes completely and/or extensions stop working. 16:37:14 <lruzicka[m]> tablepc Have you tried the resetting workaround in the blocker bug? 16:37:35 <tablepc> no but I will. 16:37:36 <Lailah> Where can I find an ISO with Gnome 40 to test? I normally use & test KDE, but I'd like to fiddle with Gnome this time since it's such a big change/upgrade 16:38:20 <adamw> Workstation nightly 16:38:37 <adamw> https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/branched/Fedora-34-20210222.n.0/compose/Workstation/x86_64/iso/Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-34-20210222.n.0.iso is the latest 16:38:53 <adamw> anyone have notes on any other f34 Changes at this point? 16:38:56 <Lailah> Oh, great! Thank you! 16:38:59 <lruzicka[m]> Lailah: Here you have a collection: https://www.happyassassin.net/nightlies.html 16:39:11 <adamw> that's the old URL, it's on openqa.fp.o now 16:39:54 <Lailah> What is old? 16:40:00 <Lailah> Happy Assassin link? 16:40:48 <adamw> yeah 16:40:53 <Lailah> Oh... 16:40:55 <Lailah> Sad 16:41:00 <adamw> that URL should redirect, though 16:41:06 <Lailah> Okay 16:41:13 <adamw> ha is my personal domain, i moved the page to an fp.o domain 16:41:16 <adamw> okay, moving on then! 16:41:31 <Southern_Gentlem> it does forward to https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/nightlies.html 16:41:42 <cmurf> oh btw all default desktop installs are now compressed during the installation 16:42:14 <Lailah> Oh, interesting. 16:42:21 <Lailah> Does that make the ISO smaller? 16:42:49 <cmurf> any btrfs installation, automatic or custom or advanced-custom, is compressed on the destination device 16:43:26 <cmurf> the ISO's have always been squashfs+xz compressed, speaking of which i don't think the plain squashfs change has landed still 16:43:33 <cmurf> not sure what's up with that 16:43:48 <adamw> #info btrfs compression is now enabled by default for all btrfs installs 16:44:14 <cmurf> i asked the maintainer in the tracking bug but ... no response 16:46:15 <Lailah> Who's the maintainer? 16:47:58 <cmurf> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/OptimizeSquashFSOnDVDByRemovingEXT4FilesystemImageLayer 16:48:01 <cmurf> that's the change 16:49:01 <cmurf> so if it were to land it's kinda of a big deal even though it should be transparent because instead of device-mapper ro,ext4 with a rw overlay 16:49:32 <cmurf> it uses squashfs directly for all the files, no nested ext4, and overlayfs instead of device mapper 16:49:44 <adamw> yeah, that seems like the sort of thing we'd want to have done well before freeze 16:49:46 <cmurf> so the assembly at boot is completely different (all still done in dracut) 16:50:05 <frantisekz> I can try and ask the maintainer through internal channels, if he's planning to push the change 16:50:06 <cmurf> so the last update for this change is that it's done and nightlies are using it 16:50:07 <Lailah> cmurf: Oh. I see. Thanks for the link! 16:50:12 <cmurf> but the nightlies aren't using it :P 16:50:18 <cmurf> so i don't know where the disconnect happened 16:50:47 <cmurf> s/maintainer/change owner/ 16:50:50 <cmurf> sorry 16:51:06 <adamw> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/OptimizeSquashFSOnDVDByRemovingEXT4FilesystemImageLayer was approved for f34 but does not actually seem to have taken effect yet, we may need to talk to fesco about not including it at this point as it's potentially a very disruptive change 16:51:27 <cmurf> anyway that update is back in Nov/Dec time frame so it does seem the owner was under the impression the change landed long ago 16:51:59 <frantisekz> I mean, if it was to land in next 2-4 days, I think we would be okay with it 16:52:16 <cmurf> i've done a bunch of jerry rigged tests that use that overlayfs dracut code and it does work 16:52:17 <frantisekz> I'll ask him about the status 16:53:23 <Lailah> cmurf: What «jerry rigged test» is? 16:53:25 <adamw> cmurf: you did mention it wasn't really happening in the bug, though, and they don't seem to have responded 16:53:38 <adamw> lailah: sort of quickly hacked together 16:53:43 <Lailah> Oh 16:53:50 <Lailah> adamw: Thanks! 16:53:54 <adamw> "not built the way you'd want to do it for long-term reliability, but it works for now" 16:54:12 <adamw> ok, let's try and get the other topics in :D 16:54:14 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 16:54:15 <Lailah> adamw: Sounds like a punk rock band name 16:54:18 <adamw> sumantro, around? 16:54:21 <adamw> haha 16:54:35 <Lailah> No... 16:54:42 <Lailah> He doesn't seem to be around... 16:55:31 <Lailah> Unless he has some new nick I never heard of before... 16:55:39 * Southern_Gentlem hopes sumantro is still round and not flat 16:55:50 <Lailah> LOL 16:56:01 <adamw> ah, ok 16:56:09 * Lailah thinks pancake sumantros are cool 16:56:09 <adamw> i'm on matrix and scrolling the nick list is a pain 16:56:14 <adamw> so i just ping people and wait :P 16:56:14 * Southern_Gentlem sorry couldnr resist 16:56:38 <Southern_Gentlem> adamw, he is not in the channel on irc 16:57:00 <adamw> looks like kernel 5.11 test week is coming up in a couple of weeks 16:57:42 <adamw> don't see any other definite dates coming up soon 16:57:47 <adamw> #topic Open floor 16:57:53 <adamw> lailah, fire away :) 17:00:11 <frantisekz> do we have an idea if we'll get kernel 5.12 for F34 GA? I think I've seen we would, it might make sense to schedule some test week for that before F34 GA in such case 17:00:20 <Southern_Gentlem> adamw, so for some reason Mate live is not building for f34 but it is rawhide? 17:00:21 <frantisekz> just my two cents 17:00:41 <Lailah> Oh sorry! 17:00:46 <Lailah> I was making a cup of tea 17:01:25 <Lailah> adamw: I saw this issue in Startup & logout in Settings, where the SDDM settings are. 17:02:00 <Lailah> Normally when you change something, like choosing a different theme, you're prompted to type your admin password. 17:02:28 <pwhalen> frantisekz: iiuc f34 will ship with 5.11. The 5.12 release is too close to our GA. 17:02:30 <adamw> Southern_Gentlem: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=62491214 17:02:44 <Lailah> The issue I found and I don't know for how long have been around, is that if you click "Cancel" it takes it as valid and applies anyway. 17:02:44 <frantisekz> okay, makes sense, thanks pwhalen :) 17:02:44 <adamw> ah 17:02:55 <adamw> that looks like the same thing causing KDE netinsts to fail 17:03:03 <Lailah> Uh? 17:03:15 <Lailah> I'm lost... 17:03:21 <adamw> lailah: sorry, that was for southern_gentlem 17:03:27 <Lailah> Oh... 17:03:43 <adamw> lailah: for your issue, that sounds like a straightforward bug, definitely worth reporting 17:03:50 <Lailah> Okay. 17:03:55 <Lailah> I will then. 17:04:08 <Lailah> Happens the same if it's installing a theme. 17:04:54 <adamw> lailah: especially if it applies a change that should need admin rights without requiring them, that definitely sounds bad... 17:05:00 <Lailah> Another issue I found but uncertain if it's a bug or it's on purpose is the removal of "Delete" button for certain things like splash screens and window themes. 17:05:00 <adamw> Southern_Gentlem: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1926533 17:05:14 <adamw> i'm probably gonna just go ahead and fix that myself since no-one's responding to the bug 17:05:17 <Lailah> adamw: Yeah, that's what I thought. 17:05:38 <Lailah> KDE is like "Oh, okay" and just greys out the button. 17:06:30 <Lailah> It shouldn't, it should either prompt again or leave the button in "Apply", without taking the cancel as a valid answer. 17:06:44 <adamw> yup, indeed 17:07:16 <adamw> alrighty, we're over time and it's time for the blocker review meeting in #fedora-blocker-review, so i'll wrap up here 17:07:18 <adamw> see you over there :) 17:07:21 <adamw> thanks for coming everyone! 17:07:23 <adamw> #endmeeting