15:01:23 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:01:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 26 15:01:23 2021 UTC. 15:01:23 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:23 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:01:25 <bcotton> it's just that we love you so much, adamw 15:01:30 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:01:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:01:37 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 15:01:39 * sumantro is here 15:01:43 <adamw> Ben Cotton: that really doesn't sound likely 15:01:45 <bittin> Luna Jernberg (bittin) is here 15:02:03 * coremodule is here 15:02:15 <bcotton> .hello2 15:02:16 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 15:02:59 <frantisekz> .hello2 15:03:00 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'FrantiĊĦek Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 15:04:39 <computerkid> .hello2 15:04:40 <zodbot> computerkid: computerkid 'Grayson Penland' <gpenland06@gmail.com> 15:04:57 <adamw> how's everyone doing this happy monday 15:05:04 <bittin> alright 15:05:16 <bittin> looking forward to the release tommorow 15:05:29 <computerkid> Awesome. Got another interview recorded for the Fedora Podcast, and looking forward to release day 15:05:43 <bittin> o/ nice then i have more podcasts to listen to in the future 15:06:38 <adamw> woot 15:06:43 <adamw> alrighty, let's get going 15:06:47 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:07:25 <adamw> "bcotton to move forward with implementing [g-i-s shouldn't take two minutes to launch proposal]" 15:07:33 <adamw> i think that got done, right, ben? 15:07:40 <bcotton> it did! 15:08:43 <adamw> #info "bcotton to move forward with implementing [g-i-s shouldn't take two minutes to launch proposal]" - this has been done and it's live in the criteria now 15:08:49 <adamw> any other follow-up from last time? 15:10:17 <adamw> okey dokey then 15:10:33 <adamw> #topic Fedora 34 status and pre-release actions 15:10:43 <adamw> so we signed off Fedora 34 with a solid five hours or so of testing on Thursday 15:11:00 <adamw> all fine and normal 15:11:03 <adamw> er, friday? the days, they blur 15:11:07 <coremodule> par for the course here 15:11:17 <adamw> i don't think anyone has found it's completely broken yet, surprisingly 15:11:18 <bcotton> what are days, even? 15:11:54 * bcotton is running F34 right now and it is fine and it has achieved "works on my machine" status 15:12:20 <bittin> then it hopefully works on all other peoples machines when people updates tommorow/during the week and so on 15:12:23 <bittin> :p 15:12:25 <adamw> this is really all we strive for 15:12:33 <adamw> Fedora For Ben 15:12:45 <sumantro> adamw, true non-broken fedora for Ben 15:12:50 <coremodule> thank you for accepting F34 bcotton 15:12:53 <coremodule> we thank you 15:13:02 <adamw> so, we don't have much in the way of last-minute messes to clean up AFAIK 15:13:19 <sumantro> bcotton, are you still rocking KDE? 15:13:29 <bcotton> sumantro: yes 15:13:39 <adamw> there's an improvement for #1942443 that i want to get merged ahead of tomorrow so i'll work on that today 15:13:50 <adamw> #action adamw to ensure an update for #1942443 is done 15:14:37 <adamw> #action adamw to ensure common bugs page gets updated 15:14:47 <adamw> anyone have anything else for f34? any outstanding issues we're worried about? 15:15:01 <frantisekz> adamw: I can help ya with commonbugs if you want? 15:15:50 <adamw> there's only a couple things on the list, should be fine 15:15:52 <adamw> thanks, though 15:16:03 <adamw> please do flag anything you think commonbugs should cover that isn't flagged yet, btw 15:16:10 <adamw> add the 'CommonBugs' keyword 15:16:46 <adamw> #info please tag any bug you think may be widely enough encountered to be worth documenting by adding the CommonBugs keyword to it 15:18:53 <adamw> nothing else? well, that's boring 15:18:58 <adamw> why isn't anything on fire 15:19:08 <adamw> or is everything on fire and we just got used to it 15:19:18 <frantisekz> hmm, if it's boring, did we try kde upgrade? ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/myrj52/akonadi_fails_to_start_after_upgrade_to_f34_kde/ ) 15:20:01 <adamw> openqa does... 15:20:18 <adamw> it probably doesn't do anything to check whether akonadi works after upgrading, though. 15:20:46 <frantisekz> mhm, I don't know, can take a look at it and create a bug if it's really broken 15:21:10 <computerkid> Works here 15:21:35 <adamw> i'm asking in #fedora-kde 15:21:39 <adamw> Ben Cotton: did you see anything like that? 15:22:52 <bcotton> i don't, but i also hae never paid attention to akonadi 15:23:53 <bcotton> looks like i can replicate the behavior though 15:24:01 <bcotton> i'll poke at it a bit and file a BZ if there isn't one already 15:24:02 <adamw> ah, that seems bad 15:24:24 <adamw> yup, and flag it as commonbugs, i guess 15:24:29 <bcotton> roger 15:24:34 <frantisekz> thanks bcotton++ 15:24:37 <bcotton> (it's also not running on my f33 box, so...) 15:25:35 <osezer> .hello thunderbirdtr 15:25:36 <zodbot> osezer: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 15:27:41 <adamw> #action bcotton to investigate akonadi failure after KDE upgrade to f34 and file a bug 15:27:57 <osezer> Hello, today I encounter with this problem "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1953560" I don't know is it known but just wanted to report it (before install) 15:30:44 <adamw> btrfs snapshots, maybe? 15:32:32 <osezer> I have some couple snaphots but not that many for sure 15:33:06 <adamw> huh. well, you did the right thing by filing a bug, but we may also need some log files 15:33:29 <adamw> if you can reproduce it and grab /tmp/*.log (by using fpaste, or attaching and mounting a usb stick) that'd be great 15:34:06 <adamw> #topic Outstanding proposals 15:34:19 <adamw> so, there's the revised multiple display criteriopn 15:34:28 <adamw> i honestly didn't get a minute to look at the revisions yet 15:34:44 <adamw> #info the multiple display criterion is still outstanding, and has been revised since last meeting 15:35:15 <adamw> anyone have thoughts on that? 15:35:20 * cmurf[m] looks 15:35:26 <bcotton> shipit 15:36:02 <adamw> you just love shipping things 15:37:17 <cmurf[m]> snapshots 15:38:13 <bcotton> it's true 15:38:18 <adamw> #info please take a look at the final multiple display criterion draft on test@ and send your thoughts/acks/nacks 15:38:59 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 15:39:04 <adamw> how are we doing, sumantro? 15:39:17 <sumantro> FCOS test week is underway and will be until the end of week, testing the next stream which just rebased to F34 and soon will go stable 15:39:23 <sumantro> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:Fedora_34_CoreOS_2021-04-26 15:39:55 <sumantro> The previous F34 test day results can now be found in respective wikis 15:40:20 <sumantro> I will be sending in Call for Test Day for F35 mid-week 15:40:43 <sumantro> That's all from my side 15:40:46 <bittin> sumantro: sounds good :) 15:41:06 <adamw> awesome, sounds like things are running smoothly 15:41:08 <adamw> any big issues with coreos so far? 15:41:15 <bittin> helped with the Fedora CoreOS testing earlier today and will try to help out with F35 testing as much as i have time 15:41:20 <sumantro> We had a very successful F34 Test Day season 15:41:30 <adamw> #info Fedora CoreOS Test Week started today: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:Fedora_34_CoreOS_2021-04-26 , please djoin in if you have time 15:41:38 <sumantro> adamw nothing thats yet recorded 15:41:41 <adamw> #Info results for all previous F34 Test Days are now in the wiki 15:41:52 <adamw> #info call for F35 Test Days will go out soon 15:41:56 <adamw> bittin: thanks for that! 15:42:01 <sumantro> thanks bittin for testing!! 15:42:13 <adamw> bittin++ 15:42:13 <zodbot> adamw: Karma for bittin changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:43:02 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:43:04 <adamw> any other business, folks? 15:43:24 <sumantro> nothing from my side 15:43:29 <luna> i don't have anything, anyone else? 15:43:50 <luna> Fedora 34 release party later this week: https://hopin.com/events/fedora-linux-34-release-party 15:43:57 <luna> but guessing most fedorians knowing that already 15:44:30 <adamw> woohoo, party time 15:44:52 <bittin> and Red Hat Summit Online #1 2021: https://www.redhat.com/en/summit 15:47:03 <adamw> indeed, the Red Hat Cinematic Universe has all your sitting-in-front-of-a-video-stream needs covered 15:48:11 <adamw> welp, sounds like that's all 15:48:21 <adamw> so thanks for coming everyone, and a big thanks for all your work on f34 validation! 15:48:25 <adamw> sorry things came so close to the wire 15:49:01 <adamw> #info many thanks to everyone who took part in f34 validation testing 15:49:01 <adamw> hmm, have we been doing heroes of fedora posts lately? 15:49:53 <coremodule> no, I can't remember which tool it was, but it hasn't been ported for python 3 yet. I started a while back but... never finished. 15:49:55 <luna> F31 is the latest i could find 15:50:00 <luna> https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?s=heroes+of+fedora+ 15:50:11 <adamw> looks like not since f31 final 15:50:16 <adamw> coremodule: you feel like picking those up again? 15:50:43 <coremodule> yeah, let me look at why I stopped porting the tool from python 2, I might need someone with better python-fu to help me 15:51:09 <frantisekz> coremodule: I can try and help with this 15:51:19 <frantisekz> can you send me more via an email? 15:51:27 <coremodule> frantisekz, that would help me a ton. yes, I'll email you after the meeting. :) 15:51:37 <adamw> #action coremodule and frantisekz to try and get heroes of fedora tooling working again so we can pick up those posts 15:51:44 <adamw> thanks frantisekz! 15:51:57 <bcotton> #info bcotton filed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1953675 for the Akonadi issue 15:53:10 <adamw> thanks! 15:53:15 <adamw> alrighty, thanks for coming, everyone 15:53:22 <adamw> #endmeeting