18:05:48 <Oxf13> #startmeeting Fedora Release Engineering 18:05:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 16 18:05:48 2009 UTC. The chair is Oxf13. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:05:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:05:56 <Oxf13> #meetingname fedora-releng 18:05:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-releng' 18:06:03 <Oxf13> #topic roll call 18:06:30 <Oxf13> ping: notting jwb__ wwoods lmacken warren dgilmore rdieter poelcat 18:06:37 <rdieter> yo 18:06:38 * notting is here 18:06:40 <warren> here 18:06:46 * dgilmore 18:07:30 <jwb> that jwb__ guy is a dickhead and decided to be on vacation today. he won't be here 18:08:13 * wwoods hereish 18:08:32 <dgilmore> jwb: :) 18:09:55 <Oxf13> ok 18:10:06 <Oxf13> once again, release eve 18:10:35 <Oxf13> mirrors are getting synced, I've generated the .torrent files, I just have to move them around into the appropriate places and make the .ini files 18:10:48 <Oxf13> I'll set an 'at' job to open the mirror 4 hours prior to release time 18:10:58 <Oxf13> updates are already flowing and enabled 18:11:06 <Oxf13> mirror manager is no longer redirecting anything 18:11:20 <Oxf13> so it should be a very smooth release. 18:11:42 <jwb> did hpa ever reply with what his concern was on the early Everything flip? 18:12:05 <Oxf13> nope 18:12:22 <Oxf13> and servers didn't fall from the sky, routers have not melted, I haven't seen anybody complain about the early open 18:12:31 <Oxf13> I think this is something we can repeat in the future 18:13:37 <Oxf13> I'll have to catch up with the release mail writers to see where we are there 18:15:22 <Oxf13> anybody got anything else on F12? 18:15:35 <warren> nope 18:16:13 <notting> Oxf13: only the thing i mentioned this morning, which isn't a *fedora* rel-eng issue 18:16:39 <dgilmore> Oxf13: torrents ready for syncing to seed? 18:16:48 <Oxf13> for the less cryptic version, there is an open task to update Red Hat's internal archive with the release, that is on my plate. 18:17:10 <Oxf13> dgilmore: you can rsync RC.4, the .torrent files will be live later today 18:18:51 <Oxf13> #topic Fedora 13 18:19:15 <Oxf13> I put out a message to coordinate a fedora-talk meeting so that we can get up to speed on some of our proposals from our FAD 18:19:20 <Oxf13> that we'd like to enact in Fedora 13 18:19:29 <warren> FAD? 18:19:42 <Oxf13> the idea would be to get up to speed and maybe prep some work before FUDCon so that we can use FUDCon to do the work 18:19:46 <Oxf13> warren: Fedora Activity Day 18:20:00 <Oxf13> the one we held months back 18:21:15 <Oxf13> So far only bill has responded 18:21:24 <warren> how many of us will be at fudcon? 18:21:28 <warren> I am not able to go 18:21:28 * wwoods will be there 18:21:44 <Oxf13> but looks like we could do Wed the 18th at 2100 ? 18:21:55 <Oxf13> I'll be there 18:22:00 <dgilmore> Oxf13: i missed the request 18:22:30 <dgilmore> Oxf13: where was it made? 18:22:40 <Oxf13> rel-eng list 18:22:50 <Oxf13> and then I forwarded it to fedora-devel-list 18:23:01 <notting> oh crap 18:23:08 * rdieter will be @ fudcon 18:23:13 <notting> Oxf13: i just remembered - i'm likely on kid duty wednesday afternoon 18:23:49 <wwoods> my schedule's clear for the 18th, so. 18:23:57 <Oxf13> notting: oh... 18:24:11 <Oxf13> notting: Would Tue or Thur work better? 18:24:22 <notting> yes. 18:24:37 <Oxf13> I'm still open at 2100 either of those days 18:24:54 <dgilmore> ill be free 18:25:16 <Oxf13> wwoods: how about you? 18:25:27 <Oxf13> spot: are you available either of those days? 18:25:30 <notting> Oxf13: i'm open at 2100, but would prefer 2000 18:25:59 <Oxf13> notting: 2000 is my lunch time, but I can work around that. 18:27:41 <spot> should be able to do either 18:27:58 * poelcat suggests http://whenisgood.net/ 18:28:09 <rdieter> i'm free too, but not sure how helpful I could be, I can lurk like a madman 18:28:32 <wwoods> Oxf13: Thu is better than Tue, but I'm free at 2100 for either. 18:29:01 <Oxf13> poelcat: whenisgood is helpful, didn't think it was going to be necessary for the 5 or so people we need to confirm 18:29:39 <Oxf13> Given nottings preference for 2000, I'm going to schedule this for Thursday 2000 on Fedora Talk. Speak now if that doesn't work for you 18:31:11 <Oxf13> alright 18:31:38 <Oxf13> #decision No Frozen Rawhide meeting to be held Thursday the 19th at 2000UTC on Fedora Talk 18:31:47 <Oxf13> or is that agreed? 18:31:54 <dgilmore> agreed 18:31:54 <Oxf13> #agreed No Frozen Rawhide meeting to be held Thursday the 19th at 2000UTC on Fedora Talk 18:32:22 <Oxf13> I was told we need to be better about giving the bot hints as our meeting summaries are a bit terse 18:33:11 <Oxf13> poelcat: I think we could use that meeting to also talk about any schedule impacts so you might want to be there 18:33:11 <dgilmore> 12:05 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:34:47 <poelcat> Oxf13: glad to help/join 18:35:36 <Oxf13> alright, so we've had our first major F13 booboo 18:35:45 <Oxf13> We made ppc a secondary arch, but forgot to tell mash about it. 18:35:55 <Oxf13> #info mash configs were still trying to compose ppc, and failing badly 18:36:12 <Oxf13> This caused lots of broken deps emails, and rawhide reports that were too big for email 18:36:19 <dgilmore> israwhidebroken is broken also 18:36:35 <dgilmore> since we have no images and no ppc 18:36:49 <notting> yep, i'll fix up rawhide mash today 18:37:09 <Oxf13> well 18:37:09 <dgilmore> but thats not us so much 18:37:09 <Oxf13> we have images 18:37:09 <Oxf13> but not ppc 18:37:09 <Oxf13> that's the second booboo 18:37:14 <dgilmore> i thoght we switched images off 18:37:14 <Oxf13> we have images, when we were supposed to turn those off 18:37:26 <notting> Oxf13: did we just not move the tag in releng/scripts? 18:37:28 <Oxf13> #info install image creation was not actually shut off 18:37:28 <notting> or did my fix fail? 18:37:42 <Oxf13> notting: well the tag wasn't moved, it remains to be seen if your changes actually worked 18:38:04 <Oxf13> #action notting to fix mash today to stop trying to mash ppc 18:38:25 <Oxf13> #info Oxf13 already fixed image creation not being turned off 18:40:06 <Oxf13> I think those are the only known releng efups for F13 so far 18:40:21 <wwoods> oh hm. so I guess we can stop tracking ppc in israwhidebroken 18:40:35 <Oxf13> wwoods: you'll also want to stop tracking if it installs or not 18:40:39 <dgilmore> wwoods: for now 18:40:43 <Oxf13> since rawhide is just a repo of packages 18:40:54 <wwoods> Oxf13: that test is triggered by installer images being updated 18:40:59 <dgilmore> wwoods: at some point id like it to look at secondary arches 18:41:03 <Oxf13> I guess we'll need some "is pending release tree broken?" app 18:41:05 <wwoods> so if the images don't change then the tests don't run. 18:41:13 <dgilmore> or have a secondary arch instance 18:41:24 <Oxf13> wwoods: and you get a big red box somewhere right? 18:41:28 <wwoods> dgilmore: shouldn't be too hard to set up 18:41:47 <wwoods> Oxf13: no. why would it? nothing says we *need* rawhide to be created daily. 18:41:56 <wwoods> we just *expect* it. 18:42:30 <Oxf13> wwoods: ah, ok. I made a bad assumption 18:42:46 <Oxf13> #action wwoods will stop israwhidebroken from caring about ppc(64) 18:43:19 <Oxf13> anything else pressing with Fedora 13? 18:43:49 <stickster> overall schedule discussion? 18:44:11 * stickster not sure if it meets the definition of "pressing" 18:44:35 <wwoods> ah, AFAICT if we don't get ppc results, we won't display ppc in the table. And if no PPC images/trees are created, we won't run tests 18:44:47 <jlaska> wwoods: that's what I've observed too 18:45:02 <wwoods> and there won't be any results. so.. we're already set for PPC to drop to secondary. that was clever, I guess? 18:45:25 * poelcat appologizes for nick changes 18:45:39 <poelcat> was trying to do a lookup and didn't think nickserv would let me do that :-/ 18:47:07 <Oxf13> yeah, we definitely need to work on the F13 schedule. 18:47:26 <Oxf13> #action oxf13 to review proposed schedule and comment on list 18:49:37 <Oxf13> #topic Open Floor 18:49:51 <Oxf13> Anything else anybody wants to get off their chest? 18:50:11 * dgilmore has nothing 18:51:01 <wwoods> is there a mail thread / wiki page that someone can link me to so I can read some details of the No Frozen Rawhide proposal? 18:51:18 <wwoods> mostly I want to make sure autoqa will handle proposed changes to how/when installer images get built. 18:52:03 <Oxf13> #1 google hit for 'no frozen rawhide': https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_Frozen_Rawhide_Proposal 18:52:35 <wwoods> aaaand now it's in the meeting log as the authoritative reference. 18:52:52 <Oxf13> yep 18:52:52 <wwoods> thanks. 18:54:24 <wwoods> anything else, or should the meeting be over? 18:55:31 <Oxf13> I haven't seen anything else, so... 18:55:35 <Oxf13> #endmeeting