15:00:08 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 27 15:00:08 2021 UTC. 15:00:08 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:08 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 15:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:00:14 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00:18 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 15:00:26 <adamw> morning everybody, how's it going? 15:00:28 <bittin> .hello2 15:00:29 <zodbot> bittin: bittin 'Luna Jernberg' <droidbittin@gmail.com> 15:00:44 * bittin is here but eating kebab for dinner at the same time, so might be a bit slow at typing in the start 15:00:50 <frantisekz> .hello2 15:00:51 <coremodule> hi adamw, glad to see you here today 15:00:51 <bcotton> .hello2 15:00:54 <coremodule> .hello2 15:00:56 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'FrantiĊĦek Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 15:00:59 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 15:01:02 * bcotton hopes bittin brought enough kebab for the whole class :-) 15:01:02 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com> 15:01:24 <bittin> bcotton, sadly not and not sure how to send food via TCP/IP :p 15:01:51 <adamw> time for an RFC! then found a startup you can sell to Chipotle for megabucks 15:04:04 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:04:38 <adamw> #info "adamw to draft vaguer and more general startup time criterion (but not too vague)" - not done yet, had the Beta release to take care of. will try and get it done this week 15:04:43 <adamw> #action adamw to draft vaguer and more general startup time criterion (but not too vague) 15:04:47 <adamw> any other followup? 15:06:28 <adamw> okely dokely 15:07:46 <adamw> #topic Fedora 35 status 15:07:59 <adamw> #info Beta was signed off on Thursday, will be released tomorrow 15:08:06 <adamw> #info Common Bugs page has been created and populated 15:08:18 <adamw> afaik no terrible fires have shown up over the weekend 15:08:36 <adamw> anyone have any other notes or queries? any updates we reckon should get pushed stable in time for release, or anything like that? 15:09:00 <bittin> so this is not the beta yet: https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/35_Beta-1.2/ ? 15:09:20 <bittin> or am i confused, installed that in VMs over the weekend and works as intended not found any bugs so far 15:09:38 <adamw> bittin: it is the beta, but it's not 'released' yet 15:09:45 <bittin> ah 15:10:24 <adamw> this can be a bit conceptually confusing since fedora is an open project, so all the things that would be 'internal and private' in a closed company are also public if you know where to look :D 15:10:49 <bittin> well bcotton gave me the hints on the testing mailinglist, but then i know 15:11:11 <adamw> but if fedora were a private company, that would be a private server nobody else could see 15:11:26 <adamw> and tomorrow would be the day we make those files available on the 'public' server and send out a press release 15:11:27 <bittin> same with some FreeBSD and Debian releases, stuff is uploaded to the FTPs before the released blogpost is out sometimes 15:11:42 <bittin> but then i know 15:12:55 <bittin> well tested the Everything, Workstation and Server composes and have not spotted any error yet 15:14:49 <adamw> great 15:14:53 <adamw> sounds like nobody else has anything either 15:15:00 <adamw> a quiet life, that's what I like 15:15:28 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 15:15:34 <adamw> sumantro: around? 15:16:28 <bittin> there was a bunch of test days that ended 1-2 weeks ago: https://fedoramagazine.org/contribute-at-fedora-linux-35-audio-i18n-gnome-41-and-kernel-test-days/ helped as much as i could 15:16:51 <adamw> yup 15:16:57 <adamw> we covered most of them last week i think 15:17:13 <bittin> ah was not feeling that well so missed the meeting last week 15:19:08 <adamw> #info no new events since last week 15:19:23 <adamw> looks like a few test days are stuck at the launchpad, i will check in with sumantro if we can squeeze any in between now and final 15:19:33 <adamw> #action adamw to check with sumantro on status of remaining planned test days 15:21:08 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:21:11 <adamw> any other business, folks? 15:21:34 <bcotton> no business like show business 15:22:37 <bittin> more of a question, is the plan to ship with the latest kernel 5.14.8 that released yesterday? or the 5.14.2 that was tested? (or well i guess the kernel team will ship updated kernels as rpms in dnf updates 15:22:45 <bittin> for F35 that is 15:23:24 <adamw> for beta, the images have whatever was in stable when we cooked them 15:23:48 <adamw> looks like 5.14.0 15:23:56 <coremodule> did we deep-fry or flambeau the beta release? 15:24:11 <adamw> we poached it lightly 15:24:16 <coremodule> ah yes 15:24:29 <bittin> well its not a big deal, as updates will be shipped in the repos by the kernel team, was just curious 15:24:49 <adamw> the 5.14.7-300 update is stable already, so beta users will get that on first update after install, or people who install from a network install image will get it at install time 15:25:18 <adamw> for Final, whatever is stable by then :D it depends on exactly how the freezes work out and so on. 15:25:39 <bittin> ah then i know, not a big thing was mostly just curious 15:26:06 <sumantro> Hey guys, we have 4 test days coming up 15:26:45 <bittin> and one of the first distros with stable GNOME 41 :) 15:26:52 <sumantro> the cloud, the fcos, the kionite , the upgrade and probably the IoT 15:27:19 <sumantro> Sorry I am extremely late and I will keep posting details in the ticket 15:27:20 <adamw> hi sumantro 15:27:26 <sumantro> hey adamw! 15:27:32 <adamw> npnp. yeah i saw those tickets, wasn't sure what was up 15:27:33 <bittin> sounds good and hi sumantro 15:27:47 <sumantro> it was my b'day and I almost missed the meeting :D 15:27:53 <bittin> happy bday 15:27:59 <adamw> ah, well happy birthday, go back to your party :D 15:28:03 <sumantro> thank you ! :D 15:29:05 <adamw> sounds like that's everything 15:29:23 <adamw> blocker review meeting coming up in 30 minutes in #fedora-blocker-review, birthday boys are excused :) 15:30:23 <bittin> still have a cold and don't feeling the best so don't have any energy for the long blocker meeting today, but decided to attend this one atleast 15:30:43 <adamw> thanks for coming, go rest up 15:31:48 <adamw> thanks everyone, see you soon 15:31:48 <adamw> #endmeeting