15:01:51 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:01:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 17 15:01:51 2023 UTC. 15:01:51 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:51 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 15:01:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:01:54 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:01:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:01:57 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 15:02:04 <adamw> ahoyhoy, who's around in the right channel for qa meeting? 15:02:14 * luna_ is 15:04:06 <adamw> well, just you and me, apparently? 15:04:25 <luna_> so it seems if no one else joins later 15:04:47 <luna_> but i guess the testing of 38 is pretty much done with the release being tommorow and 39 testing not started yet :p 15:05:08 <adamw> yeah, i just like to keep a topic in case any last-minute emergencies crop up 15:05:10 <adamw> it's happened before 15:05:11 * kparal is here 15:05:40 <adamw> hi kparal 15:05:43 <adamw> from the birch meeting room? 15:05:54 <luna_> just got done with the Swedish translation of all the 38 websites earlier this morning/afternoon but has not really had time or working hardware to test the RCs so have not really tested since Alpha/Beta 15:06:12 <adamw> wow, thanks for doing that work 15:06:14 <kparal> no, home room, actually 🙂 15:06:35 <luna_> stupid ASUS OEM motherboard got sad as i wanted to exchange the RAM but plan is to buy a Ryzen motherboard when i can and put into my old case 15:06:50 * tflink[m] is here, a bit late 15:06:55 <adamw> that'd be good, it's useful to have more testing on amd 15:06:57 <adamw> hi tflink 15:08:15 <adamw> alrighty, let's get rolling 15:08:20 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:08:32 * coremodule is here 15:08:34 * bcotton is here too 15:08:56 <adamw> #info no action items from previous meeting 15:09:13 <luna_> so SumantroMukherje has gotten his Matrix rights then ? :) 15:09:21 <adamw> #info the window manager release criterion was adopted and pushed out, and a manual test case has been created; automated test is pending 15:09:55 <adamw> luna_: i followed up on that one last week. he's had matrix rights all along, he may not have IRC rights, but i mailed him about how to get them 15:10:04 <luna_> great 15:10:16 <luna_> any link for that criteron? has been bad at reading email 15:10:20 <luna_> or a tldr? 15:11:24 <adamw> sure 15:11:38 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Final_Release_Criteria#Window_manager_functionality 15:11:55 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Basic_Release_Criteria#Window_manager_functionality 15:12:04 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_window_manager - test case 15:12:22 <luna_> thanks, that sounds like something that should work yeah 15:13:18 <adamw> #topic Fedora 38 status 15:13:39 <adamw> #info RC-1.6 was signed off last thursday and will be released tomorrow, thanks for the great testing job everybody 15:14:24 <adamw> i don't think any terrible bugs appeared over the weekend, right? 15:14:34 <adamw> so all we need to do is make sure all the common bugs are tagged and documented for tomorrow 15:14:42 <kparal> I'm not aware of any terrible bugs 15:15:01 <kparal> I think the common bugs are almost ready, except the one you intend to write 😉 15:15:36 <adamw> yeah, i'll do that 15:15:44 <adamw> and take a look through the rejected blocker/FE list for any we should have tagged but didn't 15:16:10 <luna_> not sure if this is here or for point 3, Online release party with beer for contributors 10th May and Online release party on Hopin 2-3th June for F38 15:16:27 <luna_> Hopin is for everyone not just contributors 15:16:53 <adamw> i guess whoever scheduled the parties was expecting release delays :D 15:17:19 <kparal> Hmm, there's one bug that doesn't have a template at the discussions.fp.o: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1954359 15:18:02 <kparal> I think Matt's bot only looks for Version: 38 15:18:44 <adamw> fun 15:19:55 <adamw> mattdm (@mattdm:fedora.im): oy 15:21:32 <adamw> well, we can figure that out on the way 15:22:46 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 15:22:49 <kparal> it's not really a problem, anyone can create the topic manually. Just a reminder that not everything is auto-created byt the bot. 15:23:14 <adamw> luna_: do you have info links for those parties? 15:23:45 <bcotton> adamw: no links yet because they're not officially scheduled 15:24:00 <luna_> this Gitlab ticket: https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/20 and this Wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council/Video_Meetings and something mattdm said, but guess they are gonna be better information later 15:24:01 <adamw> okay 15:24:10 <luna_> *there is 15:24:12 <luna_> hopefully 15:24:19 <adamw> #info there will be a couple of online release parties for F38 on May 10 and June 2-3, more details as we get them 15:24:48 <luna_> and guess Test Days for F39 is not fully planned yet? or the date to start testing that? 15:25:05 <bcotton> i'm not sure where the 10 may comes from, but okay 15:25:06 <adamw> right 15:25:08 <adamw> sumantro: around? 15:25:32 <luna_> bcotton: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council/Video_Meetings this Wiki page for contributors, but seems it maybe has been changed as it has been edited since i last looked at it 15:25:40 <luna_> and 2-3th June comes from: https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/20 15:26:02 <bcotton> that just means we're not having the video meeting that we would normally have on that date 15:26:21 <adamw> well, 'cancelled for F38 Release Party' does sort of imply the existence of an F38 Release Party on that date. :D 15:26:24 <adamw> #undo 15:26:24 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by adamw at 15:24:19 : there will be a couple of online release parties for F38 on May 10 and June 2-3, more details as we get them 15:26:29 <luna_> bcotton: ah guess i confused it with something mattdm said then too, disregard it if its not true 15:26:32 <luna_> sorry 15:26:51 <adamw> #info there will be an online F38 release party on June 2-3 and possibly another one(?), more details as we get 'em 15:27:07 <bcotton> no, just the one 15:27:09 <bcotton> but let's move on 15:27:45 <adamw> #undo 15:27:45 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by adamw at 15:26:51 : there will be an online F38 release party on June 2-3 and possibly another one(?), more details as we get 'em 15:27:49 <adamw> i refuse to move on! 15:27:55 <bcotton> this is why i love you 15:28:07 <adamw> #info there will be an online F38 release party on June 2-3, see https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/20 15:28:24 <adamw> now is the ideal time for someone to tell me that meeting is actually a trap and nobody should go 15:28:38 <luna_> sorry for the confusing, confused it with mattdm saying contributors for the website will get beer in May and what that Wiki said before it was edited 15:29:07 <luna_> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Council/Video_Meetings&diff=670669&oldid=670664 15:29:11 <luna_> did not mean to cause confusion 15:29:17 <adamw> it's all good 15:29:46 <luna_> | 10 May || cancelled for F38 Release Party kinda seemed to me there was something planned then but oh well 15:30:40 <luna_> anyways guess we can move on now, as i guess there is to early to plan F39 test days? and the start of that testing? i am guessing 15:31:12 <bcotton> yes. there was a video meeting planned and it was cancelled. we've done this (with the same wording) for every video meeting since we started doing virtual release parties 15:31:25 <adamw> luna_: yeah, sumantro has no power today so we'll talk about that next time 15:31:35 <luna_> oof, but sounds good 15:31:51 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:31:53 <adamw> aaaaany other business? 15:32:36 <luna_> bcotton: guess i got confused this time in combination with mattdm said in a Social hour sorry for the confusion, don't really have anything else atm 15:36:02 <luna_> +something 15:37:05 <adamw> alrighty, let's get out 20 minutes back 15:37:10 <adamw> thanks for coming, everyone 15:37:55 <adamw> #endmeeting